Arabic Qurani (Ramadan) - Midtest

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Jakarta Islamic Boarding School

Integrated Islamic International School



Instruction to candidates:

1. Say Basmalah before answering these question.

2. Write your full name, class and date in the spaces provided
3. Candidates are required to read all the instructions given in this booklet
4. No additional Material are required.
5. You should answer all question on own sheet
6. Show all your working on the same sheets as the rest of the answer. Marks will given for
working which shows that you know how to solve the problem even if you get the answer
7. Say Hamdallah after finished your work.


Full Name :

Form :

Subject :

Date :

‫قال رسول الله (ص) من غشنا فليس منا‬

Rasulullah SAW said: “Whoever cheats is not from among us (Muslim).”
‫الد َماءُ‬ ‫اَْل َحقُ‬ ‫َع َذابُ‬ ‫ص ِّاد ِّق ْي َنُ‬ ‫ِّبا ِّ‬
‫آلخ َ ِّرةُ‬
‫صلِّح ْو َُ‬
‫ن‬ ‫مْ‬ ‫اَْل ِّح َج َارُة‬ ‫اَْل ِّكتَابُ‬ ‫ِّباْليومُِّْا ِّ‬
‫آلخ ِّرُ‬ ‫َْ‬ ‫هًدى‬

‫ِّت َج َارته ْمُ‬ ‫َرْعدُ‬ ‫السَف َهاءُ‬ ‫قل ْوبه ْمُ‬ ‫اَْل َغ ْيبُ‬

‫الض ََلَلةُ‬ ‫ب ْكمُ‬ ‫َشي ِّ‬
‫اط ْيِّن ِّه ْمُ‬ ‫ضةُ‬ ‫م ْستَ ْه ِّزء ْو َُ‬
‫َ‬ ‫َبع ْو َ‬

‫الثَّ َم َراتُ‬ ‫ع ْميُ‬ ‫َجَّن ُة‬ ‫َخلِّ ْيَفةُ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫اَْلخ ِّ‬
‫اسرْو َُ‬ ‫َ‬

‫… ‪1. If we want to do research, we better search it from‬‬

‫َع َذابُ ‪A.‬‬
‫ل ‪B.‬‬‫صُ‬‫الف ْ‬
‫الكتَابُ ‪C.‬‬
‫اء ‪D.‬‬
‫الس َم ُ‬

‫… ? ‪2. Where we can see and meet our prophet Muhammad SAW‬‬
‫ات ‪A.‬‬
‫ظل َم ُ‬
‫الحقُ ‪B.‬‬
‫ِّبا ِّ‬
‫آلخ َرِّةُ ‪C.‬‬
‫ه ًدى ‪D.‬‬

‫… ‪3. The people who doesn’t have mind and idea, called‬‬
‫َخِّل ْيَفةُ ‪A.‬‬
‫الص ََلُة ‪B.‬‬
‫السَف َهاءُ ‪C.‬‬
‫الكتَابُ ‪D.‬‬

‫… ‪4. If we want to give charity, we must do it with full sincerity from‬‬

‫الكتَابُ ‪A.‬‬
‫ب ‪B.‬‬
‫الغ ْي ُ‬
‫قل ْوبه ْمُ ‪C.‬‬
‫َم َرضُ ‪D.‬‬
5. One thing in pillar of faith is muslim must believe to …
A. ‫اب‬
ُ ‫َع َذ‬
B. ‫َجَّن ُة‬
C. ُ‫صلِّح ْو َن‬
ِّ ‫اْليومُِّ ْا‬
ُِّ ‫آلخ‬
D. ‫ر‬ َْ

6. The future leader is who can change from badness to the googness, so they are ...
A. ‫ن‬َُ ‫م ْهتَِّد ْي‬
B. ُ‫صلِّح ْو َن‬ ْ‫م‬
َُ ‫مْفلِّح ْو‬
C. ‫ن‬
َُ ‫لِّْلمتَِّّق ْي‬
D. ‫ن‬

7. God’s creature who doesn’t know goodness and always bring us to badness. That is ...
ِّ ‫َشي‬
A. ُ‫اط ْيِّن ِّه ْم‬ َ
B. ‫ن‬ ِّ
َُ ‫صاد ِّق ْي‬ َ
C. ُ‫ظل َمات‬
D. ُ‫قل ْوبه ْم‬

8. Market shop is place that people sell and buy something, like : gold, silver, jewel, and other
َُ ‫م ْهتَِّد ْي‬
A. ‫ن‬
B. ُ‫قل ْوبه ْم‬
C. ُ‫ِّت َج َارته ْم‬
D. ُ‫مْفلِّح ْو َن‬

9. One of our Akidah teach us to believe something that can not be seen, like : Sirot, Paradise,
Hell, and other. That all called ...
A. ُ‫الص ََلة‬
B. ُ‫الض ََلَلة‬
C. ‫ب ْك ُم‬
D. ‫ب‬
ُ ‫الغ ْي‬

10. People who doesn’t have good attitude and they are always offend to other, they called ...
A. ُ‫م ْستَ ْه ِّزء ْو َن‬
B. ‫ب ْك ُم‬
C. ُ‫صم‬
َُ ‫صلِّح ْو‬
D. ‫ن‬ ْ‫م‬

11. People who can’t talk, they called ...

A. ُ‫ب ْكم‬
B. ‫َخلِّ ْيَف ُة‬
C. ‫ي‬ُ ‫ع ْم‬
D. ُ‫َعلِّ ْيم‬

12. People who can’t see, they called ...

A. ‫ات‬
ُ ‫ظل َم‬
B. ُ‫ب ْكم‬
C. ‫َعلِّ ْيُم‬
D. ‫ي‬
ُ ‫ع ْم‬

13. The light coming when heavy rain and that make us so feel afraid ...
A. ُ‫الد َماء‬
B. ُ‫َر ْعد‬
C. ‫الن ْجُم‬
D. ‫اء‬
ُ ‫الس َم‬

14. Orange, apple, mango, and banana it’s good fruits for us, and can make our body healthy ...
َُ ‫صِّلح ْو‬
A. ‫ن‬ ْ‫م‬
B. ُ‫الثَّ َم َرات‬
C. ُ‫اَْل ِّح َج َارة‬
ِّ ‫الخ‬
D. ُ‫اسرْو َن‬ َ

15. If you play with petrol seller, of course you will smell petrol, but if you play with perfume
seller, you will get nice smell like perfume. So, the ibroh we must to be ...
A. ‫ن‬ َُ ‫صلِّح ْو‬ ْ‫م‬
B. ‫ن‬ َُ ‫ص ِّاد ِّق ْي‬
C. ‫ن‬ َُ ‫مْفلِّح ْو‬
D. ُ‫م ْهتَِّد ْي َن‬
16. Many people contracted DBD and was hospitalized. DBD is disease caused by ...
A. ُ‫ه ًدى‬
B. ‫ان‬
ُ ‫َم ْي َد‬
C. ُ‫ضة‬ َ ‫َبع ْو‬
D. ُ‫َع َذاب‬

17. The bad people is who has long age, but can not do kindness and all his work are bad. Who
is it ? ...
A. ‫الض ََلَل ُة‬
ِّ ‫الخ‬
B. ُ‫اسرْو َن‬ َ
C. ُ‫َع َذاب‬
D. ُ‫الك ِّافرْو َن‬

18. When we go to Makkah for Hajj, that one activity we called Jumroh, in that activity we must
throw seven ….. to three poles
A. ‫اب‬
ُ ‫تََّو‬
B. ُ‫اَْل ِّح َج َارة‬
C. ُ‫الثَّ َم َرات‬
D. ُ‫َجَّنة‬

19. We are bad people, what we do sometime find mistake, because who has the truth only
Allah SWT.
A. ‫ق‬ُ ‫ال َح‬
B. ُ‫اطل‬ ِّ ‫الب‬
C. ُ‫الص ِّح ْيح‬
D. ُ‫الجِّيد‬

20. Allah created people in the word for prosperousing the earth, because just people who can
do it, that why people has mind. ...
A. ‫س‬ُ ‫َرِّئ ْي‬
B. ُ‫َعِّل ْيم‬
C. ُ‫َخلِّ ْيَفة‬
D. ُ‫ِّإ ْن َسان‬

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