TPB Variable

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Consumers generally anticipate online advertising to provide timely and relevant

information about products or services, leading to a perception of value and utility. This
positive association between informativeness and attitude towards online advertising
has been observed in various contexts, including mobile marketing and social media
platforms like Facebook (Mo et al., 2023). According to a report by Audrey Schomer
(2021) titled "Consumer Attitudes Toward Digital Advertising 2021: Reaching the
Concerned and Ad-Avoidant User," it is evident that most consumers now proactively
avoid advertising through various means such as ad blockers, paying for ad-free digital
media experiences, or skipping ads. Despite incentives like free content or rewards for
viewing ads or sharing data, many consumers still express discomfort with how
companies use their data to target them with advertisements.

According to Alalwan (2018), the success of advertising may not always align with
corporate expectations, even if it doesn't directly alter a positive customer attitude,
suggesting that factors beyond consumer attitude may influence the effectiveness of
advertising efforts. Furthermore, the decision of businesses to continue using internet
advertising services is influenced by the self-efficacy of marketers in producing creative
content and the impact of this content on consumers' perceptions of their ability to
manage their behavior (Voorveld et al., 2018). According to the three components of
attitude, attitude is composed of cognition, emotion, and intention, and there are
significant discrimination and connections among the components (Xu, 2022).

Subjective Norms

Subjective norms refer to customers' perceptions of peer pressure, which drive them to
behave in specific ways to comply with social standards. This concept is particularly
relevant as consumers are more inclined to participate in or refrain from particular
activities when their behavior aligns with societal norms (Mohan & Kinslin, 2022). Ni
Moreover, it is expected that subjective norms would be stronger in collectivist cultures
compared to individualistic cultures, as individuals in collectivist cultures prioritize group
acceptance (Peña-García et al., 2020).

Subjective norms refer to consumer perceptions and influence others, such as peers,
family, friends, media, and authority figures. These norms influence a very early stage
of buying, especially when consumers are new users and have limited experience.
Subjective norms refer to perceived stress and power forced by others such as
family, etc.; they influence your decision directly or indirectly. Sometimes consumer
wants to buy, but their peers suggest them that product is not good and the consumer
avoid the product. So we cannot ignore it. It plays a very important role in decision
making (Bhatti & Akram, 2020). Opinions of the subjective norms such as family,
friends, higher authorities and most importantly media play very important role influence
the behavior of female consumers regarding online buying because most of the time
people actions are based on their own interpretation of what others might think they
should be doing (Mehreen et al., 2021).

Perceived Behavioral Control

In this study, perceived behavioral control (PBC) is conceptualized as the extent to

which consumers perceive control over external factors during the process of
purchasing from an online store. The e-commerce environment can introduce
uncertainty and a perceived loss of control, making perceived control a crucial factor to
investigate in understanding the formation of consumer behavioral intentions within the
context of e-commerce (Peña-Garcia, et al). This aligns with the focus of our study on
examining the influence of perceived behavioral control on consumer behavior in the
context of online shopping.

The role of perceived behavioral control in behavior prediction has been widely
acknowledged. While the theoretical understanding suggests that perceived control can
influence the relationship between intention and behavior, previous research has
primarily concentrated on examining the joint effects of intention and control perceptions
(Nur & Dewanto, 2022). However, in the context of this study, the specific focus lies in
investigating the impact of perceived behavioral control on the intention-behavior
relationship. The aim is to shed light on the distinct contribution of perceived behavioral
control in comprehending consumer behavior

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