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Table of Contents
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 4
Chapter-1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 5
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Rationale of the study ............................................................................................... 7
1.3 Statement of the problem .......................................................................................... 7
1.4 Scope and limitation of the report ............................................................................. 7
1.5 Objectives of the Report ........................................................................................... 8
1.5.1 Broad Objective: ................................................................................................ 8
1.5.2 Specific Objective: ............................................................................................. 8
1.6 Methodology: ............................................................................................................ 9
Literature Review.............................................................................................................. 11
Chapter-2: COMPANY OVERVIEW .............................................................................. 17
2.1 Overview: AKIJ FOOD & BEVERAGE LTD (AFBL) ......................................... 18
2.2 Mission & Vision .................................................................................................... 20
2.3 Nature of the Business: ........................................................................................... 20
2.4 AFBL: Morale, Ethics & Values: ........................................................................... 21
2.5 Internal Situation Analysis ...................................................................................... 21
2.6 Functional Departments .......................................................................................... 23
2.7 Products................................................................................................................... 23
2.8 Product Description ................................................................................................ 26
Chapter-3: Analysis of the Marketing Strategies of AFBL .............................................. 30
3.1 Analysis of the Marketing Strategies of AFBL ...................................................... 31
Chapter-4: History & SWOT ANALYSIS ON energy drink SPEED .............................. 36
4.1 Energy Drink History:............................................................................................. 37
4.2 Ingredients: ............................................................................................................. 38
4.3 Effects: .................................................................................................................... 39
4.4 Attempts to Ban: ..................................................................................................... 40
4.5 Combination with Alcohol:..................................................................................... 40
4.6 Brand Information:.................................................................................................. 41
4.7 Target Group: .......................................................................................................... 41
4.8 Major Competitors: ................................................................................................. 42
4.9 Market Size: ............................................................................................................ 42
4.10 Market Segmentation: ........................................................................................... 42
4.11 Market Growth: ..................................................................................................... 43
4.12 Ingredients of Speed: ............................................................................................ 43
4.12.1 Nutrition Facts per 100 ml: ............................................................................ 43
4.13 Competitive Analysis (For the Year 2010): .......................................................... 44
4.14 SWOT Analysis of Speed: .................................................................................... 44
4.14.1 Strength: ......................................................................................................... 44

4.14.2 Weakness: ...................................................................................................... 45
4.14.3 Opportunity: ................................................................................................... 45
4.14.4 Threat: ............................................................................................................ 46
Chapter-5: Marketing Mix & Consumer Perception ........................................................ 47
5.1 Marketing Mix of Speed ......................................................................................... 48
5.2 SPEED Yearly Activities 2011-2012...................................................................... 50
Chapter-6: Comparison between Speed & others Energy Drink ...................................... 62
6.1 Brief explanation of Energy Drink companies ....................................................... 63
6.1.1 Crown Energy Drinks ...................................................................................... 63
6.1.2 Energy Drink (Speed): ..................................................................................... 64
6.1.3 Energy Drink (Tiger) ....................................................................................... 64
Chapter-7: Findings of Analysis ....................................................................................... 68
Chapter-8: Recommendation & Conclusion ..................................................................... 70
8.1 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 71
8.2 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 73
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 74

Executive Summary

The beverage industry in our country compiles various sorts of marketing aspects that
significantly enhanced my interest towards doing my OCP report on the topic of
“Marketing strategy and analysis over energy drink Speed”. My research report
initially provides a nominal idea of the beverage industry in our country. Then derailed
overview of AKIJ Group and also AKIJ Food & Beverage Ltd (AFBL), which is a
venture of Akij group, is presented. After the company descriptive part, analysis segment
is incorporated. Starting with 4ps analysis of AFBL, budgeting & sales forecasting,
SWOT analysis, and competitive analysis. In the competitive analysis part, Porter’s five-
force model of competition and BCG growth share matrix were used, and after that the
current market analysis of all the brands of AFBL was thoroughly illustrated. Marketing
strategy analysis of AFBL was covered in the next part which involved projecting the
strategic Marketing/Communicational theme of all the beverage brands of AFBL.

Following part of the report contains my entire research of whether consumers are aware
of the strategic Marketing/Communicational theme and Unique selling preposition (USP)
of AFBL’s products. If yes, then what are the perceptions regarding the strategies. Before
conducting the research I have constructed certain number of hypothesis regarding my
topic and at the end of my research work hypothesis testing was performed.

For the collection of primary and secondary data, structured tools like interview, survey
questionnaires etc. were employed. Graphical presentation was done for the data
analyzing part of the research. Each and every data attained, is transformed in graphically
format and elaborately presented in the report. Hypothesis testing was carried out in the
consecutive part followed by the summary of the entire research findings. Based on the
research, certain recommendation regarding the marketing strategies of AFBL’s brand,
has been constructed and displayed in the report. All the segments of the report withhold
successive correlation among each other, which projects the sign of a well formulated
research work.


1.1 Introduction

During the past century most Companies were small and knew their customers first hand.
Managers picked up marketing information by being around people, observing them and
asking questions. During this century, however, many factors have increase of the need
for more and better information. As companies become national or international in scope,
they need more information or larger, more distant markets. As sellers use more complex
marketing approaches and face more competition, they need information of the
effectiveness of their marketing tools. Managers need more up-to-date information to
make timely decision.

In carrying out marketing analysis, strategies, planning, implementation and control

marketing managers need information at almost every turn. They need information about
customers, competitors and other forces in the market place. One marketing executive put
it this way – “To manage a business well is to manage future and to manage the
future is to manage information. Increasingly marketers are viewing information net
just as input for making better decision. But also as an important strategic asset and
marketing tools.

In this project work the topic was to “Consumer perception & positioning strategy
followed by Energy Drink (Speed) based on the one of the business firms in
Bangladesh”. During the project, a conclusive method of the marketing research was
followed to find out the problem and its solution. While working on the project, it was
realized that the research work is very important to establish any marketing strategies
before making decision.

In this research work I have collected various information directly from the clients and
international as well as domestic organizations on the basis of geographic segmentations.

1.2 Rationale of the study

Customer’s perception regarding energy drinks is very important for the company to
make sure about the profit terms and how the customers are given importance in case of
choosing energy drink. That’s why it is necessary to identify the perception of a customer
towards the preferences of Energy Drink (Speed) and implications of advertising. So it’s
necessary to solve the case with high recommendations for greater preference of Energy
Drink (Speed)–the product of Akij beverage which will help me to create my career
bright for further improvement.

1.3 Statement of the problem

Determinates of “Consumer perception regarding Energy Drink (Speed)” are unknown.

Also how Akij is following marketing strategy and positioning strategy regarding Energy
Drink (Speed) has to be analyzed.

1.4 Scope and limitation of the report

Everything has a specific purpose and target. Behind doing this research I also have my
target. As an intern in Akij beverage I have noticed many inconveniences. The main
purpose is to identify Consumer perception regarding Energy Drink (Speed) like what are
they think about Akij beverages specially the energy drink like-Energy Drink (Speed),
what are their expectation from this drink. After reading this research I hope that
everyone will come to know details about Akij beverages regarding Energy Drink

Basically there are many limitations regarding this study. As an intern it is pretty much
difficult to manage all the information as well from such a big organization. The
limitations of the study are-

 Time duration of the project period is not sufficient to cover all the activities of
the topics.

 Many documents and information are confidential in nature and the organization
might not expose those due to competencies what goes beyond bank’s policy.

 Conservative attitude of responders (beneficiaries) might cause lack of

information of desired level.

 Difficulties of arranging employee’s conversations (Interview) during the office


1.5 Objectives of the Report

The objective of the study may be viewed as:

i. Broad Objective
ii. Specific Objective

1.5.1 Broad Objective:

To find out the consumer perception regarding Energy Drink (Speed).

1.5.2 Specific Objective:

More specifically, this study entails the following aspects,

1) Various consumer perceptions about Energy Drink (Speed)

2) Different positioning strategy of Energy Drink (Speed).
3) Market monitoring of Energy Drink (Speed) launching program
4) To determine the origin of consumer perception & positioning strategy in terms of
FMCG organizations in Bangladesh.
5) Informative advertisement to inform consumer about the product.
6) About the Communication of different media.
7) To have the details understanding of akij food and beverage.
8) Consumer behavior regarding Energy Drink (Speed).

1.6 Methodology:

Research type:

This is basically a practical research for providing insight about Marketing strategy and
analysis over energy drink Speed.

Data collection method:

Both primary and secondary data sources were used to generate this report.

Primary data was extracted from-

 Practical experience of market visit.

 Conversation, exchange of ideas & views with senior officer of AFBL,
 Training, workshop & seminar.
 Related files, books study provided by the officials concerned.

Secondary sources of data was collected from-

 Annual Reports of AFBL

 Website of the Akij Group.
 Sales and marketing department records.
 Different research reports. record

Competing companies introduces different taste in their products within these product
categories to attain greater market share. Companies impose variety sorts of marketing
strategies to raise their products in the product-life-cycle (PLC). The entire atmosphere of
the beverage industries influenced me to focus on this segment of the market and
experience the operational aspects closely. For my OCP report, I have focused on the
topic which is marketing strategy and analysis over energy drink Speed”.
Throughout my OCP period, I worked with a beverage manufacturing company AKIJ
FOOD & BEVERAGE LTD, and within this period I got exposed to the entire
functioning of how a beverage company operates in the market. The first-hand
experience was the core corner stone of my entire report work.

Literature Review

The refreshment business in our nation assembles different sorts of promoting viewpoints
that fundamentally upgraded my advantage towards doing my OCP report on the point of
Marketing procedure and examination over caffeinated drink Speed. My examination
report at first gives an ostensible thought of the drink business in our nation. At that point
crashed review of AKIJ Group furthermore AKIJ Food and Beverage Ltd (AFBL), which
is an endeavor of Akij gathering, is exhibited. After the organization graphic part,
examination fragment is fused. Beginning with 4ps investigation of AFBL, planning and
deals estimating, SWOT examination, and focused investigation. In the aggressive
examination part, Porter's five-power model of rivalry and BCG development offer lattice
were utilized, and after that the present business sector investigation of the considerable
number of brands of AFBL was altogether outlined. Showcasing technique investigation
of AFBL was secured in the following part which included anticipating the vital
Marketing/Communicational subject of all the refreshment brands of AFBL.

Amid the previous century most Companies were little and knew their clients direct.
Chiefs got advertising data by being around individuals, watching them and making
inquiries. Amid this century, notwithstanding, numerous components have expansion of
the requirement for increasingly and better data. As organizations get to be national or
universal in extension, they require more data or bigger, more inaccessible markets. As
venders utilize more unpredictable promoting methodologies and face more rivalry, they
require data of the adequacy of their showcasing instruments. Administrators require
more a la mode data to settle on auspicious choice.
Client's observation with respect to caffeinated beverages is imperative for the
organization to ensure about the benefit terms and how the clients are given significance
if there should arise an occurrence of picking caffeinated drink. That is the reason it is
important to distinguish the view of a client towards the inclinations of Energy Drink
(Speed) and ramifications of publicizing.

Marketing Strategy

Promoting technique has the basic objective of expanding deals and accomplishing a
reasonable upper hand. Promoting procedure incorporates all essential, short-term, and
long haul exercises in the field of showcasing that arrangement with the investigation of
the key starting circumstance of an organization and the definition, assessment and
choice of business sector situated techniques and in this way add to the objectives of the
organization and its advertising goals.

Creating Market Strategy

The procedure ordinarily starts with a sweep of the business environment, both interior
and outside, which incorporates understanding vital imperatives. It is for the most part
important to attempt to get a handle on numerous parts of the outside environment,
including mechanical, financial, social, political and legitimate viewpoints. Objectives
are picked. At that point, a promoting procedure is a clarification of what particular
moves will be made after some time to accomplish the goals. Arrangements can be
stretched out to cover numerous years, with sub-gets ready for every year, in spite of the
fact that as the velocity of progress in the marketing environment enlivens, time skylines
are getting to be shorter. In a perfect world, techniques are both dynamic and intelligent,
somewhat arranged and in part spontaneous, to empower a firm to respond to unexpected
improvements while attempting to keep concentrated on a particular pathway; for the
most part, a more drawn out time span is favored.

Promoting procedure ought not be mistaken for an advertising target or mission. For
instance, an objective might be to end up the business sector pioneer, maybe in a
particular corner; a mission might be something along the lines of "to serve clients with
honor and pride"; interestingly, a showcasing methodology depicts how a firm will
accomplish the expressed objective in a way which is steady with the mission, maybe by
definite arrangements for how it may fabricate a referral system, for instance. Procedure
shifts by kind of business sector.

Key models

Showcasing organizations frequently utilize vital models and devices to break down
promoting choices. There are three principle models that can be connected and utilized
inside a business to get better results and achieve business objectives. These include:
The 3C’s
The 3C's stand for: Customer, Corporation and Competitor, is a vital model that uses
these three key components which lead to a feasible aggressive business sector. This
procedure was produced by a Japanese technique master called Kenichi Ohmae. Every
variable is critical to the accomplishment of this technique; the organization calculate
chiefly concentrates on augmenting the qualities of the business from this the business
can impact the applicable territories of the opposition to make progress inside the
business. The clients are the premise to any business. The opposition can be taken a
gander at in different diverse courses, for example, buying, configuration, picture and
support. The more exceptional strides a business takes the less rivalry a business will
confront in that field.

The Ansoff Matrix

The Ansoff Matrix model was concocted by H. Igor Ansoff and is a model that spotlights
on four primary ranges, which are; Market entrance, Product advancement, Market
improvement and Product/Market Diversification. These are then part into a further two
regions known as the "New" and 'Present'. From this procedure, organizations can decide
the item and business sector development. This is finished by concentrating on whether
the business sector is another business sector or effectively existing and whether the
items are new or officially existing. Market infiltration covers items that are now
available and are natural to the customers, this makes a generally safe as the item is as of
now on the built up business sector.

Item advancement is the presentation of another item into a current market, this can
incorporate alterations to an officially existing business sector which can make an item

that has more offer in the business sector. Market advancement otherwise called market
augmentation, is the point at which an effectively existing item is acquainted with another
business sector keeping in mind the end goal to recognize and assemble another
demographic base. This can incorporate new geographical markets new conveyance
channels and diverse estimating approaches.

Marketing Mix Model (4P's)

The 4P's otherwise called Price, Product, Place and Promotion is a procedure that began
from the single P significance Price. This technique was outlined as a simple approach to
transform advertising arranging into practice. This methodology is utilized to discover
and address the customer's issues and can be utilized for long haul or transient purposes.
The extents of the promoting blend can be adjusted to meet diverse necessities for every
item delivered, like changing fixings when heating a cake.

The item is a physical article that is put on a business sector to be sold with an
arrangement of advantages that will address client issues. This incorporates arrangements
and methods identifying with the product offerings including the quality and outline of
the item. And in addition item innovative work for any new items being presented. The
value arrangements and methods identify with the value level of the item and the
particular costs that should be connected whether it is one cost or a shifting cost. This
likewise incorporates value support and limited time bargains, specials, credit and
reimbursement terms. The advancement is all publicizing, individual offering,
advancements and direct advertising and whatever other special work the business
accomplishes for the item. This incorporates the determination of trademarks and
marking of the item whether it's a family mark, singular brand or deal under a private
name. The last P is Place which incorporates dissemination channels, market scope, item
stock, transportation and appropriation destinations. This likewise incorporates the level
of selectivity among the wholesalers and retailers and the channels between the
processing plant and the shopper.

Importance of SWOT Analysis in Developing a Marketing Strategy

Frequently saw as a key stride identified with arranging, SWOT investigation is

misleadingly straightforward in spite of the enormous worth it conveys. The framework
joins data from the natural investigation and isolates it into two parts: inward issues and
outer issues.

This level of investigation empowers an association to figure out if there are elements
display that will help in the accomplishment of particular goals or if there are
impediments that must be overcome before the coveted result can be figured it out.

As said over, the procedure of SWOT investigation assesses your organization's qualities,
shortcomings, market opportunities and potential dangers to give focused knowledge into
the potential and basic issues that affect the general accomplishment of the business.
Very helpful for creating and affirming your authoritative objectives, each of the four
classes gives particular bits of knowledge that can be utilized to develop an effective
advertising system, including:

Qualities – Positive credits interior to your association and inside your control. Qualities
frequently envelop assets, upper hands, the positive parts of those inside your workforce
and the angles identified with your business that you do especially well, concentrating on
all the inward segments that include esteem or offer you an upper hand.

Shortcomings figures that are inside your control yet degrade your capacity to get or keep
up a focused edge, for example, constrained aptitude, absence of assets, restricted access
to abilities or innovation, substandard administrations or poor physical area.
Shortcomings epitomize the negative inner perspectives to your business that reduce the
general esteem your items or administrations give.

Opportunities outline of the outside components that speak to the inspiration for your
business to exist and thrive inside the commercial center. These components incorporate

the particular open doors existing inside your business sector that give an advantage,
including market development, way of life changes, determination of current issues or the
fundamental capacity to offer a higher level of worth in connection to your rivals to
advance an expansion sought after for your items or administrations. One component to
know about is timing.

Dangers External elements outside the ability to control of your association that can
possibly put your advertising technique, or the whole business, at danger. The essential
and ever-show risk is rivalry. Nonetheless, different dangers can incorporate
unsustainable cost increments by suppliers, expanded government direction, financial
downturns, negative press scope, shifts in buyer conduct or the presentation of “leap-
frog” innovation that leaves your items or administrations out of date.

Transforming SWOT Analysis into a Strategic Plan

When you have built up particular qualities identified with your business offerings inside
the four quadrants of SWOT examination, you can build up a vital arrangement in view
of the data you have learned. For instance, once you have distinguished your natural
qualities, you can influence them to seek after the open doors most appropriate to your
association, viably decreasing potential weakness identified with dangers. Similarly, by
recognizing your association’s shortcomings with respect to outside dangers, you can
devise an arrangement that will empower you to wipe out or minimize them while
enhancing guarded procedures identified with your offerings.

Remember that SWOT investigation can be affected by the individuals who play out the
examination. So it is a smart thought to have an outside business expert audit the
outcomes to give the most target arrangement.


AFBL: Background
The company Akij Food & Beveargae Ltd
(AFBL), a unit of Akij group, came into
business in year 2006. It incorporates
manufacturing of variety sort of snack and
beverage products and selling them to the local
market as well as some of the international
market. AFBL was a project of TK-450 core
(approx.) and the investment was being made
by the parent company Akij Group itself, no financial outsourcing was made. And any
further investment needed will be supported by the parent company as well. Since the
invasion of AFBL, the company is using its strong resources continuously to provide
various ranges of products in different product lines to its customers.

Statistical Data
Some of the statistical facts are stated below:
 Total investment: Tk. 4.5 billion/450 Core (approx.)
 Turnover (revenue) in year 2006-2007: Tk 907.6 million/ 90.76 Core (approx.)
 Tax paid in year 2006-2007: Tk.160 million/ 16 Core (approx.)
 Total number of employees: 338 approx.
 Sales & Marketing: 240 employees (approx.)
 Factory personnel: 1058 employees (approx.)
Employees of the Departments of Finance & Accounts, Audit, Administration, Human
resource (HR), Purchase, Import & Export, Ad & Creative, IT, Transport are NOT
included in the 338 total employee list. Employees in these departments work for AFBL
but they are considered to be the employees of AKIJ Group in their respective
departments and all their salaries and benefits are disbursed as per Akij Group’s notion
not from AFBL.

 Revenue growth graph:

Sales growth



Sales (in Tk. 907.6


Year: 2006 Year: 2007 Year: 2008
Series1 481.4 907.6 1612.1
Year of operation

(Information in the graph are accurate and it is from AFBL source. Extreme
confidentiality should be maintained)

 Sale revenue in year 2006 was Tk.481.4 million/ Tk.48.14 Core (approx.)
 Sale revenue in year 2007 was Tk.907.6 million/ Tk.90.76 Core (approx.)
 Sales Growth rate (2007): 88.5%

 Sale revenue in year 2008 was Tk.1612.1 million/ Tk.161.21 Core (approx.)

 Sales Growth rate (2008): 77.6%

 Sales revenue from Jan2009 to June2009 is Tk.1282.6 million/ Tk.128.26 Core

(approx.) already. If forecasted sale for the other half year of 2009 is double the
sale of the first half then total revenue for 2009 stand to be Tk.2565.2 million/
Tk.256.52 Core (approx.). Then expected Sales Growth (2009) rate would be:
60% approx.

2.2 Mission & Vision
The tag line of AFBL is “BRINGS QUALITY IN LIFE”

To be the market leader in quality food & beverage sector discovering & satisfying the
desire & need of the community working in harmony with our customers, employees and
business partners.

To be the leading food & Beverage brands excelling in product quality, social, technical
& marketing creativity; and service to our customers through the skills and cordial
commitment of our employees.

The core Objectives are:-

1) Various consumer perceptions about Akij beverage.

2) Different positioning strategy of Akij beverage
3) Market monitoring of products launching program
4) To determine the origin of consumer perception & positioning strategy in terms of
FMCG organizations in Bangladesh.
5) Informative advertisement to inform consumer about the product.
6) About the Communication of different media.

2.3 Nature of the Business:

Akij Group diversified their business in Food & Beverage industry because in
Bangladesh we have 15 corers people. It is large market size to serve and food is required
continually for the population. Akij food & beverage want to serve quality food for their
target market.

In soft drink industry, there are many local & foreign companies. Akij want to be local
unique soft drinks producer with the same quality of foreign company. For this purpose
AFBL produces CSD for young target group who like to live stylist life. Main slogan of
AFBL is “Brings Quality in Life”.

According to Late Mr. Sheikh Akij Uddin regarding AKIJ Food and Beverage Limited
(AFBL), “We will manufacture and introduce those high quality products in the market
that we ourselves and our family will always use, we will NOT just produce products for
the consumers in the market and let our family consume other foreign products”.

2.4 AFBL: Morale, Ethics & Values:

 Believing in quality and excellence in service
 Believing open communication, personal responsibilities, integrity, and active
 Supporting the creative diversity and share of ideas
 Building culture of learning based on leadership, teamwork, accountability, and co-

2.5 Internal Situation Analysis

 Capabilities of AFBL

Factory & Machinery

Factory of Akij Food & beverage Ltd has been established in a beautiful site at
Krishnapur, Dhamrai Dhaka. It has come with one of the best food & beverage industry
in Bangladesh. All the machineries are being imported from two international well
reputed companies in Germany naming The Krones Group, headquartered in
Neutraubling, Germany & Ningbo Sipa Safety Equipment Co., Ltd. All the machineries
are fully automatic and digitally controlled. Such high-tech production plants that is
sensible to reject products itself that fails to meet standard level that has been set. In total

there are only six companies in the sub-continent using such sophisticated machineries to
manufacture CSD products, and among those companies AFBL is one of them. This
factor reflects the quality of the factory and the machineries which in term reflects the
quality standard of the products of AFBL.

For any technical breakdown highly experienced and trained engineers are there to serve
round the clock.


AFBL has a strong financial background as because 100% of its financial back up is
being provided by the parent company AKIJ GROUP. All the initial investments
regarding the establishment of the company, its products and even for the marketing
purpose, the parent company provided full support. No financial out-sourcing such as
debt or bank loan was being made by AFBL. Because of such strong financial back up,
huge marketing activities, promotional campaigns were been possible for its products to
strongly compete with its competitors. And now after three years of operation the
company is solvent enough to finance its promotional activities by itself but if
furthermore huge investments are required then AKIJ GROUP is always there to provide
full flagged support.

Human resource:

AFBL believes that their teamwork is their greatest asset. Useful contributions made by
each individual bring them much closer to their goals. AFBL made up of a group of
passionate individuals, uniquely qualified from diverse disciplines but working towards
their vision. AFBL ensures that their employees are provided with:

 A friendly and supportive environment that encourages their people to develop their
potentials to an optimal level.
 A true quality of professionalism that can be found in all world-class multinational

 Team oriented professionals, who contribute to the greater whole of the organization
through their participation in decision making situations.

2.6 Functional Departments

From the production till the selling of the AFBL’s products, several departments work
interconnected and they are outlined below:
 Production dept.: This department handles the entire production process of AFBL’s
 Marketing Dept.: This department is divided into four categories
 Brand Dept.: Develops the marketing and promotional strategies for AFBL’s
products and executes them.
 Sales Dept.: Forecast, Pursue, Co-ordinate & Monitor the entire nation wide sales
of AFBL’s products.
 Sales-force Training Dept.: Trains, pursue to work, motivates & monitors the
sales force working in the field for AFBL.
 Distribution Dept.: Distributes accordingly the final products from the factory to
the entire country’s individual distribution points from where products of AFBL
are being sold to the retail outlets.
The following departments: Finance & Accounts, Audit, Administration, Human resource
(HR), Purchase, Import & Export, Ad & Creative, and IT & Transport of AKIJGROUP
conducts the department operation for AFBL to carry out and complete the departmental
portfolio of Akij Food & Beverage Ltd.

2.7 Products

Akij Food & Beverage Ltd (AFBL) believes in providing optimum quality products to
value its customers. All the high-tech machineries and factory site is established to
enhance the capability to satisfy consumer needs in a profound quality processed manner.
AFBL has categorized its products in eight products line and each line incorporates
various brands to captivate the market. Groups or the product line are been distinguished

by the company based on the machinery used for manufacturing the products. AFBL has
the planning of introducing more different and unique products in their product line and
even they are planning to diversify more on their product line. Tabular presentation of the
products as the product line is shown in next page:

Product line1 Product line-2 Product line-3 Product line-4 Product line-5
(CSD) (Energy Drink) (Non-Alcoholic (Mineral Water) (Juice)
Malt Beverage)
(Bottle-250,500, (Bottle-250ml, BREW (Bottle-500,1000, MANGO
1000, 2000 ml, Can-250ml) ( Can-250ml) 2000ml) (Bottle-250
Can-150,250ml) 1000ml)
(Bottle-250,500,  FRUTICA
1000, 2000 ml, GRAPE
Can-150,250ml) (Bottle-250
 CLEMON 1000ml)
1000, 2000 ml,  FRUTICA
Can-150,250ml) RED ORANGE
 MOJO 1000ml)
(upcoming)  FRUTICA

Mango Milk

 APHI--


Product line-6 Product line-7 Product line-8

(Snacks) (Dairy Products) (TEA)


 CHEESE UHT (250ml)
PUFF (500ml) (upcoming)
FRESH Green Tea
Pasteurized (250ml)
(500ml) (upcoming)



2.8 Product Description

Raw materials for the Carbonated Soft Drink (CSD), Energy drink and Malt Beverage
products are import from following Germany Companies:
 WILD GmbH & Co. KG (Eppelheim, Germany)
 Für Manish GmbH & Co. KG Ltd
 IFF International Flavors & Fragrance Inc. (Hamgurg, Germany)
Raw materials for the juice (Pulp) and snack products (Potato & Masala) are imported
from Germany & India. Dairy products are completely home made using Bangladeshi
raw materials. Most of the AFBL’s product design, development format, and ingredient
are being provided by the Germany Company “The Krones Group GmbH & Co”.

Derailed description of products is provided below:


MOJO is a carbonated soft drink (CSD) in cola flavor. The packaging of the product is
very attractive because of its color combination which is majority red and the art design
printed on the bottle and can. AFBL is the first company to introduce full slive bottle
packaging and this makes its product more attractive than other competing brands. All the
bottle and can are made of high quality plastic and steel respectively and thus they are
very handy, portable and easy to dispose. MOJO was launched in 14th April 2006 and
since then the product is well accepted by its customer and has profoundly attain a good
market share. Very soon MOJO light will be launched in the market to captivate the
segment of diet cola drink.


LEMU is a carbonated soft drink (CSD) in cloudy lemon flavor. The packaging is full
slive and very attractive. The product was launched in 14th April 2006.


CLEMON is a carbonated soft drink (CSD) in clear lemon flavor. The packaging is full
slive and very attractive. The product was launched in October 2007.


SPEED is an energy drink that was launched in 14th April 2006 by AFBL and since from
then, the brand could not capture consumer attraction and could avail only a very small
amount of market share of energy drink. Then in 2009, Speed was re-launched by
changing the product’s packaging but keeping the ingredient intact. The re-launch turn
out to be very successful and now the brands withholds the second biggest market share.


Wild Brew is non-alcoholic malt beverage in which the primary ingredient is barley,
which has been allowed to sprout ("malt") slightly before it is processed. The product has
been launched by AFBL in November 2008. The category of the product is slow in our
Bangladeshi market and captivates only 1% of our entire beverage industry.


FRUTIKA is a brand for juice product that is available in four different flavors.

 FRUTIKA Red orange
 FRUTIKA Mixed fruit

The products were launched in August 2008, and since the entrance in the market Frutika
captivated a large share in the market because of its taste, packaging and unique
promotional activation.


SPA is a mineral water that was launched by AFBL in April 2007. The product’s full
slive packaging makes it very attractive. The unique marketing communication and the
products look assist it to make a moderate market share.


The brand FARM FRESH denotes dairy products of UHT milk and Pasteurized milk. The
brand entered in the market in September 2007.

 SNACKS (Chips):

There are three (3) brands of chips. These are O’Potato, Cheese Puffs, and Cheeky
Monkey. Cheeky Monkey is very famous among the children. All these snacks launched
on October 2007.

Chapter-3: Analysis of the Marketing Strategies of AFBL

3.1 Analysis of the Marketing Strategies of AFBL

Marketing strategies and communicational theme of AFBL’s brands are developed by the
combine effort of the brand department and the advertising agencies (Adcomm & Grey).
Many strategic themes are proposed by the agencies and the brand department analyzes
and polishes them to make it applicable for implementation. There are several marketing
strategies such as Experiential Marketing, One-to-One Marketing, Permission Marketing,
Relationship Marketing, After Marketing etc. Among them AFBL go with the
Experiential Marketing strategy mostly. Here AFBL tries to promote a product through
connecting it with unique & interesting experiences. Brand wise marketing strategies of
AFBL’s products are analyzed below:

Since the establishment of the brand MOJO, it is projected to the consumer as a brand of
fun and enjoyment. The basic concept is having enjoyment while drinking MOJO.
Though the product is for all, but the communicational theme is targeted to the youth.
The strategic marketing/communicational theme of MOJO is “ONTORE ONTORE—it’s
Inside U”. All the promotional activities are focused around this theme. Advertisements,
billboards, banners, festoons, roman banners, back drops, shop signs etc., are developed
with such state of art that projects the concept of the fun and enjoyment residing

The main motive of the strategy is to make consumer recall the theme and associate it
with the brand. The brand was launched in 14th April (Pohela Boishek), which the first

day of the year as per Bangla calendar. And this is celebrated in a very innovative way
throughout the country by associating MOJO. Various sort of Bangali traditional events
are arranged on that date. MOJO is associated as a brand that is truly local thus events
like Entertaining song for MOJO, Huge campaign in Pohela Boisak, Huge campaign in
valentine’s day, Arrangement of concerts very often around the country, Sheether pithar
mela, Grissher faal udhshob, Promotion and gift in EID-ul- Fitr & Qurbani EID,
Arrangements of Game shows, Bull fight etc. are conducted. Also Sponsoring sport
events, Sponsoring TV shows, Sports zone bowling and pool tournament, Sponsoring
entire wonder-land and its rides are done. There is a rock singing Band of MOJO with the
name “INSIDE U Band” and the band promotes MOJO throughout the nation.

This year Promotional campaign for this Eid-ul-Fitr is giving free bus tickets to the
consumers on the basis of the number of sms sent. Highest sender will get two free ticket
to the specified destination every day uptill the 29th Ramadan.
The brand MOJO is kept up to date with events occurring in the country throughout the
year. Such strong communicational theme made the brand MOJO, establish very
profoundly within a short span of time.


The Brand LEMU is associated with the strategic marketing/communicational theme of
“Thirst Comes First—Thirst for LEMU”. The projected idea is that when consumer is
thirsty he or she will think of LEMU.

CLEMON was launched with an innovative idea. The strategic

marketing/communicational theme of CLEMON is “LIVE FRESH—I Would like to be
under the Sea- Jabo Shantir r Shukher Dese. The projected idea is that when customer
consumers the product, they will feel like under the sea in a dream land of joy and
The Brand is also associated with the sport culture in our country. CLEMON exhibits and
promotes Bangladesh Cricket by developing a cricket team that plays division qualifying
cricket games in our country. The Brand plans to develop at least one player to play in
our international cricket team and operate as a CLEMON brand ambassador.

The brand SPEED was initially launched with a poor communicational theme. Then later
in 2009, the brand was re-launched with the strategic marketing/communicational theme
of “Heavy Energy—Ektu Bujhe Shune Khao---Khokon Je Ki Hoi Kisu Bola Jai Na”. All
the campaigns are focused on the idea of SPEED with extreme energy. The theme
associates consumers with the idea that consuming the product will provide extreme extra

The non-alcoholic malt beverage (WILD BREW) is promoted with the strategic
marketing/communicational theme of “The Beast Inside---Har mene Chey Shobai”. The
idea projected states that consuming the product will make the individual feel the beast
residing inside.

The product was launched in very ground-breaking pattern by arranging an auspicious
trip to Shundorban. Winning contestants along with AFBL’s personal went to the trip
within a very short period after the brand was launched.

Usually the promotional campaigns of any fruit juice products are constructed based on
its purity. But strategy used for Frutika was quite different and innovative. The strategic
marketing/communicational theme of FRUTIKA is “Ektu Besii Pure---Drink Frutika and
Speak Just the Truth”. The purity of the brand was projected by the promotional idea of
when consumers drink Frutika they tend to speak the truth. The idea was quite
speculating and customers readily accepted in the market. The launching campaign
played an extravagant part in the success of Fruitka. Road show, rally with free sampling
collected foot step glory for the brand. And now, after operating for only one year, the
brand withholds maximum market share with the top ranking among its competitors.

Farm Fresh is an UHT milk product, which was launched with a creative inspiration for
its consumer. The conceptualized idea was: Milk helps human being to be physically
sound and when individuals are healthy, they can attain success in life as because good

health leads to good life. This idea was tactically reframed and the strategic
marketing/communicational theme generated was: “Dudh Khao Agiaa Jao”.
Though the product is for all but the promotional activities are targeted towards the
children of our country who will be our future pride.

SPA drinking water was launched with the idea of providing pure drops of minerals to
the customers. The strategic marketing/communicational theme is The Water of Life---
Shuddu Pani Shustho Ami”. The concept generated a perception for the consumer that,
when they will think of pure water, that will keep them healthy, then will associate it with

Chapter-4: History & SWOT ANALYSIS ON energy drink

4.1 Energy Drink History:

The first real drink made just for energy was in Japan in the 1960's by Taisho
Pharmaceuticals as a drink called Lipvitan-D. This drink contained a mix of essential
vitamins such as B1, B2 as well as B6. It also included in its ingredients niacin and
taurine which are metabolic agents proven to boost things such as energy and
concentration. First introduced as a medicinal tonic drink for those suffering from lack of
energy and fatigue, it grew in popularity in Asia as part of a fad that had more to do with
late party hours and clubbing. From Japan and China on downward news of a tonic to
help you stay up later and be more productive spread and eventually it made it out of
Asia and into Europe but not before some interesting turns and twists in this energy drink
filled road.

This tonic drink made its way to Thailand within the next decade and became a popular
drink for rickshaw drivers in Thailand called “Krating Daeng” The main active ingredient
in this drink was taurine, an amino acid that was first discovered in bulls as was later
taken on by an Austrian in 1987. A Dietrich Mateschitz took this novel idea and ran

with it, adding caffeine and sugar and named this drink Red Bull, after the taurine amino
acid. This was a drink that quickly became extremely popular in Europe right off. It was
introduced in American a decade later in 1997 and has been rising in popularity ever
sense then. In fact energy drinks when up 61% in the year 2005 alone in the U.S. Market
and every year energy drinks go on to become more popular and come out with more

Energy drinks are now the latest man-made fuel of choice to keep the economic world
still spinning, and may wonder what we ever did without them. With more people
working more hours than ever, even they need more energy to do it. Before Red Bull, the
first energy drink made its way to America, the American citizens were already
beginning their frantic search for something that would help them work those longer
hours as the global job market began to change and people in the U.S. Especially began
to stay longer hours away from the home and more hours at work. Jolt Cola has short
term popularity before Red Bull hit the scenes, but now it is almost impossible to find.

Even though other energy drinks later hit the market, Red Bull still remains the most
well-known and top name, with annual sales around the two billion dollar mark globally.
Name brand Soda's like Coca Cola and Pepsi have started their own energy drinks as a
way to better compete with this new fad in mega-caffeine filled drinks and Jolt Cola has
tried to fight it's losing battle be re naming itself an energy drink and coming in a can
shaped like a battery. Hanses Sodas introduced some competition for Red Bull with
Monster Energy and Rockstar coming in third behind the other two energy giants.

4.2 Ingredients:

Generally, energy drinks include methylxanthines (including caffeine), vitamin B and

herbs. Other common ingredients are guarana, acai, and taurine, plus various forms of
ginseng, maltodextrin, carbonated water, inositol, carnitine, creatine, and
glucuronolactone and ginkgo biloba. Some contain high levels of sugar, and many brands

also offer artificially-sweetened 'diet' versions. The central ingredient in most energy
drinks is caffeine, the same stimulant found in coffee or tea, often in the form of guarana
or yerba mate.

4.3 Effects:

A variety of physiological and psychological effects have been attributed to energy drinks
and their ingredients. Two studies reported significant improvements in mental and
cognitive performances as well as increased subjective alertness. Excess consumption of
energy drinks may induce mild to moderate euphoria primarily caused by stimulant
properties of caffeine and may also induce agitation, anxiety, irritability and insomnia
During repeated cycling tests in young healthy adults an energy drink significantly
increased upper body muscle endurance. It has been suggested that reversal of caffeine
withdrawal is a major component of the effects of caffeine on mood and performance.

Restorative properties were shown by a combination of caffeine and the sugar glucose in
an energy drink, and some degree of synergy between the cognition-modulating effects of
glucose and caffeine was also suggested. In one experiment, a glucose-based energy
drink (containing caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone) was given to eleven tired
participants being tested in a driving simulator. Lane drifting and reaction times were
measured for two hours post-treatment and showed significant improvement.

Two articles concluded that the improved information processing and other effects could
not be explained in terms of the restoration of plasma caffeine levels to normal following
caffeine withdrawal.

Caution is warranted even for healthy adults who choose to consume energy beverages.
Consumption of a single energy beverage will not lead to excessive caffeine intake;
however, consumption of two or more beverages in a single day can. Other stimulants
such as ginseng are often added to energy beverages and may enhance the effects of
caffeine, and ingredients such as guarana themselves contain caffeine. Adverse effects
associated with caffeine consumption in amounts greater than 400 mg include
nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, increased urination, abnormal heart rhythms

(arrhythmia), and stomach upset. Consumption also has been known to cause pupil
dilation when taken with certain antidepressants or SSRIs Energy drinks do not provide
electrolytes, and have a higher likelihood of an energy "crash-and-burn" effect. Caffeine
in energy drinks can excrete water from the body to dilute high concentrations of sugar
entering the blood stream, leading to dehydration. If the body is dehydrated by 1%,
performance is decreased by up to 10%.

In the US, energy drinks have been linked with reports of nausea, abnormal heart rhythms
and emergency room visits. The drinks may cause seizures due to the "crash" following
the energy high that occurs after consumption. Caffeine dosage is not required to be on
the product label for food in the United States, unlike drugs, but some advocates are
urging the FDA to change this practice.

4.4 Attempts to Ban:

The popular energy drink Red Bull was banned in France after the death of eighteen-
year-old Irish athlete Ross Cooney, who died as a result of playing a basketball game
after consuming four cans of the drink. This ban was challenged in the European Court of
Justice in 2004. The French Scientific Committee concluded that Red Bull has excessive
amounts of caffeine. Denmark also banned Red Bull for a while, although the ban has
recently been revoked. Britain investigated the drink, but only issued a warning against
its use by pregnant women and children.

4.5 Combination with Alcohol:

Energy drinks are often used as mixers with alcohol. Whereas energy drinks are
stimulants, alcohol is a depressant. Energy drinks can lessen the subjective effects of
alcohol intoxication like dizziness and headache. However, they may be unable to
counteract some of the psychomotor impairments of alcohol intoxication. Consequently,
the mix can be particularly hazardous as energy drinks can mask the influence of alcohol
and a person may misinterpret their actual level of intoxication. In fact, people who drink
mixers are more likely than non-mixers to drink more alcohol, and are also more likely to

suffer alcohol-related consequences such as assault, injury or being an intoxicated driver,
even after adjusting for the number of drinks. Although people decide to drink energy
drinks with alcohol with the intent of counteracting alcohol intoxication, another large
majority do so to hide the taste of alcohol. Both the caffeine in energy drinks and alcohol
are known to act as diuretics and so could lead to excessive dehydration.

SPEED is a carbonated beverage. It is treated as Energy Drink. SPEED started its journey
on April 2006. Now it is 2nd in position by brand awareness and volume sales. Unique
packaging is the main strength of SPEED.

4.6 Brand Information:

Product : Carbonated Beverage

Brand : SPEED

Company : Akij Food & Beverage Ltd

SKU : 250ml (CAN) & 250ml (PET)

Target Group : Age 20 to 38+

Pay Off Line : Habby Energy

Positioning : Energetic, Recharging

4.7 Target Group:

Occupation : Service

Lifestyle : General but showing tendency

Attitude : Life is enjoyable

Fashion : Common

Socio Economic Condition : B+& B

Knowledge : Not so educated

4.8 Major Competitors:


Black Horse

Big Boss


4.9 Market Size:

Total market share Tk 396 core.

4.10 Market Segmentation:

 Urban

 Semi Urban

4.11 Market Growth:

 Energy drink market growth is 33%

4.12 Ingredients of Speed:

Carbonated Water, Refined Water, Refined Sugar, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Sodium
Benzoate, Caffeine, Food Grade Color (E 102, E110), Food Grade Flavor & Vitamin-


4.12.1 Nutrition Facts per 100 ml:

 Energy : 73 Kcal

 Protein : 0 gm

 Fat : 0 gm

 Sodium : 20 mg

 Taurine : 43 mg

 Caffeine : 20 mg

 Inositol : 6.6 mg

 Carbohydrate : 18.46 gm

 Vitamin E : 2.93 mg

4.13 Competitive Analysis (For the Year 2010):

Amount Market Share

Brand %
Tiger 196 49
SPEED 130 33
Big Boss 36 9 Big Boss
Shark 24 6 Others

Others 10 3

Total 396 100

4.14 SWOT Analysis of Speed:

4.14.1 Strength:

*Unique packaging: One of the main strength of Speed is its packaging. The P.E.T. bottle
is covered up with sleevematic label & gorgeous design. The competitors are far behind
from Speed regarding packaging.

*Latest technology: Technologically Speed is far more ahead of its competitors in all
aspects of production process. Manufacture process of speed is done on such plant which
is owned & installed by KRONES of Germany (Leading Carbonated Beverage Plant
*Brand Image: Speed holds a strong brand image among all its competitors. Consumers
are well aware about Speed’s brand image which is recently come up with a survey.

*Market leader in 250ml CAN: At market, there are so many Can of energy drinks.
Among them Speed 250ml CAN gained highest market share in 2009.

4.14.2 Weakness:

*Shortage of production capacity: As days are passing, demand for Speed is increasing.
In comparison to market demand, Speed production is not enough. At the time of peak
season, Speed production fail to meet the market demand. AFBL is trying to remove this
problem by installing another new production line for Speed.

*Distribution problem & Poor Coverage: AFBL has some serious problem in its whole
distribution network. Through existing distribution network, proper coverage cannot be

*Lack of experience in production planning: As AFBL is a new organization, they lack

some experience in many areas, especially in production planning.

4.14.3 Opportunity:

* Increase brand image: As mentioned early, Speed has a high brand image which can be
increase much more.
* Grasp market share by using its brand image and effective communication.

4.14.4 Threat:

Competitors: Launched new brand with high celebrity image.

Chapter-5: Marketing Mix & Consumer Perception

5.1 Marketing Mix of Speed


Product- Carbonated Beverage Familiar in Energy Drink

Raw Material- Firmenich, Switzerland

Bottle- Sipa, Italy

Closer- Food Graded Resin (Korea)

Machine- Krones, Germany

Production Capacity- 72000 cases/day (250ml)


Price is always competitive. Current price chart of Speed is given below-

Distributor Trade
S.K.U. (Store Quantity/
Price D.P./Piece Price T.P./Piece M.R.P.
Keeping Unit) Case
(D.P.) (T.P.)
Can 24 Tk. 620 Tk. 25.83 Tk. 650 Tk. 27.08 Tk. 30
PET 24 Tk. 424 Tk. 17.67 Tk. 448 Tk. 18.67 Tk. 22


 All A,B & C category outlets

 All HoReCa (Hotel, Restaurant & Café)

 Coverage: urban and sub urban areas


 Television Commercial

 Radio Commercial

 Press Advertisement

 Magazine Advertisement

 Trade Promotion

 Point Of Sale Materials

 Outdoor Branding

 Events

5.2 SPEED Yearly Activities 2011-2012

1. TVC, RDC, Press & Magazine

2. Billboard, Light Box, Shop Sign, Busback
3. Poster, Sticker
4. Website Branding
5. Picnic Spot, Institution, Canteen & Restaurant branding
6. Hi Striker
7. Go Karting Campaign
8. Skating Competition
9. Speed Mega Concert
10. Body Building Competition
11. Speed Live Dhamaka
12. National Carom Championshi

After tabulation the data must be analyzed researcher often use statistical interpretation,
which concentrates or what is average or what deviates from average. Statistical
interpretation shows how widely responses vary and how they are distributed in relation
to the variable being measured. Statistics, marketers relay on estimates of expected error
or deviation from the true values of population. The analysis and interpretation of data
may lead researchers to accept or reject the hypothesis being selected.

After conducting my survey on the consumer perception of Energy Drink (Speed) I found
some good clue which help the company to make their product more familiar which
means more perceived by the consumer than now. The results which I found through my
research are given below, and I want to mention again that I conducted my research based
on 30 respondents.


Particulars Respondent Percent

29 96.7

1 3.3

Total 30 100.0




There are young male and female energy drink drinker respondent are given on the basis
of the percentage. On the graph the young male energy drink drinker respondents are
96.7% and young female energy drink drinker respondents are 3.3 %.


Particulars Respondent Percent

16-18 1 3.3
19-21 2 6.7
22-24 13 43.3
25-27 9 30.0
28-30 3 10.0
31-above 2 6.7
30 100.0

Age of the Respondents




10% 7% 6.70%

16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-30 31-above

The above Bar-chart is showing the age of the respondents. Among the respondents, 3%
are from the age of 16-18 years, 7% are from 19-21 years, 43% are from 22-24 years;
30%, 10%, 6.7% are from the respondent of 25-27 years 28-30 years 31-above


Particulars Respondent Percent

Doctorate 1 3.3

14 46.7

14 46.7

1 3.3

30 100.0


50.0% 46.7% 46.7%








3.3% 3.3%

Doctorate Postgraduate Undergrauate H.S.C.

The above figure shows that 3.3 % respondents are Doctorate and 46.7% respondents
represents the Postgraduate and Undergraduate. Finally again 3.3 % represents the H.S.C

According to the above figure, it can say that the maximum respondents are postgraduate
and undergraduate and their respondent’s rates are 46.7%


Particulars Respondent Percent

Student 19 63.3

10 33.3
Service holder

1 3.3

30 100.0

Businessman, 3.3%

Service Holder, 33.3%

Students, 63.3%

We have found in our research that student respondents are 63.3 %, businessman 3.3 %
and Service holder 33.3 % are habituate to drink energy drink where students are the high
rate of consuming energy drink which is 63.3%.

Reason Behind Choosing Brand



30.0% 10.0%
20.0% 26.7%

Price Availability Pack Design Taste Advertisement


According to our research we have able to find out that most of the respondents are
drinking energy drink and the reason behind that for the purpose of taste and this
respondents rates are 50% , and advertisement rate is 26.7 %, price and pack design rate
10%, 3.3 % on availability chronologically.

Awareness of Energy Drink (Speed):

Particulars Respondent Percent

29 96.7

1 3.3

30 100.00

Awareness Towards speed


According to our survey, we have found that the 96.7 % respondents have their
knowledge about Energy Drink (Speed) and 3.3% respondent has not their knowledge
about Energy Drink (Speed) who rare energy drinker.

The pack design of Energy Drink (Speed):

Particulars Respondent Percent

Below Average 1 3.3

3 10.0

20 66.7

3 10.0
very Good

3 10.0

30 100.0

Speed Pack design

Excellent 10.0%

Very Good 10.0%

Good 66.7%

Average 10.0%

Below Average 3.3%

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

According to our research we have able to find out that the most of the respondent’s rate
about the pack design is good which is 66.7%, Average, Very Good, Excellent rated is
10%. Below Average is 3.3% rate about the pack design of Energy Drink (Speed).

After Drinks Feel:

Particulars Respondent Percent
Bad feel 1 3.3

10 33.3
Normal feel

12 40.0
Good feel

7 23.3
Excellent feel

30 100.0

After Drink Feelings


10.0% 3.3%
Bad Feel Normal Feel Good Feel Excellent


In term of after feel, among our respondent we have got 3.3 % respondent they are
feeling bad, normal feel 33.3% good feel 40% and Excellent feel 23.3% respectively.

The quality of Energy Drink (Speed):

Particulars Respondent Percent

Below Average 1 3.3

7 23.3

13 43.3

5 16.7
very Good

4 13.3

30 100.0

Quality of Speed


30.0% 23.3%
20.0% 16.7%
10.0% 3.3%
Below Average Good Very Good Excellent

From the chart we can see that the percentage of quality of Energy Drink (Speed) where
43.3% respondent give Good which is high and 3.3% give below average which is low.
Others are 13%, 16.7%and 23.3% respondent give excellent, very good and average

The pricing of Energy Drink (Speed):

Particulars Respondent Percent

Below Average 1 3.3

15 50.0

9 30.0

3 10.0
very Good

2 6.7

30 100.0

Pricing of Speed

60.00% 30%
10% 6.7%
40.00% 3.30%


Below Average Average Good Very Good Excellent

From the chart we can see that the percentage of pricing of Energy Drink (Speed) where
50% respondent gives average which is high and 3.3% give below average which is low.
Others are 6.7%, 10% and 30% respondent give excellent, very good and good

Chapter-6: Comparison between Speed & others Energy Drink

6.1 Brief explanation of Energy Drink companies

6.1.1 Crown Energy Drinks

Specifications: Products Crown energy drink (330ml can) Material: Malt, rice, hops,
Energy drink & co2 the premium test of crown beverage Is enjoyed by all connoisseurs
for Hi- energy and vitality 24 pieces 330ml food grade can Packed with corrugated carton
plate & shrimp raping 15.75x 10.5 x 4.75, weight 8.5 KG, FOB price $ 18 (24 pieces
carton) Crown pineapple drink (330ml can) The premium test of crown beverage is
enjoyed by all

Connoisseur for hi energy and vitality Material: Malt, rice, Energy drink, co2 pineapple
juice 24 pieces 330ml food grade can packed with corrugated carton plate & shrimp
raping 15.75x 10.5 x 4.75 (inch) weight 8.5 KG, FOB price $ 16 (24 pieces carton)
Crown lemon drink (330ml can) The premium test of crown beverage is enjoyed by all
connoisseur for hi energy and vitality Material: Malt, rice, Energy drink, co2 pineapple
juice, lemon juice 24 pieces 330ml food grade can packed with corrugated carton plate &
shrimp raping 15.75 x10.5 x4.75 (inch) weight 8.5 KG, FOB price $ 16 (24 pieces carton)
Manufactured and canned by crown beverages ltd, Bangladesh

6.1.2 Energy Drink (Speed):


Carbonated Water, Malt Extract, Glucose Syrup Flavors, Caramel Color, Ascorbic Acid,
Sodium Benzoate, Lactic Acid.

Nutrition fact per 100ml:

Energy 14.3 kcal

Protein 0.1gm

Carbohydrates 3.4gm

Fat 0.1gm

Fiber 0.1gm

6.1.3 Energy Drink (Tiger)

List of ingredients

 water
 sugar
 acidity regulators: citric acid and sodium citrate
 carbon dioxide
 Taurine (0.4%)
 flavoring

 Caffeine (0.03%)
 Inositol (0.02%)
 colors: E 150d
 riboflavin
 enriching substances: vitamins (niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12)

In terms of energy drink, which brand name comes first in your mind:

Brand Respondent Percent

Crown 7 23.3

Speed 11 35.4

Tiger 8 28.0

Others 4 13.3

Total 30 100.0

Brand Name Comes First in our Mind

40.0% 35.4%





Crown Speed Tiger Others

In the term of the brand name comes first in our mind, here we have collected from 30
respondents about their opinion that is Crown 23.3%, Speed 35.4%, Tiger 28.0% and
others 13.

Which one is the most preferable to you:

Particulars Respondent Percent

Crown 6 20.0

Speed 11 37.10

Tiger 8 28.20

Others 4 14.7

Total 30 100.0

Prefferable to us

40% 28.20%
35% 37.10%

30% 14.70%
25% 20.00%
Crown Speed Tiger Others


In the term of the most preferable to you, here we have collected from 30 respondents
about their opinion that is Crown 20%, Speed 37.10%, Tiger 28.20% and others

Where Energy Drink (Speed) got the high rate and the Tiger got the low response
which are 37.10% and 28.20% accordingly:

Please mention the reason behind that :

Particulars Respondent Percent
Price 3 10.0

1 3.3

3 10.0
Pack Design

15 50.0

8 26.7
30 100.0

Chapter-7: Findings of Analysis

7.1 Findings of analysis

It has been pointing out some focusing area from the respondent’s view according to my
objectives that shows below:
 Most of the people like Speed in case of the first preference of energy drink the
percentage of respondents’ are more than 37.10%.
 The first brand name recognized by the respondents is Speed.
 I find out that Speed is popular and reasons behind choosing Speed because of its
 We asked the respondents that are they aware about the energy drink named by
Speed. Then the answers were positive by 29 respondents out of 30. And the
percentage is more than 96.7%.
 We asked about how about the packaging of Speed then 66.7% of respondents
said that “yes” it’s quite good packaging.
 How about the feelings of Speed ….after that question 40% of people said that
good feel, 33.3 % said normal feel.
 What about the quality of Speed …than 43.3 that means maximum people said it
has a good quality of malt drink and rest of them said average and excellent.
 After the questioning about pricing of Speed, we found from the research that its
continuing with average price with 50% of respondents and 30% respondents said
it has a good price.

Chapter-8: Recommendation & Conclusion

8.1 Recommendations

Among the quick moving buyer merchandise organization AFBL is one of the noticeable
local organization which has a few product offering and numerous more come in future.

(1) Sales power ought to be more prepared up and proactive to catch the business
sector of refreshment.

(2) Product accessibility ought to be kept up by the organization.

(3) Production ought to be according to request of the client.

(4) It is prescribed that specific limited time exercises to be embraced with a specific
end goal to powerful the system like TV/Newspapers/Radio and so on.

(5) It is prescribed that AFBL ought to orchestrate preparing system of all the
representative, deals staff and officials.

(6) The concerned deals and advertising official ought to once in a while visit the
remote markets to support the clients.

8.2 Conclusion

Subsequent to leading this task effectively I found that Energy drink industry of
Bangladesh can make a critical position to our economy and attempt to help up the
economy of Bangladesh. In conclusion I can firmly foresee that Energy drink contains an
extraordinary future in front of it, this item is truly encase ideal quality and need to
convey quality likewise towards its purchasers. I believe it's a short time that Energy
beverage will turn into the main decision of the shoppers of Bangladesh.

The examination has been led as organized poll overview on customers and private
clients of consultancy firms in Bangladesh, with a specific end goal to see the
administration potential in the business sector. The study draws out reality that
consultancy appeared to have a decent possibility in the entire business sector of




o By Philip Kotler, Eleventh edition Marketing Management



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