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Nama Fellow:
Ns. Putri Michelle Teresa Hasiholan, Skep

Nama Studi Kasus:

[M3C9] Optimalisasi Manajemen Risiko dalam Transformasi Digital Rumah Sakit

Naskah Studi Kasus:

Di tengah era digitalisasi, sebuah rumah sakit besar di Indonesia menghadapi
tantangan dalam mengintegrasikan teknologi informasi (TI) ke dalam operasionalnya.
Rumah sakit ini, sebut saja RS Mitrakita, ingin memperbarui sistem informasi
manajemen kesehatannya agar lebih efisien dan aman. Mereka
mengimplementasikan sebuah sistem baru yang mengintegrasikan rekam medis
elektronik, manajemen aset, dan layanan pasien.

Namun, dalam proses transformasi ini, RS Mitrakita menghadapi berbagai hambatan.

Terjadi kesalahan dalam pemilihan vendor TI, mengakibatkan kebocoran data pasien
yang sensitif. Selain itu, staf rumah sakit mengalami kesulitan dalam mengadaptasi
sistem baru karena kurangnya pelatihan dan resistensi terhadap perubahan. Hal ini
berujung pada penurunan kualitas pelayanan dan kepuasan pasien.

Menyadari situasi ini, manajemen RS Mitrakita memutuskan untuk melakukan audit

internal dan konsultasi dengan ahli TI kesehatan. Mereka menyusun rencana untuk
mengatasi masalah yang telah teridentifikasi, termasuk peningkatan keamanan data,
program pelatihan staf yang komprehensif, dan penerapan strategi komunikasi yang
lebih baik untuk mengurangi resistensi perubahan.

Studi kasus ini mengajak pembaca untuk menganalisis proses transformasi digital di
RS Mitrakita, mengidentifikasi risiko dan kesalahan strategi yang terjadi, serta
mengeksplorasi solusi yang dapat diterapkan untuk memastikan transisi yang sukses
dan berkelanjutan.

Pertanyaan (masing-masing memerlukan jawaban sekitar 160-250 kata):

1. Bagaimana kesalahan pemilihan vendor TI berdampak pada keamanan data
pasien, dan apa langkah-langkah yang harus diambil RS Mitrakita untuk
mengatasi masalah ini?
2. Dalam hal resistensi perubahan oleh staf, bagaimana strategi komunikasi dan
pelatihan yang efektif dapat diterapkan untuk memastikan adopsi sistem baru?

3. Apa saja risiko utama yang harus diperhatikan dalam proses transformasi digital
di sektor kesehatan, dan bagaimana manajemen risiko dapat secara efektif
4. Bagaimana audit internal dapat membantu RS Mitrakita dalam mengidentifikasi
kelemahan proses transformasi digital dan mengembangkan strategi perbaikan?
5. Dalam perspektif jangka panjang, apa dampak transformasi digital terhadap
kualitas layanan kesehatan dan kepuasan pasien di RS Mitrakita?

Ferreira, J., Horta, P., & Geada, F. (2023). Internal Audit Process in eHealth: A case
study. International Healthcare Review (online).


1. The error in selecting the IT vendor has significantly compromised patient data
security at RS Mitrakita. This is a critical issue as it not only violates patient
confidentiality but also undermines the trust in the hospital's ability to safeguard
sensitive information. According to Ferreira, Horta, and Geada (2023), inadequate
vendor selection can lead to vulnerabilities in data protection mechanisms,
potentially resulting in data breaches. To address this issue, RS Mitrakita should
take several steps. Firstly, they need to conduct a thorough review of their current
IT security infrastructure to identify any existing weaknesses and assess the extent
of the data breach. Following this, they should terminate the contract with the
incompetent vendor and seek a reputable IT vendor with a proven track record in
healthcare data security. Additionally, implementing robust encryption protocols,
access controls, and regular security audits are essential measures to enhance
data security. Moreover, providing comprehensive staff training on data
protection best practices and compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR
(General Data Protection Regulation) can mitigate the risk of human error leading
to data breaches.
2. Addressing resistance to change among staff requires an effective communication
and training strategy. RS Mitrakita can start by clearly communicating the reasons
behind the digital transformation, emphasizing the benefits it brings to both staff
and patients. Transparency regarding the selection process of the new system and
involving staff in decision-making can foster a sense of ownership and reduce
resistance. Additionally, providing comprehensive training sessions tailored to
different job roles and levels of technical proficiency is crucial. These training
sessions should be interactive, hands-on, and ongoing to ensure that staff feel

confident and competent in using the new system. Creating a supportive

environment where staff can voice their concerns, provide feedback, and receive
continuous support throughout the transition process is also essential in
overcoming resistance to change.
3. Several key risks must be considered in the digital transformation process in the
healthcare sector. These include data security breaches, interoperability
challenges, regulatory compliance issues, and disruptions to patient care.
Effective risk management involves identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and
mitigating these risks. RS Mitrakita can integrate risk management effectively by
establishing a dedicated risk management team responsible for conducting risk
assessments, developing risk mitigation strategies, and monitoring risk exposure
throughout the transformation process. Engaging stakeholders, including
frontline staff, IT professionals, legal advisors, and regulatory bodies, in the risk
management process ensures a comprehensive and proactive approach to risk
4. Internal audits play a crucial role in helping RS Mitrakita identify weaknesses in
the digital transformation process and develop improvement strategies. By
conducting regular internal audits, the hospital can systematically evaluate the
effectiveness of its IT systems, identify vulnerabilities in data security protocols,
assess compliance with regulatory requirements, and measure the impact of the
transformation on patient care and staff productivity. The findings from these
audits can provide valuable insights into areas that require attention and guide
decision-making regarding resource allocation, process optimization, and staff
training initiatives. Moreover, internal audits promote accountability,
transparency, and continuous improvement, fostering a culture of excellence
within the organization.
5. In the long term, the digital transformation is expected to have a significant
impact on the quality of healthcare services and patient satisfaction at RS
Mitrakita. By leveraging advanced technologies such as electronic health records
(EHRs), telemedicine, and data analytics, the hospital can improve clinical
decision-making, enhance care coordination, and streamline administrative
processes. This can lead to reduced medical errors, faster diagnosis and
treatment, and better patient outcomes. Moreover, digital innovations enable
greater patient engagement and empowerment through online appointment
scheduling, remote monitoring, and access to personalized health information. As
a result, patients experience greater convenience, autonomy, and satisfaction

with the healthcare services provided by RS Mitrakita, ultimately contributing to

improved patient loyalty, reputation, and financial performance in the long run.

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