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Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone! Welcome to today’s seminar on [topic]. My

name is [Moderator’s Name], and I’ll be your moderator for the next [time frame].


Before we start, let me quickly go over today’s agenda. We’ll begin with a brief introduction
of our guest speaker, followed by their presentation on [topic]. After that, we’ll open the
floor for questions and discussion. Finally, we’ll conclude with some closing remarks.

[Speaker Introduction]

Now, let me introduce our guest speaker for today, [Speaker’s Name]. [Speaker’s Name] is a
[brief description of their background/credentials]. They’ve been working in the field of
[topic] for [time frame], and they’re here today to share their expertise with us.

[Speaker Presentation]

Without further ado, I’ll hand it over to [Speaker’s Name] for their presentation.


Thank you, [Speaker’s Name], for that informative presentation. Now, it’s time to open the
floor for questions and discussion. Please raise your hand or type your question in the chat
box, and we’ll call on you in order.


Thank you all for your participation and engagement in today’s seminar. Before we wrap up,
does anyone have any final comments or questions? If not, I’d like to thank our guest

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speaker once again for their valuable insights. We hope you found this seminar informative
and useful, and we look forward to seeing you at our next event. Have a great day!


Good morning, and welcome to today’s seminar about (topic). My name is (name) and I’ll be
your moderator for today’s discussion.

To give you an overview of what we’ll be discussing, we’ll be covering (main points/agenda).
We’ll have some time for questions and comments at the end of the presentation.

As participants, you’re encouraged to ask questions, share your thoughts and present any
relevant examples. This is meant to be an interactive discussion, so don’t hesitate to
contribute with your insights.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Rundown of the Event Agenda Acara

We have a great agenda for you today, where we’ll cover the following main points:

Point 1
Point 2
Point 3

Throughout the seminar, we encourage you to take notes and hold onto any questions you
might have until the end – we’ll aim to answer as many questions as possible during the
allocated Q&A time.

Without further ado, let’s dive into today’s discussion!

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Thank you for your attention and participation. Now, it’s time to welcome our first speaker.

He is a renowned expert on (topic) and has published several books and articles on this

He is also a professor of (subject) at (university) and a consultant for (organization). Please

join me in welcoming Dr. James Lee.


Thank you, Dr. Lee, for your insightful presentation. I’m sure our audience has learned a lot
from you today. Before we move on to the Q&A session, I have a few questions for you.

First of all, how did you become interested in (topic)? What motivated you to pursue this
field of study and research?

Secondly, what are some of the current trends and challenges in (topic)? How do you see
the future of this field in the next decade?

Thirdly, what are some of the practical implications and applications of your research? How
can it benefit society and industry?

Finally, do you have any advice or tips for our audience who want to learn more about
(topic) or get involved in this field?

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Thank you for your time and attention. Now, let’s open the floor for questions from our
audience. Please raise your hand if you have a question and wait for the microphone to
reach you. Please also state your name and affiliation before asking your question.


Thank you, Dr. Lee, for your excellent answers and for sharing your knowledge and
experience with us. I’m sure our audience has gained a lot of valuable insights from you

To summarize the main point from your presentation, you have explained to us:

– What is (topic) and why it is important and relevant in today’s world

– How (topic) works and what are the key concepts and principles behind it

– What are some of the examples and case studies of (topic) in various domains and

– What are some of the benefits and challenges of (topic) for society and economy

– How we can learn more about (topic) or get involved in this field

Thank you once again for your time and contribution. Let’s give a big round of applause to
Dr. James Lee.

Memanggil Pembicara Kedua

Thank you for your attention and participation. Now, it’s time to hear from our second

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She is a successful entrepreneur and innovator who has founded and led several online
businesses in the field of (topic).

She is also a mentor and coach for aspiring online entrepreneurs and a speaker at various
events and conferences. Please join me in welcoming Ms. Sarah Lee.


Thank you, Ms. Lee, for your inspiring presentation. I’m sure our audience has learned a lot
from your story and tips.

We have heard from two amazing speakers today who have given us different perspectives
and insights on (topic). The first speaker, Dr. James Lee, focused on the theoretical and
academic aspects of (topic), while the second speaker, Ms. Sarah Lee, focused on the
practical and entrepreneurial aspects of (topic).

Both speakers have shown us how (topic) is a dynamic and evolving field that offers many
opportunities and challenges for individuals and organizations. They have also shared with
us some of the best practices and resources to learn more about (topic) or get involved in
this field.

We hope you have enjoyed this seminar and gained some valuable knowledge and
inspiration from our speakers. Before we end this session, let’s have a final round of
applause for Dr. James Lee and Ms. Sarah Lee.


Thank you for your attention and participation. Now, we have some time for questions and
comments from the audience. Please raise your hand if you have a question and wait for the

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microphone to reach you. Please also state your name and affiliation before asking your

I see a hand over there. Yes, please go ahead.

(After the audience member asks their question)

Thank you for your question. I’m sure our speaker/panelist can answer that. I have a
question for you, (speaker/panelist). How do you (question)?


Thank you for your attention and participation. We have come to the end of our seminar on
(topic). I hope you have enjoyed this session and gained some valuable insights and
knowledge from our speakers.

Before we close this session, let me briefly summarize the main points and takeaways from
our speakers:

– Dr. James Lee explained to us (main point) and showed us how (topic) works and what are
the key concepts and principles behind it
– Ms. Sarah Lee shared with us (main point) and gave us some tips and advice on how to
start and run a successful online business in the field of (topic)

We also had some lively and interesting discussions and questions from the audience. Thank
you for your active involvement and contribution.

I would like to thank our speakers once again for their time and expertise. Let’s give them a
big round of applause.

I would also like to thank the organizers and sponsors of this seminar for making this event
possible. Please give them a hand as well.

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Finally, I would like to thank you all for joining us today. I hope you have learned something
new and useful from this seminar. Please fill out the feedback form that will be distributed
shortly. Your feedback is important for us to improve our future events.

Thank you very much and have a great day.

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