Sheet 5 Mesh and Nodal

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Sheet (4)

Question # 1
Use the node-voltage method to
a) Find the unknown node voltages V1, V2, and V3.
b) Calculate the power absorbed or supplied by all the independent and dependent

Question # 2
If R = 1 Ω, use Nodal analysis find α and β,
if Vx = 2 VZ and Vy = 0.5VZ

Question # 3
a) Write the node-voltage equations for the three nodes V1, V2 and V3
b) Calculate the power delivered or absorbed by each source.
Question # 4

Use the node-voltage method to

a) Find the unknown node voltages Va, and Vb..
b) Calculate the power absorbed or supplied by all the independent and dependent

Question # 5
Use nodal analysis to determine voltages v1, v2, and v3
Question # 6

Calculate the power supplied by the 4V source using the mesh current method.

Question # 7
Use mesh current method to find i1, i2 and i3.

Question # 8
Find the power supplied or absorbed by each source using mesh current method.
Question # 9

Find ix and Vx using the mesh current method.

Question # 10
Find v0 and i0 using both nodal analysis and mesh current methods.

Question # 11

Find Io using mesh current method

2 Io


36 V 12  4

12 

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