Types of Paralysis, Causes, Symptoms, and Homeopathy Treatment For Paralysis - Final

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Types of Paralysis, Causes, Symptoms, and Homeopathy

Treatment for Paralysis

Paralysis affects one person every minute in India. It is the inability of the body’s voluntary
muscles to work. The body’s voluntary muscles cannot work. Whether you’re a medical
professional or someone simply interested in the condition, knowing the causes, symptoms,
and treatments of paralysis can be of help to you. This article tells you all about paralysis
and its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.

What is Paralysis?
Paralysis occurs when the muscles in the nervous system become weak and cannot
function. It can be temporary or permanent known as partial and complete paralysis.

● The cause of paralysis can vary, but it may be due to stroke, spinal cord injury, brain
damage, or other medical condition.
● The symptoms of paralysis vary depending on the area of the body affected and the
extent of paralysis. Common symptoms of paralysis include weakness of the legs,
inability to move the limbs freely, loss of muscle control, difficulty breathing, sudden
numbness and tingling, and paralysis of the facial muscles.

You can treat paralysis by medical treatments, physiotherapy, and homeopathic medicines.
Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that uses substances that cause similar
symptoms to relieve physical and emotional ailments by addressing the cause of illness.
These treatments can help overall mobility.

How Does Someone Become Paralyzed?

● In general, paralysis is the inability of the body’s muscles to function. It can be
temporary or permanent. Paralysis occurs due to a problem in the nervous system to
send messages to the brain.
● Various reasons can cause someone to become paralyzed, including injury in the
spinal cord or a broken neck and diseases. In most cases, the paralysis lasts for a few
minutes to several days. However, in some cases, the cause remains undetermined if
the condition lasts for months or years.
● Causes of paralysis vary depending on the part of the body that is affected. For
instance, paralysis of the limbs (paralysis of the legs and arms) causes weakness and
inability to move the arms or legs. Paralysis of the face (stokes paralysis) causes
paralysis of the muscles used in breathing.
● Some people are born with congenital abnormalities that cause paralysis, such as
spina bifida. A traumatic injury or medical condition is more likely to impair muscle
and nerve function. Nerve diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis also cause
● The top causes of paralysis are strokes and spinal cord injuries. Autoimmune
diseases like Guillain-Barré syndrome, and brain diseases like cerebral palsy cause

What are the types of paralysis?

However, there are four major types of paralysis based on the part of the body that is
● Monoplegia: Monoplegia is defined by paralysis of a single part of the body, most
commonly one limb. People who have monoplegia have control over the rest of their
bodies but are unable to move or experience sensations in the affected limb.
Monoplegia is a common transitory condition following a stroke or brain injury. If the
nerves affecting the paralyzed area are not severed, physical therapy can restore
significant function.
● Hemiplegia: Hemiplegia is a condition that affects both an arm and a leg on the same
side of the body. The degree of paralysis in hemiplegia varies from person to person
and may fluctuate over time. Hemiplegia frequently begins with pins and needles,
progresses to muscle weakness, and eventually leads to full paralysis.
● Paraplegia: Paraplegia is a paralysis that affects both legs, the hips, and other
processes such as sexuality and excretion. Though perceptions of paraplegia below
the waist maintain that paraplegics are unable to walk, move their legs, or feel
anything below the waist, the reality of paraplegia differs from person to person—
and, in some cases, from day to day.
● Quadriplegia: Paralysis below the neck causes quadriplegia, also known as
tetraplegia. Usually, it afflicts the torso and all four limbs. The degree of disability
and loss of function, however, can differ from person to person and even from
moment to moment.
● Locked-in Syndrome: In a condition known as "Locked-in Syndrome," the patient
cannot control any area of their body with their under-eye muscles. Locked-in
syndrome is primarily a consequence of brain damage, a stroke, or brain cancer. A
person suffering from locked-in syndrome won't be able to move any of his body's
limbs or his lips, jaw, or up and down or side-to-side movements in the neck.

What are the symptoms of paralysis?

Paralysis is the inability of a part of the body to move as desired. It can affect different parts
of the body, causing different symptoms. The basic symptom of paralysis is the inability to
move a portion of your body or to move at all. The affected area of your body may also be
rigid (spastic paralysis), floppy (flaccid paralysis), numb, unpleasant, or tingly. Additionally,
you may also experience memory loss and loss of muscle control.
Although there is no known treatment for paralysis, there are numerous choices for mobility
and extensive care that could help persons with partial paralysis live better lives.
● Mobility: Patients with partial paralysis of the legs with strong upper bodies can go
short distances in manual wheelchairs, whereas those with weaker upper bodies can
use electric wheelchairs.
● Communication: Voice-command-based devices are useful for quadriplegic patients
to manage items such as light, temperature, TV, audio equipment, and
telephones/mobile phones.
● Physiotherapy: Patients with partial or total paralysis of the hands or legs have had
success with frequent physical treatment and exercise. Patients can regain sensation
and motor control in one of the two afflicted limbs with exercise.
● Medications: Depending on the condition's origin, brain and spinal cord operations
can aid in treating it by minimizing the swelling. The patient must stick to the
prescribed treatment regimen and medication schedule.
● Homeotherapy: Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that uses natural
ingredients to treat symptoms of paralysis. The process involves treating paralysis
with highly diluted substances known as herbs and minerals. Homeopathic
treatment involves using multiple doses of these substances over a period of time
until the symptoms subside completely.

Contact Us
If you are experiencing paralysis, don't hesitate to contact us for a consultation at PMRI
Homeo Hall. Homeopathy is a natural and effective treatment for paralysis. At PMRI Homeo
Hall, you get an exclusive paralysis physiotherapy treatment and homeopathic medicines.

Many types of paralysis can be treated with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic

treatments work by addressing the body's underlying causes of symptoms instead of the
symptoms themselves. This allows the body to heal naturally and effectively without side
effects or dependence on medical treatments, an expert paralysis treatment team at PMRI
provides you with the best homeopathic medicines which are made in-house
guaranteeing safety standards.
If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of homeopathy as a treatment
option for paralysis or other medical conditions, please contact us for a consultation and let
us help you find the right treatment option for your unique needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the three types of paralysis?

Three types of paralysis can affect the body: central, peripheral, and combined.
Central paralysis is the most common type and refers to a sudden and complete loss of
muscle movement.
Peripheral paralysis is the second most common type and refers to a partial or gradual loss
of muscle movement.
Combined paralysis is the rarest type of paralysis and refers to a long-term loss of muscle

What are the most common causes of paralysis?

There are many causes of paralysis, but the most common are diseases and injuries. The
most common diseases that cause paralysis are polio, tetanus, and meningitis. Other causes
of paralysis include cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injury.

What are the symptoms of paralysis?

There is no definitive cause of paralysis, which means that the symptoms will vary
depending on the person. However, some common symptoms of paralysis include difficulty
moving the arms and legs, problems speaking, and difficulty breathing.
In cases of complete paralysis, homeopathy may be of help as it is a form of alternative
medicine that is still largely unproven. Consult a healthcare professional to get a better idea
of the best treatment for your specific case of paralysis.

What is homeopathy treatment for paralysis?

Homeopathy is a medicine that uses natural ingredients to treat various conditions. It is not
known how homeopathy works, but it helps the body heal itself. Homeopathic paralysis
treatments are available and help the body heal the cause of the paralysis.
It is crucial to consult a healthcare professional before starting any homeopathic treatment
for paralysis as there are several different types of homeopathic paralysis treatments
available and each has different side effects.

What is the difference between paralytic types and other forms of paralysis?
There are five types of paralysis: spinal cord injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's
disease, and neuropathy. Each type of paralysis has its own unique causes and symptoms.
Several medical conditions, such as spinal cord injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's
disease, or neuropathy can cause paralysis.

We hope the above understanding of paralysis has helped you understand the condition
better and also let you know how homeopathy can help treat the side effects of paralysis.
Remember that there is no cause for paralysis, and it is a condition that requires a holistic
approach to manage. If you want a consultation with an expert homeopath, we’re here to
support you. Just fill out the form below to book a free consultation with our homeopaths.

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