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Electric Field lines

Field lines show direction of force on a (positive) charge

So field line shows the direction of acceleration

The capacitor stores charge/energy
if the switch is open the capacitor discharges through
current in circuit will remain high enough
for a short time

the battery to be charged

The varying current in the charger coil produces varying magnetic field
So there is a changing flux linkage with object coil
An e.m.f. is induced across the object coil
This produces a current in the battery circuit

electric motor
There is a current in the coil
A force is exerted on the coil as it is in a magnetic field
The forces on the sides of the coil are in opposite directions
The force on the LHS of the coil is upwards and that on the RHS downwards,
(hence the forces cause a turning action on the coil)

Moving conductor in magnetic field

There is a change in the magnetic flux induced e.m.f
Leads to a current
field due to current in ()interacting with field due to magnet to cause force
According to Lenz’s law the direction of e.m.f. is such to oppose the cause of the
change in flux
The () moves to reduce this change

#electron beam
Thermionic emission,electrons emitted from cathode/filament
Electrons accelerated by potential difference between anode and cathode
alpha particles experiment
Most particles pass through with little or no deviation
Most of the atom is empty space
Few alpha particles were scattered by small angles
There is a concentration of charge in the atom
Very few alpha particles were deviated by more than 90°
Most of the mass is concentrated in a small region of the atom

Electrons accelerate in the gaps
Frequency of a.c. supply is constant
Time taken for an electron to travel between consecutive tubes is constant and they are
electrons travel further in a fixed time with a higher speed
In the last section of the linac the electron approaches the speed of light
Speed becomes constant so distance travelled in a fixed amount of time becomes constant

Magnetic field perpendicular to velocity of particles
Magnetic force on particles perpendicular to velocity
Particles experience centripetal acceleration so they undergo circular motion
Alternating potential difference between dees changes direction while particle in dees
Particle accelerated by electric field between dees
Electric field in correct direction so that force on particle further increases speed

Particle detector
the particle is ionising
A track is formed by the ionised particles produced
Energy and momentum conservation of particle collision
Total mass-energy conserved
Incoming ( ) had high kinetic energy
some of this initial kinetic energy converted to mass of the ( ) particle (– mass of proton)
momentum: total momentum before collision=total momentum after collision in a closed
Vector diagram
Time dilation
()travelling close to speed of light
relativistic effect increases particle lifetime (for observer)
so travels further than normally expected (before decaying)

A baryon is three quarks (or three antiquarks)

A meson is an anti-quark and a quark

colliding beams of particles

If target is stationary there is resultant momentum, so products must

have resultant momentum after collision
So products must have high kinetic energy
Therefore) less/little energy available for formation of particles
(so) less massive particles formed

Stranded model
There are three generation
A baryon is three quarks or three antiquarks
A meson is an anti-quark and a quark

Identify particle
The radius of the (spiral) path decreases (following it clockwise)
The momentum of the particle is decreasing
as energy is transferred from the () (by ionisation and electromagnetic radiation)

Mass equal
Charge equal and opposite
Lepton/Baryon number equal and opposite

Centripetal acceleration derive

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