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New Earth System Online and Fully Functional!

This is a channeling from my higher self and shared with those that resonate with it. It may be freely copied and posted as the information it contains is important. You may also visit my blog at: What a busy time in the non-physical realms since 11-11-11. Yesterday, 11-17-11, the final densities, 1st density and 2nd density crossed over into the new system and for a moment/eternity the universe stood still and the Cosmic determined what to do. In the meantime light workers and ordinary earth life in general just kept on creating like they normally do in 3d space. The old energy grid that supported the old system completely collapsed and fell away while the new made a seamless transition held together only by the thoughts and dreams of earths collective life.. The ascension of Mother Earth/Gaia, and all life forms upon her and within her was deemed a massive success as she had not been due to ascend until Dec. 21, 2012. Fully one year and one lunar cycle early! It was decreed that the experiment would be allowed to continue for the next great cycle but under the new energy grid with new laws and ways of working. What this means is that many of those in 3d space/time will not even notice a change and life will continue through the coming centuries as if nothing had ever happened. The day of earths ascension was an ordinary day like all of the others. It was also decreed that the new system did not require an entire year to purge the incompatible elements from within it. Now that the ascension was complete it could purge those elements in the remaining time left in this year as an act of mercy for those that have worked so hard for this victory. Please bear in mind that with such a victory there must also be loss and those that did not achieve the results that they thought they would. To put this bluntly, now things can fall apart! What remains will be swiftly brought back together again as even more light and love fills the world. Please take the time this holiday season to pray for loved ones and wrap them in love and healing. Let me back up a bit and start at the beginning. The new earth system or energy grid has been slowly coming online a little bit at a time for quite a while now. One by one each of the higher densities has been moved over into it seamlessly. Once active in the new system

that particular density began to follow the new rules and acted to prevent many of the disasters that were predicted to happen. This process began to accelerate after 5th density was activated last spring, then 4th density this summer and 3rd density on 11-11-11. In an exponential manner 2nd and 1st happened on the same day. This is the vision I received from my higher self. This was all done seamlessly and hardly anyone noticed but now that it is all done many will notice and will rejoice! But some will weep because now it is safe for things to fall apart. None will be lost. Death, if it comes will only affect the physical body. It is nothing to be afraid of. The soul, the spirit will remain safe. In later posts I will describe the workings of this new energy grid as it has been given to me. This post simply deals with the need to let people know that now the other shoe is going to drop and they should do what they can to wrap themselves and their loved ones in love and light. The two main things that I suspect will happen are a limited war between Israel and the Arab States and the collapse of the European money system. These things have been forcibly prevented from happening and now those restraints have been removed. Please pray for those people that are/will be affected by coming events and send them peace and love. Triggers for military action tend to happen around the new moon under cover of darkness. Dont be surprised at something occurring on Thanksgiving weekend.

The success of earths ascension has prompted the Cosmic to decree that the rest of the universe will be upgraded to the 3d holographic model. This means some major changes to our star friends as they will be taking on added dimensionality. The eight densities serve as eight data strands for the holographic model. In the old system each density represented an individual reality or dimension. Each ascension process required a complete reset since physical, 3rd density life was lost. This is no longer the case. People will continue to experience 3d earth experience with the added sensory/multidimensional data needed to enhance their experience. It might make sense to think of the eight dimensions as the data strands/recording before it is played as a hologram. It is the computer code that makes the game work and can be altered by master computer programers even as the program is running. Those able to function at various densities can alter or rewrite portions of their own life story/adventure. The higher densities happen in the future and the lower densities happen sooner. In any case all eight strands must be completed before the individual hologram can play. Earth is not separating into a planet A and planet B. Planet A is simply the eight density data stream and planet B is the first density data stream. They will be joined back together

as the new hologram plays, or I should say, they have already been joined back together as the new hologram is currently playing.

Bright blessings,


Just a note on the Unity Grid and how it operates. It bypasses all old systems based on hierarchy. What it does is wire each individual directly to source and directly to the earth through the DNA. One aspect of this is that "mob" energy will no longer have force or power of the individual. Much of the old system was based upon manipulation of the masses. Another aspect of this is that "energy vampirism" will no longer be effective since personal advancement can only be achieved by personal effort. A curious by product of this is that when a person tries to help another person the energy rebounds back to them as good karma. It is in this manner that the Unity Grid achieves success. By seeking to give love, light and support to others we raise ourselves! The negative side to this is that anger and negativity will produce almost instant karma of the negative kind. When you seek to harm another, you will only harm yourself. These energies of both love and harm can no longer be transfered to others but remain trapped within our own aura until they find an energetic opposite or are integrated into our personal shadow/higher self. What this means is that innocent individuals will no longer be in the line of fire. Those that have awakened to various "densities" will be able to use those new energetic bodies to alter the holographic model on several levels once they understand how. The key to all of this is to first bring all the energy bodies into proper alignment so the holograph is stable and the information is not distorted. Someone can try to send us negative energy and we will sense that negative energy and need to choose to accept and become negative ourselves or reject and remain positive. However, it will require far less energy to resist and remain positive than it did before. This is the real key to things, it will require far less energy to remain true to who we really are in our personal connection to source. bright blessings, -joe

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