Poem 2

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In fields of gold, beneath a sky so blue,

Where dreams take flight and hopes renew,

There blooms a garden, vibrant and gay,
Where laughter dances in the light of day.

Butterflies flutter, in a joyous ballet,

As sunbeams whisper, a cheerful serenade.
The world is alive, with colors so bright,
Painting the canvas of day with sheer delight.

Birds sing melodies, sweet and clear,

Their songs of freedom, filling the air.
Hearts beat in rhythm, a joyful refrain,
As love and laughter dance in the summer rain.

Hand in hand, beneath the azure sky,

We journey on, with spirits held high.
For in this moment, all worries fade away,
And happiness blossoms, like flowers in May.

So let us cherish each precious day,

And let our joy light up the way.
For life is a gift, to be savored and shared,
In this beautiful world, so wonderfully prepared.

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