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Text 1
Bogor Mini Zoo, Children friendly tourism object
BOGOR - Do you want to take your children for vacation to know various kinds
of domestic and tame animals? You don't need to go far from home because you
can go to Bogor Mini Zoo that is located in South Bogor at 99 R.E.
Sumantadiredja Street, Pamoyanan sub district.

Bogor Mini Zoo is an animal education and tourism park. With 2 hectares of
land, children and families can learn and play with some pets and domesticated
animals. The facilities that have already existed are cafes and playgrounds for
"The targeted visitors are kindergarten students, children, and other animal
lovers. Here we have lambs, guinea pigs, deer, albino buffalo, fish, Balinese
ducks, rabbits, cows, ponies, horses, birds, chicks, hamsters, mini hedgehogs,
calves, pearl chickens, peacocks and freshwater aquariums," said the animals
keeper. Iman Mulyana to Sindonews, in Bogor, West Java. Sunday (6/8/2017).

The entrance ticket is Rp40.000 for adults and Rp35.000 for children aged 2.5
to 8 years. Visitors can get an unforgettable experience when they feed tame
animals. They can also dig up information from the animals' keepers while
taking pictures and wearing rented unique clothes. The zoo opens from 09.00 to
17.00 WIB on weekdays and from 08.30 to 17.00 WIB on weekends. "Bogor
Mini Zoo opened in early June. It was in the holiday season and so immediately
attracted visitors," he explained.
1. It is reported that lot of visitors have known and been to Bogor mini zoo
a. The number of animal lovers is increasing
b. They can do a lot of fun activities and eat there
c. The entrance fees re affordable to most families
d. The opening took place during the holiday season
e. The zoo is located in a very strategic and cool area

2. What is the focus of the news report about Bogor Mini zoo?
a. Pets and domestic animals displayed there for children to play with.
b. What children can do there to learn about pets and tame animals.
c. How the zoo has developed since the opening in June this year.
d. The small size of the zoo but rich collections the zoo has
e. How to learn the domestics and tame animals in the zoo.

3. In Bogor Mini zoo, the visitors are allowed to…..

a. Sell drinks and snacks
b. Rent a tent and have a camp
c. Buy pets and domestic animals
d. Fish in the fresh water aquarium
e. Take pictures and feed the animals.

4. “It was in the holiday season so immediately attracted visitors,” he

explained. (The last paragraph).
The underlined word is closest in meaning to…..

a. Got
b. Drew
c. Drove
d. Found
e. Attended
Text 2
Once upon a time, there lived two pigeons. They were husband and wife. They
spend their day looking for food. In the evening they would come and rest on
their favorite tree in the forest.
One evening, the wife returned home early. A usual she was waiting for her
husband, when suddenly it started raining. She strated to worry. “Where are
you, my dear? You never get so late," she whispered to herself.
Just then she saw a bird-catcher coming towards her. In a cage he had a pigeon.
It was her husband. “OH no, what shall I do now" I wish I can help my
husband," she said. She desperately tried to distract the bird-catcher by flapping
her wings, but all in vain.
Soon, it stopped raining. “Brrr! It is so cold," said the bird-catcher. His clothes
were wet. He decided to sit under the same tree where the two pigeons lived.
The poor wife sat by her husband’s cage. And she started to cry. The husband
said. “Do not feel sad, dear. We now have a guest. This man is shivering and
hungry. He needs your help." Hearing this, the wife flew around getting dry
twigs. She made a fire for the bird-catcher. Then she looked at the bird-catcher
and said, “You are our guest, since I have no food to offer, I will jump into this
fire. In few minutes I will become an edible item for you. You can eat me."
By now, the bird-catcher was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the humble
pigeon couple. He at once stopped the wife jumping into the fire.
He opened the cage and set the husband free. “I have been cruel and selfish. I
will never trap any bird in my net again," said the bird-catcher and went away.
The two pigeons were happy to be reunited.
5. What is the story about?
a. The life of two pigeon
b. The hospitality of the pigeon
c. The reunited of a pigeon couple
d. The bird-catcher and the two pigeon
e. The happy marriage of pigeon couple

6. What does paragraph 5 highlight?

a. The wife was jumping herself into the fire
b. The wife was very sad beside her husband’s cage
c. The pigeon were not revengeful despite the man’s cruelty
d. The pigeon couple agreed that it is a must to welcome and serve a
e. Because of her love to her husband, the wife was willing to serve the

7. Why did the wife pigeon cry?

a. She felt sorry to see her husband being in the cage, not knowing when
to be free
b. She was moved by her husband’s patience toward the man who had
caught him
c. She didn’t have heart to see her husband couldn’t escape from the
d. She could see her husband being in cage by himself feeling hopeless
e. She was desperate because she couldn’t help her husband to escape

8. What can we learn from the story?

a. Love needs sacrifice
b. Never hate your enemies
c. Kindness deserves another kindness
d. Love means being loyal to each other
e. Cruelty is hand in hand with kindness
Text 3
Archives on Indonesia's first president Sukarno are being exhibited until Aug.
25 at the State Secretariat office in Central Jakarta, with photographs and texts
on display with the theme Sukarno: Besar Bersama Rakyat (Sukarno: Grew Big
Along with the People).
As reported by Antara news agency, State Secretary Pratikno said during the
opening ceremony on Tuesday that the exhibition was an important source of
education for the public.
"We would like to express our gratitude, especially to the head of the Archives
of the Republic of Indonesia [ANRI] and friends who have always supported
this event, which not only attracts the attention of the people to the archives, but
also shows how its content is an extraordinary learning resource for us all,"
Pratikno said.
A number of pictures show Sukarno during Indonesia’s independence struggle
and are divided into eight themes, namely "True love", "Me and Children", "The
Orator", "Me and Friends", "In Exile", "Together Educating the People", "the
World Acknowledges" and "Government and Development".
In addition, members of the public can also take pictures in a photo outlet
featuring a three-dimensional background image of President Sukarno's visit to
the city of Bandung, West Java.
Several of Sukarno's books are also exhibited, including a book titled Collection
of Snouck Hurgronje IV alongside a selection of his notes, and another book
titled Muhammad, a Man and His Religion by TOR Andrea. (liz/kes)
9. After reading the article, the readers would probably….
a. Take some photographs about Sukarno
b. Visit State Secretariat Office to see those archives
c. Interested in learning more about sukarno’s archives
d. Consider the exhibition was a good education for people
e. Receive gratitude from the head of archives of Republic of Indonesia

10. What can we conclude from paragraph 1?

a. An exhibition about Sukarno was held last August
b. The theme of the exhibition was sukarno’s achievement
c. An exhibition is an important source for public education
d. State Secretary Pratikno opened an exhibition about sukarno
e. State Secretariat office in Central Jakarta is a great place for

11. Why was the news published?

a. To described the life of Sukarno and his true love
b. To inform people about an interesting exhibition
c. To inform the reader about a new learning source for public
d. To show the activities in the State Secretariat office Jakarta
e. To announce an opening ceremony for a book fair in Jakarta

12.As reported by Antara news agency, State Secretary Pratikno said during
the opening ceremony on Tuesday that the exhibition was an important
source of education for the public.
a. Exhibition
b. Ceremony
c. Opening
d. accident
Text 4
Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat was born in Yogyakarta on May
2nd 1889. He came from Pakualaman family, the son of GPH Soerjaningrat,
grandson of Pakualam III and grew up in a family of Yogyakarta Kingdom.

Then, in 1922 when he was 40 years old (according to the count of Caka Year),
Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat changed his name to Ki Hadjar

Since that time, he was no longer using a knighthood in front of his name.
Based on the Indonesian spelling in since 1972, its name is misspelled as Ki
Hajar Dewantara.

Ki Hajar Dewantara ever studied at Europeesche Lagere School (ELS) at the

Dutch colonial era it is an elementary school in Indonesia.

After graduating from ELS, then he went to STOVIA (Bumiputera Medical

School) is a school for the education of indigenous doctors in Batavia in the
Dutch colonial era. This time it became the Faculty of Medicine, University of
Indonesia. Although he did not could not complete his education because of

Ki Hajar Dewantara worked as a writer and journalist in various newspapers,

such as: Tjahaja Timoer, Midden Java, De Expres, Sediotomo, Kaoem Moeda,
Poesara, and Oetoesan Indies. His writing is very communicative and brave
with anti-colonial spirit.
Besides work as a writer, he is also active in social and political organizations.
Since 1908, the beginning of the Boedi Utomo (BO), he was active in the
propaganda section to socialize and Indonesian public awareness about the
importance of a sense of unity in the nation.

Not only that, it turns Ki Hajar Dewantara also known as a prominent pioneer
of education for the natives of Indonesia from the Dutch colonial era.

In fact, he managed to establish a school of the National University Student

Park (National Institute of Taman Siswa Onderwijs) on July 3rd 1922.

At first the Dutch colonial government attempted to deter his plan. Dutch
government issued a Wild School Ordinance on October 1st 1932. However,
because of his persistence and struggle, the ordinance was finally lifted.

The college emphasizes a sense of nationality to indigenous education so that

they love the nation and homeland and fight for independence.

Ki Hajar Dewantara’s been appointed as Minister of Teaching Indonesia

referred to as the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture in the cabinet of
the first Republic of Indonesia.

For his service pioneered education in Indonesia, in 1957 he received an

honorary doctorate (doctor honoris causa, Dr.H.C.) of the University of Gadjah
Mada (UGM).

Finally, he was declared as Father of National Education of Indonesia, as well

as his birth day serves as National Education Day.

Ki Hajar Dewantara died on 26th April 1959 in Yogyakarta. He was buried at

the Taman Wijaya Brata, tombs for Taman Siswa’s family. His face was also
immortalized on the Indonesian currency denomination of old 20,000 rupiahs.

13. We know from the text….

A. Ki Hajar Dewantara established a number of schools for indigenous
B. The goal of Taman Siswa was to educate the values of independence
C. Ki Hajar Dewantara could have the Wild School Ordinance lifted.
D. The students of taman Siswa loved their nation and homeland
E. Taman siswa Onderwijs is now just called Taman Siswa

14. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. Ki Hajar Dewantara is well known for being a prominent educator
b. Ki Hajar Dewantara got his doctorate degree from a famous
c. Ki Hajar dewantara’s contribution to Indonesia education is highly
d. Ki Hajar Dewantara was honored for his achievement in formal
e. Ki Hajar Dewantara has been known as the father of Indonesian

15. The text aims to present Ki Hajar Dewantara’s……

a. Contribution to Indonesian education
b. Professions in Indonesian education
c. Inspiration in Indonesian education
d. Positions in Indonesian education
e. Ideas in Indonesian education.

16.“At first the Dutch colonial government attempted to deter his plan”
(paragraph 2)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to…..
a. Refute
b. Disturb
c. Fail
d. Stop
e. End

Text 5
Looking for cheap but healthy fast food?
Have a look and make your best choice among the various organic Burge
Cocos available at Burger Factory on Seraya street no. 17.
A new breakthrough and innovation in fast food.
Using organic ingredients and cooked with the best quality vegetable oil,
Burger Coco is safe to your stomach. But, surely, it is also safe to your
✓ Organic meat
✓ Organic vegetables
✓ No preservatives.
We open every day, 01:30 pm to 11:00pm
Come with your family and friends!!!

17. We can infer from the advertisement that the burgers….

a. Are fried in healthy oil.
b. Are purely organic
c. Do not last long
d. Do not contain much fat
e. Are garnished with vegetables

18. Burger factory claims that its burgers are produced …

a. With healthy but cheap ingredients
b. By using only organic ingredients
c. In the same day at the factory
d. With some expensive ingredients
e. In factory based processing

19. What is promoted by the advertisement?

a. The prices of the product
b. The quality of the products
c. The variety of the products
d. The processing of the products
e. The ingredients of the products
Text 6

Marrian and Richard Johnson

Invite you to join them for the wedding of

Elizabeth and Jonathan

Son of Agnes and Robert Williams
Saturday, the twenty-second of August
Two Thousand and eighteen
1234East Ridge Road
Long Beach, California
2 o’clock in the afternoon
20. “Marrian and Richard Johnson invite you to join them for the wedding of…
(line 1)
The underlined word is closest to……
a. Admit
b. Enroll
c. Connect
d. Partake
e. Leave

21. This invitation is from……

a. Elizabeth
b. Jonathan
c. Elizabeth and Jonathan
d. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
e. Mr. and Mrs. Williams

22. What is the intention of the writer?

a. To announce that Elizabeth will marry Jonathan soon.
b. To request the recipients to come to the wedding reception.
c. To tell the readers when Elizabeth and Jonathan get married
d. To invite all the family members to attend the wedding party
e. To celebrate the wedding ceremony with relatives and friends
Text 7
Donating to charity is a major mood-booster. The knowledge that you’re
helping others is hugely empowering and, in turn, can make you feel happier
and more fulfilled. Research has identified a link between making a donation to
charity and increased activity in the area of the brain that registers pleasure
proving that as the old adage goes, it really is far better to give than to receive.
Having the power to improve the lives of other is, to many people, a privilege,
and one that comes with its own sense of obligation. Acting on these powerful
feelings of responsibility is a great way to reinforce our own personal values
and feel like we’re living in a way that is true to our own ethical beliefs.
Sharing the experience of donating to charity with your children shows them
from a young age that they can make positive changes in the world. Children
naturally love to help others, so nurturing their innate generosity is likely to
mean that they grow up with a greater appreciation of what they have, and will
carry on supporting charity in years to come.
Your own charitable donations can inspire your nearest and dearest to give to
causes important to them, and could even bring about a family-wide effort to
back a charity or charities that have special significance to you as a group.
23. According to the text, what happened to children when they experiencing
the act of generosity in their life?
a. They will inspire other people around them
b. They will grow up supporting charity
c. Their quality of life will be improved
d. They are more responsible in life
e. They are happier than before

24.What would likely the next paragraph be about?

a. Examples of donation in close circle of family and friends
b. Experiences of receiving donation in the neighborhood
c. How to nurture the generosity in younger children
d. Researches that shown donating is good for health
e. Changes in the world that started from donation

25. Why it is important to do charity with children?

a. To nurture their innate generosity
b. To increase their brain activity
c. To reinforce the family values
d. To make changes in our world
e. To support their ethical belief

26.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage?
a. Donating has many positive effect
b. Charity is an obligation in a group
c. Donating is starting from family
d. Generosity is a personal value
e. Giving a better than receiving
Text 8
Sleep is essential for health and well-being. Yet millions of people do not get
enough sleep and many of them suffer from lack of sleep. Why is having good
sleep at night important? Here are some reasons.
Sleep loss can impede the learning of young people in schools. Sixty percent of
high school children reported that they were tired during the daytime and 15
percent of them admitted that they fell asleep in class. According to a long term
study which was published in the 2004 by Clinical and Experimental Research
stated that young teenagers whose poor sleep habits when they were at
preschool wee more than twice as likely to use tobacco or alcohol.
A night without sleep makes body feel tired and irritable the next day. After
several sleepless nights, the mental effects become more serious. The brain will
fog and it makes it difficult for the brain to concentrate and make decisions.
You’ll start to feel down and may fall asleep during the day.
If it continues, lack of sleep can affect overall health and make prone serious
medical conditions, such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and
diabetes. Every individual’s sleep needs vary. In general, most healthy adults
are built for 16 hours of wakefulness and need an average of eight hours of
sleep a night.
27. What is likely the worst impact of lack of sleep?
a. Heart attack
b. Brain damage
c. Mental illness
d. Disturbing our study
e. Being tired during the day

28. What is discussed in the text?

a. Lack of sleep
b. Sleeping habit
c. The effect of oversleeping
d. The importance of sleep
e. The danger of sleep

29. Why do we need to have good sleep?

a. It prevents anger
b. It helps us concentrate
c. It reduces our problems
d. It omits health problems
e. It improves the medical conditions

30. “……..and make a prone to serious medical conditions ” (paragraph 4)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to….
a. Obvious
b. Important
c. Vulnerable
d. Resistant
e. Complete
Text 9
Kheumu Indian Furniture
741 Nehi street
Mumbai 99999

Dear Ms. Rani Kapoor,

We are pleased to inform you that in the meeting of the boar directors on 5 th
September, we have chosen your proposal to provide internet services to our
company in the coming financial year. We are satisfied with all the details
mention in the proposal and we would like to offer the contract for a period of
one year.
We would be sending our company representative to your office for completing
the paper work and giving you the token amount. As you have mentioned, we
shall stick to the price mentioned in the proposal. We shall pay you the entire
amount in three installments; the first one will be given on the date of the
contract, and the remaining two in a gap of two months, respectively.
We rely on your services as your as your company is known for its quality
services. We hope to have a cordial relationship between the two companies.
Yours sincerely,

Chank Kheumu

31. What does Chank write the letter to Rani for?

a. To show Rani that her internet services good quality
b. To praise Rani for her ability to write a good proposal concerning
internet services
c. To tell her that the internet services she has done has been a success
d. To say that her proposal to provide internet services to his company is
e. To inform Rani about his satisfaction with her internet services
32. “We hope to have a cordial relationship between the two companies.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to….
a. Close
b. Friendly
c. Intimate
d. Comfortable
e. Productive

33. What does Chang Khaemu tell Rani Kapoor in the letter?
a. He is happy with her complete and well-written proposal
b. Her proposal to provide internet services has been accepted
c. Chank is satisfied with her company’s internet services
d. Rani’s company is well-known for its quality services.
e. He has chosen Rani’s proposal for the future years
Text 10
To: all colleagues
Subject: Meeting Request Celebratory sign-off on Handy Product launch
Hello all,
As it was informed to us in the last meeting, the Handy product launch is
scheduled for the 15th December 2018, therefore, a sign-off meeting has been
organized by the management for us before the kick-off. We will have an earlier
start to avoid the high demand of Christmas.
It marks the success of our new project significantly – therefore we are required
to be at the “Banquet Hall” sharp at 4 pm tomorrow, hopefully, this would serve
to motivate us to make the upcoming project a grand success for our company.
Come dressed for entertainment,

Thank you

Janet Manuel

34. What problem can we infer from the text?

a. Handy product launch will be held on December 15, 2018.
b. The kick-off start will be delayed until next year.
c. All colleagues are invited to see Handy product launch off
d. The demand for Handy product will increase during Christmas
e. Not all the members will have the appropriate dress code

35. What is Janet’s purpose in writing the email to her colleagues?

a. Recommending someone to attend an event
b. Inviting people to take part in a product launching
c. Appointing someone to attend a product launching
d. Requesting people to attend a meeting
e. Confirming people’s attendance of a meeting
Text 11
After school on 23 November 2017, my friends and I went to a mall. We
wanted to buy some books from a famous bookstore since we were preparing
ourselves for the National Examination. We went there by car.
On our way to the book store, we had a very intense chat about our
classmates. We laughed loudly about something funny and ridiculous that had
happened in the classroom. I saw my friend, indra, who was driving the car,
trying to show a video from his hand phone. While he was searching the video
from his hand phone, he was also laughing so loudly that he couldn’t control
our car. The crash couldn’t be avoided and we were all involved in a very bad
car accident. Everyone in the car screamed loudly one or two seconds before the
terrible accident. Indra was badly injured in the crash as his head hit against the
windshield. My friend, Tania, who was sitting on the front passenger seat, was
also badly injured but survived. My friend, Rani, and I got some bruises and
cried for help. A few minutes later, some people came and help us. Then,they
took us to the hospital . I was unconscious on the way to the hospital.
When I opened my eyes, my parents were sitting beside me. I asked them
what had happened to me. Then, I realized that I had a terrible accident and lost
my friend, Indra.
36. What happened to the writer when he was riding on his friend’s car?
a. He stopped by at a mall to buy some books
b. He watched a funny video of his classmates on his cellphone.
c. He was involved in a terrible car accident with his friends
d. He was badly injured as he was sitting on the front seat
e. He remembered something funny that had happened in the class.
37. What did Indra do before the accident happened?
a. He went to the mall with his friends
b. He bought books in a famous bookstore
c. He was joking with his classmates
d. He used his cellphone while driving
e. He prepared for the national examination

38. After reading the text, a person who wants to text while driving night…
a. Reconsider his choices
b. Laugh really hard
c. Scream very loud
d. Cry for help
e. Have an intense chat

39. What is mainly discussed in the second paragraph?

a. How the terrible accident happened
b. How the writer lost his friend
c. How to use a hand phone while driving
d. How they got help during the accident
e. How to avoid an accident while driving

40.…..Indra had not used his hand phone; he could have controlled the car
What is the correct conjunction for the sentence above?
a. If
b. Unless
c. Except
d. Although
e. Because
Text 12
The sun is an enormously large sphere of burning gases. It is the largest and
most observable object in the solar system and makes up about 98% of the
total amount of matter within the system. The diameter of the sun is so large
that it would take 109 earths to span it and its volume is so large that it could
hold over 1.3 million earths. The sun has three main parts. It has a core, a
corona and photosphere. There are large storm areas on the sun where massive
clouds of exploding gases erupt and spew out the energy.
The sun radiates energy into space. The sun’s energy provides heat and light.
The energy produced in the sun’s core takes about a million years to rise to the
surface. Over 700 million tons of hydrogen gas is converted into burnt helium
every second. As this happens, more than 5 million tons of pure energy is
released. Billions of years from now, the sun will burn all its fuel and collapse.
In the meantime, it will continue to be the source of energy for all life on earth.

The sun is a star. It is classified as a G2 star or yellow dwarf. The classes are
O, B, A, F, G, K and M; O stars are the hottest, M the coolest.
The sun is located on the spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, 30 thousand
light years from the center of the galaxy.

41. What will probably happen on earth if the sun stops producing energy?
a. The sun will collapse and universe will disappear.
b. All lives on earth will lose their source of energy
c. There will be no space available on earth
d. The earth will collapse along with the sun
e. The earth will burn all its source of energy

42. What is the intention of the writer in writing the text?

a. To tell the reader about how the sun is.
b. To depict the sun as the burning gases
c. To classify the sun based on the heat
d. To give general information about the sun
e. To make sure that the sun is in the Galaxy.

43. How do you compare paragraph 2 and 3?

a. Both paragraph talk about the sun’s energy
b. Both paragraph talk about the characteristic of the sun
c. Paragraph 2 talks about the main parts of the sun while paragraph 3
talks about the content of the sun
d. Paragraph 2 talks about the sun’s energy while paragraph 3 talks about
the sun’s location.
e. Paragraph 2 talks about the sun’s energy while paragraph talks about
the stars classification

44. “over 700 million tons of hydrogen gas is converted into burnt helium
every second” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word is similar meaning to….
a. Transformed
b. Controlled
c. Adapted
d. Organized
e. Launched
2 cups of water
1 tablespoon of tea powder
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of honey
2 tablespoons sugar or as needed

Firstly, pour water into the pot and cook it until boiled.
Next, add the tea powder and let it summer for a minute.
After that, turn off the flame and add the lemon juice, honey, and sugar to the
boiled water and mix it well until the sugar dissolves completely.
Then, strain the tea through the strainer into a bowl.
Finally, pour the tea into cups and serve while hot.

45. According to the recipe, you do need to…..

a. Use a tea strainer to strain the tea
b. Cook the water until it is boiled
c. Wait until the tea is cool to serve it
d. Mix the lemon juice, honey, and sugar well.
e. Let the tea simmer for a while in the boiled water.

46. What does the text about?

a. A process to make hot drink from the mixture of honey and lemon tea.
b. Some methods to prepare ingredients for lemon tea.
c. Ingredients to make a hot drink from lemon tea
d. A way to serve honey and lemon
e. Steps to make a hot drink

47. What should you do before you put the tea into cups?
a. Add the lemon juice, honey, and sugar to the ht tea.
b. Put the lemon juice, honey, and sugar into the cup.
c. Mix well the lemon, honey, and sugar in the cup.
d. Wait until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved
e. Strain the tea mixture into the bowl.

48. “…mix it well until the sugar dissolves completely”

The underlined word is closest meaning to…
a. Mixes
b. Disappear
c. Melts
d. Vanish
e. Combines
Text 14
Online quiz answer a simple question and get a chance to win
exciting/attractives prizes daily

Dear students,

We are happy to inform you that the Institute is celebrating July, 2018 as
Student Math. An online quiz contest will also be organized during the month
which will commence on 2nd July, 2018 and last until 31 st July, 2018 (Monday-
Friday) with the aim to encourage the students to know about their institute.

The questions will be based on the different events during the student month in
July 2018 and the information available at the website of the Institute.

Online quiz will be conducted through online Google form. Details of the online
competition can be retrieved from

Kindly participate in the above mentioned quiz and win exciting/attractive

prizes daily.

49. The questions will be based on the different events during the student
month in July 2018 and the
With the announcement, the students of the Institute are expected…
a. To participate in the online quiz by participating in the various events
in the institute.
b. To be more motivated to participate in the events in the celebration of
students month
c. To participate actively in the online quiz to celebrate the students’
special month.
d. To find out what to do to participate in the online quiz in the
Institute’s website
e. To know the various events during the students month to participate in
the quiz

50. The text announces…..

a. The online quiz contest that will be conducted on various topics
during July 2018 about
b. The online contest for students about different events during the
students month
c. The online competition for new students to introduce the institute to
d. The online quiz contest about life as a university student at the
e. The celebration of the student month along the month of July 2018.

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