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6 Sp e c ific fractu res

6.2 H um erus

6.2.1 Humerus, proximal

1 Assessment of fractures 573 5 Postoperative treatment 590

1.1 Imaging and classification 573
6 Pitfalls and complications 591
1.2 Indications for surgery 573
6.1 Stiffness 591
2 Surgical anatomy 575 6.2 Positioning of implants 591
6.3 Malunion and nonunion 591
3 Surgical treatment 576
6.4 Avascular necrosis 592
3.1 General strategy 576 6.5 Nerve lesions 592
3.2 Closed reduction 578 6.6 Infection 592
3.3 Approaches 578
3.3.1 Deltopectoral approach 7 Bibliography 593
3.3.2 Transdeltoid lateral approach
8 Acknowledgment 593
3.4 Instruments and implants for osteosynthesis 580
3.5 Prosthetic replacement 582

4 Surgical treatment of specific fractures 584

4.1 Type A fractures (extraarticular unifocal) 584
4.1.1 A1 fractures
4.1.2 A2 fractures
4.1.3 A3 fractures
4.2 Type B fractures (extraarticular bifocal) 587
4.2.1 B1 fractures
4.2.2 B2 fractures
4.2.3 B3 fractures
4.3 Type C fractures (articular) 588
4.3.1 C l fractures
4.3.2 C2 fractures
4.3.3 C3 fractures

A uth or Pierre Guy

6.2.1 Humerus, proximal

1 A sse ssm e n t o f fractu res

scapular view (Fig 6 .2 .1 -lc-d ) [1]. Additional views in external
and internal rotation of the hum erus can improve the under­
standing and m easurem ent of the displacement of the greater
1.1 Im a gin g and cla ssifica tio n tuberosity (Fig 6 .2 .1 -lg -h ) [2], CT scans can prove useful in
m ultifragm entary fractures or to quantify displacement of the
Evaluation and preoperative planning for proxim al hum erus tuberosities (Fig 6.2.1-2). Only w ith adequate imaging of the
fractures requires a series of three x-rays taken at right angles fracture can one proceed to accurate classification (Fig 6.2.1-3),
to each other (traum a series) (Fig 6.2.1-1): surgical treatm ent, and prognosis.
■ true glenoid AP;
■ transcapular lateral; 1.2 In d ic a tio n s for su rge ry
■ axillary view.
Indications for surgical intervention are governed by general
An axillary view requires abduction of the shoulder and associated local injuries, the type and stability of the frac­
(Fig 6 .2 .1 -le -f), w hich is painful and difficult w ith an acute ture, the quality of the bone (osteoporosis), and the patient's
fracture. A less painful alternative is the "bum ped up" trans­ age and general medical condition.

Fig 6.2.1- la -h Trauma-series x-rays. With an acute fracture, all c -d Transscapular lateral view. The patient stands with the x-ray
x-rays are taken with the patient standing or sitting and the arm source on the opposite side and the affected shoulder is placed
supported to minimize pain. against the x-ray plate. The trunk is turned 30° away from the
a -b True glenoid AP view. The patient must stand facing the x-ray x-ray beam, which is then directed posteriorly along the scap­
source, with the posterior aspect of the affected side against ular spine.
the x-ray plate. The opposite trunk is rotated at least 30°.

5 73
6 Sp e c ific fractu res
6.2 H um erus

Fig 6.2.1 -1 a—h (cont) Trauma-series x-rays,

e - f Axillary view. The patient is supine with the x-ray g -h Alternative axillary view. A less painful alternative for acute fractures. The
plate placed above the shoulder. Abduction of patient remains in a comfortable sling and is placed at the edge of the ta­
about 30° is needed, which can be painful in an ble, a cassette is placed above the shoulder, and the beam is aimed upward
acute setting. from below the table, cranial, through the axilla.

11-A3 11-B2

Fig 6.2.1-2 Computed tomography (CT) scan demon­ Fig 6.2.1-3 Müller AO Classification. Because of the unique anatomy of the
strating an axial section of the humeral head that allows proximal humerus, the classification is modified for this special area.
one to evaluate the extent and localization of the in­ Type A = Extraarticular, unifocal (surgical neck).
jury. Type B = Extraarticular, bifocal.
Type C = Articular (anatomical neck).

6.2.1 H u m eru s, proxim al

Stability and displacement are often interdependent. In m any neck fractures, avascular necrosis (AVN) is likely to occur. In
cases the fracture fragments are held together by muscles, ten­ contrast, surgical neck fractures are relatively unproblem atic
dons (including the rotator cuff), and periosteum . Treatm ent as the blood supply to the head is usually preserved. The lateral
of these fractures— especially in elderly patients—has tradi­ ascending branch of the anterior circum flex hum eral artery
tionally been nonoperative [3] w ith a predictable outcom e and (Fig 6.2.1 -4) [6] runs a few m illim eters posterior, lateral, and
a good to excellent functional score in 88% of cases [4], parallel to the biceps brachii tendon and bicipital groove.
■ Nonoperative treatm ent is preferred for elderly patients, ■ The lateral ascending branch of the anterior circum flex hu­
patients w ith significant com orbities, and for m inim ally dis­ meral artery carries the m ost im portant blood supply of the
placed fractures. humeral head and dam age may lead to avascular necrosis
However, nonoperative treatm ent of some fractures has re­
sulted in a poor outcom e [5]. Reduction and operative fixation Its location is im portant for classification and prognosis, vas­
may be indicated in approxim ately 20% of cases. This group cularity-sparing dissection, and im plant placement. The m e­
comprises younger patients, or active older patients, w ith frac­ dial aspect of the capsule has the second most im portant blood
tures in w hich at least one of the following occurs: supply. A large, intact, m edial spike on the head fragment
Tuberosities are displaced m ore than 5 mm. [6, 8] is an advantageous prognostic sign.
Shaft fragment(s) are displaced m ore th an 20 m m .
■ Head fragm ent angulation is greater than 45°. The tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle plays
an im portant role in localizing the lateral hum eral ascending
The expectations of patients are im portant in decision making: artery and in orienting the greater and lesser tuberosities. In
Young individuals w ant to regain preinjury levels of function; fractures th at cannot be reduced via closed reduction, the te n ­
active elderly patients may wish to resum e their sporting ac­ don may be trapped betw een bone fragments. The acromion,
tivities, while others only hope to resume daily living activities. coracoacromial ligament, and coracoid process form an arch
under w hich the hum eral head rotates. H um eral head move­
m ent is constrained by this arch, while the muscles of the rota­
2 S u rg ica l anatom y
tor cuff guide m ovem ent under the arch.
■ Anatom ical reduction of the tuberosities during internal
It is crucial to differentiate betw een fractures of the anatom i­ fixation and prosthetic replacem ent surgery w ill best restore
cal and surgical neck (Fig 6.2.1-3) because the blood supply to strength and range of m otion, and prevent com plications
the m ain head fragm ent is usually disrupted after anatom ical such as im pingem ent.

6 Sp e c ific fractu res
6.2 H um erus

Fig 6.2.1 -4 Vascular anatomy of the proximal

1 Axillary artery.
2 Posterior humeral circumflex artery.
3 Anterior humeral circumflex artery.
4 Lateral ascending branch of the anterior
humeral circumflex artery.
5 Greater tuberosity.
6 Lesser tuberosity.
7 Tendon insertion of the infraspinatus
8 Tendon insertion of the teres minor
Anterior Posterior muscle.

3 S u rg ica l treatm ent

the patient's expectations. Hoffmeyer [2] proposed an algo­
rithm w hich takes into account head fragment vascularity and
bone quality (Fig 6.2.1-5). This approach takes into account the
3.1 G ene ral strate gy risk of avascular necrosis and lim itations of conventional plate
and screw fixation in poor bone.
The best results are obtained if the fragments are well reduced
and m aintained until healing has occurred [4,9,10] preferably The three types of fragments (tuberosity, shaft, and articular)
using the least invasive approach: nonoperative treatm ent, are exposed to different deform ing forces. The fixation must
closed or m inim ally invasive surgery, formal ORIF or a rth ro ­ counter these forces. The tuberosities undergo tension from
plasty. muscle pull, the shaft undergoes bending and torsional m o­
m ents, and the articular fragment undergoes compression.
The selection of a suitable treatm ent depends upon the type of M any reduction and fixation techniques have been proposed
fracture, quality of the bone, deform ing forces, the surgeon's that allow sufficient stability to initiate early rehabilitation.
skills (experience, preference), the patient's compliance, and

6.2.1 H u m eru s, proxim al

Fig 6.2.1-5 Proposed algorithm for the surgical treatment of displaced proximal humerus fractures (a modification of Hoffmeyer [2]).

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6 Sp e c ific fractu res
6.2 H um erus

Locking plates, providing angular stability, combined w ith su­ Limited (percutaneous) technique: If closed reduction is not
ture holes for soft-tissue fixation, have resulted in renewed achieved or is unstable, the arm is draped free on the operating
interest in plate and screw fixation. A rthroplasty is generally table, allowing for lim b m obility and access to the axillary
kept as a salvage option w hen adequate ORIF is not possible. artery, if necessary. The surgeon may then attem pt the same
closed reduction and percutaneous fixation w ith K-wires if
3.2 C lo se d red uction reduction can be achieved.
The patient is placed supine on a table or in a beach chair posi­ If closed reduction fails, a lim ited-access reduction is attem pted
tion w ith the affected arm supported on an arm rest (Fig 6.2.1 -6). employing joysticks (small Schanz screws or K-wires), or hooks
The image intensifier is positioned at the top of the table (pa­ placed through stab incisions. The fragm ents are then m anip­
tient's head), and AP and axillary views are confirm ed. Before ulated, and if adequate reduction can be achieved, the surgeon
draping, however, closed m anipulation is attem pted under the m ay proceed w ith m inim ally invasive osteosynthesis. A vari­
image intensifier. If alignm ent is achieved and the reduction ety of im plants have been proposed for definitive fixation
is stable, the arm is imm obilized in a sling. (term inally threaded K-wires (with hum erus block), small-
diam eter Schanz screws, cannulated screws). They will all
work if the deform ing forces on the fixed fragm ent can be ad­
equately countered. Attention should be given to adjacent
neurovascular structures th at m ust be avoided [11].
3.3 A p p ro ach e s

If percutaneous reduction cannot be achieved, open reduction

w ill be necessary in order to obtain good alignm ent and
fixation, allow ing early rehabilitation.
3.3.1 D e lto p ecto ral ap pro ach
The incision starts at the coracoid process and extends to the
hum erus at the level of the deltoid tuberosity (Fig 6.2.1-7).
The cephalic vein is identified proxim ally and usually re­
tracted laterally w hile exposing the deltopectoral plane. The
pectoralis fascia is incised lateral to the tendon of the short
head of the biceps brachii muscle, m aintaining the coraco-
acrom ial ligam ent proxim ally and incising the upper border of
the pectoralis major muscle insertion by 1-2 cm. The fracture
Fig 6.2.1-6 Beach chair position. The right shoulder is resting on a fragments are identified and the hem atom a is evacuated. The
radiolucent part of the operating table; the entire shoulder is checked long head of the biceps brachii muscle is identified under the
first with the image intensifier before draping. pectoralis m ajor muscle and serves as a reference for the lesser

6.2.1 H u m eru s, proxim al

Fig 6.2.1 -7a-b Deltopectoral approach, b The deltopectoral groove is opened.

a Skin incision from the coracoid to the deltoid tuberosity. 7 Deltoid muscle.
1 Coracoid process. 8 Cephalic vein.
2 Axillary nerve. Muscle and vein are retracted to the lateral side exposing the
3 Acromion. humeral head.
4 Lateral end of clavicle. 9 Pectoralis major muscle.
5 Axillary artery. 10 Anterior circumflex humeral artery.
6 Brachial plexus. 11 Long head of biceps brachii tendon.

5 79
6 Sp e c ific fractu res
6.2 H um erus

tential traum a to the axillary nerve. Reduction is achieved
through the fracture, preserving vascularity. If a plate is used,
it should lie laterally to the lateral ridge of the bicipital groove
to preserve the lateral ascending branch of the anterior
circum flex hum eral artery (Fig 6.2.1-4).
3.3 .2 Tran sd elto id lateral ap pro ach
This approach is used for isolated fractures of the tuberosities
or injuries of the rotator cuff (Fig 6.2.1-8). The incision extends
distally from the anterolateral corner of the acrom ion to no
further th an 5 cm (m arked by a "safety-suture" to protect the
axillary nerve) along the raphe separating the anterior and
middle portion of the deltoid. Dissection is carried through
this raphe to the subdeltoid bursa. Proximal extension sharply
separates the anterior deltoid from the most anterior portion
of the trapezius muscle at th e lateral clavicle and acromion.
These thick soft-tissue flaps are reattached at closure. Internal
and external rotation allows inspection, reduction, and fixa­
tion of the tuberosities or rotator cuff.
3.4 In stru m en ts and im p lan ts fo r o ste o syn th e sis

The goals of osteosynthesis are anatom ical reattachm ent of the

Fig 6.2.1-8 Transdeltoid lateral approach. tuberosities as well as attaching the hum eral shaft to the h u ­
Incision from the anterolateral corner of the acromion extending m eral head/tuberosities to allow early m ovem ent and reh a­
distally no further than 5 cm. bilitation. There are m any im plants or fixation options for the
1 Acromioclavicular joint. proxim al hum erus. A careful preoperative study of individual
2 Axillary nerve. fragments and their deforming forces w ill allow the surgeon
to plan definitive fixation. Having the following devices avail­
able has proven useful: K-wires, cannulated screws, heavy
(anterior and medial) and greater (lateral) tuberosities and braided resorbable sutures, and 1 m m w ire. In osteoporotic
their associated rotator cuff muscles. By abducting the arm , bone, the im paction of bone fragments w ill m inim ize devas­
the subdeltoid space is exposed to allow proxim al access. Distal cularization, lim it im plant prom inence, and avoid poor screw
extension of the fracture and the use of longer plates may re ­ purchase. An "osteosuture" w ith large-caliber resorbable su­
quire detachm ent of the anterior half of the distal deltoid m us­ tures or nonresorbable surgical tape [2, 12], tension band w ir­
cle insertion. A retractor is carefully placed behind the proximal ing [13], or the m inim al use of screws provides relative
fragm ent w hich is delivered into the w ound, m indful of po­ stability, w hich is sufficient to allow early rehabilitation.

6.2.1 H u m eru s, proxim al

P late and screw fixa tio n of screws into the head or the m edial cortex. This plate is
4.5 m m im plants such as the T-plate are not recom m ended especially useful in delayed union and nonunions w hen the
because of extensive dissection, intraarticular hardw are pen­ articulated tension device is used to provide compression. It is
etration, and subacrom ial im pingem ent [14]. Good results sometimes used in acute fracture care for compression or
have been obtained w ith sm aller 3.5 and 2.7 m m im plants bridge plating. Because of the biom echanics, fractures of the
[15], eg, the modified sm all-fragm ent clover leaf plate tuberosities and attached rotator cuff are often fixed w ith a
(Fig 6.2.1 -9), w hen good purchase in the bone can be achieved. tension band wire.
There is renew ed interest in plate osteosynthesis for treating
proxim al hum eral fractures due to advances in locking plate In tram e d u llary n ailin g
technology (chapter 3.3.4). This design aim s at improving The m ain indication for intram edullary nails is a m ultifrag­
purchase and pull-out strength in osteoporotic bone by using m entary fracture of the surgical neck and metaphysis where
convergent and divergent locked screws (Video 6.2.1-1). It can the tuberosities and hum eral head rem ain a single fragment
bridge m ultifragm entary fractures of the surgical neck, and (11-A3.3). The second im portant indication is complete or im ­
the rotator cuff can be attached to the plate through suture pending pathological fractures.
holes. It is very effective (Fig 6.2.1-18).
■ Intram edullary nails cannot be used to stabilize tuberosity
A proxim al hum erus right-angle blade plate is available. The fragm ents.
blade is inserted over a K-wire and the plate allows placement

Video (£)

Fig 6.2.1 -9 The small-fragment clover leaf plate may be Video 6.2.1-1 The holding power of con­
modified by bending the top hole in hook fashion or cut­ vergent and divergent locking head screws
ting it to prevent impingement. can be demonstrated using an apple.

6 Sp e c ific fractu res
6.2 H um erus

Antegrade or retrograde nails (single and multiple) have been ■ The surgeon should be prepared to carry out a prosthetic
used successfully (Fig 6.2.1-10). The m ain complication of replacem ent in com plex articular fractures or patients with
antegrade nails is pain in the shoulder and rotator cuff severe osteoporosis w here poor im plant purchase is ex­
dysfunction. pected.

A d ju n cts to fixa tio n This is also advisable in elderly patients w ith little or no soft-
Autogenous bone graft is used for atrophic nonunions or to tissue attachm ent to the m ain articular fragm ent. Under these
gain m ore stability by filling a void following reduction of an conditions, results are better w ith prim ary hem iarthroplasty,
im pacted fragment. If the anchorage of the screws is not reli­ as com pared to secondary replacem ent [6], Success factors
able, m ethylm ethacrylate [16] or calcium phosphate bone ce­ which relate to tim ing, technique, and im plant position have
m ent may be filled into the drill holes or the fracture gap to been identified [18],
improve fixation [15, 17].
Factors that negatively affect the outcome in hemiarthroplasty:
3.5 P ro sth e tic rep lacem en t ■ preoperative delay > 13 days;
■ tuberosity problems: loss of fixation, resorption, m al­
Stable osteosynthesis allowing early rehabilitation rem ains union;
the preferred technique. malpositioned prosthesis [19],


Fig 6.2.1-10a-c
a Surgical neck fracture with multiple fragments (11 -A3.3).
b Illustrative case: Active elderly patient, fall while skiing. Preoperative AP internal and external rotation views,
c Indirect reduction and stabilization using multiple retrograde flexible titanium elastic nails inserted through the lateral epi-
condyle (alternately posteriorly above the olecranon fossa). These achieve adequate minimal rigidity to allow rehabilitation
and maintain alignment. Protrusion of intramedullary nails is possible in osteopenic bone.

6.2.1 H u m eru s, proxim al

A m alpositioned prosthesis is judged by of the biceps brachii, the rotator cuff, and the deltoid muscles;
■ height: hum eral head to greater tuberosity distance: anatom ical reduction of the tuberosities (top of greater tuber­
■ lengthening (overstuffing): > 10-14 m m [19]; osity lying 5-10 m m distal to the im plant head's highest point).
■ shortening: greater tuberosity < 10 m m below or 5 mm Typically, 30-40° of retroversion should be established from
above prosthesis; the epicondylar coronal plane, which is palpated.
■ offset: hum eral head to lateral cortex at greater tuberosity:
lateralization < 2 3 m m [19]; In general, a cem ented im plant is recomm ended. The m edul­
■ version: < 10° or > 40° of retroversion. lary canal should be ream ed and large-diam eter resorbable
sutures placed at the tendon-bone junction of each tuberosity
A rth ro p la sty te ch n iq u e fragment, or through 2 m m drill holes. Sim ilar holes and su­
Following the decision not to carry out an ORIF, the tuber­ tures are placed in the shaft 1 cm distal to the surgical neck
osities m ust be identified and secured w ith heavy sutures. The fracture. The m edullary canal is prepared by placing a cement
articular fragm ent is retrieved and its cancellous bone is pre­ restrictor. A n im plant should be cem ented w ith a 2 m m m an­
served for grafting. The proxim al subarticular m edial cortex of tle to ensure im m ediate rotational stability and to m aintain
the shaft (calcar equivalent) is preserved, reduced, and tem po­ desired height and version. Any cement w hich prevents bone
rarily fixed to the adjacent shaft as a length reference. A trial contact of fragm ents proxim ally should be removed, and the
im plant is placed in the m edullary canal to establish proper tuberosity fragments m ust be accurately reduced and tenta­
length and retroversion. Length determ ination can be assisted tively fixed to the shaft and to each other using the previous
by the following: intact m edial cortex; tension of the long head suture, drill holes, and holes in the im plant (Fig 6.2.1-11). The

Fig 6.2.1 -11 a—b Hemiarthroplasty,

a Tuberosity fixation technique during hemiarthro­
plasty. The sutures are secured not only to the im­
plant but also to the shaft and between the
b Cemented prosthetic hemiarthroplasty where the
lesser tuberosity has been used to guide prosthetic
length. Tuberosities are fixed 5 -1 0 mm below the
level of the prosthetic head.
6 Sp e c ific fractu res
6.2 H um erus

shoulder is rotated internally and externally and the arm el­ Displacement of tuberosity fragments is best seen on AP x-rays
evated to confirm the absence of m ovem ent betw een the frag­ of the shoulder in internal and external hum eral rotation. The
m ents and the shaft, and to confirm adequate range of motion; axillary view m ay allow better visualization of lesser tuber­
m odular head im plants w ill allow fine tuning. Additionally, osity fragments.
bone-to-bone contact is ensured by placing the previously pre­
served hum eral head cancellous bone under the tuberosities The pull of the rotator cuff may further displace tuberosity
and definitively suturing them . The subscapularis-supraspina- fragments, causing im pingem ent and w eakness abduction of
tus m uscular space is then closed. greater and internal rotation.
Greater tuberosity fracture fragments m ay be am enable to per­
4 S u rg ica l treatm ent o f s p e c ific fractu res
cutaneous reduction and fixation, or require a transdeltoid
lateral approach. Lesser tuberosity fractures are best treated
through a deltopectoral approach. Tuberosity reduction is held
4.1 Type A fra ctu re s (e xtra a rticu la r u n ifo cal) tem porarily w ith K-wires, and then fixed w ith a cannulated
(Fig 6.2.1-12) screw (Fig 6.2.1-13a-b) or a tension band (Fig 6.2.1-13c). Large-
diam eter resorbable sutures perforate the cuff at its bony in ­
sertion by m eans of a curved needle. A figure-of-eight loop
secures it around a screw head or through a 2.0 m m drill hole
in the cortex of the proxim al shaft. Large resorbable sutures
have successfully m aintained reduction, avoiding the fatigue
failure encountered w ith K-wires and the persistent foreign
body effect of nonresorbable sutures.
If there is an associated glenohum eral dislocation (11-A1.3),
careful closed reduction should be attem pted first. Fragment
reduction is then confirm ed and quantified and the fracture is
treated as described above.
11-A1 11-A2 11-A3
4.1.2 A 2 fractu res
Fig 6.2.1-12 Müller AO Classification.
Surgical neck or subcapital fractures w ithout major displace­
m ent (11-A2.1: less th an 10 m m and angulation below 45°)
w ill norm ally be treated by sling imm obilization until the pain
4.1.1 A1 fractu res is gone. This is followed by an early rehabilitation program.
Unifocal fractures of the greater or lesser tuberosity should be Early rehabilitation (w ithin 14 days after surgery) results in a
treated by sling imm obilization in the following cases: better outcom e [3]. This consists of passive m otion and pendu­
■ younger patients w ith displacement < 6 mm; lum exercises until the fracture heals clinically, w hen full ac­
■ patients > 60 years w ith displacement < 10 mm. tive m otion starts. Strengthening starts after clinical and x-ray

6.2.1 H u m eru s, proxim al

Fig 6.2.1-13a-c
a Displaced greater tuberosity fracture 11 -(A l .2).
b Reduction and provisional K-wire fixation. A cannulated lag screw is used to compress the fracture,
c Tension band with wire or strong resorbable suture passed around the tendon-bone interface. Distal
fixation is through a drill hole (shown) or around a screw head.

evidence of union. If the fracture is impacted w ith an acceptable difference in outcom e (Neer score) betw een operative and
am ount of varus or valgus alignm ent (11-A2.2 and 11-A2.3) nonoperative cases w ith displacement > 66%, but a larger per­
earlier active range of motion exercises are allowed in relation centage of patients w ho were operated on returned to common
to the patient's age. Varus alignm ent and subacromial impinge­ daily living activities.
m ent will be tolerated less in a younger patient.
Elderly active patients and younger patients do not tolerate
4.1.3 A 3 fractu res unstable fracture (11-A3.1: varus, 11-A3.3: com m inuted me-
Most com m inuted/displaced surgical neck fractures are treated taphysis) patterns well, and surgery is often indicated. In such
nonoperatively in the elderly, w ith operations reserved for cases, closed reduction is attem pted in the operating room. If
younger, or older active patients. A large nonrandom ized ob­ this can be achieved, simple percutaneous K-wire fixation [10]
servational study [20] showed that 11-A3.2 tw o-part fractures or cannulated screws are used. Extensive m etaphyseal com­
in the elderly w ho received nonoperative treatm ent resulted in m inution can m ake these options impractical. In such cases, a
a predictable and "acceptable" outcome. Reduced function and percutaneously applied locking plate [21], an antegrade intra­
nonunion were associated w ith increasing age and shaft m edullary nail, a single retrograde intram edullary nail, or
fragm ent translation. There was no statistically significant multiple retrograde flexible nails (Fig 6.2.1-10 ) can be inserted.

5 85
6 Sp e c ific fractu res
6.2 H um erus

If a deltopectoral approach is required and screw purchase is

adequate, a conventional im plant or a locking plate can be
used (Fig 6.2.1-14).
Failed closed reduction is usually due to interposition of the
long head of the biceps brachii muscle, button-holing through
a split muscle, or interposed fragments. Under these condi­
tions a deltopectoral approach is perform ed, the situation is
corrected and fixation is applied.

Fig 6.2.1-14a-c
a Surgical neck fracture with anterior and medial translation and interposition of the biceps brachii tendon (11 -A3.2).
b Locking plate (PHILOS) fixation, AP view,
c Lateral view after anatomical reduction of the main fragments.

6.2.1 H u m eru s, proxim al

4.2 Type B fra ctu re s (e xtra a rticu la r b ifo c a l) (Fig 6.2.1-15) 4.2.1 B1 fractu res
These bifocal fractures usually occur in fit elderly individuals
and show little or no displacement [22]. Displaced tuberosity
fractures m ust be reduced and fixed as described for A1 frac­
tures. The im pacted m etaphyseal fracture is usually stable, in
an acceptable position, and treated nonoperatively. W ith this
treatm ent, 80% of fractures are expected to have good or ex­
cellent functional results [22],
4.2 .2 B2 fractu res
These are unstable at the surgical neck and if they are
11-B1 11-B2 11-B3
combined w ith a rotary displacement of the head fragment
(B2.2), reduction w ill be required due to the muscle pull on
Fig 6.2.1-15 Müller AO Classification. the intact tuberosity (Fig 6.2.1-16a). These will often require a

Fig 6.2.1-16a-c Bifocal 11-B2.2 fracture.

a Rotation of the head fragment caused by the subscapularis muscle with complete avulsion of the greater tuberosity,
b Closed reduction by longitudinal traction, external rotation of the head fragment by means of a hook, and stabilization of
the greater tuberosity fragment with a K-wire.
c Percutaneous K-wire and cannulated screw fixation using 4 mm cannulated cancellous bone screws. The tension band wire
secures the rotator cuff.

6 Sp e c ific fractu res
6.2 H um erus

percutaneous reduction as described in chapter 6.2.1:3.2 4.3 Type C fra ctu re s (a rticu lar) (Fig 6.2.1-17)
(Fig 6.2.1-16b) or an open procedure. If there is lim ited
fragm entation of the surgical neck, stabilization by m eans of
cannulated cancellous bone screws is possible (Fig 6.2.1-16c)
[23], Some surgeons use a closed/percutaneous reduction and
K-wire fixation technique described by Boehler [24], This
technique is dem anding; it requires an adequate closed reduc­
tion and good visualization in two orthogonal planes.
Open reduction requires a deltopectoral approach. The tuber­
osities/head fragments are reduced and fixed first. Definitive
fixation w ith lag screws allows easier reduction of this head/
tuberosity fragm ent to the shaft. Tem porary fixation of the 11-C1 1
shaft w ith anteriorly placed K-wires facilitates plate place­ Fig 6.2.1-17 Müller AO Classification.
m ent. Depending on screw purchase a standard clover leaf
plate or a locking plate may be used. Tension band sutures
around the tuberosity fragments are anchored to screw heads 4.3.1 C l fra ctu re s
or in plate holes. W hen using plates, the surgeon m ust be This type of fracture of the anatom ical neck has less than 45°
careful not to damage the residual blood supply to the angulation of the head fragm ent and less than 1 cm displace­
head, particuarly in m ultifragm entary fractures (11-B2.3). m ent of the tuberosity fragment. Any anatom ical neck frac­
H em iarthroplasty in these three-part fractures rem ains a sal­ ture is at risk of avascular necrosis. In a stable variant of this
vage procedure w hen stable fixation cannot be achieved. fracture, the head is im pacted more th an 45° into the valgus
so that its articular surface points upw ards ("ice cream cone
4 .2 .3 B3 fractu res type"). This specific fracture pattern may be treated nonop­
Closed reduction is rarely possible in bifocal fracture disloca­ eratively in some elderly patients using an approach sim ilar to
tions. A percutaneous approach may carefully be attem pted. 11-B1.1 fractures (chapter 6.2.1:4.2.1).
However, in m ost cases, open reduction of the dislocated head
fragm ent is necessary, employing the techniques described for W ith the com m on 11-C1 fracture, in younger or active older
11-B2 fractures and reserving hem iarthroplasty as a salvage patients, a vascularity-sparing approach is recomm ended.
procedure. Good results, even in posterior fracture dislocation Closed reduction and percutaneous fixation as described in
w ith avulsion of both tuberosities (11-B3.3), can be achieved B fractures (Fig 6.2.1-16) is preferred, if possible. However,
w ith ORIF. Hum eral head im paction fractures (Hill-Sachs le­ slightly displaced four-part fractures treated by open reduction
sion) caused by im paction upon the glenoid during dislocation and careful dissection and im plant choices w hich confer sta­
may be treated by elevation and bone grafting to restore ana­ bility and preserve vascularity have show n surprisingly good
tomy and to prevent recurrent displacement. results [10], especially w ith the use of locking plates through
a lim ited transdeltoid approach [21], Prosthetic replacement
should be avoided in these fractures.

6.2.1 H u m eru s, proxim al

Fig 6.2.1-18 a-f Case of a 69-year-old female, who fell on level ground.
a -b AP and lateral view. Displaced intraarticular fracture with valgus malalignment (11-C2).
c -d Postoperative x-rays, AP and lateral view.
e -f 15-month follow-up.

(With permission by Frankie Leung.)

6 Sp e c ific fractu res
6.2 H um erus

4 .3 .2 C2 fractu res A deltopectoral approach is used for open reduction. The head
These fractures are the "real" four-part fractures w ith more fragment(s) is (are) reduced first. In a split fracture these frag­
th an 45° of angulation of the head fragm ent and m ore than m ents are reduced and fixed w ith lag screws. Reduction is con­
1 cm displacement of at least one tuberosity fragment. firm ed by open view or x-ray. The reduction then proceeds as
in 11-C2 fractures.
Using percutaneous reduction and screw fixation, some au­
thors [10] achieved near-anatom ical reduction and very good The m ain problems are loss of fixation and avascular necrosis.
end results in a high percentage of patients w ith three-part Loss of fixation is difficult to predict. The stability of fracture
and less displaced four-part fractures. fixation is tested during surgery by putting the shoulder
through a range of m otion. If the fixation is not stable enough
W hen open reduction is chosen, the deltopectoral approach is to allow this, rehabilitation will be lim ited and a poor result is
used. W ith the intention of reducing the risk of avascular n e­ inevitable. W hen accurate reduction or stable fixation cannot
crosis, m any authors prefer osteosynthesis w ith sm aller im ­ be achieved, im m ediate conversion to hem iarthroplasty is
plants using lag screws and tension bands, or sutures, or two probably the best option. H em iarthroplasty gives good pain
plates 2.4. This approach is sound, reserving plate fixation for relief but function is poor. This, together w ith the longevity of
cases w here sm aller im plants cannot achieve enough stability these im plants and the prospect of revision, favors m axim al
and contact betw een the fragm ents (Fig 6.2.1-18) [10, 23]. attem pts to repair (ORIF) rather th an replace the fractured
However, other authors have reported poor results w ith the hum erus w hen feasible.
m inim al-im plant technique [15], They advocate a vascularity-
sparing plate and screw fixation technique w ith additional Avascular necrosis is frequent in three-part and four-part frac­
purchase achieved by using calcium phosphate bone cement, tures. Function is dim inished but is acceptable in the m ajority
w ith good results. This raises the issue of achieving stability of patients w ho develop avascular necrosis [4, 25].
and repairing the damage to the bone caused by the reduction
of im pacted cancellous bone. These voids may be filled w ith
bone substitutes or autogenous cancellous bone chips. 5 P o sto p era tive treatm ent
H em iarthroplasty is reserved for cases w here stable ORIF
cannot be achieved.
Rehabilitation is essential to m axim ize function following a
4.3 .3 C3 fractu res proxim al hum erus fracture, regardless of w hether it is treated
For anatom ical neck fracture dislocations and in split-head operatively (by fixation or arthroplasty) or nonoperatively.
fractures, m any surgeons recom m end prim ary hem iarthro­ Im plant constructions should be sufficiently stable to allow
plasty [6], if they cannot reconstruct the head fracture. passive motion during surgery and rehabilitation im m ediately
H em iarthroplasty is also recom m ended in the elderly if there after surgery. The same rehabilitation protocol (Tab 6.2.1-1) is
are no soft-tissue attachm ents to the hum eral head. There is used for nonoperative and operative treatm ent and m ust start
no clear comparative evidence to conclusively support either 10-14 days after surgery.
recom m endation.

6.2.1 H u m eru s, proxim al

Phase Duration Rehabilitation 6 P itfa lls and co m p lica tio n s


1 0 -3 Pendulum exercises 6.1 S tiffn e ss

Gentle active-assisted motion
This is the most com m on complication following shoulder in ­
Avoid external rotation for 6 weeks
jury. A small num ber of patients w ill regain full range of m o­
2 3 -9 Orthopedic sling for 2 -3 weeks tion, but in m ost abduction and external rotation is lim ited,
resem bling a "frozen shoulder". These problems can be m in i­
If there is clinical evidence of healing m ized by early physiotherapy as outlined in chapter 6.2.1:5.
and fragments move as a unit, and no
Closed m obilization of a stiff shoulder under general anesthe­
displacement is visible on the x-ray,
sia may be indicated in a few cases but the danger of im plant
loosening or fracture should be kept in m ind. Arthroscopy
Active-assisted motion forward and and even open release and m anipulation may be considered
side arm elevation under certain circum stances, especially in younger individu­
Partial functional use week 3 -6 als [26],
Week 6: Add active, nonassisted
6.2 P o sitio n in g o f im p lants

Week 6: Add isometric strength Im plant malpositioning and displacement of fragments or im ­

3 >9 If there is bone healing but joint plants can occur, especially in osteoporotic bone. M uscular
stiffness, then: activity and passive external forces, working on a long lever
arm , are often underestim ated. Screw length and position,
Add manual therapy passive motion
by physiotherapist
and stability of fixation should be checked by image intensifier
before the wound is closed [21, 27], If fixation is found to be
Add isotonic strength, concentric and inadequate, a larger sized screw or bone cem ent around the
eccentric screw should be used or consideration given to an a rth ro ­
Tab 6.2.1-1 Shoulder rehabilitation protocol.
6.3 M alun ion and nonunion

If the above m entioned protocol is heeded, m alunions and

nonunions occur only rarely. If they are symptom atic w ith
significant pain and loss of function, open correction and in­
ternal fixation will benefit reliable patients whose bone and
soft tissues are of suitable quality (chapter 5.2). In the specific
case of proxim al hum eral nonunions, open reduction and in ­

6 Sp e c ific fractu res
6.2 H um erus

ternal fixation of the tuberosities and/or the surgical neck to 6.5 N erve le sio n s
the shaft w ith a tension band (wire or plate) provide best re­
sults [28], The axillary nerve is the m ost frequently injured peripheral
nerve at the tim e of injury and during open or percutaneous
6.4 A va scu la r n e cro sis surgery [11], During open reduction, soft-tissue retraction us­
ing retractors or hooks is a danger. The adjacent brachial plexus
AVN of the hum eral head is relatively frequent w ith the over­ is at risk in fracture dislocations.
all rate approaching 35% (reported range: 6-75% ) [4, 25].
■ Retractors m ust never be placed into the axilla and lim b
The m ost im portant predisposing factors are: p o sitions that stretch the brachial plexus m ust be avoided.
■ length of the dorsom edial m etaphyseal extension;
■ integrity of the m edial hinge; 6.6 In fe ctio n
■ fracture type [8].
Percutaneously inserted K-wires are usually buried under the
Despite the high occurrence of AVN it is frequently asym p­ skin at the tim e of insertion. They may cause irritation w hen
tom atic w ith 77% of patients still showing good to excellent swelling recedes and infection w ith or w ithout skin perfora­
functional results [4]. This rate compares favorably w ith the tion. If K-wires are outside the skin after surgery, infection can
80% of cases w ith "acceptable" results in the prim ary a rth ro ­ spread along their tracks.
plasty literature [29],
If deep infection occurs w ith any form of operative treatm ent,
The functional outcom e of avascular necrosis is significantly it should be treated aggressively. It will be necessary to wash
affected by m alunion: m alunited cases w ith avascular necrosis out and debride soft tissues and infected bone. The infecting
display worse function [9] and cases w ith avascular necrosis organism m ust be identified and treated w ith appropriate a n ­
requiring an arthroplasty a worse result if there is associated tibiotics. If the fracture fixation rem ains stable, there is a good
nonunion or m alunion. The most favorable choice w ould then chance for the fracture to heal and the infection to disappear.
be open reduction and internal fixation if a stable, anatom ical In rare cases, the whole head fragm ent w ill be infected and
construction can be achieved. The best treatm ent for avascular necrotic. It should be rem oved and a spacer m ade of antibiotic
necrosis is prevention using vascularity-sparing techniques. cement can be inserted. This leaves the possibility that pros­
Should avascular necrosis become painful and require treat­ thetic replacem ent may be considered after the infection has
m ent, an arthroplasty will provide predictable pain relief if no settled.
concurrent m alunion surgery is required [9], The selection of
cases for prim ary arthroplasty rem ains difficult as there is
little scientific evidence to guide the surgeon. Future develop­
m ents in im plants and technique need to be evaluated in pro­
spective random ized trials to provide a sound scientific basis
for treatm ent protocols.

6.2.1 H u m eru s, proxim al

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