Support Test 11

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Demise – /dɪˈmaɪz/ - the end, death

Seafaring - /ˈsiːˌfer.ɪŋ/ - connected with travelling by sea

Bring something about - to cause something to happen
Onset - the moment at which something begins
Account for something - to explain the reason for something
Dejected - unhappy, disappointed, or without hope
Jaded - lacking interest or desire because of experiencing too much of something
Sink in - If an unpleasant or surprising fact or idea sinks in, you gradually start to
believe it, understand it
Trademark - something very noticeable that a person typically has or does
Beneficiary - a person who receives money or property from someone who has
Lovelorn - sad because the person you love does not love you
Plain - obvious and clear to understand
Sated - having had enough of something and no longer feel a craving or hunger for
Lament - to express sadness and feeling sorry about something
Pander – to please, to satisfy
Shroud - to hide something by covering or surrounding it
Fastidious - giving too much attention to small details
Conducive - providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist
Precursor - something that happened or existed before another thing

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