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source : canva

What is Report Text?

Report Text is a text that talk
information about an object in
Generic Structure
Report Text
1. General Classification
General classification atau klasifikasi umum adalah bagian
struktur report text yang berisi pengelompokan umum dari
objek yang dibicarakan.
2. Description
Description atau deskripsi adalah bagian struktur report text
yang berisi penggambaran dari objek yang dibicarakan secara
lebih rinci.
Differences between
Report Text & Descriptive Text

Report Text Descriptive Text

-To describes object in -To describes something
general or object specifically, either
-Take a more detailed object in the form of people,
to be the topic objects,
places, or animals
Sample Report Text
Panda or also known as “Giant Panda” or “Panda Bear” is a species of bear originated from Central
China. The most distinguishable things from them are the black and white patterns of the body and alo
the black fur encircling their eyes. They consume bamboo as their main diet but they also eat other
grasses, wild tubers, birds, rodents, honey, eggs, fish, oranges and banana occassionally.

Panda have two legs and two hands. Although they can stand on two feet, but most of the time they
are just like any other bears who walked on both hands and legs. They have five fingers and a thumb on
their paws. The thumb is a modified bone that help them to hold bamboo while eating. The fur around
their belly is white while the fur around their chest, hands, legs and ears are black.

An adult panda can reach the size of 1,2 to 1,9 m long from nose to tail. The tail is about 10 to 15 cm
long. The body height of an adult panda can reach 60 to 90 cm and their body weight can reach 160 kg.
They can live up to 20 years in the wild and about 30 years in captivity. They are a solitary animal who
has a defined territory. They communicate to each other by making sound and through scent marking.
1.What is described in the

Sample of 2.What is described in

Paragraph 2?

3.What is Panda consume

as their main diet?

4.How do pandas
communicate with each

My Sister
Me (Lovenly)
My Teacher
She always help me
to do my English

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