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A wheel is a circular device that revolves around a central axis.

It typically
consists of a circular frame or rim connected to a hub at its center. The rim may
be solid or composed of spokes, which are rods or bars radiating from the hub to
the outer edge, creating a lighter structure.

Wheels are used in a wide range of applications, from transportation vehicles like
cars, bicycles, and trucks to machinery such as pulleys, gears, and conveyor belts.
They are designed to reduce friction and facilitate movement by rolling rather than
sliding, making them essential components in many mechanical systems.

The design of a wheel can vary depending on its intended purpose. For example,
automotive wheels often have a tire mounted on the rim for traction and shock
absorption, while industrial wheels may have specific features like treads or
flanges for stability and load-bearing capacity.

Overall, wheels are fundamental inventions that have greatly contributed to human
mobility, transportation, and the development of various technologies throughout

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