Space Radiation Effects and Microgravity

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Mutation Research 430 Ž1999.

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Space radiation effects and microgravity

J. Kiefer ) , H.D. Pross
¨ Leihgesterner Weg 217, D 35392 Giessen, Germany
Strahlenzentrum der Justus-Liebig-UniÕersitat,
Received 7 February 1999; accepted 30 March 1999


Humans in space are exposed both to space radiation and microgravity. The question whether radiation effects are
modified by microgravity is an important aspect in risk estimation. No interaction is expected at the molecular level since the
influence of gravity is much smaller than that of thermal motion. Influences might be expected, however, at the cellular and
organ level. For example, changes in immune competence could modify the development of radiogenic cancers. There are
no data so far in this area. The problem of whether intracellular repair of radiation-induced DNA lesions is changed under
microgravity conditions was recently addressed in a number of space experiments. The results are reviewed; they show that
repair processes are not modified by microgravity. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Space radiation; Microgravity; DNA double strand breaks; Repair

1. Introduction is carcinogenesis. The development of a tumour is

still poorly understood but it is clear that many
Humans in space are exposed both to radiation stages are involved ŽFig. 1.. The first stage, induc-
and microgravity. While the adverse effects of the tion or initiation, can definitely be caused by radia-
latter on organ function can to a certain extent be tion while its role in promotion and progression is
overcome by suitable countermeasures and training unclear. Cellular repair, tissue reactions, and the
programmes, it is not clear how they influence fun- immune defence reduce the radiation-related cancer
damental physiological processes at the tissue, cellu- risk under normal circumstances. If microgravity
lar and subcellular levels. In the context of the interfered with these processes the radiation hazard
present discussion, interactions between radiation in space would be higher than on earth. Interaction
damage and microgravity are important. Although between radiation damage and microgravity is thus
radiation levels in space are considerably higher than clearly not only of fundamental but also of great
on earth they do not reach doses where deterministic practical relevance.
effects are expected Žwith the possible exception of It is useful to recall that the actual energies in-
very large solar eruptions.. Hence, the main concern volved in gravitational actions are normally small
and depend on the mass of the entities involved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: q49-641-99-15300; fax: q49-
Influences of gravity changes can only be expected if
641-99-15009. they are larger than the thermal energy kT where k
E-mail address: ŽJ. Kiefer. is the Boltzmann constant Ž1.38 = 10y2 3 JrK. and T

0027-5107r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 7 - 5 1 0 7 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 1 4 2 - 6
300 J. Kiefer, H.D. Prossr Mutation Research 430 (1999) 299–305

ment call for very careful control of all parameters

involved, this obvious principle has not always been
followed and it is thus not surprising that the picture
is not clear. The ‘‘state of the art’’ up to about 1990
was comprehensively discussed by Horneck w7,8x.
This review is updated in Table 1. In most cases, the
biological samples were irradiated on the ground
before the flight but in a few cases on board radia-
tion sources were used which better mimic the real
situation. The interactions are classified as ‘‘ad-
ditive’’ Žneither sensitisation nor protection., ‘‘syn-
Fig. 1. Proposed scheme of tumour development after irradiation. ergistic’’ Žincreased radiation effect under micro-
Initiation is clearly increased by radiation while its role in promo- gravity. or ‘‘antagonistic’’ Žreduced radiation effect..
tion and progression is unknown. Gravity effects may exert influ-
The inspection of the table shows that in about the
ences at all stages.
same number of cases either additive or synergistic
actions were reported and a clear picture does not
is the thermodynamical temperature measured in emerge. In only two examples could the experiment
Kelvin ŽK.. Under ambient conditions kT is about be repeated, namely on the induction of chromoso-
4 = 10y2 1 J or 2.6 = 10y2 eV. To compare with mal aberrations in human lymphocytes w9,10x and on
gravitational energies it is assumed that spherical double strand repair in yeast w17,22x. In both cases, a
bodies with radius r and unit density move for just potentiation of radiation damage had originally been
one radius. Results of such simple calculations are reported which could not be confirmed. Protection
depicted in Fig. 2. It is obvious that gravity actions by microgravity was only described twice. The first
cannot be expected for even big molecules and may case involved a short flight while the more recent
start to be important only with larger cell organelles investigation was performed under much better con-
such as the nucleus. This is supported by space ditions on IML-2. The object was the extremely
experiments where changes in plasma streaming have radioresistant bacterium D. radiodurans which may
been attributed to cytoskeleton stress by the nucleus behave in an atypical way so that generalisation is
w1x. Changes of lymphocyte proliferation and activa- hardly possible.
tion have been reported w2x which seem to demon- Synergistic actions may be a cause for concern
strate microgravity effects on cellular signal trans- and have, therefore, to be considered in more detail.
duction. The whole field has recently been the Before doing so a few general remarks are in place.
subject of a comprehensive review w3x. Theoretical
considerations to explain cellular gravity effects can
be found in Refs. w4 and 5x. Non-linear thermody-
namics has shown that even very small changes may
drastically alter the state of a system w6x. All this
does, of course, not prove the existence of micro-
gravity effect but only shows that they are possible
and not at variance with basic physics. The ultimate
demonstration requires very careful experimentation.

2. Experiments on the interaction of radiation and

Fig. 2. A comparison of thermal and gravitational energies for
bodies of different size with unit density. Plotted is the ratio of
Although it goes without saying that the ex- thermal to gravitational energy on the ordinate Žsee text. vs. radius
tremely complex conditions during a space experi- of spherical bodies.
Table 1
Radiobiological experiments in space: observed interactions between radiation and microgravity in various biological systems Žmodified from Refs. w7 and 8x and updated.
Test system, year Endpoint studied Mission, duration Irradiation Effect References

J. Kiefer, H.D. Prossr Mutation Research 430 (1999) 299–305

Human leukocytes 1967 chromosome deletion Gemini 3, 5 h P, 1.8 Gy in flight synergistic w9x
Human leukocytes, 1968 chromosome deletion Gemini 11, 72 h P, 2.8 Gy in flight additive w10x
E. coli, 1971 phage induction Biosatellite II, 45 h Sr, 17 Gy in flight additive w11x
Lettuce seeds, 1972 chromosome aberration Cosmos 368, 6 days g-rays 100 Gy pre-flight additive w12x
Hydrogenomonas eutrphia, 1972 inactivation Cosmos 368, 6 days g-rays 60 Gy pre-flight additive w12x
Saccharomyces ellipsoides, 1972 inactivation Cosmos 368, 6 days g-rays 1.6 kGy pre-flight additive w12x
Drosophila, 1974 larvae mortality Biosatellite II, 45 h Sr, 8 Gy in-flight synergistic w13x
Drosophila, 1974 genetic effects in sperm Biosatellite II, 45 h Sr, 1.4 Gy in-flight synergistic w13x
Neurospora, 1974 inactivation mutagenesis Biosatellite II, 45 h Sr, 90 Gy in-flight antagonisticradditive w13x
Rat, 1978 haemopoetic system Cosmos 690, 22 days Cs, 8 Gy in-flight additive w14x
Lettuce seeds, up to 1982 chromosome aberration Cosmos 782, 19 days g-rays 150 Gy pre-flight synergistic w15x
Lettuce seeds, up to 1982 mutagenesis Salyut 7, 72 days g-rays 100 Gy pre-flight additive w15x
Arabidopsis seeds, up to 1982 mutagenesis SoyuzrSalyut g-rays 300 Gy pre-rpost-flight additiversynergistic w15x
Carausius morosus, 1986 development anomalies Spacelab Dl, 7 days Cosmic HZE particles in flight synergistic w16x
S. cereÕisiae rad 54-3, 1994 DSB repair IML-1, 9 days 80 kV X-rays up to 140 Gy pre-flight synergistic w17x
Deinococcus radiodurans, 1996 DNA repair IML-2, 14 days g-rays, up to 12 kGy pre-flight antagonistic w18,19x
Bacillus subtilis HA 101, 1996 survivalrCFA IML-2, REPAIR, 14 days UV 254 nm, up to 335 Jrm2 pre-flight additive w20,21x
E. coli Br r, 1996 DSB repair IML-2, KINETICS, 14 days X-rays 150 kV, 120 Gy pre-flight additive w20,21x
E. coli PQ37, 1996 SOS-system IML-2, KINETICS, 14 days Co g-rays, 300 Gy pre-flight additive w20,21x
Human fibroblasts, 1996 SSB repair IML-2, KINETICS, 14 days X-rays 300 kV, 5r10 Gy pre-flight additive w20,21x
S. cereÕisiae rad 54-3, 1998 DSB repair XRAY 80 kV X-rays up to 140 Gy pre-flight additive w22x
S. cereÕisiae rad 54-3, 1998 DSB repair BETARAY Ni b-particles, up to 160 Gy in-flight additive w23x

302 J. Kiefer, H.D. Prossr Mutation Research 430 (1999) 299–305

It is obvious that a space experiment differs grossly dynamical grounds. On the other hand, repair pro-
from one performed in the home laboratory. This cesses are under cellular control and may depend on
situation requires very careful planning not only transcriptional activity. This has so far only been
regarding experimental procedures but also regarding shown for excision repair of UV damage w25x but
the logistics of transport and storing. A study under- may also exist for other pathways. Cellular
taken without ground controls, treated exactly like metabolism is under the control of signal transduc-
the space samples, will never yield meaningful re- tion systems which are controlled by environmental
sults. This states a necessary but by no means suffi- parameters, presumably also by gravity w7x. Modifi-
cient condition. A direct comparison in space by cations of cellular repair can hence not be excluded
using a reference centrifuge is an important improve- per se. Two groups have recently addressed this
ment but even under these conditions error sources question: Horneck et al. w20,21x in bacteria and hu-
cannot be completely excluded since simulated grav- man fibroblasts; and the author et al. w22,23x with the
ity by centrifugal forces is different from the terres- diploid yeast S. cereÕisiae. This latter object allows
trial environment. The only answer is ‘‘reproducibil- us to tackle the problem in a very straightforward
ity’’, i.e., repeat experiments which are unfortunately manner. The special strain used, termed rad54-3, is
neither popular with funding agencies nor with the temperature-conditional for the repair of DNA dou-
space agencies who seem sometimes to be more ble strand breaks w26x. It is thus possible to keep the
interested in seemingly spectacular findings — even cells at a low temperature in a metabolically inert
if not repeatable — than in scientific solidity. With state during all transportation and handling phases
regard to radiation safety of astronauts this consti- and to start the repair period only in microgravity. A
tutes not only a scientific but also an ethical issue. pilot experiment under non-ideal conditions could be
It is very difficult to reconstruct the early experi- flown on IML-1 whose results indicated an impair-
mental conditions on Russian spacecraft and the ment of repair w17x. The repeat experiment which
reported synergistic effects cannot be properly evalu- was performed under the code-name XRAY on STS-
ated. The two others, chromosomal aberrations in 76 and strictly controlled did not confirm this finding
human lymphocytes and DNA double strand break w22x. No change in repair was found in the experi-
repair Žto be discussed in more detail below. have ment BETARAY on STS-84 w23x. Here, the cells
already been mentioned. The first reported synergis- were exposed to radiation only during the flight so
tic effects could not be confirmed in repeat experi- that it was possible to investigate reparability under
ments. This means that the only so far proven case of irradiation which mimics the real situation in space.
synergistic interaction is C. morosus w16x. This is not The essence of these two experiments is summarised
a cellular system but a developing multicellular or- as follows.
ganism. Its development is impaired by the action of
space particles which were recorded and this effect is
enforced by microgravity. This makes sense since it 4. Experimental approaches
is known from studies not involving radiation that
microgravity interferes with embryonic development Experimental details are given elsewhere w22,23x
w24x. What this means in terms of human radiation so only a short account will be given here. The
hazard can hardly be said. It is quite clear that at diploid mutant rad54-3 of the yeast S. cereÕisiae
present, pregnant women will not go into space but was used throughout. Cells were grown on standard
this may be difficult to exclude at later times with medium supplemented with those components neces-
missions of several years duration. This should be sary to cover auxotrophic requirements. For the re-
kept in mind. pair experiments the cells were collected on mem-
brane filters and placed on minimal agar Ž1.8% agar,
0.9% NaCl, 0.91% KH 2 PO4 . which in the case of
3. Cellular repair processes and microgravity
BETARAY was supplemented with 0.02% of histi-
It was pointed out above that a direct effect on dine, adenine, leucine, uracil and tryptophan in order
enzymatic mechanisms can be excluded on thermo- to facilitate recovery. All samples were housed in
J. Kiefer, H.D. Prossr Mutation Research 430 (1999) 299–305 303

Dosimetry for XRAY was carried out by standard

chemical dosimetry. In the case of BETARAY the
situation was complicated by the fact that the 63 Ni
foil did not meet the required specifications and
showed large inhomogeneities. It was thus necessary
to determine doses for each individual membrane
filter. This was achieved with the aid of a ‘‘Phos-
phorimager’’ calibrated to an ionisation chamber by
low energy X-rays. Nevertheless, there is some un-
certainty in doses but this does not invalidate the
main conclusions.

Fig. 3. Results of the XRAY experiment: full circles: cells incu-

bated at the repair permissive temperature under microgravity, 5. Results
open circles: cells incubated at the restrictive temperature in orbit,
diamonds: data from the ground experiment performed in parallel.
Full lines are for the experiment in orbit, broken lines for the Fig. 3 summarises the results of XRAY. It is
ground experiment. obvious that there is no difference between samples
exposed to microgravity during the repair period and
those on the ground. Those which were kept on the
reference centrifuges display an erratic behaviour
ESA ‘‘type I’’ containers which contained, in the Ždata not shown. as they show always a clearly
case of BETARAY, the radiation sources consisting lower survival but again with no difference between
of 63 Ni foils of different activities. space and ground samples. This effect which was
In the XRAY experiment the cells were exposed also noted during preliminary test experiments is not
to graded X-ray doses in the home laboratory and yet understood. Similar variations were also seen
transported at 0–48C to Kennedy Space Center. The during BETARAY Ždata not shown.. The outcome of
cells were kept at this temperature until the orbit was XRAY is clearly at variance with our preliminary
reached where samples were placed into 22 and 378C experiment performed on IML-1 w17x.
incubators. After a repair period of 152.5 h the
containers were cooled down to about 08C at which
level they remained until final analysis in the home
laboratory. Here the cells were washed off the filters,
plated on complete medium, and incubated at the
restrictive temperature of 378C for 3–5 days in order
to assess the remaining unrepaired damage.
In the BETARAY experiment the cells were ex-
posed to 63 Ni b-particles only during the repair
period. The activities were chosen in such a way that
during this time Ž121 h. doses between 3 and 180 Gy
were achieved.
In order to assess possible microgravity effects,
parallel samples were also placed in on-board refer-
ence centrifuges under otherwise identical condi-
tions. Furthermore, the whole experiment was dupli-
Fig. 4. Results of the BETARAY experiment: full symbols charac-
cated on the ground at the Kennedy Space Center in terise incubation at the permissive temperature Žcircles: orbit,
an identical experimental configuration Žexcept for squares: ground., open symbols are for incubation at the restric-
microgravity.. tive temperature Žcircles: orbit, squares: ground.
304 J. Kiefer, H.D. Prossr Mutation Research 430 (1999) 299–305

BETARAY simulates radiation influences in space throughout and the originally reported decrease in
in a more realistic way since radiation and micro- repair has to be attributed to this fact. The repetition
gravity act at the same time. Also here ŽFig. 4. no under more stringent conditions w22x as well as BE-
differences are seen between samples in orbit and on TARAY clearly demonstrated that cellular repair is
the ground. It can be concluded that microgravity not impaired.
does not impair the repair of radiation-induced dou-
ble strand breaks in yeast. Since repair systems are
highly conserved in evolution w27x it may be safe to Acknowledgements
assume that this statement is also true for mam-
malian systems. This was in fact also found by Experiments as described here have to rely on the
Horneck et al. w20,21x using different approaches. assistance of many people. We want to thank the
teams of ESA ŽDrs. Brinckmann and Brillouet.,
NASA KSC and BIONETICS for support and creat-
6. Discussion ing a stimulating working atmosphere. The hardware
was built in the mechanical workshop of our institu-
The interplay between radiation and microgravity tion. All members of our group helped with the
poses a great potential hazard to humans in space. preparations and final evaluation. Special technical
The results reviewed above prove at least that cellu- assistance was given by Petra Bepler-Kranert, Helga
lar repair of DNA double strand breaks is not im- Schneider and Barbara Baier. It should also be men-
paired. This does not mean that microgravity is no tioned that the transportation of the samples without
longer an issue when considering radiation hazards outside interference which was crucial for the suc-
to humans in space, even at the cellular level. The cess was made possible by the very helpful co-oper-
investigations so far are either based on survival Žthis ation of Lufthansa. Financial support was provided
paper. or on molecular measurements of DSB rejoin- by ‘‘Deutsche Agentur fur ¨ Raumfahrtangelegen-
ing w20,21x. It is not at all clear whether this proceeds heiten’’ DARA.
without errors and whether radiation-induced muta-
tions or transformations are also not altered. They
are considerably more important for long-term risks
than cell killing so that further studies are indicated.
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