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 How social Media is affecting your personal life?

 Cyber-bulling is a potential threat to a healthy life, Discuss?

 What trends, can be used effectively in education to learn in 21st
 What are the analytical skills that can help read the text
 What challenges are faced by gen-z (modern generation) to
survive today
 Corruption is the root cause of all problems, Discuss?
 Global warming is human production, Discuss?
 “War is total end”, Write argumentative essay on this clause?
 Junk food is a silent killer(poison), describe with daily routine
 What are the draw backs of co education in pakistani
institutions? How can we overcome these problems?
 What changes or amendments should HEC bring in current
education system?
 How crucial in examination system for intellectualism of a
 “Today robots humanoids are taking over the world” discuss in
detail the pros and cons of these inventions?
A/N: “Do not learn only these topics for essay as these are just
the common guesses made”

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