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Institute Code:-0141

‘Case Study on safety Measures followed in different types of organization

Program Code:- EJ6I

Course Name:- Management

Course Code:- 22509

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department

(Academic Year 2023-24)

Roll No. Enrolment No. Name of Student Sign of Student
2710 2101410071 Pravin Kushwaha
2711 2101410057 Rudra Changude
2712 2201410570 Pranali Thorat

Under the guidance of

Ms .S.O Ahire

Institute Code: 0141

Certified that this micro project report titled -‘Case Study on safety Measures followed in
different types of organization is the bonafide work of Ms./Mr. Pravin Kushwaha, Rudra
Changude, Pranali Thorat of Third year diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering for the Course:ManagementCourse code: 22509 during the academic year 2023-
24, who carried out the micro project work under my supervision.

Ms .S.O Ahire
Name and Signature of Course Teacher

PUNE -01

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department


Achieve excellence in quality technical education by imparting knowledge,
skills and abilities to build a better technocrat.
M1: Empower the students by inculcating various technical and soft skills.
M2: Upgrade teaching-learning process and industry-institute interaction



Vision: Contribute the society through technical education in electronics and

telecommunication field along with professional skills

M1 : To nurture young minds for entrepreneurial and industry relevant skills.
M2: To empower students by imparting social and ethical values.

PUNE -01

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department


PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics,
science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the
engineering problems.

PO2: Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using
codified standard methods.

PO3: Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical

problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet
specified needs.

PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools
and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.

PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply

appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical

PO6: Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team

member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-
defined engineering activities.

PO7: Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of technological changes.


PSO1:Electronics and Telecommunication Systems: Maintain various types of Electronics

and Telecommunication systems.

PSO2:EDA Tools Usage: Use EDA tools to develop simple Electronics and
Telecommunication engineering related circuits.

Sr. No. Content Page No.

1. Annexure I

2. Annexure II: Rationale

3. Aims/Benefits of the Micro Project

4. Course Outcome achieved

5. Literature Review

6. Actual Methodology Followed

7. Actual Resources Used

8. Output of the Micro Projects

9. Skill Developed / Learning outcome of the Micro


10. Applications of the Micro Project

11. Annexure III

12. Annexure IV (Evaluation Sheet)

13. Log book


We would like to express our special gratitude to our guide Mrs. M. R. Talware who gave us
the golden opportunity to do this wonderful micro project on the topic --‘Case Study on
safety Measures followed in different types of organization which also helped us in doing
experimentation to micro project and we came to know about so many new things ,we are
really thankful to them. We would also like to thank our parents and colleagues who helped
us a lot in finalizing this micro project within the limited time frame.

Students Name
Pravin Kushwaha
Rudra Chandgude
Pranali Thorat


Micro-Project Proposal

‘Case Study on safety Measures followed in different types of organization

1.0 Aim/Benefits of the Micro Project:
Safety is a critical aspect of any organization, ensuring the well-being of employees,
customers, and the public. Different types of organizations implement various safety
measures based on their industry, size, and specific risks. This case study examines safety
practices in three different types of organizations: a manufacturing plant, a hospital, and a
software development company.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:

a. Maintain wired computer network topologies.

b. Use the relevant network model for the specified data communication system.

c. Maintain relevant transmission medium and modem for data transmission.

d. Analyze error detection/correction and flow control of data in the data network.

e. Configure the network component and assign IP address.

Proposed Methodology:

1. As soon as we get the topic, the respective group members will sit together and
discuss regarding the micro project and we discussed the logic to be used for program.
2. The work of the project will be divided in such a way that each and every member of
our group can contribute equally.
3. Make draft copy of micro project proposal.
4. Take approval from teacher.
5. Make list of resources required such as raw material, instruments, software.
6. Execute Micro project.
7. Test Micro project.
8. Observe outputs/Results of Micro project.
9. Prepare Micro Project Presentation.
10. Prepare Micro project report for submission
11. Later, draft copy will be made and shown to the respected course teacher.
12. Corrections will be done accordingly as per the suggestions given to us.
13. The final hard copy will be submitted.

3.0 Action Plan:
Sr. Details of Activity Planned Planned Name of Responsible
No. Start Date Finish Team Members
1 Formation of groups 08/01/23 08/01/24 All members
2 Select the topic for micro 09/01/23 09/01/24 All members
3 Group Discussion about the 10/01/24 10/01/24 All members
4 Allocate work to each group 16/01/24 16/01/24 Rudra Chandgude
5 Detail study of micro- 22/01/24 22/01/24 Pranali Thorat
6 Collect information on 23/01/24 22/01/24 Pranali Thorat
assigned topic
7 Prepare proposal of micro- 29/01/24 29/01/24 Pravin Kushwaha
8 Present Project proposal to 30/01/24 30/01/24 Rudra Chandgude
9 Correct the micro-project 31/01/24 31/01/24 Pravin Kushwaha
suggested by teacher
10 Actual implementation of 05/02/24 05/02/24 Pranali Thorat
11 Prepare model of micro- 07/02/24 07/02/24 Rudra Chandgude
project project
12 Micro-project presentation 12/02/24 12/02/24 All members
13 Correction in Micro-project 14/02/24 14/02/24 All members
as per suggestion by teacher
14 Prepare draft report of 19/02/24 19/02/24 All members
15 Correction in Micro-project 21/02/24 21/02/24 Pravin Kushwaha
report and finalisation
16 Micro-project submission 26/02/24 26/02/24 All members

5.0 Resources Required:

Sr. No. Name of Resource/Material Specification Remark
1. Desktop PC or laptop Lenovo
2. Printer HP
3. Reference books Management
(By Vijay Navale)

Name of Team Members with Roll No:

Sr. No. Name of Students Roll No.

1 Pravin Kushwaha 2710
2 Rudra Chandgude 2711
3 Pranali Thorat 2712

Ms.S.O. Ahire

Name & signature Course teacher


Micro Project Report

‘Case Study on safety Measures followed in different types of organization
1.0 Rationale:

Safety is a critical aspect of organizational management, ensuring the well-being of

employees and minimizing operational risks. This case study examines safety measurement
practices in three distinct types of organizations: a manufacturing company, a healthcare
facility, and a construction firm. The study analyzes the unique challenges and strategies
employed by each organization to maintain high safety standards.

Aims of the Micro-project:

a. To search and collect information.
b. To arrange information in proper sequence.
c. To collect information on wireless technologies.
d. To work in a team and as an individual.
e. To present information effectively.
2.0 Course outcome:

a. Maintain wired computer network topologies.

b. Use the relevant network model for the specified data communication system.

c. Maintain relevant transmission medium and modem for data transmission.

d. Analyze error detection/correction and flow control of data in the data network.

e. Configure the network component and assign IP address.

3.0 Literature Review:


There are many definitions for safety management system (SMS) but according to Safety
Management International Collaboration Group the definition of Safety Management System
is “A series of defined, organization-wide process that provide for effective risk-based
decision making related to your daily business”.


• Reducing the number of injuries to personnel and operatives in the work place through the
prevention and control of work place hazards.

• Minimize the risk of major accidents.

• Controlling workplace risks improve employee morale and enhance productivity.

• Minimizing production interruptions and reducing material and equipment damage.

• Reducing the cost of insurance as well as the cost of employee absences.

Benefits of Safety ELEMENTS OF SAFETY



1. Administrative Management Elements

2. Operational Technical Elements

3. Cultural/ Behavioral Elements

1.1 Functions of Administration:

Basic Functions of Administration:

• Planning

• Organizing


• Controllingures



• Functional

• Electrical

• Intrinsic


Functional safety is part of the overall safety of a system or piece of equipment that depends
on automatic protection. This automatic protection system needs to respond correctly to its
inputs. And it should have predictable responses to failure.


Electrical safety is a system of organizational measures and technical means to prevent

harmful and dangerous effects on workers from electric current, arcing, electromagnetic
fields and static electricity. Electricity can kill or severely injure people and cause damage to


Intrinsic Safety (IS) is an approach to the design of equipment going into hazardous areas.
The idea is to reduce the available energy to a level where it is too low to cause ignition. That
means preventing sparks and keeping temperatures low

Case Study 1: Manufacturing Company

The manufacturing company, which produces automotive components, emphasizes a

proactive safety culture. Safety metrics are integrated into daily operations, with regular
safety audits conducted to identify potential hazards. The company also prioritizes employee
training, ensuring that all staff are aware of safety protocols and procedures. Key
performance indicators (KPIs) such as incident rates, near-miss reports, and safety training
hours are monitored closely to gauge safety performance. Continuous improvement
initiatives are implemented based on these metrics, with a focus on reducing accidents and
enhancing safety awareness among employees.

Case Study 2: Healthcare Facility

In the healthcare sector, safety is paramount due to the nature of the work and the
vulnerability of patients. This facility adopts a comprehensive approach to safety
measurement, encompassing patient safety, employee safety, and environmental safety.
Safety committees comprised of staff from various departments regularly review safety
protocols and recommend improvements. Incident reporting systems are in place to document
and analyze safety incidents, leading to the implementation of preventive measures. Safety
performance is measured through indicators such as patient falls, medication errors, and staff
injuries. Continuous staff training and education are key components of the facility's safety
strategy, ensuring that employees are equipped to handle safety-related challenges

Case Study 3: Construction Firm

In the construction industry, safety is a major concern due to the high-risk nature of the work.
This construction firm employs a multi-faceted approach to safety measurement, focusing on
hazard identification, risk assessment, and safety training. Safety inspections are conducted
regularly to identify potential hazards, and corrective actions are implemented promptly.
Safety performance is evaluated using metrics such as lost-time injury rates, safety violations,
and safety training completion rates. The firm also emphasizes the use of personal protective
equipment (PPE) and safety guidelines to minimize risks on construction sites. Continuous
safety training and toolbox talks are conducted to reinforce safety protocols and ensure that
all employees are aware of the latest safety practices.

4.0 Actual Methodology Followed:

1. Collected information regarding micro-project.

2. Selected contents of our interest from collected data.
3. Rearranged contents sequentially regarding topic.
4. Prepared Chart/poster or Power point presentation.
5. Used Freeware software like Cisco Packet Tracer and IITB virtual lab website.
6. Interpreted Results
7. Prepared detailed micro-project report.
8. Made corrections as per suggestions.

9. Presented Chart/poster or Power point presentation.
10. Submitted final copy of micro-project and report

5.0 Actual resources Used:

Sr. Name of Specification Qty. Remark

No. Resource/Material
1. Desktop PC or laptop LENOVO 1.
2. Printer HP 1
3. Reference Books or MANgement 1
websites (By Vijay Navale)

4 Websites https// 2

6.0 Outputs of the Micro project


1. Always Report Unsafe Conditions.

2. Keep a clean workstation.

3. Wear protective equipment.

4. Take breaks.

5. Don’t skip steps.

6. Stay up to date with new procedures or protocols.

7. Maintain proper posture.

8. Offer guidance to new employee

Skill developed / Learning outcome of the Micro-Project:

 To search and collect information.

 To arrange information in proper sequence.
 To collect information on wireless technologies.
 To work in a team and as an individual.
 To present information effectively.

Applications of the Micro-Project:

Manufacturing Organizations

 Ensuring proper equipment usage and clutter-free work areas

 Compliance with safety standards and regular equipment maintenance to minimize
workplace incidents

Healthcare Organizations

 Implementing safety systems to prevent harm and using security measures such as
CCTV cameras
 Improving patient and employee experience by achieving total systems safety

Educational Institutions

 Knowing travel routes to and from the school for use in emergencies
 Utilizing security measures such as surveillance cameras, emergency blue light
phones, and patrolling security guards

Ms .S.O Ahire
(Name and Signature of faculty)

Annexure - III
Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

S. Characteristics to be Poor Average Good Excellent

No assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10)
1. Relevance to the Related to very few Related to some Los Addressed at-least Addressed more
Course Los one CO than one CO
2. Literature Not more than two At-least 5 relevant At-least 7 relevant About 10 relevant
Review/information sources (Primary sources, at least 2 latest sources, most latest sources, most latest
collection and Secondary),

very old reference
3. Completion of Target Completed less than Completed 50 to 60% Completed 60 to Completed more
as per Project proposal 50% 80% than 80%
4. Analysis of Data and Sample Size all, data Sufficient and Sufficient and Enough data
representation neither organized appropriate sample, appropriate sample, collected by
nor presented well enough data generated enough data sufficient and
but not organized and generated which is appropriate sample
not well presented well. organized and size. Proper
No or poor inferences presented well. But inferences drawn by
drawn poor inferences organizing and
drawn presenting data
through tables,
charts and graphs
5. Quality of Incomplete Just assembled/ Well a Just Well a Just
prototype/Model fabrication/ fabricated and parts are assembled/ assembled/
assembly not functioning well. fabricated with fabricated with
Not in proper shape, proper functioning proper functioning
dimensions beyond proper proper
tolerance limit. shape, within shape, within
Appearance/ finish is tolerance tolerance dimensions
shabby. dimensions and and good finish/
good finish. But no appearance.
creativity in design Creativity in design
and use of material and use of material.
6. Report Preparation Very short, poor Nearly sufficient and Detailed, correct Very detailed,
quality sketches, correct details about and clear correct, clear
Details about methods, materials, description of description of
methods, materials, precautions and methods, materials, methods, materials,
Precautions and conclusion. But clarity precautions and precautions and
Conclusions is not there in conclusion. conclusion. Enough
omitted, some presentation. But not Sufficient graphic tables, charts and
details are wrong. enough graphic description sketches

7. Presentation of the Major information is Includes major Includes major Well organized,
Micro-Project not included, information but not information but not Includes major
information is not well organized not well organized not information,
well organized. presented well. presented well. presented well.
8. Could not reply to Replied to considerable Replied properly Replied most of the
considerable number number of questions nut considerable questions properly
of question not very properly number of question.

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student: Pravin Kushwaha, Rudra Chandgude, Pranali Thorat
Name of Program: TYEJ Semester: EJ-6-I

Course Title: Management Code: 22509

Title of the Micro-project: ‘Case Study on safety Measures followed in different types
of organization

Course Outcomes Achieved: -

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent Sub
No. accessed (Marks 1- (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6- (Marks 9-10) Total
3) 8)
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 Marks)
1 Relevance to the
2 Literature
3 Completion of the
Target as per project
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of the
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/ Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 Marks)
7 Presentation
8 Viva

(A) (B) Total Marks

Process and Product Individual Presentation/ 10
Assessment Viva
(6 Marks) (4 Marks)


Name and Designation of the Teacher:Mrs. Manisha Talware

Dated Signature……………………………………………………………

Log Book of the Student (Hourly Work Report)

Academic Year: 2023-24

Name of Student: Pravin Kushwaha, Rudra Changude, Pranali Thorat

Title of the Project: ‘Case Study on safety Measures followed in different types of
Course Code: 22509

Sr. No./ Date Time Work Done
Hour No.
1. 08/01/23 8.10am to Discuss and finalize the topic
2. 09/01/23 4.00pm to Prepare micro project proposal
3. 10/01/24 4.00pm to Distribution of activities
4. 16/01/24 4.00pm to Search and collect information
5. 22/01/24 8.10am to Search and collect information
6. 23/01/24 4.00pm to Search and collect information
7. 29/01/24 8.10am to Compile the work in proper sequence
8. 30/01/24 8.10am to Compile the work in proper sequence
9. 31/01/24 4.00pm to Discussion on the compiled project
10. 05/02/24 4.00pm to Edit the information as per the suggestions of
6.00pm group members
11. 07/02/24 4.00pm to Edit the information as per the suggestions of
6.00pm group members
12. 12/02/24 8.10am to Verify the information from the teacher
13. 14/02/24 8.10am to Edit the information as per the suggestions of
9.00am the teacher
14. 19/02/24 8.10am to Edit the information as per the suggestions of
9.00am the teacher
15. 21/02/24 8.10am to Final discussion of the micro project
16. 26/02/24 8.10am to Final the draft and take printouts
Ms .S.O Ahire
Name and Signature of Course Teacher

For AICTE Diploma courses W.e.f: 2017-18

AISSMS’s Polytechnic, Pune- 01(0141)
Annexure IV: Rubrics Used for Evaluation of a Micro Project

Program/Semester /Master: EJ6I Course/Course code: 22509

Group No.: __04
Title of the Micro project: ‘Case Study on safety Measures followed in different types
of organization

Assessment of micro project based on rubrics for performance in group activity :

( Marks to be given out of 06

Assessment of performance in individual presentation/Viva of micro project: (Marks to
be given out of 04
Scale used for assessment: Poor (1-3), Average (4-5), Good (6-8), Excellent (9-10)

A) Process and Product Assessment (A):

Rubric Marks Obtained out of

Characteristics to be assessed
No. 10

1 Relevance to course
2 Literature review/information collection
3 Completion of target as per project proposal
4 Analysis of data and representation
5 Quality of prototype/model
6 Report Preparation
Total Out of (60)
Process and Product Assessment (A) :Total Out of

B) Individual Presentation/Viva(B)

Rubric 7 Rubric 8 Individual Individual

Presentation Presentation/
/Viva Viva
Individual Individu (Addition of (Convert out
Roll Enrollment (A+B)
Name of Student Presentation al Viva marks in of 08 marks
No. No.
Rubric 7 to into out of 4)
8) (B)
Marks Marks Marks out Marks out of Marks
out of 10 out of 10 of 20 04 out of 10
2710 2101410071 Pravin Kushwaha
2711 2101410057 Rudra Chandgude
2712 2201410570 Pranali Thorat

Name & signature of Faculty

Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project

Academic Year: 2023-24 Name of Faculty: Mrs. O.S.Ahire

Course: Management Course Code: 22509
Semester: EJ6I

Title of the Project: ‘Case Study on safety Measures followed in different types of

CO’s addressed by the Micro Project:

Major Learning Outcomes achieved by students by doing the project:

(a)Practical Outcomes:

(b)Unit Outcomes in Cognitive domain:

1b. Describe with relevant sketch the working of the specified application of the mobile
wireless communication system.

(c)Outcomes in Affective Domain:

a. Follow safety practices.
b. Demonstrate working as a leader/a team member.
c. Follow ethical practices.

Roll Student Name Marks out of Marks out of (4) Total out of
No. (6) for for performance (10)
performance in oral /
in group presentation
2710 Pravin Kushawaha

2711 Rudra Chandgude

2712 Pranali Thorat

(Dated Signature of Faculty)


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