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Election is the process through which people can express their political opinion.

They express this

opinion by public voting _______ . Furthermore, this political leader would have authority and
responsibility.The selected political leader would hold public office. The election is certainly a vital
pillar of democracy. This is because; Election ensures that the government is of the people, by the
people, and for the people.

Characteristics of Election

First of all, suffrage is an important part of ______ Most noteworthy, suffrage refers to the right to
vote in Elections.The electorate probably never includes the entire population. Almost all countries
prohibit individuals under the age of majority from voting. For example, in India, the age of majority
is attainable at the age of 18 years.The nomination of a candidate is also an important characteristic
of Election. This means to officially suggest someone for Election. Nomination refers to the process
of selecting a candidate for election to a public office. Furthermore, endorsements or testimonials are
public statements to support a candidate’s nomination.The first step is the tally of votes. For this
purpose, there is the use of various vote counting systems and ballot.

First of all, the Election is a peaceful and efficient way of choosing political leaders. Furthermore,
citizens of a Nation choose a leader by casting their votes. In this way, the citizens are able to choose
an individual whose views appeal to them most. Hence, people are able to exercise their will in
political leadership.An election is an excellent opportunity for people to express their resentment.
Most noteworthy, if people are unhappy with a particular leadership, then they can remove it from
power. People can certainly replace an undesirous leadership with a better alternative through
Election.The election is a handsome opportunity for political participation. Furthermore, it is a way
by which new issues can be raised in public. In most democratic countries, common citizens are
allowed to contest elections independently. Also, in most democratic countries, a citizen could form
a new political party to contest Election.Election helps keep the power of political leaders in check.
Election serves as an efficient power check and control for those in the ruling power.

To sum it up, Election is the symbol of political freedom. Most noteworthy, it is the tool
which puts authority in the hands of common people.

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