English Grammar (Direct and Indirect Speech)

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(be) puzzled. Was (2).... .. (shadow)? The

25. I(1) .. (set) an agent upon
notfollowing me himself, but (3).
stranger w a s

m ytrack. |(4)...
. (observe). I searched the hut but (5).. .
(modal verb + find) no clue which (6)... (modal verb + indicate) the
of the man. He (7).. ... (be) of Spartan habits.
character orintentions
That much (8) (be) clear. (9). ... (Be) he our malignant

enemy who (10)...... ... (brave) the heavy rains or (11)..

... (wait) for him to return.
heour guardian angel?I(12).
And thenI(13).... ... (hear) him. His boot (14).. .
He (15). and nearer. I (16)
(strike) upon a stone. ... (come) nearer
*****.... (shrink) back into the darkest corner, readying my revolver.
the footsteps (18)
There (1 ). . . (be) a long pause. Then, again,... (fall) across the
******. . . (approach) and a shadow (19) .....
the hut.
opening of
A well known voice (20) ........ ( c a l l ) out my name and (21)
.. (remark) that it was a lovely evening. He (22). ..(ask)
out and feel more comfortable.
me to come

44.1. There are two ways of reporting the words of a speaker
the speaker's own actual words.

(1) Wemay quote within quotation marks "

This is called the DIRECT SPEECH
the speaker said without quoting
(2) We may report (the substance of) what REPORTED) SPEECH or
his exact words. This is called the INDIRECT (or
Clause and
narration. You will note that the reporting portion is the Principal
Subordinate Noun Clause.
the actual speech of the Reported Speech is the
Study the construction of the following:
recovered from illness."
Direct:He said, "Mohan has
Indirect: He said that Mohan had recovered from ilIness.
Direct: He said to me, "l am going."
Indirect: He told me that he was going.


SPEECH (Change of Speech)
(Reporting portion) (Actual Speech)
(1) Direct He said (comma) (within inverted commas)
He said to me "Mohan has recovered from illness."
"l am going."

(Reporting portion) (Reported Speech)

(2) Indirect He said that Mohan had recovered from illness.
He told me he was going.
The change from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech (Reported Speech) is a
Transformation, i.e., change of form without change of meaning.
44.2. Note the following pointsin the foregoing example
Said is called the Reporting Verb and is placed outside (" ").
The tense of the Reporting Verb is neverchanged.
i) The exact words of the speaker are marked off by the inverted commas,
and are called Direct Speech. The speech within the quotation is separated
from the reporting portion by a comma.


nas benin.
begins with;

A inverted

after the
278 word
the first
Speech s t a t e m e n t .

fi) In Direct Indirect

capital letter. Personal Pronos..
been placed
the uns, and
that' has
Direct into Indirect Speech, indicating

44.3. While
Verbs and the
tenses of the certain
the Direct Speech undergo of
the Change
I. Rules for
following Indirect
Study the
" You tell that you are busy.
"/ am busy. busy.
You say to me, You tell me that / am
"You are busy." that he is busy.
You say to me, " You tell me
"He is busy. that he is tired.
You say to me, He tells me

"/am tired." that / am tired.

to me,
|Hesays tired."
He tells me
me, "You that he is tired.
|Hesays to He tells me
"He is tired. him.
He says to me,
believe you."|Isaid / didn't believe
I said to him, "/ don't didn't believe you
believe you."|Isaid/
| Isaid to you, "/ we learn:

From the study of

foregoing examples changed as under:
of the Direct Speech are
ours, me or us) of
Person (, we, my, mine, our,
44.4.The Pronouns
the Person of the Subject of the
of the First
i) The Pronoun according to
Direct Speech changes
Reporting Verb; of the Direct Speech
your, yours)
of the Second Person (You,
il The Pronoun the Object of the Reporting
to the Person of
changes according him, she, her, hers, it, its, they,
Pronoun of the Third Person (He, his,
(i) The remains in the third person.
or noun
them) or any name
their, theirs, become 'tell' or
The reporting verbs 'say or 'said generally
Note-(a) 'Tell' and 'told" are not
followed by any preposition
'told' in indirect speech. and 'speak" are never used to
after them. (b) "Tell
and require an object
introduce Direct Speech.
of Tenses
I. Rules for the Change
Verb in the Reporting Portion is in the past tense,
44.5. When the Reporting
are changed into the corresponding
all present tenses of the Direct Speech
past tenses.
(i) A simple present becomes a simple past, as,
Direct He said, "l am unwell."
Indirect: He said that he was unwel.
i) Apresent continuous becomes a past continuous, as,
Direct: He said, "My master is writing letters."
Indirect: He said that his master was writing letters.
(Gii) Apresent perfect becomes a past perfect, as,
Direct He said, "1 have passed the examination."
Indirect He said that he had passed the examination.
Note-The 'shall' of the future tense is changed into 'should', the 'WIll
ofthe future tense is changed into 'would' or 'should'.
44.6. Study the following examples. Note the tense of the reporting verb.
1. Direct - Mohan says, "The teacher is not at home."
Indirect -Mohan says that the teacher is not at home.
2. Direct -Mohan wll say, "Father is not at home."
Indirect -Mohan will say that his father is not at home.
3. Direct The new President says, "1 have not sought the
presidentship with any personal motive."
Indirect -The new President says that he has not sought the
presidentship with any personal motive.
1. Direct -He said, "I want a computer."
Indirect -He said that he wanted a computer.
2. Direct -He said, "I am writing a letter."
Indirect -He said that he was writing a letter.
3. Direct -He said, "Ihave passed the examination."
Indirect -He said that he had passed the examination.
1. Direct -He said "I wrote a letter."
Indirect -He said that he had written a letter.
2. Direct -He said, "It was blowing hard at six."
Indirect -He said that it had been blowing hard at six.
1. Direct -He said, "The man shallcome."
Indirect He said that the man should come.
2. Direct -He said, "The clerk will not attend the office."
Indirect -He said that the clerk would not attend the office.
44.7. From the study of the foregoing examples we learn:
i) If the Reporting Verb is in the present or future tense, the tense of the verb
in the Direct Speech is not changed as in (A).
If the Reporting Verb is in the past tense, a present tense in the Direct
Speech must be changed into a past tense as in (B) e.g.,
Present Indefinite BECOMES Past Indefinite
write wrote
Present Continuous Past Continuous
is writing was writing
Present Perfect Past Perfect
has written had written
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
has been writing had been writing
ii) If the Reporting Verb is in the past tense, a past tense in the Direct Speech
may be turned into a past perfect as in (C) e.g.
Past Indefinite BECOMES Past Perfect
wrote had written
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
was writing had been writing
fiv) If the Reporting Verb is in the past tense, will or shall in the Direct Speech
is generally changed into would or should respectively according to the
Subject (as in D).
N.B. Sometimes shall is changed into will or would when the speaker and the
subject of the reported speech are the same persons; as
Direct -He said, "I shall not complain against it."
Inirect He said that he would not complain against that.
280 write; write
write ischangedinto might ritei n Coul
not write into
Note:-Similarly, may did not write; did
does not
write into
w r i t t e n into had been r d
write; do or
was written, w a s
written into
written; is
remains unchanged. unchanged; as,
to write remains
44.8. Sometimes
the past tense in India."
"I /ived many years
Direct He said, years in lIndia.
-He said that he /ved many
was absent when the
postman came,"
Direct He said, "Moti the postman came
Moti was absent when
Indirect -He said that yesterday."
-He said, "I w a s
reading a novel
previous dav.
was reading a novel the
-He said that he a
(Or) He said that had been readina a
(Past Continuous) Perfect Continuous
novel the previous day. (Past
when we wish
note that the
Past Pertect is used to
Note-We may before another past action. a y If
stress on the completion
ofan Tenare
to use it is safer to use the Past Indefinite
doubt which tense
words indicating Time or Placo
of Adverbs or
1. Rules for the Change
44.9. In reporting a speech in narration,
Indirect words showing nearness ar.

distance. Thus:
words showing
generally changed into BECOMES that night
BECOMES then tonight
tomorroW the next day,
this that
the following
these those
there day
here the previous day
thither yesterday
hither (or) the day
hence thence
thus the night be-
before last night
ago fore (or) the
Come go (not
always previous night
that day next week the following
to-day week
(or) the
same day (or) the next

-He said, "l am too ill to speak

Indirect -He said that he was too ill to speak "

Direct -He said, "l intend to leave for Delhi to-night.

Indirect -He said that he intended to leave for Delhi that night.
Direct I said, "I came here yesterday."
Indirect -I said that I wènt there the previous day.
44.10. If the Reporting verb is in the present or future tense, no change is
usually made in the Adverbs of Time or Place; as,
Direct -She says, "My husband shall come now."
Indirect -She says that her husband shall come now.
44.11. Exceptions to the Rules. If now, this, here, etc. refer to objects present
at the time of reporting the speech, or to the place in which the reporter
at the time of the speech, they are not changed into then, that, there, etc.
in indirect speech; as,
Direct -Mohan said, "I have no time to talk to you now."
Indirect -Mohan said that he had no time to talk to him now. (the report
is made immediately).
Direct Karan said, "This is my basket."
Indirect -Karan said that this (i.e. the basket before us) was his baske.
Direct -He said, "1 will speak here.
Indirect He said that he would speak here. (The report is made ont
same spot.)

44.12. Universal Truth If the direct speech expresses

universal a truth or a
is not changed; as,
habitual fact, the tense in the indirect speech
Direct The man said, "God is everywhere."
Indirect -The man said that God is everywhere.
after them."
Direct -He said, "The evil that men do lives
do lives after them.
Indirect -He said that the evil that men
Pronouns occur in the Indirect Speech,
44.13. When two or more Third Person in
mentioned may be inserted
name of one or more of the persons
the confusion. Thus:
brackets after the pronouns to remove
Direct Gopal said to Krishna, "You have wronged
had wronged him or that
Indirect Gopal told Krishna that he (Krishna)
he had wronged him (the speaker).
Direct forms to Indirect, sentences may
44.14. For the purpose of changing
be divided into
(commands and
Assertive, Interrogative (questions), Imperative
requests, etc.) and Exclamatory.
Narration from Direct to Indirect, it is
Before changing the Speech or
is Declarative or Assertive
necessary to find out whether the Actual Speech
(making ordinary statements or assertions), Interrogative
(asking questions),
etc.) or Exclamatory
Imperative (expressing order, request, suggestion,
(expressing strong feelings of joy, applause, wonder, grief,
I. Declarative or Assertive
44.15. In the declarative or assertive form of a sentence, the reporting verb say
or tell does not need any change because say or tell (fin any tense) indicates
the declarative or assertive form of a sentence. Said is often changed to
told if it is followed by an object.
44.16. 0ther reporting verbs may be used, though not imperative, in changing
assertive sentences into Indirect Speech to express whether the speech
is a reply, confession, reminder, etc.;
Reply, state, declare, confess, remark, remind ( the object), inform
(the object).
44.17. Note the following examples of using other words for 'say':
Direct -He said to me, "Thank you."
Indirect -He thanked me.
Direct -I said, "I think he is lazy."
Indirect -I thought that he is lazy.
Turn the follo wing sentences in the lndirect Speech:
(1) I said to him, "You are very ambitious. " (2) He said to me, "Your brother
has sent you a gift." (3) He said to us, "I cannot read if you make a noise.
(4) Hari said, "I am working against heavy odds."(5) He said, "I left school long
ago." (6) Dwarka said, "I do not know when the school is going to close for the
vacation." (7) You said to me, "l am feeling very uneasy and tired. I would like
to go to spme hill-station." (8) Hari said tome shallbe gratefulif youhelp_
me now(9) The policeman said, "I caught two thieves last night. I am going
t ob r i n g t h e m b e f o r e t h e m a g i s t r a t e n o w . " (10) The doctor said, "If you take

this medicine regularly, youwill soon get well." (11) The boy said to his father,
"Our examination is over." (12) He said to me, "Your teacher will feel pleased
with you." (13) He said, "Virtuetriumphs in the long run." (14) You said to me,
"You are wrong in your method." (15) He said, "God is the Supreme ruler of

*Some grammarianspreferto change 'do' into 'did' and lives' into 'lived'.

this universe.
(16) The headmaster
can be done
to Rohan, "You m a u
m a t t e r . " (17) He

a man's
NS."90 am yourreadinga
now.l shall

face." (19) He

said, No w e ecan
c o w died

k. (20) He savs
as I can"
go away as s0on this docum
sCThesaidcirmate his
cter from

21) He ot
Punjab does
all, "I shall agree

suit me,
what you propose,
yesterday, he
you t sign
will go tomorrow."
The (23) before
Chetan said to mee, "l am
said, "Our brother
m e n will

be on duty
tonight. "(24) Ch
wite. "(25) My friend w ver
said, "The beloved shallOte
5000 at present but I
demise of your ome,i.
to hearof the sad
more than Rs.
am unable
to send you o so
enough to spare."
s o o n as I have
as I1. Interrogative (Questions)

in the indirect way:

44.18. In reporting
asK, enquire, demand,
or auio
Reporting Verb
is changed to of some
Such verb. Pronoun, Such aeas
(i) When the question
begins with interrogative
Interrogative Adverb,
such as when, wh
suc what, whe
whom, whose or
with an is used to introdtore, w
(A) below; the same word of the Indire
how, etc., as in group the joining word instead that,ifor wha.
Speech, i.e., it becomes are,do, has, orwill, can, etc.
the question begins with /s, no for an ane h othes
(ii) When have yes
words, whenever the question may
introduce the Indirect
Speech, as in group B swer, if o
whether is used to into the Assert0elow
the Question form is changed ive form. It
iv) In either case
should be placed re tthe verb. As the
means that the subject
changes into the
assertive1 from (subject + question
form (verb + subject) it
the reporting verb into ask, enquireO),
becomes necessary to change question. etc.
the speech was a
to give an idea that Verb.
after the Reporting
(v That 'is not used of the Person of the
Pronouns and the T.
vil The rules for the change time and distanceeof
Adverbs or words indicating the
the Verbs and the sentences.
same as observed
in Assertive
(A) Julud
are you?"
Direct -I said to him, "Who
who he was.
Indirect -Ienquired of him
not go home?" ,
Direct -Amar said to me, "Why do you
-Amar asked me why \did
not go home.
-The master said to the servant, "Where do.you
come from2"
dndirect -The master enquired of the servant where he çame from/
strike him?"
Direct -He said to me. "Why did you
Indirect -He demanded of me why Khad struck him. ka
diol -D
The mother said to her daughter, "Do you know where Prem
Indirect-The mother asked her daughter whether she knew where Prem
Direct -Rama said to me, "Can you spare some money for me?"
Indirect -Rama asked me whether I could spare some money for him.
Note: Prefer 'whether' to 'if'and note its spelling.

Report the following in Indirect Speech:
(1 "Where are you going?" said Viola to Rosalind. (2) The teachersaid to
the boy, "In what way does the elephant differ from other animals?(G) ueen
Maya said to the soldiers, "What do you mean by such behaviour?" (4) Mohan
said to Rama, "Were you at school yesterday?" (5) "Have you anything to say
on behalf of the accused?" said the judge to the counsel. (6) "Who are you, and
what do you want here?" said the uncle to Hari. (7) "Where are the polico?"
said he, "Is there no possibility of stopping him?" (8) The teacher said to a boy,
Can you tell me in detail the causes of the Great War?" (9) "Havo you any
money to spare?" said Gulab to his friend. (10) The teacher said to a newcomer,
What is your name? Where do you come from? Which school did you attond
last?" (11) The health-inspector said to the poor man, "When did you
got your
children vaccinated last?" (12) Savitri said to her mother, "How were books
written in olden days? Who first founel out to print books? When was the first
printing press started in the world? LL13) Myfather said to me, "Where does the
light of the moon come from] How is that the moon.does not send out hoat?"
(14) Orlando said to Jaques,"How many times a day do you have your food?"
(15) "Who are you?" roared he to me,"How dare you come marching into this
land?" (16) The wolf said to the lamb, "Why are you making the water muddy that
amdrinking?" (17) A trayeller said to a crowd of people, "What is the matter?
Why are yeu all so sad? "(18) Ganga said to Arhan, "Where does the banyan
tree growWhat is generally its age?" (19) "What are you looking for?" criod
thefirst citizen to Diogenes. "Have you lost something? said another. "Whydo
you carry alightedlantern in broad daylight?" shouted a third. (20) "What can
do for you?" asked the carpenter of the traveller. (21) The teacher said, "Boys,
what do you understand by this phrase?"
I1. Imperative (Commands and Requests)
44.19. In reporting commands and requests in the Indirect way:
) The reporting verb is changed into a verb denoting 'command', 'request'
or advice', such as request, order, tell, advise, beseech, threaten, beg,
implore, command, ask, propose and forbid.
All these verbs except 'propose' must be followed by an object.
(ii) The verbs indicating command, advice, request (go, work, lend, do not eat,
etc.) are changed into infinitives (to go, to work, to lend, not to eat, etc).
The rules for the change of pronouns are to be observed here toO.
(iv) That is generally not used. If 'that'is used, then instead of 'to' 'should' is
placed before the imperative.
Direct -I said to him, "Go away at once'.
Indirect -Iordered him to go away at once.
Direct -I said to him, "Obey your parents."
Indirect -Iadvisedhim to obey his parents.
advised him that he should obey his parents.
Direct The teacher said to the boys, "Work hard and steadily."
Indirect -The teacher advisedthe boys to work hard and steadily.
Direct -Jimmie said to me, "Lend me your pen, please.

Indirect -Jimmie requested me to lend him my pen.

Direct The doctor said to the patient, "Do not eat too many sweets."
Indirect The doctor advised the patients not to eat too many sweets.
or, -The doctor forbade the patient to eat too many sweets.
Direct -The father said to the son, "Do not go to the cinema daily.

Indirect The father forbade the son to to the cinema

go daily.
Let'is used to express Request, Suggestion or Command.
Direct -He said, "Let me go."
Indirect He requested to let him go. tn Request, "let changes into 'to let)
Direct He said, "Let's take him to the doctor."
Indirect -He suggested that they should take him to the doctor.
Un Suggestion: "Let.. take' changes into 'should take'.)
-The polico inspectorord
"Let no one leave nis room."
Direct no one
police inspector should leave

-The into
Indirect changes the to.
(In Command,
He said, "Let
us wait for our friends," should leave.TOOm
Direct wait for their fria.
He proposed that they should iends.
Indirect boy go home,"
Direct -The teacher said, "Letthe
said that the boy might be allow wed to go
The teacher
The Swami explained, "Let
Thy will be done ho
Direct a God"
wish that the will of God
The Swami expressed
Indirect children, "Let me work undisturbemight be done
She said to her oed."
Direct her children to let her work
She requested
(or to be
allowed to work) bed.
Direct -He said, "Let himcry so hard shall not yield"
he would notyield however hard hehe might cry.
Indirect.-He said that

Note:-Direct Speech introducedby etusshould be chanoo

ged into Indite
urge, suggest'for the Reporting
by substituting probpose,
as showninthe foregoinc Verb, and
using that'and should ormignt use the reporting verb foles
Note If the command is negative,
the examples above. See
Report the following in Indirect Speech The father said
(1) He said tö'me, "Wait here till Ireturn".(2)
"Put that book back on the table when you have finished with it." SOn,
Chand said to us, "Do not decide too hastily".(4) "Hurry up," he cnYan
Mohan said to Shaukat, "Please hoO his
servant, "do not waste time."(5)
(6) Colonel Dobbin said to us "Do not talk nonsense. " (7) H e s a i d t o hio e

"Please lend me your book." (8) The captain said, "Let us have a racond,
who is the fastest of us all. " (9) "Away!" He said to the man, 'and do not tu

your family any more.' (10) lyanhoe said to the servant, "Come earl
wait for you at the bridge. "(11Wake up, my child, as here is a friend wo
to see you," said the mother. (12) "Wait a moment,Viola said, "nowfoll
me softly if you please, as Rosalind is asleep."(13) Theconstable said, "Ge
me some money and Ishall find the missing man." (14) The prodigal sonsaid
"My father, forgive me the fault I have committed. " (15) "Get up Pagus! Besti
yourself, you lazy old giant," they cried with one voice. (16) She said to her
daughter, "Give me your comb."(17) The boy said to his father, "Let meplay
now." (18) Kailash said, "Let us join the N.C.C."
r AAVExclamatory (Exclamations and Wishes)
44.20 In reporting exclamations and wishes in the Indirect way..
Change the Reporting Verb into some verbs such as pray, cry, exclain,
bless, wish or some other similar verb.
(ii) OmitInterjections such as oh, bravo, hush, alas, hurrah, and Exclamations
as, ah, me, confound it, etc. Their sense may be indicated in the principal
clause by means of an adverb or adverb phrase.
Direct -The child said, "Hurrah ! Mother has come."
Indirect The child exclaimed with delight that his mother had come.
Direct The boys said, "Alas! We have lost the match."
Indirect The boys exclaimed sorrowfully that they had lost the matcl
Direct -The captain said, "Bravo! Well done. "
Indirect Ihe captain applauded him, saying that he had done wel.
Direct -He said, "May you live
Indirect -He wished (or prayed) long!"
he that might live long.
Direct The officer said, "Hang it all ! Can you not do it more neatly?"
Indirect The officer asked him angrily whether he could not do that more
Direct The child said, "Oh! Itis my doll." (denoting pleasure)
Indirect The child cried out joyfully that it was his doll.
Direct -The child said, "Oh! My doll is broken."
Indirect -The child cried sorrowfully that it was his doll (that was broken)
Note-Remember that Hark! Hush! Lo!express attention; Oh! expresses
surprise or pain and Pooh! expresses contempt.

Express the following in Indirect Speech:
(1) "How glad I am," said Rob Roy, "to meet my friend here! " (2) "This
world," he declared, "is full of sorrow. Would that I were not born!" (3) The
Emperor said, "Alas! Our foes are too strong!" (4) Dr. Johnson said, "O for a cup
of tea!" (5) William said, "Goodbye my friends. May you live long!" (6) "Ah me!"
said the captain, "What a rash and bloody deed you have done!" (7) She
"What a pity! you did not come." (8) "Look! Whata beautiful rainbow that
called out Alice to her cousin. (9) "Long live the king!" echoed the audience. (10)
The patient said, "How painful the wound is!" (11) "Oh, pray, sir, one minute
more!" cried the candidate. (12) He said, "My God! I am undone." (13)
cried the boy, "I have won a prize." (14) "Bravo!" cried the king, "You have done
well, soldiers." (15) "Alas!" she cried, "My son is dead."
44.21. Do not use again and again said for statements, asked for
and requested for commands in the indirect form of speech. You may make
use of the words given below according to the sense of the context.
a) To introduce a statement use
declare, protest, put forward, propose, maintain, think, suggest,
hope, fear, continue, etc.
(b) To introduce a question use:
inquire, wish (demand) to know whether, question whether, etc.
(c) To introduce a command use:
order, declare, direct, bid (forbid), enjoin, charge, call upon, require,
demand, etc.
(d) To introduce a request use:
ask for, beg, require, need, call for, entreat, beseech, plead, implore,
press, urge, etc.

Some Typical Examples

44.22. Study the following examples carefully and note the changes.
(1) Direct -He said, "Yes sir, that is the way to be happy and rich."
Indirect -He told him respectfully that that was the way to be happy and
(2) Direct -The teacher said, "Mohan, learn your lesson."
Indirect -The teacher ordered Mohan to learn his lesson.
(3) Direct -He said, "I shall have you sent to prison, you ruffian."
Indirect -Calling him a ruffian, he said that he would have him sent to
(4) Direct -He said, "I hope you, ladies and gentlemen, would be the first
to appreciate my point of view."
Indirect -He said that he hoped that those present there would be the
first to appreciate his point of view.
Note -Vocatives or Nominatives of Address cannot appear in an Indirect
(11 f ordinary: 1.
as in example no
They may be left out
2 If emphatic or unusual:
in the principal sans.
a) They may be either retainedNo.
reporting verb as in example 2 above,
introductory Phrase as in
sentence or
(b Or may be replaced by an
Or may be changed in form as in
example No. 4
e No.3
-He said, "A thousand curses on the
Direct cruel
He cursed him bitterly for being a cruel
Note-Sometimes exclamatory phrases are turned intain. villain villain"
shown in the above example.
Direct -Rohan said, "Can you tell me the way to t sentences as
"Yes, "said the peasant.
Rohan enquired of the peasant whether he could inn?"
sant replied that he ell him
way to the nearest inn. The peasa the
Note:-Avoid, as far as possible, such phrases as phrases e could.
in the "replied
and "replied in the affirmative."
-Kiran said, "Depend upon it, I shall return in time"
Indirect -Kiran said that she was quite sure that she woul
time. return in
Direct -He said, "Goodmorning, my friend!"
Indirect -He wished his friend good morning.
Direct -Hari said, "Heaven knows I returned the money into t
hands." own
Indirect -Desperate to be trusted, Hari declared that God knase
had returned the money into his own hands. at he
Direct -Jesus Christ said, "We are all sinners."
Indirect Jesus Christ said that we are all sinners.
Direct -The mother said to me, "Welcome home !"
Indirect The mother welcomed me home.
Direct -He said to Mohan, "Who says, you are a liar?"
Indirect -Surprised, he said to Mohan how anyone could call him
a liar.
Direct The child said,"Couldl but see my toy!"
Indirect-The child longingly experessed his desire to only see his
Direct -The boy said to me, "I thank you for your help.'
Indirect -The boy thanked me for my help.
Direct -He said to me, "I hope you are well."
Indirect -He hoped that I was well.
Direct -He said, "Let Ajit be ruined, lam not
Indirect said in disgust that he didn t care
going to help him."
not going to help him.
if Ajit was ruined. He was
-He said he didn't care if Ajit was ruined. He was not going to
help him.
Direct -He said, "Let Baldev do his worst. He
Indirect cannot harm me.
He challenged Baldev to do his worst. He was confident tnat
he could not harm him.
Direct -The clerk said, "Let me
Indirect go home."
-The clerk asked to be allowed to go home.
-The clerk asked him to let
Direct -The accused said, "Sir, l am go home.
Indirect The accused innocent."
pleaded not guilty.
Direct Harris said, "Hello I Are you here?

Indirect Harris was surprised to find him there.

Harris called out to confirm if he was there.
Direct say Mohan," said Gulab as he rushed forward, "Hero's the
book you lost,"
Indirect -Rushing forward, Gulab excitedly told his companion, Mohan
that there was the book he had lost.
Calling for Mohan, Gulab rushed forward and gave him the book
he had lost.
Direct Mr. John then rose and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have to
thank you all for the honour you have done me today."
Indirect -Addressing the audience, Mr. John said that he had to thank
them all for the honour they had done him that day.
Direct -"My boys" said the headmaster, "you are labouring under a
Indirect -The headmaster told the boys that they were labouring under
a misapprehension.
-"Oh, t h a t ' s all right, " M o h a n replied c h e e r f u l l y , "Give m e a start.
Ishan't complain if it comes to nothing."
Indirect -Mohan replied cheerfully that it was all right. He asked (him) to
give him a start. He wouldn't complain if it came to nothing.
-"Two heads are better than one, you know, " said he.
Indirect -He said that two heads are better than one.
Direct -He said "Are you ill?" I said, "No".
-He asked me if I was ill and I replied that / was not.
Note:-Words omitted in the Direct Speech but clearly understood, must
be added in Indirect Speech.
Direct The Statesman (Kolkata) says, "We are grieved to learn of the
sad demise of Dr. Radhakrishnan."
Indirect The Statesman (Kolkata) says that it is grieved to learn of the
sad demise of Dr. Radhakrishnan..
Direct -He said, "We must all die one day."
Indirect -He said that we must all die one day (mankind).
Passages Containing Sentences of Every Type
44.23. Study the following examples:
(1) Direct -The teacher became angry with the student and said, "Why
have you again disturbed the class in this way? I have told you
before, that when l am speaking, you should be silent. Leave
the room, and do not return again today."
Indirect -The teacher became angry with the student and reprimanded.
him for disturbing the class again and disobeying his earlier
instruction not to speak when he was speaking. He ordered him
to leave the room and not to return till the end of the day.
(2) Direct "How pretty you are!" said the fox to the crow. "I am sure, so
beautiful a bird must have a beautiful voice. Cheer up my dear.
Will you not sing a few notes for me?"
Indirect The fox praised the crow saying that it was a very pretty bird.
He remarked that he was sure that so beautiful a bird must have
a beautiful voice. Then in an affectionate tone he encouraged
it to cheer up and asked whether it would not sing a few notes
for him.



of the two
given aboVe.

a stion,
is clear
a Co that it
From the
e n t e n c e

of all kinds
a r e mixed
Up, then
1orceof different E erents of
differene tablma

andan express
request used to Reporters
s h o u l dbe Various
Reported by
Speech not only by a third per a
indirectly generally the case (a pers
by reported as is
but also HOn
44.24. A
speech may
in the
In each
conversation) casa e by there
part addressed, is a the
not taking
h i m s e l f o r by
the person
or the r e p o r t e r ,
to the change6
of pronouns
example said the
Prince. "| shall m
following it twent
Take the won the prize,"b o d y g u a r d . "
have fairly s e r v i c e in my "but I have voss. nty
mohurs if you
"Pardon me,
noble Prince,
our royal
said Rana Singh,
that if ever
service it will be with () bya third persa
son by Ra
take may be
reported indirectiy
himself. In
ach ccase
prond wil be
the Prince nt
Singh (ii) by a Third Person
by that he (Rana Singh) had w
(i) As Reported the latter t o t o n
The Prince told
Rana Singh

promised to
make saying that he had.
it twenty mohurs if service prize
and Rana Singh excused himself Prataned th
bodyguard. But be with nis royal Prince, at
took service, it would
if ever ted
if ever he
by Rana Singh promised s
As Reported by
The Prince told me that / had Ranathad fa
fairly won the prize: and to make it
If saying his bodyguld
would be with our
our royal with
serviIce, it
vowed that if ever/took Prince,
by the Prince. / promised.
(ii) As Reported had fairly won the prize; and
/ told Rana Singh that he service my bodyguard. But he R O make
if hè took in Singh
it twenly mohurs vowed that it ever he tooko
excused himself saying
that he had
Prince, Pratap.
service, it
would be with his royal reports a speech uses firet
From the above it is clear that whoever for others. person
pronouns for
imself and third person pronouns
same speech by diff
44.25. This proct ss of reporting
differentlY the ferent
further extended as follows:-
persons may be still
C to D's garden.
A said to B, "Let us take
in the following ways:
This sentence may be reported
another person.
A reports to B, C, D, and
another person.
B reports to A, C, D, and
another person.
C reports to A, B, D, and
to A, B, C, and another person.
D reports
The other person reports to A, B, C, D, and to still another person and sa on

V. Conversion of Dialogues into Indirect

44.25. In reporting dialogues in the Indirect form insert such verbs as 'said'
or told' before statements:"asked'or 'enquired" before questions; and
'asked' ordered' or 'advised' etc. before Imperatives.
Study the following examples.
A dialogue between Charles and a farmer.
Charles-Where are you going9?
Farmer-To the market.
Charles-What have you got in your basket?
Farmer-Apples. Do you want to buy any?
Charles-Are they good apples?
Farmer-The best.
Charles-All right, sit down, I'l buy them all.
IndirectCharles asked the farmor where he was going. The farmer replied
that he was proceeding to the market.
Upon this Charles demanded what
he had in his basket. The farmer replied that he had apples and wished to
know whether Charles would like to
buy any. Charles enquired
they were good apples and on being assured that they were whether
the best, told
him to sit down for he would
buy them all.
VI Conversion of Indirect to Direct
44.26 Study thefollowing examples:
Indirect Shekhar asked me whyl did not go to the.playground?
Direct "Why don't you go to the playground?" Shekhar said to me.
Indirect -The teacher asked the children to be silent
Direct 'Silence', said the teacher to the children.
Indirect -The audience applauded the excellent
Direct -"An excellent speech indeed1" speech.
Indirect said
-The old man advised his sons not to the audience.
quarrel amongst themselves
when he was dead but to remain united. Then their enemies
would not be able to harm them.
Direct -The old man said to his sons, "Don't
quarrel, my sons, among
yourselves whenl am dead, but remain united. Then your
enemies will not be able to harm you".
Note. To test whether your Direct form is correct, turn it back into the
indirect and compare it with the Indirect passage.

Report the follo wing in Direct Speech:
(1) The peasant told the youth that the weather was stormy and the way
was long. (2) My father bademe get in and sit down. (3) They asked me whether
I would go with them. (4) He asked me whether I really imagined that he could
be so foolish. (5) He asked me whether I would show him how to drive. (6) The
old inhabitants of the village said that they had never known anyone cross the
mountains in snow so deep. (7) The constable asked a man what he was doing
with his hand in the gentleman's pocket. (8) The Queen asked Hamlet whether
he had forgotten who it was he was speaking to. (9) Raman expressed a wish
that he could find his missing dog. (10) The speaker suggested to them to try to
unite the two parties. (11) The soldiers expressed the desire that the king might
live long. (12) Alexander begged his royal father to let him ride on the horse.
(13) My father told me that he would give me a story-book on my birthday.
(14) The Queen forbade the captain to interfere with her orders. (15) The speaker
enquired whether all those present there knew the well-known story of the Ant
and the Cricket. (16) The old man advised the youth with a strange bannerin his
hand not to try the pass. (17) The captain said that he would betray the fort to
us if we gave him his freedom. (18) He asserted that he had been three years in
gaol, yet he was innocent. (19) He begged of his companion that they might sit
down here and rest. (20) I asked my sister whether she would lend me her pen.

Turn the following sentences into Direct Speech:
1. The chairman expressed the hope that all those present at the meeting had
spent a pleasant and profitable evening.
2. The stranger assured Dilly not to be afraid because that was not Mr. Toil
but a brother of his who had been brought up by a farmer.
3. The proposer of the toast exclaimed that it gave him the greatest pleasure
to wish them all, both a long life and a prosperous voyage.
4. The Hatter, turning to Alice again, asked whether she had guessed the riddle
yet. Alice replied that she had not and asked what the answer was.

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