Final Printed Concept Note For Panel Discussion Compiled Edit 1

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Concept Note for Panel Discussion Event Organization

Issues and Challenges Facing the

Construction Industry: the role of key

Urban, Infrastructure development and Transport

standing committee

May, 2024
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Concept Note for Panel Discussion Event Organization

Issues and Challenges Facing the

Construction Industry: the Role of Key
Concept Note for Panel Discussion Event Organization


Following the extensive growth and development of the construction Industry, in Ethiopia, the
Industry is facing various issues and dealt with notable challenges, and it has come to aware
of every one’s mind that the construction Industry’s actors’ role, in this regard, is vital in
solving these issues and challenges. Among these actors (stakeholders’), especially of the
legislating body’s roles are a valuable and a determinant factor in regards of policy
formulation, implementation, and follow up for its realization. Despite the fact that the
industry’s stakeholders shall take the major share in tackling and resolving these issues and
challenges, the government’s Ministerial institutions are also accountable in addressing a
solution for the issues arises in this industry.

Key stakeholders (include developers, architects, Planners, Engineers, Consultants,

Contractors, Subcontractors, suppliers, government agencies, financial institutions, and the
local communities) in this industry plays a crucial role in ensuring successful project
outcomes. Each stakeholder has unique interests and contributions to the construction process
as well.

Thus the role of these stakeholders has to be managed and governed (with rules, principles
and regulations) properly to enable them exert their professional expertise to provide
successful construction project delivery. Hence this panel discussion is arranged and
organized to facilitate, assess, and determine the opinion and insights of the stakeholders,
especially of the professionals and experts in regards of the enquiries expected from the
government’s executives to make a proper linkage among the stakeholders within the
construction industry.

Besides the major role players, in this industry, like, contractors, consultants and resource
suppliers etc. the professional associations like Architects’, engineers’, planners’, trade and
business’, construction management’s etc. contributions are also from those that to be
managed and directed with the appropriate and relevant laws, rules and regulations for its
proper implementations towards the industry’s development. In this regard most of the
professions and associations have no their own legal acts and no considerable supports
provided from the government. For instance, data shows that Ethiopia is the only country with

HOPR, FDRE: Urban, Infrastructure Development and Transport Standing Committee

Concept Note for Panel Discussion Event Organization

a population of more than 100 million yet don’t have professional and practice acts in the
field of Architecture. Whereas, compared to even regional countries, Ethiopia remains in the
bottom row in terms of provision of Architecture law. Kenya, as an example, adopted the
Architects and Quantity Surveyor’s Act in 1978. As a result, for its improper attention to the
professions’, the law governing the building industry was embedded in the civil laws of the
Nation until the ratification of the building law issued in 2011(243/2011). This all shows that
not only the need of the associations or professionals act that has to be led by law, but also
requiring of due attention is mandatory for the industry’s development as it hosts millions of
individuals and professionals throughout the country.

The need for professional’s/association’s law as a stakeholder:

The need for the professional’s law will help to define the profession and the professionals in
a much broader way. Apart from definition it will also set boundaries among professions of
similar nature with others. It will define the process of being a professional in Ethiopia, and
the professional and career development path.

It will also monitor the ethical practice of the professionals and define measures on how to
control ethical breaches. Apart from setting rules and regulations for the professional practices
and the practitioners, and accreditations of teaching facilities, the law will also enable
betterment of professional practice in the industry by injecting instruments that proactively
respond to technological, environmental, and situational changes.

Participation and involvement of professionals in drafting proclamation, regulation, directives

and codes are nonexistence in our case and even those feedbacks provided by the
professionals were not considered. It is important to get professional Associations’ and
professionals’ involved in due time and consider their feedbacks in the construction industry’s
proclamation preparation process.

This panel discussion aims to explore and discuss the key challenges and the role of
stakeholders in overcoming them and resolving the issues accordingly by addressing these
issues to the concerned body.

HOPR, FDRE: Urban, Infrastructure Development and Transport Standing Committee

Concept Note for Panel Discussion Event Organization

Objectives of the Panel Discussion:

General Objective:

 To bring together diverse viewpoints and expertise on a specific topic (Issues and
Challenges Facing the Construction Industry; the Role of Key Stakeholders),
providing the attendees with a comprehensive understanding and engaging towards the
solutions of industry’s issues and challenges.
Specific Objectives:

 To identify and discuss the issues and challenges facing the construction industry in
Ethiopia and acknowledge the existence and extents of role of stakeholders’ in the
construction industry.
 To assess the impact of these challenges on the growth and development of the
 To assess and determine the opinion and insights of the construction industry
 To establish a sustainable linkage among the stakeholders.
 To define the role of stakeholders’ in the construction industry development
 To identify the source of difficulties that hinders the construction industry
development and the role of stakeholders in this regard.
 To analyze the role of different stakeholders in addressing these issues and driving
positive change in the industry.
 To identify incompatible and unsuitable governing rules, regulations, guidelines etc. in
the construction industry and address to the legislative body.
 To suggest and propose strategies and recommendations for improvement and
development of the construction industry in Ethiopia.
Method of conducting the panel discussion:

The discussion event will be Organized and structured to make conversation and dialogue
between a group of experts and individuals (of the construction industry) on a specific topic or
issues: “Issues and Challenges Facing the Construction Industry: The role of Key takeholders
(legislature’ and Professionals’)”.

HOPR, FDRE: Urban, Infrastructure Development and Transport Standing Committee

Concept Note for Panel Discussion Event Organization

It can also be a public or a professionals’ event where the panelists share their knowledge,
insights, and opinions with the attendees.

 The panel discussion to be begins with a brief introduction of the panelists and the
topics to be discussed. Each panelist will be given the opportunity to share their
perspective on the topic, followed by a moderated discussion where attendees can
respond to each other's points and engage in a dialogue.
 The discussion will include a question and answer session where the attendees can ask
questions to the panelists, for which the interaction will help to engage the attendees
and provide different perspectives on the topic to be discussed

1. Appointing Panelists: A minimum of three capable, well known and knowledgeable, in

the subject matter, Panelists will be appointed and assigned from different relevant sectors
 Government institutions of relevant ministries and agencies;
 From Industry experts and professionals in the construction sector;
 Representatives from academia and research institutions;
 Representatives from non-governmental organizations working in the construction
 Representatives from the private sector and construction companies
2. Organizer: The Urban, Infrastructure Development and Transport standing committee at
the House of peoples’ representatives of the EFDR is the event’s Organizer
3. Moderator: A qualified moderator, who will be responsible to facilitate the discussion,
maintaining the flow of conversation, and ensuring that each panelist and attendees have
an opportunity to speak, will be assigned. The moderator will also help keeping the
discussion on track and manage the time effectively.
4 Attendees: The following (100 in average) participants are expected to attend the panel
discussion event.

 Government executives’ related to the construction Industry

 Institutes engaged in the Construction industry
 Ethiopian Science Academy
 Universities

HOPR, FDRE: Urban, Infrastructure Development and Transport Standing Committee

Concept Note for Panel Discussion Event Organization

 Researchers and Research Centers

 Construction Companies
 Design/construction consultants

5 Duration: The Panel discussion is expected to have duration of a full day session to be
held on May 08, 2024
6 Venue: At the House of peoples’ representatives’ conference hall: subject to determine by
the Organizer (Urban, Infrastructure Development and Transport standing committee).
7 Sponsors: To be determined by the organizer.
8 Refreshments: the session is planned to have tea breaks at around 10:00 am in the
morning and at 3:00 pm in the afternoon with the provision of lunch at noon.
Event structure:

1. Opening Remarks:

 Welcome and introduction of panelists.

 Overview of the purpose and objectives of the discussion.

2. Presentation of Key Issues and Challenges:

 Panelists present the major issues and challenges facing the construction industry in


 Each panelist provides insights based on their expertise and experience.

3. Discussion on the Role of Stakeholders:

 Panelists discuss the role of different stakeholders, including the government,
industry players, academia, and NGOs, in addressing the challenges and issues.
 Emphasis on collaboration and coordination among stakeholders for sustainable

4. Question and Answer Session:

 Audience members and panelists engage in an interactive question and answer
 Participants are encouraged to share their perspectives and insights.

HOPR, FDRE: Urban, Infrastructure Development and Transport Standing Committee

Concept Note for Panel Discussion Event Organization

5. Recommendations and Way Forward:

 Panelists provide recommendations and strategies for overcoming the challenges in
the construction.
 Emphasis on actionable steps and best practices for sustainable.
 Suggest and assign the responsible organ for strategies development and plan of its

6. Closing Remarks:

 Summary of key takeaways from the discussion.

 Acknowledgment of participants and expressions of gratitude.


The anticipated panel discussion on “the issues and challenges facing the construction
industry” will serve as a platform for the stakeholders to come together, share knowledge, and
collaborate on finding solutions for a sustainable and leading sector in the nation’s
development. By engaging in constructive dialogue and leveraging the collective expertise of
stakeholders, it is aimed to drive positive change and promote the growth in the industry.

HOPR, FDRE: Urban, Infrastructure Development and Transport Standing Committee

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