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assignment session 6 (Part 1: Marriage)

1. How should we respond?

Who you will share
Worldly Lies Biblical Truths
this to
Marriage Follow your heart. If he “Do not be unequally I would share this
really loves you, he will yoked with unbelievers. biblical truth/principle
change for you. For what partnership has to women my age, even
righteousness with younger generation so
lawlessness? Or what
they will avoid pain of
fellowship has light with
broken marriages in the
2 Corinthians 6:14 future, which
consequences are
suffered by future
generations. “Do not
give you heart to
someone who hasn’t
given their heart to
God first.”
Divorce I don’t love you Jeremiah 17:9 I would share this to
anymore. I’ve lost that “The heart is deceitful young adults today
spark feeling. I’m no above all things, and especially my niece who
longer happy. desperately sick; who is 12 years old. Love is
can understand it?” not emotion but an act
of the will - choice more
than an emotional
response. It is an
commitment to be with
a person through thick
and thin – till death.
Remarriage If one is not happy with Luke 16:18 I would share this
their partner and he is “Everyone who divorces biblical principle, by
hurting them, they his wife and marries God’s will, to people
believe divorce is the another commits close to me whose
best option to exit. adultery, and he who marriage relationship are
”Why stay if you could marries a woman in the verge of
find another better?” .In divorced from her separation. It is also
the eyes of God, husband commits good to share to young
marriage is not like that. adultery.” adults. Many families
It is sacred - a holy have forsaken the law of
covenant before God. the Lord because of
ignorance and it creates
a ripple effect to one
generation to another.
This chain must stop
first in my own family.
May the fear of the Lord
be restored back in me
and in my household.
Part 2: Gender
How should we respond?

Perspective Attitude Perspective Attitude
One of the grievous sins My tendency is to speak That Homosexuality is not My heart is deeply
that should be avoided out against it unlovingly. worse than the sin I repentant and I feel
Due to lack of commit like judging enlightened. I realized that
understanding, I judge. others. I am committing much
worse sin than them. The
truth I learned from
Gender allow me to
examine my own heart and
change the way how I
view people who have this
struggle. I should be
gracious and loving in
speaking out the truth. I
would accept them like
how Jesus accepted me,
without encouraging or
approving their lifestyle.
Accepting and loving the
person as someone created
in the image of God does
not mean approving the
Homosexuality is very Honestly, I am very Realizing God’s unique I must respect God’s
prevalent and we cannot careful in speaking about it design for man and woman design in my life. I should
do anything to stop this. for fear of being hated or and their distinct role in be thankful and clear with
They might cancel us or cancelled. So I thought, as fulfilling God’s design for the identity He has given
hate us for telling the truth long as I am not affected, marriage, as representation me in Christ Jesus and I
even in love. silent na lang muna ako. of God’s perfect unity, am hoping that my sure
God really created us foundation of my identity
perfectly fitted for His would help me guide the
perfect will. present and next
generation specially my
pamangkins and future
anak. I should be bold and
ready to speak out the
truth in love when
Homosexuality is an Be careful not to associate Our speaker reiterated that Meet the needs for love
influence of your too much. Avoidance one of the common factor according to God’s
environment for same-sex tendency is: perspective and not
searching for LOVE. Sa worldly. Be loving, be
pamilya dapat unang una accepting without
nararanasan ang condoning the act.
acceptance at pag-ibig ng Always depend on God’s
Panginoon. wisdom and love. These
are souls to win to Christ.

Praying that in the family,

the reassurance of parents
of God’s love, affirmation
sa mga bata and quality
time should be observed.

It is a wakeup call for all

of us.
1. How should we respond? Session 5
Who will you share the
What is clear What is not clear
clear things to?
Jesus He is fully God and How could have Jesus I will share this to
fully man. Each nature hungered and died when people who are not
is full and complete on earth, and yet still be convinced that Jesus is
God? God. Jesus is God-an
eternal God who became
man who was offered as
a perfect sacrifice to
fulfill the Father’s
mission for humanity:
God the Father God the Father is the Being the One giving I honestly have to study
designer/planner of instruction to Jesus, I about it more because
everything. He is the could be tempted to sometimes I am tempted
One giving think that God the to think that God the
command/instruction Father is Higher in rank Father is higher. But, the
yet, He, Jesus and the than Jesus and the Holy lesson on the doctrine of
Holy Spirit are equally Spirit. trinity helped me
God. understand that God is
one being, and this one
God exists as three
distinct Persons. They
are each a distinct form
of personal existence yet
each fully and equally
Holy Spirit He is fully and equally I thought before that the I would share this first
God Holy Spirit and Jesus to my mother. So, she
are the same persona would realize the roles
of each distinct person
Trinity God the Father is not the I thought that Jesus and I may not understand
Son, the Son is not the the Holy Spirit are just this very well but I
Holy Spirit and vice the same. He is just in understand now that the
versa the form of Spirit. I work of trinity is the
thought also that we can only way we can be
address them saved. This is worth
interchangeably sharing to my family
knowing that they are and other people close to
ONE me.
God is Love ..But God shows God loves us The In every The overflow
his love for us in unconditionally unconditional relationship, of love of Jesus
that while we and willingly love I have issues and in my heart has
were still gave Christ to experienced conflicts are enabled me to
sinners, Christ
save us. from God will inevitable but be kind,
died for us.
enable me to the love of God patient,
Romans 5:8
love them will help me understanding
unconditionally, grow even and loving
too. This love deeper in my towards others
will enable me love and unconditionally
to look beyond understanding even those
the reality and towards other who malign me
to hope for ladies in my because I know
what God can dgroup family. I was once lost
do through like them but
them. So, I will the love of
persevere in Jesus pursued
praying, me still. I know
forgiving, and Jesus saved me
loving them to for these
win them to people too.

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