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Comparison of accuracy between compression- and injection-molded

complete dentures
Sergio S. Nogueira, DDS,a Robert E. Ogle, DDS,b and Elaine L. Davis, PhDc
School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y.
Statement of problem. A clinically significant incisal pin opening may occur after processing complete
dentures if a compression molding technique is used. To recover the proper vertical dimension of occlusion,
a time-consuming occlusal adjustment is necessary that often destroys the anatomy of the artificial teeth. A
new injection molding process claims to produce dentures that require few, if any, occlusal adjustments in
the laboratory after processing.
Purpose. This laboratory study compared incisal pin opening, dimensional accuracy, and laboratory work-
ing time for dentures fabricated by this new injection system with dentures constructed by the conventional
compression molding technique.
Material and methods. Two groups of 6 maxillary and 6 mandibular dentures were evaluated as follows:
group 1 (control), Lucitone 199, compression molded with a long cure cycle; and group 2, Lucitone 199,
injection molded with a long cure. Incisal pin opening was measured with a micrometer immediately after
deflasking. A computerized coordinate measuring machine was used to measure dimensional accuracy of 3-
dimensional variations in selected positions of artificial teeth in 4 stages of denture fabrication. Analysis of
variance (ANOVA) and t tests were performed to compare the groups.
Results. A significant difference was found in pin opening between groups (t test). Horizontal dimensional
changes evaluated with repeated measures ANOVA revealed no significant differences between groups.
However, analysis of vertical dimensional changes disclosed significant differences between the groups.
There was no appreciable difference in laboratory working time for flasking and molding denture bases
between the injection and compression molding techniques when polymethyl methacrylate resin was used.
Conclusion. The injection molding method produced a significantly smaller incisal pin opening over the
standard compression molding technique. The injection molding technique, using polymethyl methacrylate,
was a more accurate method for processing dentures. There were no appreciable differences in laboratory
working time between the injection and compression molding techniques. (J Prosthet Dent 1999;82:291-

In this study, a high pressure injection molding system using PMMA provided a pre-
cise replication of the trial denture. This reduced the chances of a significant vertical
dimension change and would therefore decrease the necessity of extensive occlusal
adjustment to correct for processing errors.

A crylic resin polymers were introduced as a denture

base material in 1937; by 1946, 98% of all denture
Despite the acceptance of coimpression molding for
more than 60 years, attempts to maintain the occlusal con-
bases were fabricated from polymethyl methacrylate tacts developed in the trial denture have necessitated a lab-
(PMMA) or copolymers.1 Today, the majority of den- oratory remount with occlusal correction. Many factors in
tures made are heat-cured PMMA.1 Compression the laboratory procedures can lead to alteration of the
molding is the conventional technique described in occlusion during the construction of complete den-
textbooks on complete dentures2,3 to process dentures. tures.4-7 These factors are related to intrinsic characteristics
The relative ease with which PMMA may be processed of the materials and techniques and extrinsic potential
is one advantage of its use as a denture base material.4 errors made by the dental technician or dentist. As a result
of the processing technique, incisal pin opening may occur
Supported by Dentsply International, Inc, and Fundação de Amparo after compression molding and this increase in vertical
a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), Brazil. dimension of occlusion (VDO) needs to be corrected. A
aVisiting Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry; and Associ-
large incisal pin opening can create a time-consuming
ate Professor, Department of Dental Materials and Prosthodon-
occlusal adjustment sequence that often results in the dis-
tics, FO Araraquara, UNESP-Brazil.
bAssociate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry. figurement of the anatomy of artificial teeth.
cAssociate Professor, Department of Oral Health Services and Infor- Attempts to overcome the problems associated with
matics. compression molding have resulted in the development



(Castone, Dentsply International, Inc) were obtained

from a silicone mold (Acrasil, Zahn Dental Co Inc, Tau-
ton, Mass.). One set of casts was mounted on a semiad-
justable articulator (Hanau radial-shift, model 166-6,
Teledyne Water Pik, Fort Collins, Colo.). Master maxil-
lary and mandibular dentures were waxed up with
acrylic resin denture teeth, anterior maxillary mold 29,
anterior mandibular mold 48, and posterior maxillary
and mandibular 33M, occlusal type 20 degrees (Kenson,
Austenal, Inc, Chicago, Ill.), and set in a lingual contact
occlusion with maximum intercuspation between
mandibular central fossae-marginal ridges and maxillary
lingual cusps. The palatal thickness of the maxillary mas-
ter waxed denture was maintained at 2 mm using a sili-
Fig. 1. Success system. A, Injection unit; B, flask; C, pressur- cone mold duplication technique to be described.
ing device. To reproduce the test dentures in the same spatial
position that the master dentures occupied on the
articulator, and to reproduce the same denture base
contours and positions of the teeth, special jigs and
of the continuous injection system. Introduced in molds were made with the master dentures mounted
1942,8 continuous injection molding eliminates the on the articulator as a guide. Jig No. 1, autopolymeriz-
flash of resin between the halves of the flask and com- ing resin fixed with dental stone on mounting plates of
pensates for polymerization shrinkage by forcing extra the articulator to guide the mounting positions of max-
resin into the flask during polymerization. Recent illary and mandibular casts. Jig No. 2 contained the
reports have shown a significantly smaller incisal pin dental stone matrices of the occlusal surface of the max-
opening for complete dentures produced by an injec- illary and mandibular master dentures fixed with dental
tion system compared with dentures produced with the stone on mounting plates of the articulator. Mold
compression molding technique.9,10 Nos. 1 and 2 were silicone molds of the wax surface of
A new injection system (Success system, Dentsply the maxillary and mandibular master dentures (Lab-
International, Inc, York, Pa.) claims to eliminate Putty, Coltene/Whaledent, Inc, Mahwah, N.J.).
changes in VDO to produce dentures that require Before these molds were made, teeth were carefully
few, if any, adjustments in the laboratory. The denture removed from the master dentures, leaving definite
base material recommended by the manufacturer with sockets. The silicone molds also had a sprue hole and a
this new injection system is PMMA Lucitone 199 vent hole.
(Dentsply International, Inc), which is mixed in the Each maxillary and mandibular test denture was
conventional manner and put in a special detachable constructed by first mounting the cast on the articula-
plastic cartridge for the injection procedures. The pur- tor with the split cast mounting technique with the jig
pose of this in vitro study was to compare incisal pin guiding its position. The silicone mold was positioned
opening, dimensional accuracy and stability, and labo- on the cast and extra hard wax (Tru Wax, Dentsply
ratory working time for dentures made using the con- International, Inc) was melted and slowly poured in the
ventional compression molding technique and den- sprue hole. After cooling, the sprues of wax were cut
tures made with Success injection system. off at the appropriate position, then the stone matrix of
the occlusal surface was fixed on the opposite arm of
the articulator and teeth were positioned in their sock-
Two test groups, each with 6 maxillary and 6 ets. The incisal pin of the articulator was locked
mandibular dentures, were evaluated. Group 1 was the 0.5 mm more than the zero position, the articulator
control and used Lucitone 199 acrylic resin. Group 1 was closed, and the occlusal surface of the teeth was
dentures were compression molded without trial pack- oriented against the stone matrix until the incisal pin
ing and polymerized in a water bath at 165°F for 9 made contact with the incisal table. At this moment,
hours. Group 2 (experimental) also used Lucitone 199 the teeth were fixed in their positions with a hot spatu-
acrylic resin. Dentures were processed with an injection la, melting the wax around their necks. After construc-
technique using the Success system (Fig. 1) and poly- tion, each set of maxillary and mandibular test dentures
merized in a water bath at 165°F for 9 hours. was mounted on the articulator and the incisal pin
locked at the zero position. Occlusal adjustments were
Denture fabrication
made by correcting premature contact points until the
Twelve identical maxillary and mandibular stone casts incisal pin of the articulator contacted the incisal table.



Fig. 2. Micrometer was used to measure amount of incisal

pin opening at upper extremity of incisal pin.

Fig. 3. Reference points (cross marks) and measured hori-

zontal distances: d1, distance between points 1 and 2; d2,
The denture occlusion obtained had at least 5 contact distance between points 3 and 4; d3, distance between
points at each side of the arch. Manufacturer recom- points 1 and 4; and d4, distance between points 2 and 3.
mendations were followed for all materials used in this
Articulator incisal pin opening
The amount of incisal pin opening was measured at
the upper extremity of the incisal pin with a micrometer
(L. S. Starrett Co, Athol, Mass.), which was capable of
registering change to 0.01 mm. After completion of the
occlusal adjustment and immediately before removing
each set of waxed test dentures from the articulator for
the investing procedures, the articulator was positioned
on the table of the measuring device and the microme-
ter was set to zero. Immediately after deflasking, the
maxillary and the mandibular dentures were remounted
on the articulator, the articulator was repositioned on
the table of the measuring device, and the amount of
incisal pin opening was measured (Fig. 2). A receptor jig Fig. 4. Vertical height of the reference points: h1, height of
made with type IV stone (Vel Mix, Kerr Manufacturing point 1; h2, height of point 2; h3, height of point 3; h4,
Co, Romulus, Mich.) fixed on the table of the measur- height of point 4.
ing device ensured precise repositioning of the articula-
tor before and after processing the dentures.
point, the cusp tip was trimmed until a small flat sur-
Dimensional accuracy
face was obtained. A sharp scalpel was then used to
Dimensional accuracy of denture bases was inferred make a cross mark on the flat surface of the cusp tip.
by the measurement of the distance between reference Permanent black ink was painted over the cross mark
points (cross marks) made on cusp tips of artificial teeth and after it had dried, a sharp scalpel was scratched
and by measurement of the vertical height of the refer- against the flat surface of the cusp tip, removing the ink
ence points (Figs. 3 and 4). For maxillary dentures, ref- over it, and leaving just the ink inside the small grooves
erence points were made on the buccal cusps of first of the cross mark.
premolars and the distal-buccal surfaces of second A computerized coordinate measuring system used
molars. For mandibular dentures, reference points were in a previous study,11 similar to a computer graphic
made on the lingual cusps of first premolars and the measuring system,12 was used for the measurements.
distal-lingual of second molars. To make a reference The system included a coordinate measuring machine

SEPTEMBER 1999 293


Fig. 7. Sagittal view of denture before retrieval from cast

fixed to custom matrix with screws and additional stone.

Fig. 5. Electronic touch ruby-tipped probe was always posi- Fig. 8. Sagittal view of denture after retrieval from cast in
tioned facing axes of reference points. same spatial position occupied before retrieval from cast.

N.J.). A MAG-1 interface system was used to transfer

the signal from the electronic touch ruby-tipped probe
to the data collection computer. Positioning of the
0.5 mm diameter spherical tip of the electronic touch
ruby-tipped probe on the reference point (Fig. 5) was
performed manually with a ×30 stereomicroscope
(Bausch and Lomb) for magnification.
The computerized coordinate measuring machine
measured the spatial position of the reference points in
x-, y-, and z-axes. The position of each reference point
was measured 3 times and a mean of these 3 measure-
ments was obtained for each axis. Correlations between
the 3 repeated measurements taken at each site (x, y,
and z for maxillary and mandibular dentures) ranged
Fig. 6. A, Custom aluminum matrix holder. B, Type IV den- from 0.9949 to 0.9999, indicating a high degree of
tal stone custom matrix. B’, Undercuts to fix additional reproducibility. The horizontal distances d1 and d2
amount of stone. C, Maxillary cast. were obtained with the mean values for the axis x and,
the horizontal distances d3 and d4 were obtained with
the mean values for the axis y. The vertical heights h1,
(model MXF 203, Mitutoyo Mfg Co, Tokyo, Japan) h2, h3, and h4 of the reference points were obtained
operated with a personal computer (model PS2/55 SX, with the mean values for the axis z. After that, an arith-
IBM Corp, Armonk, N.Y.) to collect data and operate metic mean was obtained from the values of the hori-
Geopak software (Mitutoyo/MIT Corp, Paramus, zontal distances d1 and d2 defining a mean value for the



Fig. 9. A, Maxillary change, mediolateral dimension, stage 2 to stage 4. B, Mandibular
change, mediolateral dimension, stage 2 to stage 4.

medial-lateral dimension. The same procedure was real- 3. denture after retrieval from cast, and
ized with the values of the horizontal distances d3 and 4. after storage in water at room temperature for 30
d4 defining a mean value for the anterior-posterior dis- days.
tance. In addition, an arithmetic mean was calculated A custom matrix was made with type IV dental stone
and the mean value was defined for vertical heights h1, in a custom aluminum matrix holder for each maxillary
h2, h3, and h4 of the reference points. and mandibular cast for the purpose of maintaining
Measurements were recorded in 4 stages of com- identical the spatial position of the dentures through-
plete dentures fabrication: out all stages of evaluation (Fig. 6). Before retrieving
1. trial denture before processing, each denture from the cast in stage 3, 2 screws with
2. processed denture on cast, sleeves were fixed with autocuring resin, each one in a

SEPTEMBER 1999 295


Table I. Mediolateral dimension means (SDs) by group, arch, and phase (n = 6 per cell)
Mean deviation from baseline (mm)*


Arch 2. Processed denture on cast 3. After retrieval from cast 4. After 30-day storage Average

Compression molding (control) –0.097 (0.012) –0.152 (0.012) –0.128 (0.017) –0.126 (0.012)
Injection molding (long cure) –0.098 (0.016) –0.137 (0.016) –0.100 (0.023) –0.112 (0.016)
Average –0.097 (0.014) –0.144 (0.016) –0.114 (0.024) –0.119 (0.015)
Compression molding (control) –0.127 (0.014) –0.132 (0.015) –0.140 (0.030) –0.133 (0.016)
Injection molding (long cure) –0.132 (0.019) –0.122 (0.033) –0.137 (0.033) –0.130 (0.028)
Average –0.129 (0.016) –0.127 (0.025) –0.138 (0.030) –0.131 (0.021)
*Each mean represents a deviation from original baseline measurement.

Table II. Anteroposterior dimension means (SDs) by group, arch, and phase (n = 6 per cell)
Mean deviation from baseline (mm)*


Arch 2. Processed denture on cast 3. After retrieval from cast 4. After 30-day storage Average

Compression molding (control) –0.083 (0.016) –0.087 (0.015) –0.063 (0.013) –0.078 (0.013)
Injection molding (long cure) –0.085 (0.010) –0.077 (0.010) –0.058 (0.013) –0.073 (0.011)
Average –0.083 (0.013) –0.082 (0.017) –0.061 (0.012) –0.076 (0.012)
Compression molding (control) –0.063 (0.015) –0.063 (0.012) –0.042 (0.012) –0.056 (0.011)
Injection molding (long cure) –0.072 (0.012) –0.070 (0.015) –0.050 (0.014) –0.064 (0.012)
Average –0.067 (0.014) –0.067 (0.014) –0.046 (0.013) –0.060 (0.012)
*Each mean represents a deviation from original baseline measurement.

Table III. Vertical dimension means (SDs) by group, arch, and phase (n = 6 per cell)
Mean deviation from baseline (mm)*


Arch 2. Processed denture on cast 3. After retrieval from cast 4. After 30-day storage Average

Compression molding (control) 0.218 (0.071) 0.170 (0.051) 0.192 (0.090) 0.193 (0.046)
Injection molding (long cure) 0.030 (0.065) 0.057 (0.103) 0.042 (0.054) 0.043 (0.054)
Average 0.124 (0.118) 0.113 (0.097) 0.117 (0.105) 0.118 (0.092)
Compression molding (control) 0.215 (0.054) 0.238 (0.080) 0.220 (0.094) 0.224 (0.073)
Injection molding (long cure) 0.058 (0.035) 0.015 (0.075) 0.020 (0.072) 0.031 (0.057)
Average 0.137 (0.093) 0.127 (0.138) 0.132 (0.094) 0.128 (0.119)
*Each mean represents a deviation from original baseline measurement.

central incisor tooth, and an additional amount of position in the custom matrix. A positioning device
type IV dental stone was used to fix the screws to the incorporated in the mandibular denture in the position
custom matrix (Fig. 7). This permitted retrieval of the of the central incisors was used before for positioning
denture from the cast without any alteration in position both the waxed denture and the processed denture in
of the denture in relation to the custom matrix (Fig. 8). the same relation to the master cast.13
The screws allow removal of the denture from the cus-
Laboratory working time
tom matrix, for storage in water for 30 days and, after
this period, an accurate return of the denture to its Real laboratory working time and waiting time for



Fig. 10. A, Maxillary change, anteroposterior dimension, stage 2 to stage 4. B, Mandibular
change, anteroposterior dimension, stage 2 to stage 4.

flasking and molding was recorded for all maxillary
dentures. Real working time was defined as the time
Pin opening
that the operator was directly involved with the proce- Average pin opening was compared between
dure, such as mixing materials. Waiting time was groups with a separate variance independent t test.
defined as the time that the operator was not directly Results indicated a significant difference between
involved with the procedure, such as setting time of groups (t6 = 8.82, P<.05). The compression molding
materials. Time was not recorded for identical proce- control group showed significantly greater mean pin
dures common to the 2 groups. opening than the injection molding group. Means

SEPTEMBER 1999 297


Fig. 11. A, Maxillary change, vertical dimension, stage 2 to stage 4. B, Mandibular change,
vertical dimension, stage 2 to stage 4.

(standard deviations) were 1.16 (0.23) and 0.31 ments at all subsequent stages were converted to devi-
(0.06) mm, respectively. ations from this zero point. Analyses were conducted
for each dimension separately. Because the baseline val-
Dimensional accuracy
ues were all zero, with no variability, these values were
Dimensional changes from baseline to the 3 pro- excluded from all analyses. Descriptive statistics are pre-
cessing stages were measured in mediolateral, antero- sented in Tables I through III and in Figures 9, A
posterior, and vertical dimensions. Data were recoded through 11, B. Multivariate repeated measures analyses
to reflect changes from an arbitrary baseline. That is, all of variance (ANOVA) were used to determine dimen-
baseline values were converted to zero and measure- sional change across time by both group and arch.



Table IV. Repeated measures analysis of variance*

Total Arch Stage Arch by stage
Source df (y1) (y2) (y3-y4) (y5-y6)

Mediolateral dimension
Constant 1 — F1, 10 = 5.24† F2, 9 = 22.22‡ F2, 9 = 62.46§
Group 1 F1, 10 = 0.007 F1, 10 = 0.003 F2, 9 = 2.06 F2, 9 = 1.34
Within 10
Total 12
Anteroposterior dimension
Constant 1 — F1, 10 = 10.27|| F2, 9 = 66.81¶ F2, 9 = 0.09
Group 1 F1, 10 = 0.11 F1, 10 = 1.58 F2, 9 = 0.61 F2, 9 = 0.52
Within 10
Total 12
Vertical dimension
Constant 1 — F1, 10 = 0.18 F2, 9 = 0.75 F2, 9 = 0.08
Group 1 F1, 10 = 47.30# F1, 10 = 0.88 F2, 9 = 0.03 F2, 9 = 2.12
Within 10
Total 12
*y1 = Total score, across arch and phase (used to test group main effect); y2 = difference score, mandibular minus maxillary arch; y3 = difference score, phase 2
minus phase 3; y4 = difference score, phase 3 minus phase 4; y5, y6 = arch by phase interaction scores. First row (Constant) displays within-subject main effects
and interactions. Second row (Group) displays between-subject main effects and interactions between within-subject and between-subject factors.
‡P<.001. Univariate results significant for both y3 (F
1, 10 = 35.02, P<.001) and y4 (F1, 10 = 9.10, P=.013).
§P<.001. Univariate results significant for both y3 (F
1, 10 = 100.61, P<.001) and y4 (F1, 10 = 50.00, P<.001).
¶P<.001. Univariate results significant for y4 (F
1, 10 = 102.45, P<.001) but not y3 (F1, 10 = 0.032, P=.58).

Contrasts were set up to allow univariate comparisons Table V. Means of real and waiting working time for each
between stages 2 and 3 and between stages 3 and 4. A test group for flasking and processing maxillary dentures
significance level of .05 was used for all analyses. Compression molding Injection molding

Mediolateral dimension Real working time 00:18’:45” 00.18’:58”

Waiting working time 00.47’:00” 00:47’:00”
Means for the mediolateral dimension are present- Total 01h:05’:45” 01h:05’:58”
ed in Table I and Figure 9. Repeated measures
ANOVA results (Table IV) indicated significant main
effects for arch and stage and significant interaction
between arch and stage. There was no significant dif- change from stage 2 to 3 and from stages 3 and 4, with
ference in dimensional change between the 2 groups. less warpage occurring in later phases.
Significantly greater warpage was found for the
Vertical dimension and laboratory working
mandible than for the maxilla. Univariate results for
main effects and interactions involving phase showed
significant changes from stage 2 to stage 3 and from Means for the vertical dimension are shown in Table
stage 3 to stage 4. For the maxillary arch, the greatest III and Figure 11. Repeated measures ANOVA results
warpage occurred between stages 2 and 3, whereas the (Table IV) showed a significant main effect for group.
greatest warpage for the mandibular arch occurred No other main effects or interactions were statistically
between stages 3 and 4. significant. Significantly greater warpage occurred for
the compression molding group than for the injection
Anteroposterior dimension
molding group. Table V shows the means of the
Means for the anteroposterior dimension are shown observed real and waiting working time for flasking and
in Table II and Figure 10. Repeated measures ANOVA processing the resin of maxillary dentures. Compres-
results (Table IV) revealed significant main effects for sion and injection molding groups had similar working
arch and phase. There was no statistically significant and waiting times.
difference by group and no significant interaction
effects. Significantly greater warpage occurred for the
maxillary arch than for the mandibular arch. Univariate The control group pin opening was significantly
results for the phase main effect indicated significant larger than the experimental group. This indicates

SEPTEMBER 1999 299


higher precision for the injection molding technique. 2. The injection molding system was the more accu-
In the dimensional accuracy portion of the study, sig- rate method for processing dentures.
nificant change in tooth position occurred in the hori- 3. There were no appreciable differences in labora-
zontal dimensions from stage 2 to 3 and, for the medi- tory working time between the injection and compres-
olateral dimension, from stage 3 to 4. Overall warpage sion molding techniques. However, the injection
was greater in the maxillary arch than the mandibular molding system would save time in construction of
arch for the anteroposterior dimension, but greater dentures because of the smaller incisal pin opening and
change on the mandibular arch for the mediolateral a reduction in time for post-processing adjustments.
dimension. In addition, there was a significant interac-
tion between arch and stage for the mediolateral REFERENCES
dimension. There was no difference in warpage 1. Craig RG. Restorative dental materials. 10th ed. St Louis: Mosby; 1996. p.
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compression molding technique because of the smaller mandibular dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1994;72:606-13.
incisal pin opening.
Reprint requests to:
The results of this study indicated a significantly FACULDADE DE ODONTOLOGIA DE ARARAQUARA - UNESP
higher degree of accuracy for the injection molding CEP 14801-903, ARARAQUARA, SAO PAULO
technique for processing dentures over the standard BRAZIL
compression molding technique. On the basis of the FAX: (55)16-222-4823
results and conditions of this study, the following con-
clusions were drawn: Copyright © 1999 by The Editorial Council of The Journal of Prosthetic
1. The injection molding method produced a signif- Dentistry.
0022-3913/99/$8.00 + 0. 10/1/99814
icantly smaller incisal pin opening over the standard
compression molding technique when PMMA resin
was used.


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