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– You didn't even tell me what to do!

“I was checking to see if you had a protective instinct,” he replied. With a malicious one
he smiled as he watched me get up. – And you don't.
“We should practice the steps first or something!”
“Fuck steps,” he snorted. – This isn't ballet, little Hailie.
– I train better with Will.
– Yeah? That's great. Training with Will will definitely come in handy when a pack
of gummy bears attacks you.
I stood in front of him again and glared at him for too long, through
I reacted too late when he moved towards me again.
- Wait!
He didn't wait.
I landed hard on the mattress, letting out a loud groan, and then rose to a sitting
position with trembling hands. I gritted my teeth with anger. Dylan stood over me,
arms crossed.
– Get up, move. There is no time.
“It doesn't make sense,” I drawled.
I even hatefully stared at his proud, muscular figure towering over me, which
effectively took away all my self-confidence.

He leaned forward.

- Get up! – he repeated slowly and loudly.

I wanted to punch him in the face.
Instead, I sat back on the mattress for good, crossing my arms over my chest and
turning my head away like an offended child.
- O. - Dylan ran a hand over his face. Then he bent down even more, grabbed my
arm and pulled me to my feet. To him I weighed as much as a miserable weight.

- Leave me! – I screamed and stubbornly fell to my knees, just like that
only my hand, which he was holding, was hanging up.
– Don't act like a brat.
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– Then stop being mean!

– You haven't seen me mean yet.
– And you haven't seen me act like a brat yet! –
I screamed with all my might.
Dylan let go of me immediately to cover his ears and the laws of physics
they did their job, knocking me all the way back to the ground.
Heh. It's me, an almost sixteen-year-old girl, yelling at her brother like a spoiled
five-year-old. Some time ago I would have fallen into the ground, but now I knew
that there were no limits in the fight with Dylan and sometimes I had to resort to
extreme measures.
– I told you that self-defense is not for you. Go back to kindergarten.
– Maybe you're just a terrible teacher?
I swear he made me a worse person.
– What, because I'm not flirting with you like Will? What are you, little baby?
Get up already.
I got up. I stood up and, giving him one last angry look, quickly left the gym.
Out of rage, I ran out of words for a venomous farewell. He just sighed with
Furious, I immediately went to my bedroom. This was my first training with
Dylan, and the only thing I think he could teach me was how to fall to the ground
so it would hurt less.
I immediately grabbed the phone and was guided by the same thing all the time
On an impulse driven by fury, I called Vincent.
It was impossible to talk to my legal guardian just like that. This is not the
mother who could always be found pottering around the house when there was a
problem. You had to call Vincent first, which of course I didn't do often, and hope
that he would answer, and then find out if he was even in the residence.

When I heard his cold voice on the phone, I felt a great desire to pour out my
grievances here and now, but when I told him that I had a matter with him, he
invited me to his office, where he was currently staying.
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I hadn't been to that part of the house, as it was still forbidden to me, so as I walked
down the hall, my ferocity diminished. The cold darkness surrounding me, exaggerated by
my overactive imagination, cooled the blood boiling inside me.

I shuddered in embarrassment at the sight of the couch I had hidden behind

during my first escapade here. From the dark hall opposite, a man immediately
emerged to greet me, whom I didn't notice at first because of his black suit. I stopped
uncertainly when I saw him. He had an earphone in his ear and short blond hair. He
seemed very young and I recognized him as the security guard I had previously seen
in the video. He held out his hand towards me as if to stop me, so I obediently

“I want to talk to my brother,” I said.

– Yes, Miss Monet.
He moved towards the door to Vincent's office and opened it on purpose
for me, with a wave of his hand, politely inviting me in.
I passed the man and for the first time entered the room that seemed to me to be
a great mystery. Vincent never brought me here - all our conversations took place in
the library, the kitchen, the living room, or my bedroom. And I knew that this was
where he spent most of his time, and now I looked around the room, absorbing with
interest its austere interior, just like the eldest brother's disposition.

The large desk he sat behind was centrally located. Two armchairs were facing
each other, just waiting to be occupied so that my intimidating brother could pass
judgment like a judge.

The door closed behind me on its own. I tried not to think that this was always
what happened in horror movies when the characters walked into a trap.
You're stupid, Hailie, it's a security guard's job.
As I approached the desk, I felt my anger drain away. I forgot why I was angry
with Dylan. I was bewitched by darkness
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prevailing in the office and such universal seriousness, as if it was a room

specially designed for making only key decisions.
Vincent rested his arm on the armrest. His other hand was on his phone,
silently tapping it with his fingers. He looked at me with a neutral look, but I
needed a moment to remember the matter I had come to him with.

I allowed myself to sit on the edge of one of the armchairs and bite my lip,
still slightly flustered by the dense atmosphere here.
– What did you want to talk about? – Vincent asked. As usual, he was calm,
composed and ready to listen to me.
Before I mustered up the courage to glance at him, I looked around the
room. What caught my eye was a leather sofa in the corner and a bar full of
alcohol in bottles with only dignified labels.

I took a deep breath.

– I don't want to train with Dylan.
There was a moment of silence and my brother raised his eyebrows.

- Why?
– Because he is mean to me and I already see that I won't learn anything with him –
I explained, trying to put on a tired puppy look.
– Did he hurt you? - He asked.
- What do you mean?
– What I asked. Did he hurt you?
- NO…
Vince didn't take his eyes off me.
– But he threw me on the floor. Twice… I'm already bruising!
– You're learning self-defense, Hailie, of course you're going to get a lot of bruises.

– That's the thing, I won't learn anything with him! And he doesn't pass it on
I don't have any valuable knowledge.
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– How do you know what valuable knowledge he should give you if he knows it himself?
You have no idea about martial arts?
I pursed my lips in dissatisfaction.
– But Dylan has a lot of knowledge about them and I think he knows, after all,
what he does, Vincent continued.
I leaned forward and wrapped my fingers around the edge of the desk.

– But Vince, he's… he keeps calling me names…

– What does he call you?

I turned my head to the side again.

“Well, from brats…” I muttered.
– So you mean he's bothering you?
– He's so mean!
Vincent finally moved and changed his position. Now he was leaning back on
chair and stared at me with his chin raised.
– Hailie, although I realize that Dylan is often insufferable, in this case I don't
see a problem. His job is to teach you self-defense, not savoir-vivre.

I stared at him with wide eyes.

- But…

– You asked for self-defense lessons, so you got them. I think it is very
important that they are diverse, and therefore not all of them can be led by Will.

I looked down at my knees.

– You don't love every single one of your teachers at school, do you?
“But they all like me,” I muttered under my breath.
Vince lifted the corner of his mouth in his trademark smile, which probably stole
the hearts of many women, although it always scared me.

– Self-defense is a new skill. I got the impression that you really wanted to get
it. Naturally, it requires dedication and patience.
I'd like to see you give your all, Hailie. Consider,
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Is it worth giving up just because you don't like Dylan's methods?

- But... it's not about that... - I paused, looking at him with astonishment
Vincent. Finally, I sighed and grumbled, “Fine.”

The corner of Vincent's mouth twitched even more.

“But,” I continued, “Dylan is terrible and I don't want to be around him.

– You don't have to adore him, but you should learn to coexist with him, mainly because
he is your brother. - He paused, took his hand from the phone and rested it on the other
armrest, shifting in his seat. Then he continued, "I'll be leaving in a month for a few days and
you'll be alone with him and the twins." - He was silent again for a moment, watching my
reaction. – And there may be more situations like this in the future, and I think it would be
wise for you to have a good relationship with him.

– Are you leaving?

– Only for a few days.

– And I'll have to stay with Dylan? Please do not. – I shivered too
I hunched over. – Why not Will?
– Will is coming with me.

I wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly very concerned about this new information.
Vincent watched me, tilting his head slightly.

– Why are you leaving?

– For business purposes.

– And where?

“To London, Hailie,” he replied, then raised his hand when he saw me look up. – Alright,
enough of these questions.
– One more thing, please!
He raised an eyebrow, but also inclined his ear.

- Can I go with you?

– Hailie, why in the Lord's name would you come with me?
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I looked down at my baby blue sneakers, which were a ridiculous

contrast to the dark and shiny floor in Vince's office.
“I thought maybe…” I hesitated, but continued mumbling, “Maybe I
could visit Mom's grave.” It is located close to my hometown, just outside
London. It is very easy to get there, about an hour and a half by train from
the center. I thought maybe I could…

“Hailie,” Vincent interrupted. – If you feel the need to visit your mother's
grave, I can take you there even this weekend.
My lower lip quivered with excitement.
- Really?
- Of course. I'll have to rearrange a few things on my calendar, but
I can arrange it.
“We don't have to go there this weekend,” I muttered, surprised by his
answer. – I can fly with you and go to the cemetery at the same time…

– There is no way, Hailie, that I would take you with me on a business

I sighed and nodded. Although I was a little curious about my brother's
journey, I knew that Dylan would sooner be nice to me than I would learn
anything from Vincent.
He seemed pleased with the conclusions I was drawing, because after a few moments
of silence, he clasped his hands and spoke.
– Tell me, is there anything else you want to talk about?
I shook my head.
– Well, that's all from me then. I will let you know about the weekend
trip. You can go now, dear Hailie.
I said goodbye to Vincent and left his office. Although the mission I
came here for was not fulfilled, and the vision of training with Dylan, to
which I had to return with my tail between my legs, did not make me
smile, I unexpectedly managed to negotiate a trip to my mother's grave.
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If I had known Vince would be so supportive of the idea, I would have suggested
it much earlier.
I was curious why my brother was flying to my home country, but this
I guess it's no wonder that a businessman like him has something to do there.
Returning to the home part of the residence, I passed a blond-haired security
guard and thought about how many people I had no idea about were still hanging
around here...
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Later Vince found me and confirmed our weekend getaway to

England. It sounded very abstract to me, especially since I had just returned
from Thailand. I have never traveled so far in my entire life as I did during
two weeks under the roof of the Monet brothers.
The more I thought about it, the happier I was that I would finally be
able to visit my mother's grave. And what's more, I arranged this trip in
such an easy and unexpected way! Until recently, I was embarrassed to
ask my brothers for a ride to the mall. And here I am, an opportunity has come to me

Even before the exciting trip to my hometown, I was looking forward to

returning to school. It was supposed to be a breath of fresh air, because I
was slowly getting a fever around my brothers. I needed to re-enter the
aura of learning I knew and liked, exuded by the walls of Northeast
Academy in Pennsylvania.
Shane was most willing to drive me to classes, but since Tony and I's
accident, things had gotten a little more complicated. We all got banned
from riding motorcycles. It was even convenient for me, because after what
I had experienced, I was never going to get on it again, but Tony claimed
that it was his lifestyle and swore that he would start his beloved machine
again in the spring. He seemed to have such a strong opinion on the matter
that he was even willing to argue about it with Vince himself.
However, the weather was not good yet, which was painful for us,
especially after our holiday in warm Thailand. That's why on the first day
after the holidays I had to endure the company of the twins in the car.
At least Dylan broke down. From the boys' conversations, I concluded that
he was planning to pick someone up from home and take them to school
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girl. That would be true, because he left the residence earlier than us,
and when we arrived at the school parking lot, his red car wasn't there
Once I got out, I was happy to get away from my attention-getting
siblings as quickly as possible and run into the building. Beyond the
continued popularity of Monets, there were even more things that would
unfortunately remain the same. Audrey's attitude, for example, made my
stomach churn again as I remembered the reasons she stopped talking
to me. I made eye contact with her at the lockers that we were, now
inconveniently, close to each other. Ever since the incident with Jerry,
her gaze had never stopped boiling with hatred.

What surprised me was Lavinia, who jumped up to me and greeted

me with two juicy kisses on the cheeks, sighing all over the corridor as
she missed me so much. Apparently she felt the need to express her
infinite gratitude to me for the slap I gave Jason as a present for winning
the loser of the year contest.

I associated Lavinia only as a girl with a narrow waist, who gave me

complexes and for whom my first unofficial boyfriend abandoned me. To
say I didn't like her is really an understatement. Yet somewhere deep
inside I felt a tiny bond with her.
So I tolerated her behavior and played the show with her, throwing my
arms around her neck and smiling pleasantly.
But what I wanted most was to see Mona. We met in the corridor
before classes. From the broad smile with which she greeted me, I
concluded that my fondness for her was mutual.

She talked about her trip to Canada, where her grandparents and
several aunts live. With a small twinge of envy, I listened to her meeting
with her older sister, who studies every day and no longer lives in their
family home. Then I thought that having a sister was a great thing. It
would be nice if I could have at least one among my thicket of brothers.
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Mona chatted a lot about her new eyeshadow palettes and how she wanted
to try them out on me. She also complimented my tan and at that moment I
didn't notice anything suspicious in her behavior. We really had a nice
conversation until lunch.
Then she dropped a bomb on me that I wasn't ready for.
Our excited chatter suddenly took a completely different turn. We were
sitting in the school cafeteria and everyone seemed to be in a good mood
because today we had pizza for lunch. I was even more worried when Mona
didn't move her piece and instead stared intrusively at me.

“Please promise you'll keep it to yourself,” she repeated for the thousandth
“I promise,” I replied, again and again. - Come on,
you know you can trust me.
Mona squirmed in her seat, then clung to her Coke bottle and gulped it
down endlessly until she met my expectant gaze over a raised eyebrow.

- All right!

She took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around herself, now swaying slightly
forward and backward. She also looked around nervously.
- Yeah? – I urged her because I was slowly starting to get tired of these games.
– I think… I love Tony.
She whispered the words so quickly that they almost blended together,
and I needed a few seconds to understand their meaning.
I frowned.
– Which Tony?
Mona tilted her head as if to say, "This isn't funny at all." That's when I felt a
bucket of cold water being poured over me.
– Oooh! – I exclaimed a little too loudly and covered my mouth with both hands.

My friend leaned over to nudge me on the shoulder for saying

I'm drawing unnecessary attention to us.
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"You can't tell anyone, anyone, anyone about this," she begged me in a
frantic whisper, "or I'll die, I swear."
I lowered my hands but looked at her, grimacing.
“Mona, you... you don't love him at all.
– So why was there not a day during my entire fucking trip that I didn't think
about him? Every night I imagined what it would be like if he were lying in bed
next to me...
I covered my ears.

Mona reached across the table again to tug on my wrist.

– I know he's your brother and it's hard for you to hear this, but I need to tell someone,
and since I stopped being friends with Audrey, I only have you.

– But why Tony? – I groaned.

- There's something about him... - Mona sighed, looking dreamily at the
counter, probably by force of her mind refraining from looking at the Monets'
I shuddered in disgust.
– Mona... then, I don't know, Shane would be better.
– But I fell in love with Tony. He, oh God, he's so handsome...
– He looks exactly like Shane!
– Shhh! Mona hissed, looked around, then continued, "Tony after."
there's just something about it... Well, I don't know, maybe it's the tattoos?
I watched him drift away into the depths of his own imagination, which hid
some stillborn visions. I bit my lip as I realized I had to save her.

“Mona,” I began seriously, waiting for her attention to return to me. – Tony's
not good boyfriend material. Whatever image of him you create in your head,
believe me, it is far from it.
You deserve someone who will treat you with respect and who truly cares about
you. And Tony... Tony only cares about big breasts.

My friend lowered her head and suddenly raised it again.

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– I have big breasts. And they are still growing.

I snuggled into the back of the chair and lowered my hands and then my
eyes. He fell on the untouched pizza, so I quickly grabbed a slice between my
numb fingers so that none of the boys would think I had no appetite again. I saw
Mona reach for hers too. We chewed in silence for a while.
“You could…” she said suddenly, but quickly stopped talking.
I looked at her disconsolately, raising an eyebrow questioningly. I knew,
that whatever she wanted to ask me, I wouldn't like it.
– Could you try to get Tony to at least follow me on Instagram? – she asked
quietly, using the finger of her free hand to trace the edge of the sachet with
barbecue sauce.
I took a deep breath and put down my slice of pizza.
– How, Mona? He doesn't even watch me.
She became sad and looked down. I felt sorry for her and rubbed my
forehead, trying to find a solution to this stupid situation. I didn't find it, unfortunately.
Returning to school and the supposedly carefree meeting with Mona turned into
a fight during which I had to prove to my friend that falling out of love would be
the easiest and least painful for her.
Later, even when we sometimes strayed off topic, the topic of Tony kept
coming up in our conversations and it irritated me immensely. I had to be vigilant
every time Mona mentioned him, trying to put this fake dream romance with my
surly brother out of her mind.

Even when I was alone in class, my mood soured every time I imagined Mona
and Tony as a couple. By the end of the class I was extremely gloomy and
therefore more irritable than usual. That's why when I was returning my books to
the locker and I heard a long whistle behind me, I didn't ignore it, as I probably
would have normally done.
I turned around just in time to see some idiot from Jason's pseudo-gang
pulling his fingers out of his mouth and giggling stupidly. He almost landed on
the ground when my former love interest gave him a sharp shove on the shoulder.
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“Shut your mouth,” he growled at him quietly, and then glanced quickly
at me, checking if I had reacted to his friend's stupid taunt.

I raised my eyebrows and, unable to help myself, snorted loudly and

contemptuously. I couldn't help but feel repulsed when I saw Jason.
Maybe I flaunted it too much in front of him today, which is why I provoked
him a bit, but I still couldn't believe his words:
– Fucking princess.
Even though he barely muttered it under his breath, I heard the insult
very clearly. At that moment, it didn't take much for my brakes to release.
I turned on my heel.
– Do you want to repeat that? – I called out loudly and aggressively,
and part of me cringed in surprise at this outpouring of aggression that
was unlike me. I didn't behave like that.
Well, apparently Jason was able to awaken the worst, most deeply
hidden feelings in me. Or maybe I just didn't want to let someone like him
offend me.
– I think you heard.
He was squinting and laughing fakely at me, but I didn't miss the way he nervously
rubbed his hands against his thighs.
“Hey, okay, cool,” the idiot who had been whistling earlier interjected. –
Chill out.
He looked between me and Jason and held out his hands to us in a
reassuring gesture. The rest of our packmates were also watching us,
and most of them had mocking smiles on their faces, as if they fed on this
type of gossip.
I raised my eyes to the ceiling and then looked into Jason's blue irises
that had once charmed me so much. I shook my head remembering those
sad times.
- You are pathetic. – If I were a boy, I would probably even spit, but I
believed that it was inappropriate for me, Hailie Monet, so I simply made
sure that my expression expressed clear disgust.
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– Yeah? Am I pathetic? Jason laughed humorlessly. He stuffed his fists into the
pockets of his baggy jeans and came out to meet me. I didn't miss the fact that he
had quickly glanced around his surroundings earlier. – I'm not the one hiding behind
my older brothers' backs.
– You're right, you just use girls and leave them.
“You're repeating nonsense after that whore, Lavinia, instead of moving your own
empty head,” he growled with fury. – You don't really know the fuck about my
relationships. I didn't do anything to you. Have I done something to you? I didn't do
anything to you. It's your brothers, my great defenders, who showed off. And now
what, you're walking around school and you can't even be looked at badly because
the star has a problem - he snorted, finally putting his hands on his head. – How fucked up is this!
I took another step forward.
– You knew very well that I have no influence on my brothers, that they do
whatever they want. And yet you had a great time making out with another girl in front
of me, right?
I felt sad just remembering how bad I felt back then.

Jason raised his eyebrows for a split second, giving me a wicked smile.
– What, were you jealous?
– I was sorry, idiot.
– I don't give a damn about your discomfort.

I fell silent, regretting that I had ever been drawn into this conversation. Jason must
have sensed victory because he lifted his head higher. He was still smiling contemptuously
at me when he added, "So what
now, are you going to complain to your brothers?"
What's the harm to me?

I boldly lifted my chin and moved closer to him again, so that

now I had it at my fingertips.
- Definitely. And I think they'll actually break something for you this time. – I raised
an eyebrow defiantly. “Just say the word, Jason, and I swear I'll go to them right
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I just waited for him to open his mouth. Come on. I was ready to carry out the
threat in a heartbeat. I knew the holy trinity had to be somewhere nearby. I was
so turned on that I didn't care what they thought of me.

With dark satisfaction, I saw the uncertainty lurking deep in Jason's eyes. I
could see him wanting to say or do something inappropriate, but he managed to
stop himself.
He looked at me like I was my worst enemy, which hurt a little because I
really didn't feel like I deserved so much hate from anyone.

Eventually he began to back away, shaking his head, and suddenly turned to
blend back into the group of friends around whom he must have felt safe again,
because he muttered something to them, but so quietly that I already gave up.

I wanted to leave this corridor as quickly as possible, so I also turned around

and saw that several people were watching our exchange.
Some of them I knew only by sight, others not at all, but ironically one of them
had to be Audrey.
Oh great, of course, once I said a few too many words out loud and she
happened to hear them. Tired and irritated with this turn of events, I simply
decided to evacuate from there.
I didn't even care that I was taking a roundabout way to the parking lot.
I wanted to avoid those individual onlookers and their, as I told myself, judgmental
glances. Unfortunately, after a while I heard footsteps behind me.
I ignored them at first, but the person called my name quietly and then I closed
my eyes.
– Are you Hailie Monet? – The voice rang out again.
I stopped and slowly turned around, as it was no longer appropriate to pretend
I hadn't heard him in the empty corridor.
The boy also stopped, keeping a reasonable distance between us.
I tilted my head, giving him a questioning look because he intrigued me and I
didn't recognize him at all. I didn't even recognize it by sight. I certainly didn't
have any classes with him, no
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I'd never seen him in the cafeteria, and I certainly hadn't seen him among
Jason's gang.
He stared at me hesitantly, as if he were fighting an internal battle.
I waited for him to speak, and in my head I gave him points for daring to
open his mouth in my presence. Most of the boys at school still avoided
the Monet brothers' sister.
He got further points for how neatly he wore his uniform. It's a rare
occurrence for a student at our academy to have such a perfectly fitted tie
and his belt doesn't stick out even by a millimeter. A well-fitted and ironed
shirt without even the slightest wrinkle is truly unique.

His face showed confusion, but he seemed polite

person, I decided to take a deep breath and suppress my frustration.
I nodded to confirm my identity.
- I thought so. I heard your conversation with that boy -
said the stranger, pointing briefly behind his back with his thumb.
I sighed.
– I don't usually act like this.
I don't know why, but I felt the need to justify myself.
The boy just shrugged.
– I don't know you, I don't judge you.

This time I looked at him even more carefully. I really didn't know him,
and it's a small school. It seemed to me that with my tendency towards
perfection, I would remember someone who dressed so neatly.
He also had interesting eyes. And I'm not even talking about the color, although
they were nice, kind of hazel. What fascinated me more was that they seemed
smart, which I read, even though they were now looking at me so timidly. His nose
was covered with tiny freckles, and just next to the left corner of his eye, just below
his temple, a small, dark mole discreetly added to his charm.
– Are you new? - I asked.
– Yes, I just joined.
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He gave me a small smile, which I returned because - remembering that I was

in a similar situation just a few months ago - I felt a bit of sympathy for him. It
wasn't easy transferring to a new school, especially in the middle of the year and
to an academy like this.
“Leo Hardy,” he introduced himself and approached me shyly.
“Hailie Monet,” I replied and gently squeezed his cool hand back. – Did you
move here?
Leo lowered his head for a moment.

- Not completely. I've actually lived in the area forever.

– Oh, okay. So you went to a different school?
– To the public. - He ran his hand along the back of his neck. – This semester
I received a scholarship, so I could transfer here.
I nodded. I understood it all too well. For me, attending this academy was a
privilege that I probably would never have had if it weren't for Vincent's money.

I smiled wider.
– Then congratulations!
- Thanks.
There was silence, and as we looked at each other for a moment, I felt
uncomfortable. Things were starting to get weird, and even though Leo was
making a rather good impression on me, I decided it was time to leave. I was
opening my mouth to say goodbye to him when he spoke first.
– You live with the Monet brothers, right?
For some reason, this question made the good feeling I mentioned a second
ago disappear.
I nodded cautiously.
– Hailie, could you do something for me? Please.
Suddenly his expression changed to a more concerned one.
I frowned, completely taken by surprise. Then I tensed up and was ready to
take a big step back. I wasn't used to such questions from strangers, and my
instinct told me that they didn't bode well.
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My selfless kindness evaporated like water, and Leo, most likely seeing
this, rubbed his forehead in stress.
– I know we don't know each other and you might think I'm crazy... but,
Hailie, I swear I'm just in a hopeless situation.

- What do you mean?

– There is something I want to clarify. To do this, I have to

talk to your brother...
– Stop.
My tone was harsher than I expected. I extended my straight hand in
front of me, vertically, emphasizing my command. Leo obediently fell silent,
although he did not lose his suffering expression. I sighed, trying to lower
my tone a bit and tried to continue more gently:
– Leo, if you have a question about my brothers, Dylan, Shane and Tony
also go to this school. You can approach them at any time and talk to them
about whatever you want.
Even as I spoke, I realized that my brothers would rather dismiss Leo
than let him talk, but that was none of my business.

– But I need to talk to Vincent.

Ah well, good luck then.
I took a deep breath and looked around the deserted corridor.
I was preparing to explain to him in the simplest terms why I didn't want him
to bother me with such problems. First, I folded my hands as if in prayer and
rested my chin on them, then lowered them, still intertwined, and took a
deep breath.
– Leo, whatever business you have with him, I don't think you should
involve me in it.
- I know but…
– Vincent wouldn't be happy if he found out you were picking on me.

– I just…
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“No,” I said firmly. – I'm sorry, but no, I can't help you. I do not know you. I
don't understand why you come to me with your problem. My brothers are
involved in various things that I stay away from. If you need to talk to any of
them, make it happen with them.

The boys would be proud if they heard me now.

Leo looked disconsolate, but he didn't interrupt me or say another word. I
felt my heart sink at the sight of his genuinely worried and disappointed
expression. However, I quickly ordered myself to pull myself together.
Everyone has problems, and I haven't lost my mind yet to willingly expose
myself to my brothers for a stranger.
“It was nice meeting you, Leo, hang in there,” I said and started to back
away until I finally turned and walked away.
I refrained from wishing him luck, although if he had something to do with
Vincent, he would definitely need it. However, I didn't want to depress him
further. He already looked depressed enough.

I didn't hear him say goodbye, but I left him standing there in that corridor.
Of course, I was immediately attacked by a small feeling of guilt. I tried to
convince myself that I was not Mother Teresa. I couldn't help everyone.

I made it to the parking lot, telling myself that I could mind my own business
and forget about the short episode with Leo.
– What's up, Hailie? – Shane said, taking the front seat.
Tony was already settling into the driver's seat next to me, and, as usual, I
was in the back of the car. I didn't see Dylan anywhere either, but I wasn't going
to ask about him.
- All right.
Tony started the engine and Shane turned on the music, but not loudly.
probably so that I could hear his next question: -
Don't you have anything to tell us?
I froze. I thought about the conversation I had just had with Leo.
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I could only see Tony's right profile, and yet I could clearly see the mischievous smile
forming on his lips. Shane was also amused because I saw his teeth flashing in the side
- What? – I asked carefully.
– Come on, use your head.
- I do not know what you mean.
Tony snorted and Shane continued with a sneer,
"So you didn't threaten to beat Jason up?"
Oh. I felt my cheeks begin to burn and I lowered my head,
resting his forehead on his hand.

– How do you know about this? – I groaned.

Before Shane decided to answer me, both of my brothers laughed loudly at my

– In this school, little Hailie, the walls have ears.
– Someone reported me to you?

– Tyler had the pleasure of hearing the end of your argument with that jerk.

I bit my lip. Even if I managed to hide something from my brothers, their stupid friends,
or rather spies, were everywhere.
I couldn't trust anyone at this school.
– So, are we supposed to beat him?

“No,” I sighed, turning my head towards the side window.

I looked at the trees as we passed too fast, as we usually did when Tony was driving. After
a while, however, I glanced back at the back of the brothers' heads, adding hesitantly: -
And... if I asked you, would you seriously do it?

Shane shrugged.
- Sure.
Tony didn't answer, but his smirk, which still didn't fade away, spoke for itself.
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I felt a sick sympathy for these two, which I wasn't proud of at all.
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Switching from vacation to school mode was a moment for me.

What turned out to be an unexpected difficulty was dealing with Mona's
behavior, as I constantly caught her stealing glances at Tony. This was
becoming extremely troublesome, especially in the canteen.
Once, when I followed the gaze of my friend, as I had recently started
calling her, I witnessed a situation in which Leo was approaching the
Monets' table. I was sitting too far away to hear anything, but it didn't
matter because the boy didn't get a chance to say much anyway. In fact,
the Monet brothers dismissed him before he even opened his mouth.

I tried to put all these side issues out of my head, which in the end
weren't even my problems, and focus on something important to me, i.e.
Even though I had only attended them a few times, I quickly learned
to arrive at the gym moments before they started, especially when Dylan
was running them. I liked to stretch a bit and preferred to do it alone.
Then I sat cross-legged on the mattress and waited for him to appear,
which today happened well after the agreed time. However, I did not
reproach him for being late, which was advised by my instinct for self-
preservation, which - it goes without saying - was somewhat developed
around the Monet brothers.
Dylan had been mean to me from the start, so the fact that our first
training session ended in failure and me complaining to Vincent didn't
make things much worse. At most, my teeth hurt after taking classes
with him - I clenched them so hard to stop myself from getting into an
argument with him.
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This time we practiced movement, so he finally started showing me

some specifics. I stood with my back against him and he put his big hands
around my neck as if he wanted to strangle me. It was incredibly terrifying
to me, even though I believed Dylan wouldn't go so far as to kill me. I was
supposed to get away from him by twisting my arm in a certain way and
pointing my hand at his face. Make-believe, of course. I wasn't doing well.
Dylan said I was moving too slow.
We did one move for so long that I finally fell into a trance and
performed the entire exercise automatically over and over again. That's
probably why what happened happened, and at one point, when Dylan
muttered "wait a minute," I didn't wait.
I didn't feel him let go of me and take a step away. I looked thoughtfully
ahead at the glass wall, behind which was the garden of the Monet
Residence. I thought especially a lot about the swimming pool there. I
couldn't wait until summer came and it would be filled with water. As I
imagined myself dipping my fingertips in it, I didn't register Dylan's sudden
pause and the edge of my hand hit his mouth.

It took me a second to realize that it wasn't supposed to be like this.

My hand hurt and I quickly turned around as I rubbed it. I looked at my
brother, who was looking up from his cell phone screen at me with an
irritated expression.
“I said wait,” he growled, and he seemed to feel something was wrong
when he moved his mouth. He lifted his fingers and touched his upper lip
just as a trickle of blood began to form there.
His eyes darkened and I became even more terrified.
I hurt him. And he kept telling me that I should be more focused.

Dylan raised his hand to his eyes to make sure the warm, sticky liquid
he probably felt on his lips was red. Then he looked back at me.

Blood began to pool in the corner and slowly work its way down, giving
him the appearance of a ghastly vampire with seven pains.
The moment his mouth stretched into a goosebump
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the skin of his smile, his lip cracked even deeper and more blood flowed from it,
now staining some of his bared teeth as well.
I stiffened.
“Well done, little sister,” he murmured, taking a tiny step closer
front and put the phone in the pocket of his tracksuits.
I responded by taking a step back.
– Hey, it's just training, right? – I squealed and my voice trembled. – Such things
Dylan continued to smile like a ghost from your worst nightmares and continued
to approach as slowly as the predators in nature movies stalking their prey.

– Do you know what you should do now?

I shook my head uncertainly.
- Run away.

He didn't have to repeat these simple instructions to me twice. I turned it around

I jumped on my heels and ran to the door leading into the corridor.
I was reaching out to reach for the doorknob when I felt Dylan first tighten his
fingers on my shirt, then pull me towards him, and then one of his strong arms wrap
around me like a snake.
I screamed loudly.
“Very nice,” he praised.
He was dragging me, as it turned out, to the bathroom. And when I saw him
directing us towards the shower, I realized what he was planning. I started to
struggle and scream even more.
– Dylan, no!
– Hush, little girl.
Then what I expected happened: he opened the door to the large, glass shower
and pushed me inside. He didn't care about my screams. I tried to get out, but he
was blocking the passage. He leaned down to pull the tap and a large stream of icy
water sprayed from the wide rain shower hanging above me.
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I screamed like I was being skinned. The brutal cold soaked me from head to
toe, and Dylan was grinning at me from behind the glass. The blood had dried by
his mouth and he still looked terrible, but I was so furious with him that I slammed
my open hand against the glass wall, right at his face level. Then I ran my hand
over it and blindly felt for the battery.

As soon as I managed to turn off the water, I took a deep breath and shivered
not only from the cold, but also from the relief that this barbaric shower was over.
I rubbed my eyes to see better and my teeth chattered as another wave of cold
shivers ran through my body.

I was afraid Dylan would keep me trapped here forever, but he's already gone.
When I jumped out of the cabin myself, I found this bastard in front of the sink. He
stood there as if nothing had happened, rinsing his mouth with water, getting rid
of the remaining blood, and examining the wound in the mirror.
There must have been a parallel universe somewhere where I was strong
enough to grab him, drag him into the shower, and do the same in return.
Unfortunately, in this reality, the most I could do was give him a death glare. He
caught them in the reflection in the mirror and gave me a small, wicked smile.

– Have you cooled down?

My wet clothes and hair were freezing me mercilessly, so I wanted to quickly

grab a towel and dry myself, but I decided to take revenge on Dylan first. I ran at
him with open arms, almost slipping on the puddle that was starting to form
beneath me. Before he could escape me, I clung to his side like a leech, soaking
his clothes and transferring all the cold to him.

“Oh fuck,” he hissed, raising his arms to shoulder height and looking down at
me wrapped around his hips. He tried to break free from my grip, but I didn't let go.
I held onto him so tightly as if my life depended on it.

“Don't say 'fuck',” I admonished him maliciously.

I wanted to beat him with his own weapon, but it didn't work out because Dylan
reached for the soap dispenser that was on the corner of the sink.
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and pressed the pump with his thumb. A large amount of liquid fell onto his remaining four
fingers, which he then unceremoniously rubbed against my lips.
– Don't say "fuck".
I immediately pulled away from him and wiped the soap off with the back of my hand,
then spat into the bowl to get rid of the disgusting taste. Dylan rinsed his hand, then wiped
it carelessly on a towel hanging on a hook on the wall.
He was already leaving, ready to accept his victory, but I refused to acknowledge it and
followed him.
I caught him at the gym, where I pulled him by his tight black t-shirt. I was really
determined. The clothes stretched and there was the sound of fabric tearing. I was surprised
it happened, considering how much money my brothers spent on their rags.

Dylan sighed as if he was tired of our fighting, but he turned around and twisted my
arms so that before I knew it, my back was against his chest. He tied my wrists with one
hand. With his index finger and the thumb of the other, he grabbed my cheeks and pressed
them so that my lips puffed out. He led me to a large mirror on the wall and told me to look
at our reflection.

I looked like a small, swollen baby. He lifted my face to meet his amused gaze in the
mirror. His cut on his upper lip was still very red.

– So why are you rushing around like that? - he laughed. “What, don't you know, little
sister, that you're not allowed to hit others?” Especially brothers? That's not what our
training is for. “Dylan leaned forward a little so I could still hear him clearly as he lowered
his voice to a whisper. – Nu, nu. Very, very ugly, little Hailie.

For a moment, I looked even more ridiculous as I frowned at the condescending tone
he used to irritate me. He knew well that I didn't like being treated like a child. I tried to pull
away again, but he only tilted his head back so I wouldn't hit his chin with mine. Then he
rolled his eyes, which was the perfect opportunity for me to take advantage of the fact that
his fingers were not far from my mouth. I opened my mouth and bit him hard on one of them.
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Dylan hissed in pain and immediately released me.

“Little baby,” he muttered, looking at his finger for a moment, then looking
up at me. I squealed and cringed as I didn't have time to get away before he
nipped my side.
After he did this a few times, I finally fell back onto the mattress. This was
a very unfortunate move for me, because then Dylan crouched down behind
me and ended up sitting over me while I was rolling on the floor.
He pinned my wrists again and his large body hovered over me. I tried to
kick him blindly, maybe in the stomach or thigh, but it seemed like I might as
well have been attacking the concrete sidewalk.
“You should get one for hitting me,” he said ominously.
I stopped struggling for a moment and looked into his dark eyes, which
only pretended to be serious, but which held a spark of amusement. This
discovery filled me with boldness.
I smiled cheekily.
– I know, but you won't pay me back.

I have no idea where this confidence came from.

Dylan raised an eyebrow, also surprised, but he didn't deny it, just smiled broadly and
evilly. His upper lip was starting to swell a little and he looked like he'd been punched by
an equal, not his younger sister. Point for me.

“No,” he admitted, “but you still take too much time, girl.”
The smile disappeared from my face when I saw him lean down even
further, collecting saliva and slowly releasing it from his mouth just above my
exposed neck. I watched in horror as the clear, foamy liquid dripped onto my
– DYLAN! – I howled. – That's gross, yuck!!!
I started struggling like crazy. I fainted with disgust,
when I felt his saliva on my collarbone.
My attempts to free myself were futile, so I glared at him and he just stared
back at me, clearly mocking me. Then I gritted my teeth in anger and... spat
on him too.
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Like a sprinkler, I sprayed particles of my saliva into his face.

Dylan turned his head and moved away from me, wiping his face with
the back of his hand. This was the moment of distraction I had been waiting for.
I rolled to the side, pushed myself to my knees, then scrambled to my feet
and ran towards the door. Without looking back, I shuffled my legs and at
the same time rolled up my shirt so as to wipe the remnants of my brother's
saliva from my skin with the hem of it.
I would have probably run up the stairs to hide in my bedroom as quickly
as possible, but as I ran past the kitchen, I heard the voices of my two oldest
brothers. So I slowed down, then ran into the room and leaned against the
Vincent and Will stopped their conversation. They stood near the coffee
machine, both with small cups of espresso in their hands, wearing shirts and
with serious expressions on their faces. Will's features softened when he
saw me, but Vincent's pale blue gaze only sharpened.
I saw the questions in his eyes that he said aloud for him
– Hailie? What happened? Why are you wet?
Avoiding Vincent, I focused on making beautiful eyes for my favorite
brother. I really hoped that I would take pity on him.
“Dylan threw cold water on me,” I complained.
Will was elegant and neat, and he still set his coffee on the counter so he
could open his arms to me. I was happy to fit in.

There was a snort as the main person caught up with me here.

He got rid of the shirt I ripped from him.
Will raised an eyebrow and waited for confirmation of my words. Dylan
just shrugged.
“She hit me,” he explained, pointing to his split lip.
– Unintentionally! – I called out before I could feel William's questioning
gaze on me. – And he smeared soap in my mouth!
– Because she said "fuck".
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– I only repeated it after him! And he spat on me.

– You spat on me too.
I hugged Will tighter and scowled at Dylan because I was running out of arguments
and didn't like how easily he dismissed them all. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw
Vincent turn and leave, putting his empty cup in the sink and shaking his head as he
“Come on, Dylan, you were supposed to be gentle with her,” Will reminded him,
obviously referring to some conversation they had that I had never witnessed.

Dylan spread his hands.

– But I handle it delicately. Nothing happened to her, he said. He didn't fail to raise
his eyebrows at the end and add: - She makes herself a victim in front of you because
she knows that you will spoil her.
And he was gone, and I blushed and buried my face in Will's shirt to hide it.
Fortunately, he wasn't bothered by Dylan's words at all.
He kissed the top of my head, then stroked my arm and tried to lean back to look at
my face.
– You should change, hmm?
I muttered something unintelligible.
– Come on, you'll get cold. Will stroked my back worriedly.
“I'm already cold,” I muttered.
He was silent for a while, continuing to hug me, until he finally grabbed my chin.

– I know what to do about it. Come with me, little one.

Reluctantly, I broke our embrace. I even felt stupid because I had wet his clothes
and left traces on the floor.
No one in the Monet Manor was particularly used to cleaning, especially one that
involved objects like a mop or a vacuum cleaner, but Will found a cloth and responsibly
ordered us to dry the floors so that no one would fall on them.

And when we finished, he rewarded me for working hard and freezing in wet
clothes by offering me a visit to the sauna. I saw boys sometimes
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they used it. From my observations, her biggest fan was Tony. Sometimes he hung out
there with Shane, and once I even saw Vincent emerge from it in a suitably dark (black,
otherwise) robe. I had to pick my jaw up from the floor, it distorted my image of the eldest
brother so much.

Will seemed to know that I hadn't found a good time to visit the Monet attraction since
I'd moved into the mansion, and he thought now was the perfect opportunity.

We changed into robes, white and fluffy like we were at a fancy spa hotel, and I watched
with excitement as Will turned on the sauna, set the temperature, and then we sprawled
out inside on the wooden boards. I started choking after about ten minutes, but we ended
up sitting there on and off for almost forty minutes.

I haven't felt as full of energy as I do today for a long time, and for the first time I thought
to myself that maybe the idea of living so actively and healthily wasn't so bad after all.
Especially considering that I lived in the Monet Residence equipped with such goodies as
a gym, sauna and a dear brother who makes the best fruit cocktails under the sun.

It was all worth the hassle with Dylan.

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On Friday, too preoccupied with the idea of going to England, I didn't have one

I didn't even manage to go to the gym for a short exercise session. The flight
was scheduled for the evening, and I just realized what a very intense
weekend awaited me.
I knew deep down that Vincent wouldn't let me down and since he
promised to take me to my mother's grave, he would do it no matter what,
but a part of me was still waiting for him to cancel the trip and use the excuse of work.
However, this did not happen and on Friday evening we threw our small
suitcases on wheels into the trunk of an elegant van in which one of the
employees took us to the airport. This time it was located somewhere in a
Pennsylvania field.
The fact that Vincent himself accompanied me on this trip still surprised
me. This guy didn't even have time to go on vacation with me and our
brothers. A vacation during which he had one of the rare opportunities to see
his father. He usually barely found time to talk to me for a few minutes. His
phone was ringing non-stop. Yet he actually made the following weekend of
his busy schedule available to me, and for the third time I had the pleasure
of being on board the Monets' private jet.

This time I didn't even meet the pilots who sat at the controls, and the
stewardess serving us behaved extremely stiff and formal towards us. I
wondered if she had that personality, or if she was generally cheerful and
was just tense about serving my oldest brother, who already seemed like a
demanding passenger.
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As I fastened my seat belt, I couldn't believe that this plane was

actually taking off only at my request. At least three people came to work
today because I wanted to visit my hometown. The fact that Vince was
able to organize something like this at all (and practically at the last
minute!) was unbelievable to me.
My brother sat next to me and immediately opened his laptop. Initially,
I was planning to admire the views of clouds that I remembered from
previous flights, because they calmed me down, but now I saw that it
was dark and there was not much to see behind the glass, especially
since we were quickly over the ocean.
I had nowhere to look, especially since I was trying so hard not to
glance at Vincent. I assumed he might not have wanted me to see what
he was doing. Apart from that, from what I could see, he was still in his
email inbox. The number of unread messages in the "Important" folder
shocked me.
Then I fell asleep out of boredom, and three hours later Vincent woke me up because
he noticed that I had unfastened my seat belt earlier and we had entered a turbulence zone.
I zipped myself up, sleepy eyes scanning the screen of his paper-flat
laptop, which he still held on my lap. He leaned a black leather calendar
against the keyboard and ticked something off.
I yawned and winced as the plane stalled again.
– When do we land? – I asked, stretching. I hadn't slept very well, and now I wasn't going
to feel comfortable at all with the belt restraining me.

- A bit more.
He didn't even look at me.
- You work a lot.
– Because I have a lot of work.

I leaned my head against the window and stared at my oldest brother.

While I dressed in a set of light tracksuits with comfort in mind, Vince put
elegance above all else as he wore a classic white shirt, black pants,
and a chic black belt
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and polished shoes. I could see from his narrowed eyes, reflecting the bright
laptop screen, that he was tired.
– Why can't you hire someone to ease your burden a little? – I asked, prepared
for the possibility that he would ignore me and not answer, but I was so bored
that I didn't care.
– I'm hiring, but some things have to be done right. What if
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself, dear Hailie.
I looked at him for a moment longer, then looked around and considered
reaching for a book when suddenly the plane shook again and descended
violently. My insides jumped, giving me an unpleasant feeling like being on a
crazy carousel, and my heart began to beat faster. I also slightly hit my head on
the window. I straightened up in my seat and glanced out the window in panic. It
didn't help me much, but at least I saw that we were still flying and didn't seem to
be falling. After a few seconds, however, the plane lost altitude again, just as
suddenly as before.
I screamed in fear and got goosebumps.
Then I felt Vincent's cool hand on my clenched fist.
I glanced at him in horror, and he looked back.
I read from him that he doesn't have an ounce of anxiety in him.
– It's just turbulence.
His voice sounded extremely gentle. With one hand he kept encouraging me
reassurance and held his computer with the other.
– What a terrible feeling, almost like we were falling…
I shuddered as the plane shook violently again. There was also turbulence on
the flight to Thailand, but it was nothing like what we were experiencing at the
– These are extremely strong, but it's nothing. We're not falling. Calm down.
Everything is fine.
I snuggled into my seat and glanced out the window from time to time to make
sure we were still flying, though all I saw was a pitch-black void. The plane still
jerked from time to time, but it no longer descended suddenly. At some point, a
stewardess came to check if everything was OK. She didn't seem to either
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anxious, so I soon let my body relax. Vince took his hand from me and went back to work,
completely unfazed by what had caused me so much fear.

“It was terrible,” I whispered when I finally regained my ability to speak.


– I thought we were going to fall.

I stroked my arm, which still had goosebumps on it.
– Turbulence is a common phenomenon, no matter how dangerous it seems.
The pilots are well trained and can handle them, he said.
– I will never get on a plane again.
He didn't comment on it and just went back to work.
This event was added to my already long list of traumas.
I thanked heavens that I was on board with Vincent, whose composure helped me calm
down, because if it had happened to me on a commercial flight where I was alone, I think
I would have had a heart attack.
I didn't remember this trip well, not only because of this negative experience, but also
because of boredom. I couldn't get comfortable, the seat belt bothered me and I was afraid
to unfasten it, and it was much more interesting for me to fly with Dylan and the twins. At
least I could watch them play the console, grab something tasty to eat every now and then,
have silly but engaging discussions, and Shane even showed me the cockpit. Vincent
mostly worked and took a short nap.

We landed at one of the airports near London. Once we were above the Islands, my
stomach tightened in a knot that wouldn't untie even when my feet touched the ground.
The last time I was in this country, I knew almost nothing about my brothers. Back then, I
was just an orphaned teenager who had no idea about luxury.

Today I arrived here by private plane, accompanied by my oldest brother, and a taxi
took us to the most expensive hotel in the area.
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I knew it was the most expensive one because we were staying in

my hometown, which I knew very well. Everyone here knew that this
tall, glass building with vast stairs and a bellhop always standing at the
foot, waiting for new guests, was the best hotel in the area. It was
located in the very center, close to the town hall and the museum, which
was one of the few tourist attractions available here.

I sat in the car glued to the window and watched the winter morning,
reminiscing. We passed a field where a group of girls were playing
football. I felt as if one of them had kicked a ball with all her might and it
hit me in the stomach. I knew them, they always met for training on
Saturday mornings.
We passed the stop where I was standing with my friend when my
mother let me catch the bus alone for the first time, and we got on the
wrong one and had to wait an hour for the next one. The cinema where
we always went on class trips to watch educational films. There was a
fast food restaurant next door, where we always ended up after a movie.
I knew that if we had not stopped at the hotel and continued down this
street, we would have ended up in front of the office - a large sand-
colored building, where I once lost half a day with my mother. On the
left side there would be a park where a summer festival took place every
August. There was an amusement park there and concerts were played…
Last year I went there with my mother, my friends and their parents. I
remembered it as one of the greatest days I spent with her shortly
before she died. I was glad we had to get off before I could see a single
tree growing in this park, because I would have definitely cried.

My hometown was definitely not the most charming.

There are too many ugly industrial buildings in every possible shade of
gray or brown. It didn't help that it was rather cloudy here most of the
year. Even today, although it looked like it was going to be quite a warm
day for the end of winter, we could only dream of the sun. Its frequent
absence is simply one of the characteristic features of this place.
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Vincent and I had the opportunity to admire the gray sky from the hotel
restaurant, which was located on the top floor. Its glass walls offered a view of the
city skyline, but apparently it only became beautiful there in the evenings, when
darkness fell and the lights of cars, street lamps and colorful signs twinkled from
Two years ago, the boys in my class came up with the idea to sneak in here
when we were coming back from the cinema. When I ran into the elevator with
them, I was very nervous that someone would notice us. We were giggling
nervously, and when we stopped on the top floor, we didn't even get off in time
because the hotel staff caught us, turned us around, and chased us out onto the street.
If someone had told me then that in the not so distant future I would have booked
accommodation in this particular hotel, I would have laughed loudly in their face.

Another time, a girl from a parallel class bragged that she came to this restaurant
with her rich uncle and ate the most delicious salmon in her entire life.

Now, with the card in my hands, I saw that they didn't serve salmon here. I told
Vincent about it so that we wouldn't sit at the table in awkward silence. He
responded to both stories with a small smile. Only after we ordered breakfast and
the waiter took the menu did he take a longer look at me.
– You've never eaten here?
I raised my eyebrows.

– Are you kidding?

- NO.

“This must be one of the most expensive restaurants in the whole city…” I muttered, as
if to prove it, looking around at the modern lamps, strange paintings and potted plants
the size of cars.

Vincent knew I didn't grow up in a wealthy family. My mother would probably

even have trouble qualifying as middle class. Until now, I had thought that my oldest
brother wasn't so detached from reality as to believe that people like her would
allow themselves to eat in such places, but maybe I was wrong. At last
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he grew up in luxury, and I began to think that although he was intelligent, he was
unable to put himself in the shoes of an ordinary person.
He shrugged and removed his hand from the table to make room for his coffee.
which the waiter had just brought him.
– I don't know how your mother managed her funds.
“Responsibly,” I muttered, and then, to avoid sounding rude, I explained:
“Grandma cooked mostly for us, and we rarely went to restaurants. And certainly
never to ones like this. My mother spent her money very carefully.

– So you learned it from her?

For the first time today, Vincent was fully focused on me, and I think I preferred
how busy he was at work.
– I have nothing to spend.
There was amusement in his eyes.
– You are much more than you think, dear child. Don't you know it yet?

I shyly looked up at him from over my tea.

– I only know that you are rich.
– Wrong, Hailie. Our whole family is wealthy. - He raised the cup to his mouth,
and his eyes sparkled with satisfaction caused by the pleasure of the first sip of
hot coffee. – Of course, since you are a minor and under my care, I control your
expenses. Therefore, I have the right not to agree to certain whims of yours. At
the same time, I don't want you to ever worry about money. There is no need.

I nodded, feeling some awkwardness instead of relief.

I was curious about what would happen when I became an adult, but at the
same time I was ashamed to ask about it. I didn't want Vincent to think I was so
interested in money. In fact, at that moment I didn't know what to expect or how it
worked in the Monet family. There was a chance that one day Vince would just
give me a tiny piece of his fortune. My throat tightened just thinking about it
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what would I do with her? I couldn't even spend the pocket money my
father gave me.
Our orders discreetly suggested differences between our backgrounds.
I, excited to return to home, ordered a real English breakfast: poached
egg with beans on toast and feta cheese and chives. Vincent, however,
remained faithful to the American waffles and bacon - he also ordered a
fried duck egg.

It was impossible for me to finish such a large meal, luckily Vince was
quite rational so he didn't force me to clean the entire plate. Then we went
downstairs to our apartment, much too large for the two of us, and there
we spent a moment getting ready. Someone called Vincent during
breakfast, as we were leaving the hotel, and during the taxi ride.

I've never seen someone's phone vibrate so much. It's good that it wasn't
our nature to talk to each other all the time, because it was simply
impossible to have a long conversation with him. Every now and then
someone would interrupt us.
The cemetery where my mother and grandmother were buried was
located on the outskirts of the town, located in an open area, which made
it much windier than in the center. I didn't argue with Vincent when he told
me to button up my coat, even though I wanted to show off at least a little
of the black, festive dress that I wore especially for my loved ones.
Vincent carried a bouquet of fresh, pre-ordered flowers, following me
patiently while I wandered among the gravestones, looking for the right
ones. I tried to locate the place where two coffins were buried, in which
the bodies of the most important people in my life were buried.
Unfortunately, apart from bitter tears, I didn't remember much from the
Finally finding my mother's name carved into the gray tombstone, I
stopped. Her grandmother was buried right next to her. Suddenly, I felt my
stomach tighten again. I stared blankly and sadly at the stone. I don't know
how long it took, but Vincent finally decided to place flowers on the ground
himself. Only then
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I motivated myself to crouch down and arrange the branches in my own way
to make it
as nice as possible. Vibrant colors immediately beautified this ugly place.
Here even the grass had turned gray and seemed to blend in with some of
the graves and the sky, which was exceptionally gloomy today. I was sad that
there was no one to decorate these two tombstones, which were so important
to me, on a daily basis. I smiled weakly as I remembered that both my mother
and grandmother were crazy about plants.
I thought for a really long time, just standing there and thinking about them.
I wondered if it was true what strangers often told me, that they were up there
somewhere, looking at me. At first Vincent stayed by my side, paying respect
to my deceased loved ones, for which I was grateful, but then he moved away.
I saw him from a distance - he watched over me, but also gave me a little
I often thought about my mother and imagined telling her about various
things that had happened to me. I felt that if I repeated all this to her now, she
would hear me more clearly. I crouched down right between my mother's and
grandmother's graves and then I started to summarize everything for them.
From the day I found out about their deaths until today. I spoke in a low voice
so that Vincent wouldn't hear, especially when I told him that I was sometimes
afraid of him. I described each of my brothers to them. I even confessed to
things I was ashamed of, like hitting Jason and stealing Tony's cigarette. That
I lied several times. And a few other antics.

I also told them that I had great results at school. I searched for a long time
for words to describe my feelings during the meeting with my father. I wanted
to ask a few things and it was so frustrating that my mom couldn't answer.
And then I became even more irritated when I realized that I couldn't say
much about Camden anyway. I didn't talk to him about really serious topics...

Why didn't I take the opportunity to do this?

I sat there for over two hours. I saw Vince walking a little ways away,
holding the phone to his ear. The wind blew his away
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dark coat. Even further, by the road, there was a car parked. Vince paid a taxi driver to
wait for us. It seemed to me that the man had lowered his seat behind the wheel and was
reading a book. He had a great job today.

Suddenly, I felt raindrops coming out of nowhere. One on my nose, then another on my
hand, and then two on my forehead. At first, I completely ignored them, but a moment later
they started to multiply. I lifted my face to the sky. It was no longer melancholy gray, now
covered with black, threatening clouds.

“Hailie, let's go back,” ordered Vincent, who had also been staring a moment ago
up. He was putting his phone in his pocket as he moved towards me.
I looked at him blankly and felt strangely tense as I saw him approaching.
I looked at my mother's grave again. My throat tightened at the thought of not knowing
when I would next see him. My heart started beating faster. Apart from the cool raindrops
on my forehead, I felt a chill
I'm sweating.

Vince stopped nearby and urged me on, looking back at the sky.

– Hailie.

There was a long boom of thunder, quiet but terrifying.

Vince came over and held out his hand to help me up.
I looked at her, frowning.
“No…” I whispered, shifting my eyes to the tombstone in panic.
The rain soaked the stone on which my mother's name was carved.

It was raining more and more, and the storm was getting louder.
- Get up. - Vincent's voice sounded sharper this time.
I started shaking my head. I couldn't leave yet. I wanted to stay
with mum. I finally got it back.
“Just a little longer,” I gasped, backing away from my brother and moving closer to the
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There was a flash as if someone had taken a photo with a flash with a huge camera,
and after a few seconds there was a boom of thunder, much more powerful than the
– Hailie, we're leaving. No discussion.
“No, no, no…” I moaned, terrified beyond joking.
I was breathing quickly. My fear during turbulence was nothing compared to what I
was experiencing now.
I felt Vince's hand grab my arm.
- NO! – I blurted out.
I managed to free myself from his grip and crawl on all fours, away from him. I got
my knees, tights and coat wet... I hit the tombstone with my arm and immediately
wrapped my arms around it without even thinking. I didn't mind the cold radiating from it.

I shuddered, but it didn't matter.

The raindrops were now larger, thicker and soaking mercilessly
my hair, clothes, dripping down my skin, mixing with my tears.
It flashed again and it seemed to be pouring more and more.
Vincent didn't let up. He approached and bent down. I couldn't see his face clearly
because it was blurry in my eyes, but I think I caught the moment when his expression
changed from surprised to fierce. I didn't like this determination.

- Leave me! – I screamed, choking on tears. - Leave me

in peace! Get lost!
I think I even kicked him, but I felt no remorse. At last
he wanted to take me away from my mother.

But I didn't scare him away. His coat, stiff and soaked to the skin, must have weighed
him down as he leaned down hard to grab my hands and, with a force rarely used
against me, unhook them from the tombstone. Then his arms wrapped around my waist
and pulled me towards him. I screamed again and dug my fingers into the ground. As I
tried to resist, I felt the damp earth getting under my nails.

There was lightning and thunder again.

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Vincent grabbed my arms, immobilizing them and I was no longer able to

defend myself. Trapped in a grip that was too strong, all I could do was howl
and try to kick him again, to no avail. At one point, there was an opportunity
to scratch him. I ran my nails across the skin of his hands, but his embrace
didn't break.
I cried even louder in frustration.
Vincent moved at a fast pace, and I struggled so much, resisted, and
pulled my legs together that he was practically carrying me. I'm sure I also
stepped on his usual cute shoes once or twice, so they lost their shine. I was
choking all the time and I hated that my mother was being taken away from
me once again. I couldn't even see any tombstones anymore because we
were surrounded by walls of water.
Suddenly the rain stopped. However, its noise was still audible, as if from
a distance. The heavy drops no longer hit the grass softly, but rumbled as
they bounced off something hard. I rolled my eyes around, not having the
strength to move my head.
We got into the car. Vincent took the seats with me in the back, still holding
me tightly. Something was jumping strangely and only after a while I realized
that it was me who was jumping around like crazy. I cried was an
understatement, I wailed aloud.
And all I could think about was hating Vincent for
that he took me from my mother.
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I was standing in the hotel bedroom in front of the door that connected it to the living room.
I gathered the courage to press the doorknob and face my oldest brother. I
knew he was there because I had been awake for over an hour, just lying in
bed, and every now and then I heard his hushed voice as he answered the
Because of my embarrassment at the spectacle I had performed at the
cemetery, I couldn't convince myself to leave. I was still sad and bitter about
how the visit to my mother's grave ended. It also occurred to me that I should
express my grief in a more mature way.
They will never take me seriously if I get carried away so easily.

I closed my eyes. I wanted to go back under the blanket and wrap myself
in it like a pancake. The bed was warm and comfortable, and I could hide in it
from Vincent.
But I had to come out to him. When we got back to the hotel, he ordered
me to take a warm shower and then take a nap. I was also supposed to let him
know when I woke up.
I sighed and opened the door, slowly emerging from the safe oasis that
was my hotel room. I felt like I was willingly walking into an ambush. I was
fueling my own fear needlessly, but what could I do - I was still a little afraid of
My brother stood with his back to me and looked out the large window at
the night city. It was still raining, but not as much, and the storm had passed.
He held the phone to his ear. I think he was listening to the voicemail. I caught
a few words and raised my eyebrows in surprise, because whoever taped Vincent
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he did it in French. I even caught a few words that didn't reveal anything to me.

The message stopped abruptly and Vincent turned around. He had to

see me in the reflection of the window, unless he had eyes in the back of his head.
Sam changed and took a shower, looking fresh and elegant as always. He looked at
me with his usual indifferent gaze and slowly put the phone in his pocket.

What little self-confidence I had managed to muster before leaving my room

now clattered to the floor like candy.

- How do you feel? – he asked, completely confusing me.

I was ready for the lecture.
I swallowed and wanted to mutter a simple "fine," but at the last moment I
decided to answer honestly. Vince would know if I lied anyway, and I didn't want
to irritate him even more. With any luck, he might even appreciate that I was
telling the truth.
– My head hurts and my throat tickles. And it's a bit cold. Yeah
and maybe I'm hungry - I said quietly, playing with my fingers.
I was especially proud of myself for admitting to him that I was hungry.
I hoped he picked up on it too.
“Sit down,” he ordered, nodding his head towards the corner.
I squeezed obediently into the corner of the couch, pushing some files aside.
Apparently he was working here while I was sleeping soundly.
I watched shyly as she first took a large, thick blanket with black and white cow
patches from the sliding wardrobe and handed it to me. He then went to the
cabinet next to the front door and grabbed the restaurant menu, which was there
along with hotel regulations and nice brochures informing about some of the
shabby attractions the city had to offer.
- Pick what you want. Lunch and tea. No ice cream or carbonated drinks.

I took the card from him and read it, wrapped in a soft blanket. I quickly
decided on fish and chips. More because of the fries than the fish, because
that's what I wanted, and I knew it was Vincent
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I may have reservations if I don't decide to buy the entire set. I also chose green tea with
raspberries and orange juice, silently regretting that I couldn't drink Coke, which, out of
spite, I was craving.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my brother put a glass of water on

the table next to me and drop an effervescent tablet into it. He placed
another pill next to me and told me to take these medications while he
placed the order, showing off his wonderfully mastered telephone etiquette.
The drink he served tasted terrible. Like watered down coffee with lemon.
But I didn't dare complain about it.

Vincent took a seat on the couch, unfortunately not as far from me as I

would have liked. He didn't say anything yet, but he began to pull up the
sleeves of his shirt. He did it slowly and gracefully, and I focused on
finishing the medicine.
After a while, I almost choked on him when I realized that Vincent wasn't
suddenly hot. He was pulling up his sleeves so I could see the red marks I
had scratched into his skin. Even worse than the ones I once left on Dylan's
I looked down at the now empty glass I was clutching in both of my arms
hands, and nervously shifted on the couch.
“I know you're getting carried away at a difficult time, but I want to hear
what you have to say,” Vincent began, leaning back on the couch and
looking at me. He crossed his legs and rested one hand on his thigh.

“Well… I panicked…” I admitted, clearing my throat, and when he didn't

say anything, I continued. I felt that this was my only chance to whiten
myself a little in his eyes. – I just... wanted to stay... I didn't have time to
say goodbye... And then you suddenly and out of nowhere forced me to
“Hailie, I didn't force you out of there on a whim,” he pointed out
Vince rubbed his forehead for a moment, a little as if from fatigue. On his
finger, as always, this massive, mysterious signet glittered. – In the rain
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rain and storm, you sat in the open space, hugging the cold stone. Good thing it only
ended with a mild cold.
Halfway through his statement, I looked down at my knees, now curled up and still
covered with a patchy blanket. I preferred to think that Vincent was upsetting me rather
than caring about me, because it was easier for me to be angry with him.

I was silent.

– I'm sorry your mother passed away, and I know you miss her very much.
You have the right to be angry and sad. I accept it. At the same time, I want it to be clear
to you that for me your safety is a priority and is more important than your comfort. That's
why I won't sit with you at the grave and stroke your hair while a storm breaks over our
heads. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?

My heart trembled.

– I just wanted to tell her something else...

I heard Vincent sigh and then move closer to me, pulling me closer to him. I didn't
despise this gesture, but immediately snuggled closer to him, inhaling the scent of his
strong cologne.
He held me tightly, like in a taxi, but this time the closeness gave me comfort.

“They say time heals all wounds,” I said, staring off into the distance.
Vince rubbed my back gently, sending shivers of joy running through my body.

– That's not true, Hailie. Time does not heal such deep wounds as yours.

I lifted my head, but my cheek was still pressed against his chest.

– It'll just make you gradually get used to the pain, but it's still something.

I digested his words for a moment, wondering if they were more uplifting or depressing.
Vince let me relax in his arms until the food we ordered arrived. It felt so good that I cursed
that stupid fish in my mind.
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Vince wasn't mad at me, I guess, and I didn't hate him at all.
The next day I felt much better. We got up very early because he promised me
that we would go to the cemetery before the flight so that I could properly say
goodbye to my mother and grandmother. I was very grateful to him for that. This
time we ate
breakfast in the form of a buffet. I didn't want to overeat, so I opted for plain
French toast, but as soon as I brought it to the table, Vincent told me to take the,
and I quote, "pathetic toast" out of my sight and prepare a proper meal.

He also asked if I would like to visit some old friends, but I shyly confessed
that I had no one here with whom I would keep in touch. My friendships with
people from school and in the yard fell apart after I moved out. Faster than I
That's why I turned around with embarrassment when a girl my age approached
me outside the hotel and called me by name.
– Oh God, Hailie? – she wondered, widening her eyes.
I recognized her quickly.
“Julie, hello,” I greeted, tucking my hair behind my ear.
Standing in front of me was a girl from a parallel class, from my old school,
whose gaze usually skimmed over me in the halls as if I didn't exist. I was
convinced that until my mother's death became a sensation, she didn't even know
my name.
Well, I knew who she was. The school star who was after David Chapman, the
handsome guy who once called me a nerd when I refused to let him take my part
on a test.
Christ, it all seemed so distant to me now, as if these events and characters
existed in a completely different dimension.
Vince stopped at my side, examining Julie quickly and dispassionately. I was
sure that with his perceptiveness he had drawn many conclusions about her, but
like him, he remained silent and let me deal with the situation in my own way.

– Are you back? – she asked. She held the phone in her lowered hand, and I
could have sworn her fingers tightened around it, as if she couldn't hold it anymore.
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wait until he shares the news with someone.

– Er... I only came for the weekend. – I waved towards the hotel.
– Wait, this is where you stop? “Julie blinked, looking from the building to me. She didn't
even try to pretend she wasn't surprised.

– Mhm, just for the weekend. I came to see my mother's grave, I replied.
– Oh, sure, I'm sorry. I mean, you know, I'm sorry.
I forced a slight smile.
– This is a terrible tragedy. I heard you live in the US now?
– Mhm.
I casually glanced at Vincent, who was waiting patiently. Only then did Julie
register his presence. It was hard for her to hide her large eyes and the
impression my brother made on him. Especially since she was a girl who, from
what I remembered, was impressed by money and luxury like nothing else.

– Vince, this is Julie… a friend from school. Julie, this is my brother.

– So it's true? – Julie's eyes began to sparkle with excitement. There must have been
gossip about me here. – It's amazing that it turned out you have brothers. Just like in the

Which movie? I wanted to ask it out loud, but I didn't want to let Julie throw
me off balance. Instead, I gave her a wry smile.

– Would you like some coffee and cake? – she suggested, getting more and
more turned on. I wanted to give her the notebook and pen so that she wouldn't
miss any interesting information later.
– I'm sorry, I don't think I have time. We have a plane soon. – I spread my
“We can leave a little later if you want,” Vincent said calmly. – The plane will
I wanted to punch his shoulder. Julie's jaw almost dropped.
- Thanks, Vince, but I'd rather spend the extra time in the cemetery -
I said and nodded to my friend. - It was nice to meet you.
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Until the end, Julie stood frozen and watched as Vincent and I got into the taxi.

I breathed a sigh of relief in the car, overwhelmed by this sudden encounter.

I realized that even here, in my hometown, no trace of the old Hailie had been lost.

– Would you like to see your apartment? – Vincent asked out of the blue as we were
stuck in traffic.
I raised an eyebrow.

– It's not mine anymore. My mother and grandmother rented them. Someone else
probably lives there now.
– I know, but I can buy them for you if you want. – Vince got emotional
shoulders, looking disinterestedly at the buildings through the side window.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the taxi driver glance at him in the mirror.

I licked my lips.

– It is not even known whether the owner would agree to sell them.
“If I wanted to buy them, I would agree,” Vincent replied
with natural self-confidence.
“Thank you, but you don't have to,” I muttered weakly.
I don't know why such texts still surprised me. The old apartment where I grew up was
probably worth little more than two watches from Vincent's large collection. And he himself
really gave the impression of a person who would not be denied anything.

Coming back from the cemetery, we stopped at a traffic light and I looked out the
window at a restaurant that served the best and cheapest Chinese food in town. My mother
and I always ordered takeout from there, and with excitement in my voice and my nose
almost glued to the side window, I told Vince about it.

Unexpectedly, he told the taxi driver to stop and suggested that we could eat there.
The interior of the restaurant was not very sophisticated - wooden tables, cheap tiles on
the floor and kitschy decorations. Instead of napkins, there were boxes of tissues on the
table, the kind my mother always had
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she bought it for me when I was suffering from a never-ending cold. Vince didn't
comment on it, but there were a few moments when I felt ashamed that I had
even brought him here. He definitely didn't belong in this pub.
He raised his eyebrows at the sight of the menu, which was an ordinary A4
sheet of paper tucked into a T-shirt, sticky with some sauce. Or maybe he reacted
this way to seeing the prices? When I mentioned that it was the cheapest and
best Chinese in town, I wasn't lying. Fortunately, the standard of dishes in the
restaurant was still high, so we ate really well there.
Vincent probably liked it too, and it reminded me of old times - the perfect ending
to my little return to my hometown.
At the end, my brother paid and left the nice waitress quite a generous tip.
Then his phone rang and I decided to go to the toilet.

The bathrooms here were quite unkempt and reminded me why my mother
and I always preferred to order food home. Moreover, this district had a rather
bad reputation.
This was only confirmed by a man who came out of the men's room at the
same time I was coming out of the women's room. We bumped into each other
in a very narrow corridor. I stopped immediately and, in order not to squeeze past
the stranger, I had to wait until he moved first.
I had a bad feeling. First, I wrinkled my nose when I noticed the unpleasant
smell of alcohol and mold. Seeing his red eyes, I knew he wouldn't let me go
without a rude comment. When he saw me, the man rubbed his slightly yellowed
and unevenly cut beard. He was short and neatly dressed. He looked like a
homeless man who managed to sneak in through a side door.

Keeping distance was not easy in such a tight room.

I silently prayed that he would just let go and move on. Then I would immediately
follow him. Just make him move, damn it.
“Ooo, mommy…” he whistled hoarsely.
I clenched my jaw. I considered retreating to the bathroom. But what if he
turns out to be more agile than he looks and rushes after me and I don't have
time to close the zipper?
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I waited and he stood there, devouring me with his eyes. I felt great discomfort
and started to be afraid. I could always scream. Should I do it now?

– Hailie.

Vincent stopped at the end of the hall, looking at me expectantly.

He also threw one quick glance at the stranger. A wave of relief washed over me,
because I felt immediately more confident in my brother's presence, so I set off
without unnecessary talking. I tensed as I passed the strange man. I crouched as
much as I could to avoid accidentally brushing against him, and I also held my
He didn't stop me like I had imagined, but just when I thought I had safely
passed him, I felt his paw on my buttock.

I shuddered with disgust.

I pursed my lips and didn't even turn around. I wanted to be next to Vincent
as quickly as possible, who in turn passed me. I turned after him, honestly
“Aleosochots…” the man slurred, raising his dirty hands.
Due to his sleazy appearance, he probably often got away with such actions.
I guessed that most people preferred not to touch him, not engage in discussions
or gossip with him, and just get away from him as quickly as possible, like me.

Vincent, even though he always took great care to be well-groomed, did not
However, he had such inhibitions.
I stared open-mouthed as my brother wrapped his hands around his
opponent's worn-out T-shirt and pushed him back into the restroom, whose ajar
door immediately obediently let both men inside. Then Vince slammed it shut,
and for a few long seconds all I could hear was the man's hoarse moans coming
from inside. His voice sounded old and dusty.

I didn't know what to do with myself, so I stood and stared at the door to the
men's room, listening to these almost comical sounds.
A waitress also appeared and stopped next to me. She was clearly there
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worried because she probably should have checked what was going on there, but she
probably didn't have the courage. However, she didn't have to show it, because after a
while the pitiful whimpering subsided and soon there was only one, last long moan and
the sound of water being turned on from the tap and then the sound of the dryer...
The door opened and Vince walked out, calm as if nothing had happened. The
waitress and I looked at him without saying a word. She certainly wasn't expecting my
elegant brother, who walked up to me gracefully, put his hand on my shoulder and
nodded towards the exit.

When I got into the taxi, I was still chewing my lower lip.
– What did you do to him? – I asked quietly.
Vincent didn't even look at me, but replied.
– I explained the difference between being a gentleman and a pervert.
Nothing to add, nothing to take away - there was no point in continuing to drag him by the tongue.
I stole a glance at his hands, now slightly chafed, and asked myself what they were
capable of...
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Jesus, girl, I envy such an interesting life, Mona sighed. –

You know what I did on the weekend? I went to the store with my parents.
Furniture. Bleh. The chandelier section now haunts me at night.
“You better dream of chandeliers than my brother,” I muttered, and Mona blushed
and immediately glanced at the Monet table.
I slapped her hand. - Stop.
– You mentioned him yourself. Well, okay, keep talking. How's England?
– It was a very short and intense trip. Not much happened, I replied evasively.

– Haven't you met any of your old friends?

– I don't have any old friends.
“You don't have many new ones either,” she noted.
I raised an eyebrow, not particularly impressed.
- You're insulting me?

– I don't have a large team myself. – Mona pointed to the empty seats
at our table. – I only ever stuck with Audrey.
– He still doesn't want to talk to you?
– Probably not, but it doesn't matter because I don't want it either. Besides, she… –
Mona paused her voice for a moment, then lowered it: "It's getting weird."
I leaned slightly towards her, wiping the knife with a napkin.
– Did you find out anything?
– Hailie Monet wants to gossip?
I clicked my lips in dissatisfaction and glanced to the side, but then I shrugged.
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– My life is so messed up that I think I need some entertainment.

– Well, that's great, because I love gossip. – Mona perked up and shifted in her chair. –
Apparently... but I don't know for sure, right, because I didn't see it with my own eyes, but
apparently... Audrey is hanging out with Jason.

I opened my mouth.
- What?!

- Exactly.

– With Jason! – I snorted.

– Just with him.

- Why? – I frowned. – He knows he's a piece of crap.

– She has already proven that she is not intelligent. – Mona licked the salt off her fry and
then looked at me closely. – But there is also the possibility that he wants to take revenge
on you.

I felt an unpleasant tightening in my stomach.

– Stop it, I'm starting to feel like the heroine of a teen show.
Mona dipped another fry in ketchup and smiled as her eyes wandered around the
cafeteria, dangerously close to where Tony was sitting.
“Jason has been picking on me lately,” I said, trying to get her attention.

It worked, and then I told her about our little fight.

– That's a pig! Now we know that he hasn't changed at all. Very
It's good that you talked to him.

– I shouldn't get into any arguments with him… And I shouldn't threaten him
brothers, I muttered, stabbing a cherry tomato on my fork.
– Hailie, you don't understand anything. – Mona stopped eating for a moment and
shook her head with concern. – You are the younger sister of the Monet brothers!
You're always complaining that you're screwed, but the truth is, you have so many
benefits at your fingertips! – She leaned towards me. “Girl, you could rule this school if
you wanted to.
I covered my face with the cutlery I was holding in my hands.
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- Doesn't want.
– What a pity.

I rolled my eyes and by the end of the break we were talking about topics other
than my possible rule. I had to reprimand her a few times when she stared at Tony.
This was starting to really irritate me. Maybe I should actually become queen of
the school just to be condemned to eating lunch with a blindfold on.

It was a good thing we gossiped, though, because at least I wasn't too surprised
when I saw Jason and Audrey during one of our later breaks. They stood by the
wall and talked. They didn't make out, but they definitely smiled flirtatiously at each
other. I slipped past them, hoping they wouldn't notice me. I couldn't even imagine
what was going through Audrey's head. She knew how Jason treated me.

As if I was missing attractions, during the same break I bumped into another
boy. Leo sat alone on the windowsill with his nose in a book.
I recognized him by his short blond hair and his perfectly even side part. It felt stupid to
walk past him and treat him like a ghost.

“Hey,” I said, trying to sound friendly.

He looked up from what he was reading and when he saw me, he smiled,
greeted me and asked how I was doing. His politeness seemed automatic, as if he
were a well-mannered boy who had no right not to return a greeting. I often caught
myself behaving similarly.
Just like now.
Leo watched me and I became more and more convinced of what he was doing
I've noticed before, that he has really sharp eyes.
– If you're asking out of politeness, I'm fine too. Thank you, he replied.

I could have nodded and walked away, but I couldn't, and with a sigh, I looked
around quickly to see who might be a possible witness to our conversation. I
learned this caution from possessive brothers.
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Leo didn't take his eyes off me. At home I was surrounded by men who
had cool blue eyes or dark ones, like Dylan's, so being drowned in irises of
such a warm, almost warming color was quite a change for me.

It made me feel sad that such pretty eyes looked so sad now.
My common sense just knelt down in front of me and begged me not to
get involved in any stupidity and it would be best to leave because I didn't
need this strange, whatever, boy on my list of problems.

– What if you were to answer honestly?

There was something like hope on his face that made me swallow. I was
afraid that the one I was giving him now would turn out to be false to him.

– I'd say it's average. There's just this thing I have to do

solve… – Leo closed the book and put it aside.
– And you need Vincent to solve it?
– I need to meet him urgently.
I sighed.
“Leo, I can listen to you, you can talk, but that's all,” I said stiffly. I had
the impression that in his eyes I looked like an extremely dry girl.

Now it was he who sighed, nodding as if he agreed to my terms.

“Okay,” he murmured, and although he certainly wanted to speak, he

was quite hesitant to start. However, he finally took a breath and, visibly
stressed, began his story. “My brother…” He swallowed. – My older brother
got into trouble. He's like that, he's always in some kind of trouble. Since I
can remember. But over time they started to become more and more
serious. - He fell silent for a moment and licked his lips nervously. – Now
they are so serious that I have to pay for them. And I mean that literally.
He sat with his legs slightly apart, placed his elbows on his thighs and
played with his hands. I stopped next to him, leaning on the windowsill he
occupied. I mostly stared at his face, but every now and then
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I also scanned the corridor with my eyes. I had to be careful because I didn't
want one of my brothers to catch me.
– Why do you have to pay for them? – I asked, frowning.
– Because my brother is temporarily... unavailable.
– I know it's probably hard for you to talk about it, but it's all very
incomprehensible. You'd have to give me more specifics to make sense of it.

– You're right, it's just… it's so complicated…

It was sad to see him suffering. Out of a simple human instinct, I reached out
to touch his shoulder to give him some silent support. He looked at me surprised.

– My brother was sent to forced drug rehab.

– Oh. – I didn't expect this at all. I bit my lip
and then I added: - I'm sorry.
Leo took a deep breath and shook his head slightly.
– That wouldn't be so bad. Maybe they'll finally help him there. He shrugged,
but he didn't sound too convinced. – The problem is that drugs are an expensive
– Borrowed it?
“He was involved in gambling, as far as I know. - He rubbed his forehead with his hand.
– All I know is that he has accumulated huge debts that now someone has to pay off.
- Someone? Shouldn't your brother be the one to pay it off after he gets out
of rehab?
He looked at me seriously.
– Hailie, he didn't run up any debts to the bank. He borrowed money from the mafia.
A mafia that now wants its money back and doesn't care who gives it back.

I blinked, and his eyes sparkled intensely as he continued, “Your brothers owe the most

money, Hailie, and they want it back, and they want it back now.”
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I straightened up. My mouth tightened, and so did my stomach. Small,

unpleasant shivers spread under my skin. I stared blankly at Leo's blonde head,
which had drooped again, as if he couldn't or didn't want to keep eye contact
with me anymore.
He tangled his fingers in his hair, mercilessly ruffling his short, blond locks.

– Maybe it's stupid to tell you this, but I don't know what to do.
I feel like I have no other choice. Your brothers don't let me near them...

– I have to go, okay? – I interjected, suddenly pushing myself away from the windowsill.

The boy stopped his mumbling, but I didn't wait for an answer, I just walked
away from him quickly. He looked at me and I think he shouted something, but I
ignored him.
I no longer walked towards the lockers. I reached the bend and as soon as I
was out of Leo's sight, I broke into a run. I felt beads of sweat on my forehead
that appeared suddenly and out of nowhere. My ears started ringing. A wave of
heat washed over me.
I passed people I didn't even recognize. Dark spots appeared before my
eyes. At the last moment, I managed to run into the bathroom, yank the handle
to the first cubicle I found, and, not even caring about closing the door, I fell to
my knees in front of the toilet.
I started vomiting and it was the worst feeling possible.
I puked up all my lunch and breakfast, and probably the remnants of last night's
dinner as well. I tried to push my hair behind my back with one hand, and with
the other I clung to the toilet seat, which I normally wouldn't touch even with my
little fingernail.
Only when I was finished did I let out a loud, pitiful moan and squat down on
the floor, leaning against the wall of the cabin and sighing heavily with exhaustion.
There was a terrible taste of vomit in my mouth and tears were streaming down
my cheeks. My abdominal muscles ached from the unusual exertion. I felt terrible.

– Hailie, are you okay? – Mona asked.

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I looked up. She glanced at me through the wide-open door of the cabin
where I was sitting.
- What are you doing here? – I groaned.

– You flew past me in the corridor. I ran after you to see why you were in
such a hurry - she replied and after a moment of silence she repeated: - Is
everything okay?
I nodded weakly and closed my eyes. I didn't even have the strength to
feel ashamed that he saw me like this. Jesus, I didn't flush it. Reluctantly, I
opened my eyes again and leaned on one hand and reached for the toilet with
the other.
Mona disappeared from sight for a second, but quickly returned, offering a
roll of toilet paper, which for some reason was missing in the cubicle I was
I thanked her and wiped my mouth, nose and tear-stained cheeks.
I had to pull myself together. Of course, I had long suspected that my brothers
were involved in some shady business, but this was the first time someone
had called them the mafia in my presence, and I can't even describe how
much it terrified me. Leaving aside the question of whether there is such a
thing as the mafia in the twenty-first century.
In my mind's eye I saw a man in a suit, with a mustache and a bowler hat
on his neatly combed hair. A stereotypical mafioso whose image appeared
again and again in books, TV series and films. And then I juxtaposed him with
the character of Vincent, in his long black coat, elegant shirt, expensive watch
and signet ring on his finger.
I pursed my lips.
Calling my brothers' business a mafia was much spookier than simply
calling it "affairs," "business," or even calling it this mysterious Organization.

After all, mafias were brutal, illegal and ruthless. And things could have
been… different.
I breathed a sigh of relief. I slowly calmed down. Finally, I managed to get
up and stagger to the sink, where I rinsed my mouth and splashed cool water
on my face.
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Mona offered to take me to the nurse. Of course, I immediately refused. I didn't

need any fuss around me now. I just wanted some peace and quiet to clear my
Unfortunately, Mona insisted on at least taking me to the room where I had my
next lesson. So a moment after the bell rang, I entered the classroom and
immediately received an inquisitive look from Mrs. Roberts, my favorite teacher,
who absolutely adored me.
She was a wonderful woman, very patient and understanding, and her voice was
so pleasant that I could listen to her talk forever about the structure of blood vessels.
Mrs. Roberts also reminded me of my mother, and I'm not talking about my mother,
but the general idea of a mother. She had porcelain skin, soft facial features, good
eyes, and light, slightly wavy shoulder-length hair. She was so nice that even the
worst students, who hated books, tests, teachers and everything related to school,
tried to behave decently in her classes out of sympathy for her.

As expected, Mrs. Roberts was horrified at the sight of my paper-white face. I

sighed heavily as she told Mona to take me by the arm and urgently take me to the
Nothing happened to me, but I preferred to pretend that I was poisoned rather
than that I was simply overwhelmed with emotions after hearing that my brothers
belonged to some mafia.
The nurse's office was located in a different wing, so we had to cross the main
hall of our school, where, of course, with my luck, we happened upon the moment
when Shane, Tony, and two of their friends were walking into the school, late for
their classes, but in great clothes. moods.

When I saw them, I grabbed Mona's elbow and wanted to quickly retreat back
behind the curtain while we had a chance to remain unnoticed, but she stared at
Tony and realized too late what I meant, and then Shane's gaze fell on us. .

– Hey! – he shouted immediately.

Tony and the rest of his companions stopped as well. They were probably
coming back from a cigarette break and didn't hide it at all, because this one was more so
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the surly one of the twins had one pipe tucked behind his ear. One of their
friends, probably the poor Tyler who recently tricked me, was playing with a
I was irritated by the fact that the Monet brothers enjoyed special treatment
at this school. They were behaving like kings of life, and the woman sitting at the
concierge seemed to be deliberately ignoring them. It was downright absurd.
Unless the school staff knew what the Monet brothers were involved with.

I felt sick again.

– Why aren't you in class? Shane asked, walking towards us. Tony followed
him, leaving his friends behind.
I wanted to let out a loud, frustrated groan. I also felt like
Mona, standing next to me, stiffens.
“Mrs. Roberts sent us… somewhere,” I replied, unable in my state to come
up with a good excuse. I also couldn't count on my companion, who was
obviously stressed by the fact that, along with me, she was the center of attention
of the Monet twins.
- Where? – Tony asked.
Or rather, he even demanded an answer.
I felt Mona shiver.
“To the nurse,” I replied with a sigh, quickly trying to think of a reason why
the two girls would be sent there that didn't involve the assumption that one of
them must have felt unwell. I didn't want them to know there was something
wrong with me. I was going to convince the nurse that everything was fine and I
was hoping to be back in class soon.

- Why? – Shane continued.

They both looked at me expectantly. They looked funny put together like that.
Even though they were identical twins, they had rarely been as much alike as
they were now.
Are they supposed to be in the mafia? Once again I felt an unpleasant tightening in
my stomach.
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“For… something,” I muttered.

- What for? Shane narrowed his eyes. – Why are you so pale?
I gritted my teeth, but before I could give them another useless answer, Tony took a
step forward, focusing his gaze on my poor friend, who looked like she had done something
serious and was now about to confess to her parents, the school board, and the Supreme

– You tell us. Why are you going there? – he growled at her.
I knew full well that he was trying to intimidate her, and of course he succeeded. If I
didn't know him, I would have been scared too, so I couldn't blame Mona as she
immediately started talking, giving me just one apologetic look.

– Hailie felt bad.

I looked to the side, biting the inside of my cheek.
- What's wrong with her?

“Uh… well…” I felt Mona's eyes on me, as if she was begging me to speak up, but
then she realized I wouldn't and finished it herself. – Was she feeling sick?

Captivated by Tony and terrified of interacting with the Monet brothers, Mona answered
every question the twins asked her, and soon they knew I had thrown up during recess in
the school bathroom. They quickly sent my friend back to the classroom. She hesitated for
a moment to leave, and I nodded at her, knowing it was already a lost cause. I watched
her give me one last guilty look, but I gave her a grim smile that seemed to calm her down
a little.

– Why didn't you tell us you felt bad? – Shane asked, placing his hand on my back and
pushing me lightly towards the hall where the nurse's office was. I flinched ever so slightly
at the touch and I hoped he didn't feel it.

– Because nothing happened to me.

However, I knew that a lot had happened, because my sweet peace, in which I could
remain thanks to ignorance, was brutally disturbed. Mine
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my brothers did everything in their power to let me live there as long as possible,
and now I understood where this behavior came from. It was another heavy load
that landed on my shoulders.
“You look like a zombie,” Shane said, smiling a little at me, as if he wanted to
cheer me up, but unfortunately his sense of humor wasn't enough in this situation.

The twins separated from their friends and I rolled my eyes to the ceiling as
they decided to personally escort me to the nurse. It was the purest act of
embarrassing overprotection. My explanations that I was feeling better had no
effect on them or on the nurse, who was an old lady famous in our school for her
strictness and suspicion.
She treated me very seriously, but I don't know if it was because I walked in with
the Monet twins or if I really looked that bad.

She asked me a series of questions, touched my belly and even took my

temperature. During this time, Shane and Tony were busy - they took over from
the school and informed Vincent about my situation.
– I want to go back to lessons! – I groaned in frustration as I lay on the couch
about to rest, but all I could hear was the discussion between the twins and the
nurse. She wanted to send them back to class, but they insisted on waiting for
someone to pick me up.
I really felt better. My emotions subsided and I knew I wasn't sick, so I could go back to
class. I didn't want to miss classes and fall behind. Moreover, the last thing I wanted was
to cause a fuss.

I changed my mind a bit when it turned out that Will was going to pick me up.
When he arrived in a hurry, his dark blonde hair was a little messier than usual,
but his blue eyes were as warm as ever.
My brother hugged me, listened to the nurse, then helped me stand up as if I
had a problem with my legs and not my stomach, and finally, he exchanged a few
words with Tony and Shane in the corridor, pressing me to his side like a treasure.
Suddenly I realized that maybe I felt bad and needed Will to take care of me.
Sometimes I secretly thought to myself,
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that Dylan was right, and in the company of my favorite brother I was as soft
as an overcooked dumpling, I wanted him to take care of me so badly.
Then he walked me to the car and was absolutely adorable.
He treated me like an egg. He asked me to let him know if I felt nauseous
again, especially while driving. When he got home, he immediately sent me
to the couch, covered me with a blanket, and let me watch as much TV as I
wanted. I also heard him giving Eugenie instructions on how to prepare a light
lunch for me.
Is he also part of the mafia?
I felt a little guilty because he was really worried about me. However, in a
moment I remembered what made me feel worse.

I thought a lot about Leo and how I left him alone with his problem. I didn't
think I could help him, but maybe there was no need to brush him off like that.
I definitely planned to talk to him again, I felt I should.

Will only checked in on me from time to time because he had to work, and
now I wondered what his job was. Could mafiosi work remotely? Was Will a
mafioso? I grimaced. It was stupid.

And then Vincent looked at me. I was just dozing off because I was
watching a moderately interesting series on Netflix. The pad fell from my hand
and hit the floor as the sudden presence of my oldest brother jolted me awake
from half-sleep.
Embarrassed, I immediately picked up the thing that I would definitely get
a huge beating from Dylan and the twins for destroying. Fortunately, the pad
worked, so I put it aside and focused on Vincent.
He even asked if I was feeling better. I couldn't help the fact that his dignified
demeanor was stressing me out even more today. While it was hard for me to
believe that Tony, Shane or Will could be part of the mafia, Vincent was a
completely different story. His entire posture emanated warning and threat.

Now the sight of him made me tense up a lot more than usual, and I was
sure he noticed it, so I just had to pray that he took it as an effect.
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side effect of my tiredness.

Vince didn't stay over me for long. As soon as I mumbled that I was fine and just needed
some rest, he disappeared.

I took a deep breath. I've already accepted that my brothers have secrets that I shouldn't
pry into. Now, however, Leo triggered new mechanisms in my head that aroused my curiosity
even more.

I bit my lower lip and thought about what to do. I couldn't pull my brothers tongue. I
lacked the courage to do so. Besides, they would eat me. They have already shown many
times how willing they are to defend their secrets. I remembered what they were capable of.

But Will definitely wasn't part of any mafia. He just brought me a fluffy blanket so I
wouldn't freeze.
I remembered that I had another appointment with the therapist today and due to my
well-being, I was supposed to skip it. At first I regretted it, because discussing my discovery
would definitely help me feel better, but then I realized that it was just another thing, next to
the father's matter, that I couldn't bring up with a stranger. What if Vincent gets reports of
my sessions? What if the therapist tells him everything?

I spent the rest of the day on the couch until the twins came back from school and
interrupted my peace. They appeared out of nowhere, jolting me from my sleep.
Tony deftly pulled the pad out of my hands, which I was barely consciously clutching to my
chest, and Shane almost crushed my feet as he sat down next to me.

I let out something like a grumpy grunt.

“Shhh,” Shane whispered, not even glancing at me because he was digging his ass
on the TV screen.

The boys turned off my series, which I had stopped watching for a long time, and I didn't
even know which episode was on, but I woke up and said, "Hey, I watched that!"
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"Go to sleep," Tony said dismissively.

– You're disturbing me!

When I finally pulled my foot out from under Shane's heavy thigh, I
nudged him with it.
– You said you were fine.
I said something else to them, but it was completely drowned out by the
roar of the machine gun. Tony and Shane started their shooting, not caring
that in a few years they would lose their hearing.
I didn't run away to my bedroom, as I had initially planned, but stayed
with my brothers and watched them shoot members of a foreign gang until
the evening. I wondered if they were that good at it in real life too.

God, stop it, it's just a video game.

It's not like that in real life.
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The next day I was stronger. I knew what to do. Even

I tied my hair in a high ponytail to reflect the combativeness of my mood.
I found Leo during the first break. He was sitting on the same windowsill as
yesterday. Without any hesitation, I approached him and asked to talk to him. I
could see that I had surprised him.
He ran the fingers of one hand through his blond hair, frowning
in concentration as he continued his translations at my request:
– My mother runs a small confectionery shop. Practically forever. This is her
only source of income. And my brother fell into debt until he finally borrowed a
lot of money from the Monets and mortgaged his mother's bakery as security.
He was sure that if he won, he would start paying them back and no one would
ever know about it. But, predictably, he lost. - His gaze darkened. – Then he
got caught and sent to rehab. And now they come to us once a week and...
they take almost everything. Hailie, if this continues, we'll end up on the street
- as he said the last words, he looked up at me, tears welling up in his eyes.

I felt a lump in my throat.

– Wait, m-my brothers are coming to you?
Leo shook his head, lowering it again.
– Personally, no, never, but these people who are tormenting us apparently
work for Vincent. They always say something like "greetings from Monets" or
something. They come to us as to themselves. - He clenched his hands into
fists. – They take money out of the cash register and calmly count it in front of
us, and then complain that there is not enough of it. They're taking from us
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goods from exhibitions. We have an apartment above the premises and they went
there a few times as well. They took my laptop, searched for jewelry...
– What are you talking about? – I was amazed. – After all, these are your debts
brother, you can't do that...
Leo gave me a long look.
– You know best how it all works, right?
I raised my eyebrows indignantly.

– If you think that I sit at home with my brothers at the table and discuss their
business together, drinking coffee and eating cookies, you are wrong – I growled
He scratched his neck.
– Sorry, I have no idea what it's like for you. Which doesn't change the fact that
one word from you is enough... Nobody even wants to arrange a meeting with
Vincent. And you live with him, you probably pass him in the kitchen and on the
stairs, I don't know...
“Leo, I…” I hesitated. – I know Vincent. If I approach him on your behalf, all I'll
get is trouble. He will be angry with me and even more angry with you. This won't
help you, it will only make things worse.
– If you just agree, I can take the risk. I really have nothing to lose.

I couldn't stand that look. It was so beautiful and warm, it warmed my heart. And
then I thought to myself that it was also the complete opposite of Vince's icy eyes.

“You don't understand,” I sighed. – Vince will be furious that you involve me in
such matters. As soon as he finds out that you told me all this, you will be at a loss.

I guess my words finally got through to him, because he sighed and licked his
lips, then looked down at the floor and stared at it for what felt like a minute. I looked
unseeingly at the people in the background who were rushing down the corridor in
the distance.
Finally my companion started and slowly raised his head.
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– What if I didn't tell you all this and you found out by accident? Then
you could bring this matter to your brother's attention without
consequences for both of us.
I tilted my head.
“Well…” I admitted, frowning because I wasn't entirely behind him
I kept up, then asked carefully, "Any idea?"
Leo gave me a small smile.
– You're friends with Mona Britt, right?

I sat on the hot pink carpet in Mona's room and picked at its long
threads. I was waiting for my friend to freshen up her makeup so we
could leave the house. It was Thursday afternoon and I went straight to
her place after school to "study" together. Mona was the most distracted
person I'd ever known, so I'd rather jump off a bridge than study for a test
with her, but it was the best lie we could come up with to get her parents
and Will to agree to our midweek meeting.

In fact, we were implementing Leo's plan, which seemed so harmless

that after thinking about it, I agreed to take part in it. The boy practically
begged me to just show up at the right place at the right time. It was all I
could do. I was about to see something that I would then innocently direct
Vincent's attention to and then forget about.

Leo didn't ask for much.

Mrs. Hardy's bakery was robbed regularly on Thursdays, usually in
the late afternoon. Apparently, for some reason, the bandits politely
followed the schedule. In my common sense, it seemed like suicide on
their part, but with a straight face, Leo claimed that when he and his
mother tried to coordinate the plot, the police washed their hands of it.
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Mona turned out to be quite key to this whole plan, specifically her house,
which was located about fifteen minutes' walk from the bakery.
Mrs. Hardy even knew her mother, who stopped by every Sunday for muffins and
carrot cake. They could never talk to each other in private, so sometimes Mrs.
Britt would stop at the door and Leo's mother would lean on the counter and they
would gossip together endlessly.
When my friend finally stood in front of me, ready to leave, I stood up too and
deliberately plugged my phone into the charger.
My tracker was supposed to stay at home. I didn't want to make it a secret that I
was going for a walk, but it was better if Vince and my eventual bodyguard found
out about it after the fact.
At first I was worried that our plan wouldn't work if there was indeed a security
guard standing outside Mona's house. I was afraid he would scare away my
brothers' men whenever they showed up. I shared these doubts with my friend,
who first gave me a long look at the news that I had a bodyguard, and then started
making a plan.
She took me to the back of the house, where we jumped over a low fence and
onto her friendly neighbor's property. We left through his gate, which was on the
other side. I tried not to look back.
Spring seems to have finally arrived in Pennsylvania. Our walk was quite
pleasant, with Mona chattering nonstop about the places we passed along the way.

– Mrs. Berry lives here, she worked at Disneyland years ago.

Do you see these bushes? I once spent six hours in them when I ran away from
home. I was ten years old and the police were looking for me. This is one of the
stupidest things I did as a child... I sometimes go roller skating there...

“I envy you,” I murmured.


– I envy your life in the estate – I explained. “You have neighbors, places to
walk that aren't scary forests, and shops you can walk to,” I paused, then
complained, wrapping my arms around myself: “I live far from civilization.” You
have no idea how
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It limits me greatly. I can't leave the house without asking for a ride first.

– But what are you saying, hardly anyone walks here. Honestly, I don't
remember the last time I walked downtown. And my parents? They only travel by
car. I'm waiting for my license myself - she sighed longingly. - Soon.

– Will you have your driving license soon? – I was amazed.

– My birthday is in a few months. Mona raised her eyebrows. – I've already
started learning to drive. It's easy, a bit like a computer game.
I also saw a car, it's beautiful. Dad says it's too expensive, but I think he'll buy it
for me anyway.
– Could I study too?
– Sure, in a moment everyone from our age group will have a license.
I was pondering. Driving license always seemed like something I could only
think about after I turned 18, but Mona made me realize that things are
approached differently here. I started to wonder how Vincent would react if I
asked him to learn how to drive. My brothers had so many cars in the garage
that theoretically it shouldn't be a problem for them to lend me one from time to
We walked and chatted about various things, trying to act casual even as we
both felt our excitement growing.
Finally, in front of us, there was the Hardy's confectionery, blended into a row of
other low buildings, the name of which was painted in white letters on the gray
wood hanging above the entrance door. In the window next to them, small cakes
and cupcakes were displayed as an incentive for passers-by.
Leo was already standing outside the place. He was leaning against the wall and clicking something on his phone.

While Mona and I were still in our uniforms, the boy changed into jeans and a
white sweatshirt. I had to squint to make sure it was him, because I had never
seen him in such casual clothes.
When he noticed us, he put his phone away and smiled faintly. He was tense.
He shook my friend's hand, introducing himself politely. He associated
Mona by name thanks to her mother's visits to the bakery, but never
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they met. It took her a long time to understand what Leo I was talking about when I
told her about our plan earlier.
“Thank you for doing this,” he whispered to me, and for a moment it seemed to me
he wanted to hug me but held back.
Before entering the bakery, I looked around suspiciously one last time
street. It seemed empty.
The bakery was small but charming. There was the smell of powdered sugar in it,
and cakes were tempting behind the glass counter. There were shelves on the back
wall, mostly cleared at this time of day, although there were still a few donuts there.
There was also room for two chairs and one small, round table on which there was an
artificial red rose in a long glass vase.
Leo invited us to sit down, and we made enough noise by entering and shuffling
chairs to call Mrs. Hardy from the back room.

I was surprised by her appearance. Perhaps she was rejuvenated by the numerous
tattoos that covered her arms, or the provocative make-up - thick lines on her eyelids,
carefully drawn with eyeliner. She was dressed in a plain black T-shirt with a white
apron over it. Her dyed black hair was tied in a ponytail, and there were rings hanging
from her ears.
She seemed more like a bar owner than a pastry shop owner.
She gave Mona and me a quick glance, then stared dissatisfied at Leo. She
seemed stiff and dry - the same was her response to our greeting.

- What are you doing? Who are these girls? They need to be served and they better
get out of here,” she hissed at her son when he appeared behind her behind the
counter to serve us the donuts we had ordered.
Either she thought we couldn't hear her or she didn't really care.
– These are my friends from school. They want to eat there, Leo replied,
smoothly sliding a disposable glove onto your hand.
Mrs. Hardy sighed in frustration and turned towards us.
– Girls, I'm sorry, but we're closing early today.
“Mom, relax, they know,” Leo muttered to her, already carrying it to us
two donuts on paper trays. He seemed to be deliberately avoiding her eyes.
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- Excuse me?
Mona and I exchanged nervous glances. Neither of us wanted to be at the
heart of a family quarrel.
Leo set the cakes in front of us, as deftly as a seasoned waiter, and only then
straightened up to turn and return his mother's gaze.

– This is Mona Britt – he introduced my friend, pointing to her

with an open hand. – And this is Hailie Monet.

Mrs. Hardy looked at Mona, getting used to the idea that the daughter of a
client she knew was sitting in front of her, but then her eyes widened when she
heard my name. She immediately moved her eyes and looked me up and down,
stopping at my confused expression.
– What is she doing here? – she whispered to Leo, even more wrinkles
appearing on her forehead.
- Will help us. He will talk to Vincent Monet. That is, it will make
that I could talk to him.
Mrs. Hardy started shaking her head in disbelief.
– You'll get us into even more trouble. Damn it, Leo!
“We have to do something,” he said forcefully, and for the first time I heard
the always polite boy raise his voice. But he looked at his mother not with
hostility or anger, but with desperation and worry. He slowly walked around the
counter to stand next to her and added reassuringly, "Everything will be fine."

Mrs. Hardy looked into her son's eyes with love but also fear. Leo was taller than
her. He stroked her shoulder, and when a tear rolled down her cheek, he whispered
something in her ear, and then she disappeared into the back room.
I was glad Mona came here with me. I didn't know exactly what was
happening here, but I lowered my head and stared at the frosted sweetness
before me.
We sat there for almost an hour. A few more individual customers visited the
bakery, and every time the door opened, our eyes moved towards it and our
hearts began to beat faster. At some point, Leo brought a pouffe from the back
room and joined ours
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table. Then the three of us tried to calm down with casual conversations.
We even found a common language and it could have been quite a nice meeting,
if not for the fact that it was actually a mission that was making us all more and
more stressed by the minute.
Leo's mother sometimes hung around behind the counter and didn't say another
word to us. She only came close once to take the empty trays with crumpled
napkins from under our noses and wipe the table. It seemed to me that her hand,
which was gripping the cloth, was trembling.
The sun was slowly setting outside the window, and the longer we waited, the
thicker the atmosphere became. I was starting to get stressed that I didn't have my
phone with me, and I imagined my brothers trying to contact me.
I didn't expect our trip to last so long. I smiled slightly at some joke Leo made to
relax me. Mona giggled nervously. I had already planned in my head that we would
wait another five minutes and then I would announce that unfortunately we had to
get going. I even started to think about how to say it as delicately as possible, and
then the door to the bakery opened again.

We all fell silent and stiffened as the three men walked in confidently. The one
who walked in the front wasn't very tall, but he was quite corpulent. He had faded
red curls on his head, and a ghostly tattoo stretched down the left side of his face
- from his temple, next to his ear, to his neck. He also had a rather large nose and
eyes that were bright and unsympathetic. He wore an even more worn leather
jacket over a worn-out black T-shirt.

Behind him, a guy climbed inside, whom I immediately called a giant in my

head, because he was as muscular as the first one, but also tall enough, and he
had a long, thick, dark beard.
The last of them was much slimmer than them and seemed to be the youngest.
His sunglasses obscured his vision as he crouched against the door, arms crossed,
as if it was his job to keep his distance.

I knew immediately that I wouldn't want to engage in even the simplest

interaction with men like them. They looked dangerous and prone to making
irrational decisions.
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The giant stood behind the counter, and Rudy, casting a passing glance at our table
look, he walked up to the cash register like a customer wanting to buy a cookie.
– Hello Gina, how are you? – he said, smiling obscenely at Leo's mother. He then placed his
large hand on the counter. – What do you have for us today?

With a straight face, Mrs. Hardy bent down and pulled out a large white envelope,
slightly creased and unsealed, just wrapped. She threw it on the counter, straight into
Rudy's hands.
“How rude,” he commented with amusement, but moved and unwrapped the paper
to look inside.
There was a cracking sound and everyone's heads snapped towards its source.
The Giant couldn't resist and took a piece of cake from behind the glass display with his
bare paw. He accidentally dropped something, but he shrugged and didn't bother
picking it up. He was busy greedily eating the dessert, staining his chin with the light
I saw Leo's hand on our table clench into a fist. I wanted to touch him and tell him
to stop moving, stay quiet and relax, but I was frozen and afraid to make any gesture.

“Gina…” Rudy sighed, looking away from the contents of the envelope. – Why are
you always trying to trick us?
Leo's mother didn't say anything, just stared at her guest with silent hatred. He
waved at the Giant, who wiped his hands sticky with cream on his pants and after a
moment stood next to her.
– The envelope contains everything we agreed on! – the lady protested
Hardy, and panic was clearly starting to sound in her voice.
– Interest increases every week. – Rudy shrugged.
- Since when?!
– Since when the fuck have I been saying that?

Mrs. Hardy was shaking with anger and helplessness, and the Giant standing over
her pointed with his sticky hand at the cash register.
-Open it.
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– There is as much in the envelope as it was supposed to contain. I have no more.

The giant wiped his hand once more, this time on his shirt, then reached
back and pulled out a gun from the waistband of his pants, which made me
swallow. Unpleasant memories flashed before my eyes when I handled weapons
myself. I heard Mona take a sharp intake of breath.

He didn't even point it at Mrs. Hardy, but he made sure she saw what he had
in his hand. The woman clenched her jaw and I was sure she was fighting not
to scream. I had to admit one thing to her - she was tough.
Mrs. Hardy tapped the cash register with trembling fingers and it immediately
opened. The giant looked over her shoulder and pulled her up
“It's a real bummer,” he commented, but he reached inside and pulled out a
few green bills.
Rudy tilted his head.
– Are you hiding money from us?
Mrs. Hardy was almost red in the face now.
– I'm not hiding anything, get the fuck away from me. I don't even fucking
have rent! - she cried, and with one strong push she slammed the cash drawer
back shut before the Giant could steal anything else from it.
The redhead raised his eyebrows and laughed, amused by her outburst. The
giant stuffed the bills into his pocket and raised his gun at her, irritated by her
violent behavior.
Then Leo jumped to his feet.
– Don't you dare aim at her!
The Giant and Red exchanged mocking glances.
“Sit down right now,” Mrs. Hardy ordered sharply, glancing out of the corner of her eye
on the son.

“Lower your gun,” Leo growled, ignoring her.

"Come on, Gina, at least one of your sons isn't a cunt," Rudy laughed, and
Leo took a step towards him.
– You can't do this. I want to talk to Vincent.
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I flinched at the sound of my brother's name.

There were snorts. Rudy rolled his eyes and lazily pushed himself away from
the counter to approach my friend.
– Listen, boy, you better sit down and stop barking.
Vincent doesn't have time to hang out with shitheads.
His voice was not just amused, but threatening.
Leo didn't give up despite his mother's silent admonitions. Rudy was starting
to lose patience and his face was becoming more and more stern. Then I decided
to keep the boy myself. I grabbed his wrist first, but he managed to break free. I
also whispered his name quietly. Nothing.
Without thinking, I stood up and tightened my grip on his arm. This is what I
sounded like when I admonished him:
– Leo, stop.
He didn't say a word, but Rudy laughed hoarsely.
– Your girlfriend speaks well. You better listen to her. Who knows, maybe
you'll even get laid later as a reward.
These words were enough to provoke Leo. Terrified, I grabbed his arm with
both hands and yanked him back. He swayed and for a split second we made
eye contact. His eyes were filled with fury and determination. These are the
feelings that take away common sense. I was afraid that he would do something
stupid, that he would enrage these bandits and then they would actually use
their weapons.
I began to frantically analyze the situation. These men worked for Vincent, so
there was a chance they would give up and go away if I told them I was his
sister. I just wasn't sure if I had that power. Moreover, I wondered if Vince would
be upset with me if he found out I had interfered. I expected my brothers'
employees to come here, take the money, shout their "greetings from Monets"
and leave. The problem was that I didn't have the nerve to watch this show. I
wasn't prepared for this.

Even though it seemed like the Bearded Giant was just threatening Mrs. Hardy, if he had
actually hurt her, I would have felt extremely guilty for not speaking up.
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I decided to react. I let go of Leo's arm and turned to the redhead,

narrowing my eyes and trying to look serious and not like a scared kid.
They work for Vincent, they can't hurt you, you just have to tell them who
you are. That's what I kept telling myself.
I was about to open my mouth to reveal my identity while taking a bold
step towards the guy when he responded very quickly. Much too fast for
my reflexes. Maybe he felt threatened or disrespected. He raised his
eyebrows at my boldness, probably dismissing it as stupidity.

I had obviously crossed the line he had set, and before I could utter a
word, he raised his arm and smacked me with the back of his massive
hand like he was swatting a fly.
Although his movement seemed sloppy, it had so much strength that
he sent my slim body to the floor without any effort. I hit my head against
the wall, but not hard. My right side broke my fall, so it only hurt a little. Or
maybe I just ignored the lump that was already starting to form because
of my burning cheek.
For a moment, it felt like someone was burning my cheek with live fire,
so as soon as I got over the initial shock, I started rubbing the sore spot. I
looked up in horror at the perfect moment to see Leo lunge at Red.

I felt a hand on my back. It was Mona who crouched down next to me,
but I didn't even look at her as I watched in horror as my friend punched
Rudy twice in the face before he hit him back. Rudy struck once, twice,
three times, and each time there was the terrible, empty sound of a heavy
fist smashing into Leo's face.
- Leave him! Mrs. Hardy shouted.
She rushed around the counter and onto our side to help her son. The
giant, probably out of surprise, had already lowered his weapon and did
not stop it, staring as his companion beat the teenager. He only woke up
when the third man, the one with dark glasses, jumped up to drag his
aggressive companion away. He didn't have enough strength on his own,
but when the Giant finally joined him, together they stopped Red.
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During the struggle, he had managed to pin Leo to the wall, so now that
he released him, the boy slid to the floor. His face was very red and his cut
eyebrow was bleeding.
Rudy wasn't smiling anymore. Leo also left a mark on his face, although
it was faint, but it was probably enough to make him lose his good mood.
He allowed himself to be passed by Mrs. Hardy, who fell to her knees next to her son.
Fortunately, Leo was conscious. I couldn't control the hateful gaze I glared
at our tormentor.
Rudy looked around at all of us who were lying (me and Leo) and
kneeling (Mona and Mrs. Hardy) on the floor. He shook his head, turned
around, grabbed the white envelope in his hand, which was red and, I
hoped, sore from being beaten, and then said dryly as he left:
– See you next week, Gina. I hope there's no fucking kindergarten left.

The door to the bakery slammed as the bandits left.

There was a deafening silence.

Mrs. Hardy helped Leo sit up so that his back was against the wall.
He closed his eyes and tried to calm his breathing. Meanwhile, Mona stood
up shakily and offered her hands to me to stand up too. I looked down at
the boy, at his quite handsome face, now so badly beaten.

I was still confused. Next to me, Mona looked equally confused. These
visits surprised us, and not in a good way.

Mrs. Hardy disappeared behind the counter. She rummaged around in the freezer
for a while, then came back with two packages of fruit. She pressed frozen raspberries
into my hands and crouched down next to her son, gently pressing the bag of berries
to his aching face.
“You should go,” she said stiffly, her back to us.

– Erm, don't you need help? – Mona muttered, with undisguised horror on her face,
watching the blood lazily dripping from Leo's eyebrows.
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- NO. I want you to go away.

As rude as it sounded, after what I saw, I was ready to absolve her of any rudeness.

I wanted to speak up, reassure her, offer something, but I quickly realized that I was
currently one of the last people she wanted to see. Too much had happened, we all needed
to calm down.
I made eye contact with Mona and knew she agreed with me. Leo was weak, but
nothing serious happened to him, and Mrs. Hardy certainly knew how to take care of him,
so we went outside. We said a silent goodbye to her at the door, which she ignored.
Instead, she allowed me to take a package of frozen fruit with me. I was grateful for this,
because on the way to Mona's house, the cold actually helped ease the pain in my
throbbing cheek.

“I didn't expect that,” my friend and I whispered

I nodded to her gloomily.
Neither of us had the strength or desire to talk longer. We walked in silence, dejected
and shocked by the events at the bakery. I felt the left side of my face swelling and I
desperately pressed the frozen food against it.

We returned the same way, through the neighbor's garden. This time, crossing the
fence went less smoothly. When we finally entered Mona's room, relieved to be in familiar,
safe surroundings, I immediately reached for my cell phone.

It's a miracle - no one called or wrote to me. I closed my eyes.

“At least that's good,” I muttered, rolling up the charger.

Mona plopped down on her bed and I set the package of defrosting raspberries aside,
glancing away with a sigh. There was a large wardrobe with a mirror taped to the door.

I froze.

– God, look at me!

Mona looked up.
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My cheek got all swollen and very red.

- My brothers! – I exclaimed. – They can't see me like this!

Panicked, I started breathing faster and faster.

“Hailie…” Mona said hesitantly, pushing herself up on the bed into a sitting
position. She looked at me with compassion. – I don't want to beat you to it, but you
have a big bruise on your face. Tomorrow it will probably be purple. Even the best
makeup won't cover it.
“Mona, they'll be mad,” I whispered.
She got up from the bed, came to me and hugged me.
– Don't worry, it's not our fault. Not yours. You didn't do anything wrong.
We went to the pastry shop. Someone hit you. He had no right to do this, she
soothed me, stroking my back.
Holding back the tears that certainly wouldn't help my aching face right now, I
slowly began to relax in my friend's arms, even though nothing she could tell me
could bring me any real relief right now.
And then I got a message from Dylan.
He wrote that it was late and he would be there in twenty minutes.
The breath I took was so sharp that I almost gasped for air.

– Why Dylan, why the hell, why not Will?! – I moaned, for the first time
another glance in the mirror. – You have to help me disguise it somehow.
– Hailie…

– Some powder or foundation, come on, you have a lot of cosmetics, come up
with something!
Mona moved slowly to her dressing table, from the drawer of which she took out
several cosmetic bags. Without conviction, she started rummaging through them,
taking out some products.
– I know I won't be able to hide this from the boys forever, but I have to hide it at
least for the ride home. I'll be alone in the car with Dylan. With Dylan! – I emphasized.
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Ultimately, Mona barely stood next to me with a beauty blender in her

hand before I gave up on the idea. Dylan would immediately see that I was
wearing makeup and something was wrong. What's more, he would be even
more upset by the fact that I was trying to hide it. Besides, my cheek was
still very sensitive to pain and I preferred that no one touch it, not even Mona
with her soft foundation sponge.
As soon as my brother pulled up to Mona's house, he sent me another
message. My friend hugged me one last time, and I shouted "goodbye" to
her parents, who were watching a movie in the living room, and, stressed, I
went outside.
Even though it was already dark, it was hard to miss the red cart waiting
for me at the curb. I moved towards her, taking a few deep breaths. I kept
my head down and didn't even glance at Dylan as I got in. I just made sure
to tuck my hair over my left shoulder.

I was lucky because he was writing something furiously on his phone. I

waited for him to start the engine and take me home. I prayed for it to
happen as soon as possible, but he wrote and wrote and wrote. I didn't want
to rush him, but at one point I carefully emerged from behind the curtain of
hair to glance at him, and then he suddenly looked up at me.
Panicked, I turned my head and immediately knew I had made a mistake.
I begged the universe to ignore me, but of course it didn't. I heard his voice
and closed my eyes.
– Are you crying?

- NO.
I heard him put his phone away.
- Look at me.
I swallowed and shook my head, turning away from him even further.

The estate was quiet. A dog was barking in the distance, and across the
street a runner was jogging with headphones in his ears. Lights were on in
many windows around. The TV screen flashed in Mona's living room.
“Hailie, look at me,” Dylan repeated.
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He sounded extremely gentle, just like him.

I bit my lip. I knew he wouldn't let up, and my cheek was still throbbing
I sighed.
I turned to him. I stared at the gearbox, not ready to pick it up.

Dylan's fingers immediately brushed my hair behind my back. I waited

for his reaction and for a moment I thought it was different than I had
originally imagined.
Pleasantly surprised and reassured, I looked up and saw how wrong I
was. His chest rose faster and faster.
The irises of his eyes darkened so much that they almost merged with his
pupils. The tone of his voice dropped to a guttural growl.
- Who?
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I moved my mouth, but no words came out. In the evaluation

I took too long to respond to my impatient brother because he jumped up and the car
door slammed loudly behind him.
I watched in horror as he walked agitatedly around the car and towards Mona's house.

My eyes opened wide.

Oh no.

I immediately scrambled out of my seat and ran after him.

-Dylan, wait! Wait!

He didn't wait.

– Dylan! It happened in the pastry shop! It was some guy! Wait! Please! – I
screamed in panic.
It worked because he stopped and turned around. His face turned pale with anger.
He clenched his hands into fists.

– What kind of guy? And what kind of cake shop is this?!

“Well… we… I…” I stuttered, looking for words, but I was too busy to put together
something sensible. I glanced at the windows of Mona's house, worried that someone
would hear or see us.
Dylan had no such concerns.
– Hailie, talk now!
He stepped closer to me, and I had to remind myself not to step back.
I saw the vein in his forehead throbbing and his muscles tensing.
- Stop! – I squealed. – I'm afraid of you when you're like this.
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I wasn't planning on telling him this. I hoped that since one side of my face was already
red, my blush wouldn't be noticeable.

Dylan looked at me blankly, then took a breath. His features softened and his
posture relaxed. He walked up to me and put his arm around me. I flinched, but then
accepted the sudden gentleness with gratitude. I appreciated that he was trying to
control himself. He didn't say anything for a moment, just breathing steadily, trying to
calm down.
He opened the passenger door for me and told me to sit sideways with my feet on
the pavement. I immediately lowered my head, automatically trying to avoid his gaze,
but he turned out to be smarter because he crouched down opposite me and looked
into my eyes from below. He also grabbed my wrists.
– Tell me everything.
Slowly, still running away from his dark irises boring into me, I started stringing
together sentences. I was very careful not to spill the beans that the trip to the bakery
was planned. I told him that Mona and I had gone out to buy donuts and that we had
accidentally chosen the donut shop of a friend's mother from school. Suddenly, some
men ran in and one of them hit me.

– What the fuck?!

Dylan's fingers tightened and I winced. Seeing this, he let go of me, but then jumped
to his feet and walked a few steps away. He stood with his back to me and clenched his
hands into fists.
I fell silent, glancing at him cautiously, but still
keeping your head down.
“Fucking trash,” he hissed to himself.
“Dylan,” I admonished him quietly.
I didn't defend my tormentor, but rather I was afraid of my brother's impulsiveness. I
wished Will, or at least Shane, had come to pick me up.
Vincent would be better too, because at least he could control his emotions perfectly.
And the same couldn't be said about Dylan.
And he didn't even know the most important thing yet.
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“Dylan,” I repeated to get his attention. – These men… I think they worked
for Vincent. I mean, they said something about him. They took the owner's
money and... they were terrible, really...
I stopped when Dylan turned around quickly.
- What?

I looked back down. He wasn't easy to talk to.

In the blink of an eye, Dylan was crouching in front of me again, closing his
fingers over my hands, this time very gently, as if he was doing his best to
control himself.
– Speak, Hailie. I need to know everything.
“Just don't get angry,” I asked completely senselessly, because he was
already furious.
I sketched the characters of Red and the Giant and told him how one of
them pulled out a gun, how we all got scared, and how Vincent was mentioned.
Dylan turned his head to the side halfway through my statement and started
shaking it in disdain and disbelief.
- You know them? – I asked shyly when I finished describing it to him
Rudy's characteristic tattoos.
“No,” he muttered thoughtfully.
– So they don't work for you?
A balloon of hope inflated in my heart at the thought that these thugs had
nothing to do with my siblings after all. Dylan, unfortunately, quickly surpassed
– If they said they worked for Vince, they probably did. They would be idiots
if they impersonated our people. Or at least bigger than they are...

His right hand released me to brush my hair back and then again
look at the bruise on your cheek.
Suddenly he stood up and the fingers of his left hand intertwined with mine
and he pulled me lightly to stand up too. I obediently did so and let him lead
me. I had no idea why we were leaving the car.
Before I could ask what was going on, we stopped in front of a black one
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a minivan with tinted windows that was parked on the same street.

Dylan raised his fist and aggressively slammed it against the side window.

The window slid down as if on demand. A bald woman leaned out

the head of a man who was looking at Dylan, frowning.
I froze as I realized it must be my bodyguard.
- Yes? – he asked politely.
– Would you like to explain this to me? Dylan growled at him, pulling me even
closer. In a gentle movement that didn't match the tone of his voice, he touched
my jaw to expose my cheek. I looked down, feeling the security guard's careful
gaze scanning my face.
- I don't understand…

– Then I'll explain it to you. Some motherfucker hit her in a bakery. Tell me,
How the fuck did you miss that?
I felt remorse because the security guard had become a victim of my intrigue.
– Which pastry shop? – he asked nervously.
Dylan gave him a look that would have had enough power to drag the man out
of the car, choke him, and even bury his body. The security guard was confused
and with trembling hands he reached for his cell phone, one of those whose
screen was as big as a small tablet. He started clicking on it hurriedly.

– According to the tracker, she was in the building the whole time, I swear…
Finally, he opened an app and held the screen under Dylan's nose.
– I had a low battery. I left my phone charging... - I muttered, not sure if I would
get hurt for it.
Dylan didn't seem to like my answer very much, but when he spoke, he still
addressed the security guard.
-Didn't you see her leave?
- NO. She didn't go out. She could not. I wouldn't miss it…' the man swore, and
I bit the inside of my good cheek as I felt Dylan's eyes on me again.
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– We went out the back... Mona showed me the garden. Sorry, I didn't think…

I wanted to continue, but Dylan raised his hand to silence me and almost immediately
pointed a finger at the security guard.
– You're here to know how many fucking exits the building has, and you're supposed
to keep an eye on all of them. If you are unable to handle it yourself and need help, please
let us know. Fuck no, you sit in this car for hours, eat sandwiches and sometimes glance
at the app on your phone, fuck me!

I didn't feel comfortable knowing that someone was getting hurt

because of me, that's why I was staring at my black boots.
- Bright. Sure, I understand. "Sorry," the security guard said, and his throat must have
gone dry because he suddenly hoarse.
– You will apologize to Vincent. I will definitely contact you on this
"I'll get in touch," Dylan said roughly.
Then, still holding my hand, he returned to his car, and all I heard was, "Sure, of course,"
with which the security guard said goodbye with all seriousness.

– What kind of cake shop is this? – Dylan asked as we took our seats in the car.
I hesitated, and then he looked up at me impatiently.
– Hailie, I'm asking...
- Mrs. Hardy's bakery, it's nearby. But, Dylan, do you want to go there now? – I was
worried when I saw him typing the name into the maps on his phone.

– Fuck no, I want to order a cake from them.

– Dylan, why go there? The owner had enough excitement today...
– What do I care about the owner? - He gave me a look from under raised eyebrows,
then started the engine and, following the navigation, drove away from Mona's house.

– If these men work for you, how come you don't even recognize them? – I asked
quietly, staring at my hands. My stomach was cramping with stress.
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– Lots of people work for us, but only a handful of them contact us directly. Most of them
report to someone, who reports to someone, who reports to someone else, and only that
person reports to Vincent," Dylan explained, his hands firmly gripping the steering wheel. –
This one will eat… idiot, he must be some kind of minnow who went too far.

Less than three minutes later he was parked in front of a bakery with a "closed" sign on
the door. He got out of the car and immediately shook his head. He probably knew that
business owners in such buildings usually had their apartments above the premises. There
was a light on in one of the upstairs windows, so he moved to the door, pulled the handle, and
then started banging on the glass with his fist.

I was ashamed to face Mrs. Hardy. I felt sorry for her and felt she didn't deserve to have to
deal with Dylan again after such terrible events. Reluctantly, I got out of the car and stood right
behind him. When he noticed the bell next to the door, he started pressing it continuously. I
thought he was about to break something, but the door opened just in time and Mrs. Hardy
stood at the threshold.

She looked a little different because she had her hair tied in a loose bun. She took off her
makeup, took off her earrings and changed into home clothes. This time she had more
cleavage and another tattoo could be seen, covering part of her right breast.

First she looked at Dylan with undisguised reluctance, and then without
She was surprised to see me hiding behind his back.

– Why the hell are you bothering so much? I don't have many problems because of you?
Do you want to fuck up my door again? – she growled.

Dylan raised his eyebrows.

– I'm going to destroy your whole, God bless you, shop – he replied.

I didn't like that he was so rude. I knew my brothers weren't always respectful to others, to
say the least, but I didn't approve of them being like that around me.

- What do you want? Mrs. Hardy hissed.

– Camera recordings.
– I don't have cameras.
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My brother smacked his lips impatiently.

– Of course you do. Give them to me, right now.
I desperately wanted to say "please," but I stayed silent.

Leo's mom didn't move an inch, so Dylan finally pushed himself inside, walking past
her. I was glad he wasn't rude enough to nudge her. Mrs. Hardy was rather petite and
wouldn't have stood a chance against him.

Our eyes met for a brief moment, but she quickly turned her head because Dylan
turned on the light and started looking around. I also entered the bakery and closed the
door behind me. I stopped right next to them and wrapped my arms around myself,
observing the room where I had experienced such unpleasant moments today.

– Why do I need cameras here? To show the video of you robbing me to the police in
your pocket? Mrs. Hardy snorted.
“Yes, of course it doesn't make sense,” Dylan admitted, looking from the wall behind
the counter to the woman. “But people like you always have a hidden camera somewhere,
just in case.” I'm wrong?
Mrs. Hardy looked at him with a hard expression on her face for a moment, then rolled
her eyes.
“I have a computer in the back,” she muttered and pushed behind the counter, and
Dylan immediately followed her. He also waved his hand at me so that I wouldn't be left
here alone.

The back of the bakery turned out to be a very tight corridor. There were stairs leading
upstairs, probably to an apartment, and two doors. Mrs. Hardy opened one of them and
we all entered a small office. It was a mess here, there were binders and folders piled up
on the shelves, and boxes of various sizes took up a lot of space. There was a stack of
papers on a simple metal desk, but there was also a flat, square monitor. Mrs. Hardy
brushed aside some papers and dug out the mouse.

The screen turned on, and a few clicks later the appropriate recording was loading.
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– Hey, what's going on here? – someone shouted from behind us and everyone
we turned that way.
Leo was standing in the doorway to Mrs. Hardy's office. His cut eyebrow was
swollen but patched up, and his cheek was bruised much more than mine. His hair
was messy, unlike usual, and he was barefoot.
He was wearing gray sweatpants, but more importantly, he was not wearing a T-
shirt. I blushed. I didn't expect her to have such a nice body. Of course, he wasn't
as muscular as Dylan.
I doubted Leo spent half as much time at the gym as he did. However, he could
boast of a natural, slightly defined six-pack and perfectly smooth skin...

Embarrassed, I immediately looked away, praying Leo wouldn't realize what I

was thinking. Or worse, that Dylan wouldn't figure it out.

– Why didn't you call me? – my friend asked, turning to his mother.

– Because I don't need you here, I can handle it.

He just shook his head with irritation in his eyes.
Dylan glanced at him and took in his battered face, then returned his attention to
the computer, apparently deciding he didn't mind his presence.

- How do you feel? Everything's okay? – Leo whispered as he moved a little

closer to me.
I nodded nervously, trying not to look at him. I was afraid,
that Dylan would notice something, and the boy didn't need any more bruises.
– What about you? – I asked quietly.
“Also,” he murmured and didn't pull my tongue any further, probably seeing my
The video finally started. Mrs. Hardy started it from the moment Mona and I sat
down at the table. I was relieved that the recording had no sound. Dylan didn't need
to know what we talked about. Mrs. Hardy sped it up and three men appeared on
the screen. My brother immediately told her to press stop and looked at the black
and white faces
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each of them. Then we watched Rudy look into the envelope and terrorize Mrs. Hardy, Leo
defend her, and then watch me defend Leo.

Dylan watched with a grave expression as I fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes
and then as the boy lunged at Rudy. I registered the brief glance my brother gave Leo and
was surprised to see a hint of recognition in it.

I was also surprised that when we were leaving the bakery, Dylan
he glanced at my friend again.
– Are you okay? – he asked, pointing his chin at his face.
I saw Mrs. Hardy raise her eyebrows. My eyes almost bulged out. Leo stared at him
and blinked, but quickly got over his surprise because he nodded.

We were silent on the way home. Dylan was in a dangerously uncertain mood, so I
chose not to say anything. I didn't even feel like talking. All I wanted at that moment was to
Unfortunately, I had to wait a little longer to rest. We were greeted at home by the
sounds of the twins' well-known, favorite shooting game.
Before joining them, per Dylan's instructions, I changed into more comfortable clothes. I
wanted to tie my hair up, but then I couldn't use it to cover my bruised cheek, so I ended up
just combing it.

In the living room it turned out that the twins had already been privy to everything. Tony
was sitting in the chair, but without a pad in his hand. He stared at me with some disbelief.
Shane held out his hand to me.
He took the couch and seemed to expect me to sit next to him.
“I'm fine,” I muttered, flustered by the comment.
– Okay, okay, come here.
Shane put his arm around me and waved at me, which I liked because, unlike Dylan,
he could comfort me without scaring me with his short temper. He used his other hand to
brush the hair away from my face.
Tony leaned forward to get a better look at me, squinting at the remnants of the violence I
had experienced today.
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"He didn't know who you were, did he?" – Shane asked, but it was his twin who
answered him:
– It seems logical, right? If he knew, he would sooner cut off that hand than even
think of raising it on her.
Tony leaned back in his chair, shaking his head and looking at the TV screen
where the menu for the game they had paused was flashing.

– I don't know, as you can see, he's not very intelligent, so it could have been different.
Shane shrugged, then glanced at me. – Did you at least pay him back?

Tony snorted and I rolled my eyes.

- Come on? – he continued and rubbed my shoulder with the hand he was hugging me with. – Na
You must have left him a worse bruise than he gave you, huh?
“Sure,” I muttered, but I couldn't help but smile.
Shane had a knack for making people laugh with any joke, even the weakest ones.

The twins discussed the incident for a while and then returned to their game.
Eugenie brought us sandwiches and I watched my brothers play for less than an
hour. With Shane next to me, I slowly relaxed.

Until Dylan showed up again:

– Vince and Will are back.

– Do I have to go there? – I sighed as he led me to the stairs and I already knew

that we were definitely heading to Vincent's office. – You have the recording, you
don't need me there...
“Vince wants to see you,” he replied shortly.
I didn't respond to this, just followed him through the forbidden corridor. The office
was as dark as last time, and I took a deep breath at the door, expecting to see
Vincent there, but there was only the blond-haired security guard there. He looked
really young for his job - he might have been Dylan's age. He probably even liked my
brother because they nodded at each other in a friendly manner.

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