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Your Question Paper Code is | SSR eras ter yet : 100 Time : 4 Hour Max. Marks : 100 witerfebat 3 freer INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (Priteras $e BA ores Fuge YT) (TOBE READ ALOUD BY INVIGILATOR) 1, wf S siec ae, eye alte, eA, ee Heres en Heamaee wT ley wher args ey ( weve) wT Pe wT ee wT TET al Use Bal Part Pen (Black) onl to fil Name, Regn. No, QP Code and signature by candeae n the relevant bok, Use Back bat fr oan gaan Oe cre See sg cf Ste cr a i me fee ee fra (eae) arn eT ecg 4 | yo pte yen Anis Set Onin of pr ar pal Bo Wt igo veto ReorcorS arur f ay vee 83s ret wt me ot “This Question Paper has FOUR section, 2 qenone, Ange’ ALL ques vag regen a a iro (A. Car) a) aye ge OT IE ae A TT ST ern S Pree 8 thee Na a) ‘Choose the mos! appropiate answer and darken the ce (A,B,C oD) wih black Bll pln pen i the Anewer Sheet proved ‘Da nt dakan more than one cele fr one question Be GA ee ren aE ens ew akee fora seater Hes B Ensure OARK and complete marking of eile eo tha! the letras Inside the cle is Wt ve FR cw fer ee weer We fa we reo TE SET Since erasing ond change of answer are nel posable, be cautious before darkening the core! answer. ‘weet ord dae see afer we a Mera at fan wre Sone an on revere ie he Anse Shee ai prc Ogee WTC fat the Gvston Paper and te Ansvet Sheet a hd of he exalt ‘Sample for hing various felder Cas eae SAS Oe ID a « me APBOBAA SANs sawooooo0o a SR Ronen ead a ~~" DH EGE)» GHE Oe oe @DOQO)% ©8D0|ID000 © @ Oo @| [OMOMON MOMOMO) © ® BOO ©0900 0/0 000 ©0880 ®@ @Q@OO19eO00 OOOO O ©O C|}O ©O@ © ©OO|©OO® ® 0 @e@0/0000 © 29 O19 OOO @@ QOPO/DP OOO ox] 9G eO 08D 4, Howie a “Section A “Section 8 [Section C ‘Section D civ [17] @OOOH! | bo 60h TT eae | em ei [TT 0800) 000 sak STH 008) pe00 | FTL eoOO OOO} if POCO] | [SOeOF] | [OOOO] ae st SECTION ‘A — ENGLISH Read the following passage and answer questions 1-5 that follow: It is to progress in the human sciences that we must look to undo the evils which have resulted from a knowledge of physical world hastily and superficially acquired by population unconscious of the changes in themselves that the new knowiedge has imperative. The road to @ happier world then any known in the past lies open before us if atavistic destructive passions can be kept in leash while the necessary adaptations are made. Fears are inevitable in time, but hopes are equally rational and far more likely to bear good fruit We must leern to think rather less of the dangers to be avoided than of the good thet will lie within ou grasp if we can believe in it and let it dominate our thoughts. Science, whatever unpleasant consequences it may have by the way, is in its very nature a liberator, a liberator of bondage to physical nature and in time to come, a liberator from the weight of destructive passions, We are on the threshold of utter disaster or nprecedentely glorious achievement. No previous age has been fraught with problems so momentous: and it is to science that we must look to for a happy future, 4. What does science liberate s from? Itis liberate us from (A) fears and destructive passions (B) slavery to physical nature and from pessions (C) bondage to physical nature (0) _ idealistic hopes of glorious future 2 ‘Should human sciences be developed because they will (A) __ provide more knowledge of the physical word. (B) make us conscious of the changing world (C) make us conscious of the changing in ourselves (D) eliminate the destruction caused by a superficial knowledge of the physical world 3. If man's bestial yearning is controlled (A) the future will be tolerable (8) the future will be brighter than the present (C) the present will be brighter than the future (D) the present will become tolerable 4. Fears and hopes according to the auithor (A) are closely linked with the life of modern man (8) can bear fruit (C) can yield good results, (D) are irrational 5, To carveotita brightfuture man should (A) analyse dangers that lie ahead (8) try toavoid dangers (C) overcome fear and dangers (D) cultivate positive outlook 6. Choose the correctly punctuated sentence. (A) However, David did not achieve his goal. (B) However, David did not achieve his goal. (C) However: David did not achieve his goal {D) However! David did not achieve his goal 7. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase: A new broom sweeps cleanly. (A) Changes in society are good (8) Changes are made energetically by the elderly (C) Changes are made energetically by a newly appointed person (0) Changes are made energetically by a new judge 3 8. Choose the correct alternative to correct the sentence In our country women have an opportunities to rise to top in every walk of life. (A) have been having opportunities (8) have had opportunities for a raise (C) have opportunities to rise (0) _ willbe have opportunities to rise 9. Choose the appropriate synonym of the word : Hoarse (A) Noisy (8) Harmful (C) Pleasant (0) — Harsh 10 Choose the appropriate antonym of the word : Capitulate (A) Conquer (©) Venerate == (C)_—Destroy (0) — Surrender 11. Choose the correct option that explains the meaning of the underlined phrase: The factory turns out many garments in a day. (A) proves (8) spoils (C) manufactures (0) destroys Change Active to Passive Voice or vice - versa as the case may be. 12, Choose the correct Active / Passive sentence: (A) I had 500 INR in my wallet, but I lost it. (B) [had 500 INR in my wallet, which has been lost by me. (C) Host the 500 INR I had in my wallet. (D) The 500 INR in my wallet is lost. 13. Has the work been completed by you? (A) Has you completed the work? (8) Have you completed the work? (C) Have you been completing the work? (D) _ Isthe work complete? Change Direct to Indirect Speech or vice — versa as the case may be. 14, "Do you write a good hand?"\the teacher said to the student. (A) The teacher asked the student if he would write a good hand. (8) The teacherasked the Student f he can write a good hand, (C) The teacher asked the student if he has written a good hand. (D) The teacher asked the student if he wrote a good hand. 15. The customer asked the waiter if he could book a table for dinner that night. (A) The customerssaid to the waiter, “Can | book a table for dinner tonight?” (8) The customer said, “Can | book a table for dinner tonight?” (C) The customer said to the waiter, "Can | book a table tonight?” (D) The customer said to the waiter, “Could | book a table for dinner tonight?” Choose the most appropriate alternative to complete the sentence :- 16. I bring fresh flowers____ the lovely lady coming from the seas, (A) for (8) off () in () 17 the nine gods, he swore. (A) at (8) of (by (0) into 18 19, 20. 24 24, 25. SSR Two gold jewellery sets were given to by my grandmother. (A) them (®) our (Cc) me 0 1 Iwas to know that everybody was fine. (A) pleasant (8) pleased (©) pleasing (D) _ pleaseful The garden_____sweet with flowers lke the rose and the jasmine (A) was smeliing (B) _ had been smelling (C) smelled {D) None He his employees kindly (A) wastreeting (6) _ treats (©) treated (0) treating Nowadays a great many things from plastic. (A) made (8) arebeing (C) aremade = (D)_—is ma ‘men must be punished. ® An 8) Those (©) The Oo) He was vexed ___Sohan for his behaviour (A) with (B) upon (C) at (0) to What is the exact meaning of the word : Comical (A) cheerful (8) eminence (C) t depend ee’ SSR ie ‘a’ tera SECTION B= SCIENCE wl eae gag [Choose the correct answer = ater rat ar aT sae! * sot a fee mn atotar agit a aihadién ‘The dimensions of plank’s constant are the same as those of (A) Energy (8) Power (C) Angular frequency (0) Angular momentum we fe ate at sue & aem eter sonar ore & atk ae Seng oe se gas Haar & faoafattaer & ater (sirarcon Seng oe ) ater At ata at afer eeT F 7 eats ar der a ater we de armen aga tert mater ar rae GLB, xe TET & a waa ae at A tennis balls thrown straight up and caught at the same height. Which of the following can describe the motion of the ball when it reaches the apex? (A) The velocity ofthe ballis zero. (B) The acceleration ofthe ball is zero. (C) The acceleration ofthe ball is 9.8 m/s2 up (0) None of these ear eg St PR Sracdte doar A fee aor S eT wer g, Sree Se * 3a Ua ae we ard wea Bo samaprac aa at ant mse ae ang TRaat ae ars ah HAT & T aReaaor & aT ae HORT a ate SH oT e ‘An object moving at constant velocity in an inertial frame must: (A) Have a net force acting on it (8) Have zeronet force ating on it (C) Not have any force of gravity on it (D) Stop after some time due to gravity 3 faratanat geri are a ag 1 ae fas Sag Ps ST re ag ae A wT ATS at sect afar sat att A body of mass.3\K@ is dropped from the height of 1m. The kinetic energy of the body will be when it touches the ground. (A) -294N (8) 2944 (©) 150N (2) 1800 50. Rebett aeraares aren agar Ferre a eT ae Ta se hers A Feller Ie UST Fl Fella CART aI Yea A ‘BIT SATA Bahay FIFE Sms? Be Tew aT SALT A ANT Sh ST age &, a arate Sr HSA aS ‘A boy of mass 50 kg is standing on a weighing machine placed on the floor of a lift. The machine reads his weight in newton. What is the reading of the machine if the lift is moving downwards with a uniform acceleration of Sms”? (A) 240N (8) 480N (C)720N (0) None of these 10 " SSR car oiet roa 10 aft. far eg art tte eee 0.5 BAL A ahh oe RR ah ae asian TRY a rT fear & af aed a ate Fe ght Aah gar A ome, at Asa a A STAT 7 Ta aT YES aATE=72 Sea. & Awater film is made between two straight parallel wires of length 10 cm each and at a distance of 0.5 cm from each other. If the distance between the wire is increased by 1mm, how much work will be done ? Surface tension of water = 72 dynes/cm (A) 288 ergs (B) 72ergs (C) 144 ergs (0) 216 ergs aftercare aroit ard ea tar 2 ate & at face sear Ear sre Bs In a gas of diatomic molecules, the ratio of the two specific heats of gas is (A) 1.66 (B) 1.40 (Cc) 1.33 (D) 1.00, fat Ris an ara se after a aioe & airs 8 aRRAer g Gaeet are the area are aera a da: 7 - sow ier a atatetent A body has same temp. as that of the surroundings. the ratio of radiations emitted and radiations Teceived from the surroundings is A) Zero ) One (C) Infinity (0) None of these aeafefaa a a ate die oe a oer Oy are rer state A gReacie at feerea? co Ue arr ae a TH see ater 7 we featita ater a SPR AE ae Which of the following will not show the their time period when they are taken to moon? (A) Asimple pendulum (8) APhysical Pendulum (C) —Atorsionat pendulum (D)\. None of these a war kar arg eh aN sa a Sa aS Ra eT, See aT td = nr = ahaaar 7 sraftateia 8, eat C Per & a a4 x oar e Ifa wave's frequency doubles and its speed stays constant, its wavelength is (A) Halved (8) Also doubled (C) Unchanged, as cisconstant (0) Now4 x longer we Org a een gon heer ater fraé Pow 10 a. a. & se THR a orate & PH See Fae vy fare 80 Vie sitet adi oe Feat fase B eT uw 80v a B00 a av ‘A hollow metal sphere of radius 10 om is charged such that the potential on its surface is 80 V. the potential at the centre of the sphere is (a) Zero (8) 80v (©) 800 (2) ev 12 13 14 15 16 7 SSR aft we Rega ate after a 8 apt, cas we pea ewartane we tarywae eat 7 Beekfaret a Stra Be a san aa at If an electric current is passed through a nerve, the man (A) Begins to laugh (©) Begins to weep (©) Isexcited (0) None of these Fe Uae HARTA FT Ua HA PRTHS ATS TH AAT TAT &, TfetaT Sa = eRe a wane a ued = gatontt When a charged particle enters in a uniform magnetic field, its kinetic energy (A) Remains constant (8) Increases (Cc) Decreases (D) Becomes zero matte a onraric ata t aft y erscarateter ata =e ae ase a aie ater eat a afters tac aiat feet Current in a circuit is wattles if (A) Currents alternating (B) Resistance in circuit is zero (Cc) Inductance in circuit is zero (D) Resistance and inductance both are zero Hered gare aera UiaeN a ic Fart - Maxwell's modified form of Ampere's circuital|law is: (A) $B.d5=0 (8) $B.dT = poi (©) $B.a7=mi+ 2% ©) $B. = pci + poe, ear che Re ae etree Bara — = oa a or 7 a a ah ‘Apiant with greef'léaves placed in red light will appear (A) Black (8) Green (c) Red (D) Violet sot as gE Berar area det A Panter ey sch 8 1 at de a area ate ange A aH gare a Hae waren? soda Bo sapdaramer a saehehdear 14 a atéldeargaer A water drop is divided into 8 equal droplets. The pressure difference between the inner and outer side of the big drop will be (A) Same as that for smaller droplet (8) 12 of that for smaller droplet {C) 144 of that for smaller droplet (0) Twice of that for smaller droplet 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 SSR recite at ater Batre eer a aTaREET ETB? as Shaticlt seas a seaeia eae a aR wo werent Which of the following is not 2 mode of radioactive decay ? (A) Positron emission (8) Electron capture (©) Fusion (0) Alpha decay araran aargiege réar (AM) Teer aval BFR a wo aMeafer as ator PBeerer a We siafet At are Ber oe geanfeer Pret Tar & at AM ater Br airefer ater ‘A message signal of frequency Ww, is superimposed on a carrier wave of frequency,@, to get an amplitude modulated wave (AM). The frequency of the AM wave wil be: A Om ®) a% ©) Gn +a. (0) om — we)/2 ‘ett steers arate ort _ A safc Beazer etre = aftenravtc we Mew darefete a Afar wee a fee aaiigs Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of (A) Calcium sulphate (8) Calcium bicarbonate (C) Magnesium sulphate (0) Calcium chiotide ‘sererferet & eregtarettancer Baek are greta HF eras hT STH AT HET Fasc eee 7 What is the number of hydrogen atoms present in the hydrocarbon formed by the hydrogenation of ethylene? (A) 4 (B) 6 (c) 6 (0) 2 Gorge rae & her eg Tea Spa ere = Reqaanuer wget arte a waraiqued. a dana The primary chemical reaction during enzymatic digestion is (A) Electrolysis (B) Hydrolysis (c) Lipolysis (D) Condensation aaa ert a frag at gee eT TET E 7 = ART = omnigs a oa acter Which gland in the human body is called the master gland? | (A) Pancreas (8) Thyroid (C) Pituitary (0) — Spleen Ramapecger sa & St fee MaRtoaREY aperatt ay aneohler ageit A step aA E | is @ program that translates mnemonic statements into executable instructions? (A) Software (B) Assembler (Cc) Translator (0) None of these frais Aa ar wa atten aaa 7 = phere ar soar a quaregrear a amarsaer a weet arse gear Which of the following is a physical change? (A) Burning of cooking gas (8) souring of milk (Cc) Digestion of food (D) Dissolution of sugar into water SSR oy. afta SECTION ‘C= MATHEMATICS wal GAT WAY /Choose the correct answer A={1,2,3, 4,5) B= (a,b, ¢, d} SIR FASB at f={ (1, 6) (2, a) (3, 6) (4, a) (5, o)} Gare avian ara & a ((1,2,3)) =? {1, 2, 3, 4,5) B= (a,b, ¢, d) and f A+B is given by £=((4, 4) (2, a) (3, 6) (4, a) (6, ©). Then.f((1, 2, 3)) =? (A) {d,¢, ,¢} (8) {acc} (C) 4,4, a} (0) fd, a,c} 'a* Fee aaet & al?Fa is equal to a4 ®) 0 «x (0) a BR 16x2 = 81, aT x = 7 If 16x2 = 81, find the value of x. a 7/4 e914 Cc) 8tne @ 4s aie a.b.c RIAs ACh AS , ct wahaRTT a(b-c)x“+ b(c-a)x +c(a-b)=0 HT = araite ak ene age aE wae wow arate ae ae a Get tas ae If a,b,c are in HP, then the equation a(b-c)x"+ b(c-a)xe(a-b)=0 has (A) real and distinct roots (8) hasequal roots (C) has no real root (0) _ nonelofthese BHA aT 2008 200 4 ATT, 2;5;8;14 Find the two-hundredth term, a200pof the sequence 2; 5:8; 11; (a) | 399 @ 499 (C) 599 (0) 699 Sin 0° = 2 CO MR (©) Wa (0) vara eae crass (4) ay oer Friars fares far aattaOT Ax+3y=5 aT ae Fe eT a Complete the ordered pair (1, ) so that itis a solution of the equation 2x+3y=5 (A) (12y (8) (1,1) (C) (1,3) (D) None of these Y= 2x ate y = 3x Sy Barrett TTR aor efachrarer Bier TaaATOT B CART aa Represent lines parallel to y = 2x and y = 3x by a second degree equation (A) 8x2 —Sxy + y? + (3c + 2cq) x + (cy — C2) ¥ +; CQ=O (B) 6x2 —Sxy + y? + (3c; + ca) x + (— Cy —C) y- C1 2 =O (C) 6x* = Bxy + y? + (3c, + 2e3) x-(—C; — ca) y-Cy =O {D) None of these x + y?=16 aT Pars (8,0) B Swe ae ay wo aT FTG E - The measure of the angle at which the circle x’ + y’=16 can be seen from the point(8,0) is, (A) 30° (B) 60° (C) 120° (D) 150° 10 10 1" 2 8 4 16 16 SSR fe a ax-ays5 = 0, weary? = dax deel ape tae If the line 3x-4y+: is a tangent to the parabola y” (A) 15/16 (B) 5/4 (c) um fefter (remfear defers wet aan at we | ae Gelw orT a wa Se Gf wer tT edt & 1 cig weds ore at ee vee ora Be we S Tec F | ae we A 27 ore B, at weaittt & seat A dem aa waa Pratt eit 2 ‘A teacher is making a multiple choice quiz. She wants to give each student the same questions, but have each student’s questions appear in a different order. If there are twenty-seven students in the class, what is the least number of questions the quiz must contain? “5 ® 4 © 3 ©) 10 aie @ f Rays ABCA O Rear 1G Saw b sk O cade F tte wie Om wear F aan ay § 3k Fee: @=OA, b=OH and c=OC, & carr cat aw Fat seis e Let O be the circumcentre, G be the centroid and O' be the orthocentre of a triangle ABC) Three vectors are taken through O and are represented by 4=0A, b-OB and c=0C, then a +b +zis a Oo (8) 206 (©) 00 (D) . ene"of these (0) -6/4 loge(1 + 3x + 2x?) a RARAR Fe fora GT x" aT AU FIT FZ ‘The coefficient of x" in the expansion of loge(1 + 3x + 2x) a oye @ (FB )c2 +0 o (**) (0) None ofthese fear aa A= (x: xarerb ars Aaa) and B = (yy aC ata Ge eT E) Find (i) ANB Given that A= (x: xis a king out of 52:playing cards} and B = { y: y is a spade out of 52 playing cards} Find (i) ANB a) King of spade) (8) An B={ All 18icards of spades) © Alla Kings} (0) Nonevof these we cada @ Pesfataa A a att A wae Har venfae eat E 7 m afeaer a age a eur ea iewarforeter Ter Which of the folloWing is affected the least with extreme observations (A) Median (B) Mode (C) — Harmonic mean (0) Arithmetic mean Ba are Get way? + 2? -2y-4z+1=0, x+2y+22-1550 wT AEE The centre of a circle given by x°+y® + z* -2y-42+1=0, x+2y+2z-1520 is (A) (1.3.4) @) (4-34) © (13-4) 0 (1.34) 1 7 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 SSR Un Adil & ste ap viet & fe sat A ct wee 8) sah arefeow HA A ca ow chen A ont & ae am wae seta ar gar a ae ore at sat wnfaaer fas Gae at viet Fr svaeerrat & ferret & 7 There are four machines and it is known that exactly two of them are faulty. They are tested , one by fone in a random order tll both the faulty machines are identified. Then the probability that only two tests are needed, is @ 18 ®) 16 © 12 ©) Ba BE: limy so — Solve Timp (A) logea ©) —logea (C) logge (0) ‘AE f(x) = |oosx-sinx| , at f(x /4) fre ara & 1G) = [cosx-sinx] , then F(/4) is equal to @ v2 (8) -V2 © o (0) arama ylsdax ds Fae apr a rer an eae Rar ar oeearer & For the parabola y’=dax, the ratio ofthe sub tangent to the abscissa is (A) 44 (B) Zi (Cc) xy (0) Ssectx dx Pra ae & {J sects dx is equal to (A) tant (8) tanec (c) sec xtc (D) ‘None ofthese aft n ua fawar er goin @, 8 Deora are ever Hf nis an odd natural number, then Fp =~ equals (A) 0 (8) in O Fz (0) aft A= 0 se vat oF Btsns4a fore A’ at 8 at (1-4) aera & IFA = O such that A® 21 for 1$n<4,then (1-A)" equals a ow @ « () 1A ©) AE C= agpaagt i é if 5 wrt Ils 1 el 4 st evalu fhe determinant oy : | a cy lo 1 cl sind, is cost 058 (0) (c) sind Sp 2x? -Sdx=? a 2 @ 3 © 4 0) 12 16 None of these None of these none of these None of these None of these we ‘ww se SECTION 'D' SSR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 3a angi at gga St RI ae yeas a GT aT Identify the figure that completes the pattern. fl ota | ®) a) (2) (3) 4) @) 1 ®) 2 © 3 3a angi at geet ot Ra aw uaa at gr at Identify the figure that completes the pattern. &) (1) (2) (3) (4) @o4 2 © & ach ska ay ate a ater get eT ‘Which number will complete the given series? 0,5,22.57,?,205 (a) 198 416 (172 Qh areht aero A, aTotet HEAT Ara HY In the given series find the number which is wrong 81,64,49,35,25,16 (A) 64 (8) 35 (Cc) 25 grtardiy _ aavivaret da eta arate mg ae = WE z= w aot ‘Sweep is to_.l!...a8wash is to Soap. (A) Broom (B) Dust (c) Floor aeraceh agar Identify the correct spelling =~ (A) Admissible ©) c) ‘Admissible o 13, (2) 4 (Dy) 4 (92 (0) 16 a 9a (0) Water Admisible Admissible 10. "1 2 8, 14, 16. SSR eae amet athe war ater Cam aa AT aS Ry TTEeAT AT TR MT athe AT aT wareTOMTEAH 8 ACY at aT, oa a, eI ‘A man and a woman are sitting in a room. Man's mother in law and woman's mother in law are mother and daughter respectively. Man is the. of the woman (A) Father (8) Father in law (C) Uncle (0) Grand father in law 12 Fire we 4 wert ae seep eT - ‘What isthe ratio of 12 minute to 1 hour? «28 ©) 18 © 6% © 1% He a eet VN Ta BE ST aS a aT, ae = wader a om a aa a lage Dullis to 28 inteligent is to clever (®) Bright (8) Foolish (©) Insane (0) Idiot ‘BAR OUT a 162120 tg Fea eT 8 at, IN ar aT ets FT STAT If OUT is coded as 152120, IN will be coded as (a) 1015 ©) 81g (©) 1813 (0) © 914 wea sir & ata 9 ae a wa GA sore anda aad ae ETE 7 = stor a mange a aig reel “UJALA’, the National LED programme has been recently fauched ip which city of Madhya Predesh? (A) Bhopal (B) Jabalpur (c) Gwalior (D) Indore ree eras STATO TT & Far TS FET & 2 = awier a a a sere a asian Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanetuary: is located in which state of India? (A) Karnataka (6) Kerala (©) Odisha (0) Telangana aratea aot a anfiles STR Os ach ay fore ater A Toe a ere A GI ORTRETOT aT aT Bt fy choot & 2 = sear = far 7 7pRIe a fate Which state government has recently declared 10% reservation quota for Economically Backward Classes (EBOS) in general category? (A) Odisha (8) Tripura (C) Gujarat (0) Sikkim ane HC thet aorrsa & ate waraenct rat & | eo waar we weet a watt a gata we att The is the effective border between India and the People's Republic of China A) Loc (8) lac (c) Los (D) None of Above ee HT TT See GARUa aot ae a den a ot er via A era 2 | m afar a ‘aiereneer a7 ae a arpanfereary The Rann of Kutch located in northwestern Gujarat and the bordering Sindh province of (A) Pakistan (8) Bangladesh (C)_—_Nepal (0) Afghanistan 14 16, 17. 18, 19. 20. 24 22, 23. SSR eat dara aiererr ate a? ee Who was the founder of the Gupte dynasty? (A) Chandragupta! (6) Chandragupta ll (C) Samudragupta (D) Skandgupta ‘areTer er att a TR STR TY wr aT? = mT a aT a sr az 8 ‘The stone Age people had the first domestic (A) Asses (8) Dogs (©) Horses (0) Sheep freafafta a @ ata cad usm ohh Greer oelare gee cafes & = aivaren seat wat err ee 7 Fro that PE a Far Bea aT. Who of the following was the first recipient of the Param Vir Chakra, gallantry award? (A) Lance Naik Albert Ekka (8) Hevildar Abdul Hamid (C) Major Shaitan Singh {D) Major Somnath Sharma @ de site Hee ate ar oer Heo F 7 * watedis a afar a ar a ares: Which country is called "The Land O'Cakes" ? (A) Scotland (8) Belgium (©) Wales {D) Ireland vawmt ae In banking ATM stands for (A) Automated Tallying Mactine (8) Automatic Teller Machine (©) Automated Totaling Machine (0) Automated Transaction of Money ata or ata afeet ft sy gaat & 057 = ton & wie a omgés a aizerter Which region is often called " The Land of 5 Rivers"? (A) Punjab (8) France (C) Thailand (D)_——Bangladesh “To Kill a Mocking bird” eter a dure 2 xara a veep oa mkt | tee atieat ‘The Author of the book “To Kill a Mocking bird” is? (A) AmitavGhosh (8) Alice Munro. (C)—-HarperLee — (D)_—_—Pattrik Modiano aoliter & cont & 2 = eaar = watt ao qetwoe ester The Capital of Argentina is? Havana (8) Canberra (c) Buenos Aires (D) Ottawa 15 24. 26. are ore ate, vistter arar, a Aga B - * rete ares a a ‘orn fare a Nand Lal Bose, Manjit Bawa, Tyeb Mehta are (A) Classical Singers (8) (C) Photographers (0) sa a ate or ge aE? * ware w aR sit OS a ‘Which among the following is @ martial dance? w Kathekali 6) Chhau of Mayurbhanj 0) SSR sash af fare English Poets Painters aurea a ae a a, ‘Gare a siarsr Bamboo dance in Meghalaya Bhangra of Punjab ee’ 16

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