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Vocabulary Series (Week 11)


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Vocabulary (Syno + Anto + OWS)
1. Laconic concise सूचनात्मक
2. Lament Sorrow विलाप
3. Latent Hidden प्रच्छन् न
4. Laud Praise, admire, Acknowledge प्रशंसा
5. Laudable One who deserves all praise सराहनीय
6. Laurel Accolade लॉरे ल
7. Lavish Extravagant उदार
8. Laxative A medicine that soften the दस्तािर पदार्थ
9. Lechery Lust Lechery
10. Leer Lustful look बु री नज़र
11. Leisure Relax, free time, no work फुरसत
12. Lethal Mortal, Deadly अत्यंत हावनकारक
13. Libertarian Person believing in free will मुक्तििादी
14. Ligaments Tough tissue in joints स्नायुबंधन
15. Limnivores Eating mud Limnivores
16. Limpid Clear शांत
17. Loath Not willing to do something अवनच्छुक
18. Lofty Towering (uncha) उच्च
19. Loquacious Garrulous, Talkative िाचाल
20. Lousy Awful, Terrible, (ghatiya) बहुत बु रा
21. Lowly Inferior नीच
22. Lucrative Worthwhile (labhprad) लाभप्रद
23. Ludicrous Absurd हास्यास् पद
24. Lunacy Madness पागलपन
25. Lure Attract (lubhana) लुभाना
26. Lustre Glow चमक
27. Maestro Genius, Artist, conductor संगीताचायथ
28. Maiden speech First public speech प्रर्म भाषण
29. Maidenhood The state of being unmarried लड़कीपन
(of a girl)
30. Malevolent Evil-minded ईर्ष्ाथलु
31. Malicious Intended to do harm दु भाथिनापू णथ
32. Mammoth Huge विशाल
33. Mandate An official order जनादे श
34. Maneuver (US) Manipulate, movement युद्धाभ्यास (यूएस)
Manoeuvre युद्धाभ्यास (विविश)
35. Mania Madness उन् माद-रोग
36. Manifesto A written declaration of घोषणापत्र
government or a political
37. Manliness Brave मदाथनगी
38. Manly Behave like a man मदाथना
39. Manuscript A paper written by hand पाण्डु वलवप
40. Marginal 1.Small हावशए पर
41. Mariticide Killing of husband माररविकनाशक
42. Martyr One who is killed because of शहीद
his religious or others
43. Marvellous Wonderful आश्चयथजनक
44. Mastery Authority प्रभुत्व
45. Matricide Killing of mother मातृघात
46. Maverick an unorthodox or स्ितंत्रचेता व्यक्ति
independent-minded person
47. Maxim An established principle of सूत्र
practical wisdom
48. Meagre Inadequate स्िल्प
49. Meander 1.Curve घु माि
2.An indirect or aimless
50. Mediate To settle dispute between मध्यस् र्ता करना
two parties
51. Mediocre One who is neither साधारण
intelligent nor dull
52. Meek Submissive, Docile, nice, दब्बू
(ready to accept control
or instruction)
53. Menace Threat, risk, endanger कष्िप्रद
54. Mercenary Whose motive is merely to लोभी
get money or a professional
soldier hired to serve in a
foreign army
55. Mercurial Volatile फुतीला
56. Mercy Pity, Sympathy रहम
57. Merge Blend डु बो
58. Metamorphosis Gradual and complete रूपांतरण
change in appearance
59. Meticulous Careful, methodical, cautious अवत सािधान
60. Miniature Very small of its kind लघु
61. Mint place where money is coined िकसाल
62. Misandrist One who hates mankind वमसेंवडि स्ट।
63. Misanthrope One who hates mankind मानिद्वे षी
64. Misogynist One who hates women पु रुष संबंधी
65. Misoneist Hater of new things वमसोवनस्ट
66. Missionary A person sent to teach ईसाई-धमथप्रचारक
Christian religion
67. Modest Normal, Humble, Shy शालीन
68. Modus operandi A particular method of कायथविवध
69. Mollify Calm, Pacify (Sandesh karna) शांत करना
70. Momentary Lasting only for a moment क्षवणक
71. Momentous important अत्यंत महत्वपू णथ
72. Monolithic Huge विशालकाय
73. Monotheist a person worships only one एकेश्वरिादी
74. Monotonous Lacking in variety and नीरस
75. Monumental Significant वचरस्मरणीय
76. Mores Custom and ritual संस्कृवत
77. Morose Sorrow असौम्य
78. Mortuary Building in which dead body शिागार
is kept for a time
79. Motif Design मूलभाि
80. Mould Cast (sanche me dhalna) सााँचा
81. Mournful Sorrow मातमी
82. muffle Wrap or cover for warmth मफल
83. Multifaceted Varied (bahumukhi) बहुमुखी
84. Mummy Body embalmed for burial ममी
85. Munch Chew चबाना
86. Mundane Ordinary, Not interesting or सांसाररक
87. Murky Dark, gloomy (dhundla) संवदग्ध
88. Mutate Change पररिवतथत होना
89. myth phobia Fear of telling lies वमर्क भय
90. Nadir The lowest or most अधोवबं दु
unsuccessful point in a
91. Naïve Honest, simple hearted, अनु भिहीन
straight forward
92. Narcissism Always admiring oneself आत्मरवत
93. Nasty Unpleasant बु रा
94. Native Animals that live in particular दे शी
95. Natty Decorate Natty
96. Nefarious Convict, criminal जघन्य
97. Neogamist One who is recently married वनयोगै वमस्ट
98. Neurotic Excessively sensitive, anxious विवक्षप्त
or addictive
99. New-fangled Newly developed and नया-नया।
100. Nexus Link ने क्सस
101. Nicked Nefarious वनकेड
102. Niggardly Miserliness कृपण
103. Nihilism The rejection of all religious शून्यिाद
and moral principles , in the
belief that life is meaningless
104. Nomadic Wanderer, Roving, traveling खानाबदोश
from place to place
105. Nomads People with no fixed abode खानाबदोश
106. Nomenclature A system of naming thing नाम-पद् घवत
107. Nonconformist a person whose behaviour or परं परा-विरोधी ि्यक्ति
views do not conform
to prevailing ideas or
108. Nonentity An unimportant person अक्तित्वहीन ि्यक्ति
109. Nonpareil Person or thing which has no अतुल्य
110. Nonplussed Puzzle वनरर्थक
111. Normalcy Normal situation सामान्य
112. Nostalgia Sentimental longing for a गृ हातुरता
period in a past
113. Notorious To be known for bad acts , कुख्यावत
known in unfavorable way
114. Novice Beginner नौवसक्तखया
115. Null To reduce to nothing शून्य
116. Numismatist One who collects or study मुद्राविज्ञानी
117. Oasis A shady fertile place in a मरूद्यान
desert ,Spring (maru udhan)
118. Obituary a notice of person's death वनधन-सूचना
119. Obligatory Mandatory, imperative बाध्यकर
120. Obnoxious Disgusting वघनौना
121. Obscene (ashlil) अश्लील
122. Obscure Unclear, Uncertain, अस्पष्ट
123. Observatory a place where astronomical िे धशाला
observations are made
124. Obsession Pre-occupation सनक
125. Obsolescent no longer in use लुप्तप्राय
126. Obsolete No longer in use अि्यिहृत
127. Obstinate Stubborn, (very difficult to दु राग्रही
128. Obstreperous Unruly, disorderly (noisy Obstreperous
and difficult to control)
129. Obtuse Dull (mand buddhi) मंदबु क्तद्ध
130. Occidental Relating to countries of west पाविमात्य
131. Occult supernatural तंत्र-मंत्र
132. Octogenarian In his eighties age 80 साल की उम्र
133. Oculist Eye specialist Oculist
134. Odious hateful अत्यवधक अरुवचकर
135. Offset Balance भरपाई
136. Ominous Threat, unlucky, (asubh) अशुभसूचक
137. Omit Leave out (chhor dena ) छोड़
138. Omni form Having every form or shape ओमनी फॉमथ
139. Omnipotent One who is all powerful सिथ-शक्ति-मान
140. Omniscient One who knows everything सिथ ज्ञ
141. Onerous Difficult, Arduous भारी
142. Onus Responsibility दावयत्व
143. Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes ओवफवडयोफोवबया
144. Ophiology Study of snakes ओवफयोलॉजी
145. Ophthalmologist Eye specialist ने त्र विशेषज्ञ
146. Opinionated To be dogmatic in one’s हठधमी
147. Optimist Always hopeful आशािादी
148. Optometrist Eye specialist ऑप्टोमेविि स्ट
149. Oration A formal speech on ओरे शन
ceremonial occasion
150. Orator A proficient public speaker ििा
151. Orchestra a large body of people ऑकेस्टि ा
playing musical instruments
152. Ornithology Study of birds पक्षी-विज्ञान
153. Orthopaedics the area of medicine that विकलांग-वचवकत् सा
treats illness of bones
154. Ossify Make or become like a bone Ossify
155. Ostentation Pomp, brag, Flashy, वदखािा
(dikhawati) (ding hankna)
156. Ostracise Expel, banish, Exile (exclude Ostracise
from society)
157. Outraged Angry अत्याचार
158. Outrageous shockingly bad or excessive अपमानजनक
159. Overt Clear, done or seen openly खुला
160. Ovine Related to sheep ओविन
161. Oviparous Bearing eggs अण्डज
162. Pacific Peaceful प्रशांत
163. Pacifist Against war शांवतिादी
164. Pacify Calm मनाना
165. Paediatrician Doctor of children बाल रोग विशेषज्ञ
166. Paediatrics Branch of medicine बाल वचवकत्सा
concerned with children
167. Pageant Elaborate public spectacle शोभायात्रा
168. Palindrome A word that reads the same विलोमपद
as backward or forward
169. Panacea Cure all सिथ रोगहर
170. Panorama Scene, wide uninterrupted दृश्यपिल
171. Pantheism Everything is god सिाथत्मिाद
172. Parasite One who survives on other परजीिी
173. Parboil A method of boiling briefly to पाबोइल
cook food slightly
174. Parochial Having a limited or narrow सीवमत
outlook or scope
175. Parole Release of prisoner from jail पै रोल
on certain terms and
176. Parricide Killing of parents or near हत्या
177. Parsimony Miserliness कंजूसी
178. Patent Sole right to make and sell पे िेंि
179. Pathology Science of diseases पै र्ोलॉजी
180. Patricide Killing of father वपतृहत्या
181. Patrimony Property inherited from विरासत
one’s father or ancestors
182. Patriot One who loves his country राष्ििप्रे मी
183. Patron Protector, sponsor वनयवमत ग्राहक
184. Patronizing Arrogant संरक्षण
185. Paucity Shortage कम
186. Pauper Very poor person कंगाल
187. Pawn Dupe (a person used by प्यादा
others for their own
188. Pedant a person who is excessively पक्तण्डतिादी
concerned with minor
details and rules or with
displaying academic learning.
189. Pedestrian One who walks on foot पै दल
190. Peer A person of the same age or ताकना
191. Pejorative Disrespectful अपमानजनक
192. Peninsula land covered by water on प्रायद्वीप
three sides
193. Penitence Regret पिात्ताप
194. Penniless Poor कंगाल
195. Pensive Thoughtful विषादग्रि
196. Perceptible That can be perceived by the प्रत्यक्ष
197. Perchance By any chance कदावचत
198. Perdurable Long-lasting विकाऊ
199. Perforate Pierce (chhidra karna) छे वदत करना
200. Peril Threat खतरा
201. Peripatetic Nomadic भ्रमणकारी
202. Permeate Diffuse ि्याप् त होना
203. Perplex Bewilder (hairan karna), घबराना
204. Perseverance Constant efforts to achieve वनरन्तर प्रयत्न
205. Persuade Convince मनाना
206. Pert Lively उद्धत
207. Peruse Examine , read in careful way अिलोकन करना
208. Pessimistic Negative , gloomy वनराशािादी
209. Pester Annoy सताना
210. Pestle stick with thick end used in मूसल
mortar for pounding
211. Petite Dminutive (Chhota sa) वठं गनी
212. Petition Appeal यावचका
213. Petulant Disrespect तुनक वमज़ाज
214. Philanderer A person who always run इश्क़बाज़
after women
215. Philanthrope One who loves mankind परोपकार
216. Philatelist One who studies stamps विकि-सम्ग्ग्रहकताथआ
217. Philogynist A lover of womankind दाशथवनक
218. Philology Science of study of language भाषाशास्त्र
219. Philosophy Study of the interaction of जीिन-दशथन
people with their
220. Phonetics Study of sound ध्ववन-विज्ञान
221. Physiotherapy Treatment by means of वफवज़योर्ेरापी
exercise and massage
222. Pilfer Steal चोरी
223. Pilgrim One who travels to sacred तीर्थयात्री
224. Pinnacle Summit, top , apex वशखररका
225. Pioneer Novel, naïve , new , amateur मागथ-वनमाथता
226. Pious Religious, spiritual धमथपरायण
227. Piscivorous One who lives on fish मछली-भक्षी
228. Pitiful Pathetic कारुवणक
229. Placard Poster Written or printed इक्तिहार
notice pasted in public
230. Plagiarism Theft of other writings or सावहक्तत्यक चोरी
231. Plaudit Praise साधु िाद
232. Plea Appeal, Request वनिे दन
233. Plebiscite Referendum (vote on जनमत-संग्रह
important public question)
234. Plethora Abundant आवधक्य
235. Plump Fat मोिा
236. Poach Hunt अिैध वशकार
237. Podium Dias, A speaker’s platform मंच
238. Poignant Sad मावमथक
239. Polyandry Women having more than बहुपवतत्व
one husband
240. Polygamy Men having more than one बहुपत्नी प्रर्ा
241. Polyglot A person speaking many बहुभाषी
242. Polytheism Belief in many gods बहुदे ििाद
243. Pompous Arrogant आडं बरपू णथ
244. Ponder Mediate सोचना
245. Posthumous child Child born after death of मरणोपरांत बच्चा
246. Post-mortem Operation of body after पोस्ि-मािथ म
247. Postscript Anything written in a letter पि-लेख
after it is signed
248. Potable That which can be drunk पे य
249. Potent Strong शक्तिशाली
250. Potpourri A mixture of dried ,naturally विविधा
fragrant plant material, used
to provide a gentle natural
scent inside buildings
,especially in residential
251. Preamble Introduction उद्दे वशका
252. Predator An animal which lives by वहं सक पशु
preying on other animals
253. Prejudice Biased against something पू िाथग्रह
254. Premediated Pre-planned or thought पू िथवनधाथररत
before hand
255. Premiere the first public performance प्रर्म प्रदशथन
of musical or theoretical
work or the first showing of a
256. Premonition forewarning पू िथबोध
257. Preponderance Dominance प्रधानता
258. Preserve Persist रक्षा कर
259. Presumptuous Arrogant ढीठ
260. Priority precedence प्रार्वमकता
261. Procrastinate Delay or postpone action िालना
262. Procure Obtain प्राप्त करना
263. Profile General view of person’s खाका
264. Profound Very great or intense गहरा
265. Profuse Abundant प्रचुर
266. Prognosis Forecast लक्षण आधाररत रोग वनदान
267. Proliferate Reproduce प्रफलन होना
268. Prolong Lengthen, Extend लम्बा
269. Prop A pole or beam used as a िे क
temporary support
270. Prophylactic Preventive रोगवनरोधी
271. Propinquity Nearness सामीप्य
272. Propitiate appease मना लेना
273. Proponent Person who proposes प्रवतपादक
274. Proposition Proposal प्रिाि
275. Protean Able to change frequently पररितथनशील
276. Protocol Code of diplomatic etiquette प्रोिोकॉल
and precedence
277. Prototype First model of new device प्रोिोिाइप
278. Provident Far-sighted, judicious दू रदशी
279. Provoke Enrage (uttejit karna) भड़काना दे क्तखए।
280. Prudent Cautious, wise, careful सािधान
281. Psephology Study of elections चुनाि विश्लेषण
282. Pseudonym To write under different उपनाम
283. Psychology Science of human mind and मनोविज्ञान
284. Punctilious Cautious अत्यौपचाररक
285. Pyrophobia Fear of fire पायरोफोवबया
286. Pyrotechnic Art of making fireworks चमकदार
287. Quadruped Four footed animals चतुष्पाद
288. Quarantine Isolation कुछ वदनों के वलए सबसे अलग रहना
289. Quarry Victim उत्खनन करना
290. Quell Put an end to िश में करना
291. Quest Search खोज
292. Quinquennial An event which happens Quinquenial
once in five years
293. Quiver tremble तूणीर
294. Rabid Extreme (kattar) पागल
295. Raconteur Skilled in story telling Raconteur
296. Radiance Glow, sparkle चमक
297. Radiant glow विवकरणकारी
298. Radical Absolute, fundamental, उग्र सुधारिादी
profound (purna)
299. Radiology The science dealing with रे वडयोलॉजी
high energy radiation such as
X-rays in treatment of
300. Rage Anger क्रोध
301. Rampart Parapet (defensive wall) प्राचीर
302. Rancid Having a stale smell or taste दु गंध
303. Ransom Amount of money वफरौती
demanded by kidnappers
304. Ravage demolish उजाडना
305. Realm Field, dimension दायरा
306. Rebate Deduction (chhut) छूि
307. Recapitulation Recall पु नसथमपथ ण
308. Recede Decline पीछे हिें
309. Recipients Receiver प्राप्तकताथओ ं
310. Reciprocate Give and receive mutually विवनमय
311. Reckless Thoughtless, Rash, Careless दु ुः साहसी
312. Recluse A person who withdraws संन्यासी
from world to live in
seclusion and often in
solitude (sanyasi)
313. Rectilinear when something moves in a सीधा
straight line
314. Redeem Save, Rescue , Compensate मुि करना
for loss
315. Red-tapism Too much official formality लालफीताशाही
316. Redundant Not required, excess अवतररि
317. Referendum an act when people vote in जनमत-संग्रह
order to make a particular
subject or policy rather than
voting for a person

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