Vocabulary Robots 2ndes

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Vocabulary about robots

To do the housework / household chores: faire le ménage very small = tiny

To hoover / to vacuum: passer l’aspirateur busy: occupé
To water: arroser useful /useless: utile/ inutile
To clean: nettoyer reliable: fiable
To wash: laver time-saving : qui fait gagner du temps
To wipe: essuyer dirty / clean: sale / propre
To serve a drink: a sensor: un capteur
To do the washing up / to do the dishes: faire la vaisselle dull: monotone, ennuyeux
To do the dusting: faire la poussière. a nurse: une infirmière
To sweep the floor: balayer le sol domestic appliances: appareils menagers
To tidy: ranger tiring: fatigant, épuisant
To relax / unwind: se détendre the disabled: les handicapés
To rest: se reposer the elderly: les personnes agées
To be tired: être fatigué independent= autonomous
To be bored: s’ennuyer idle: oisif
To waste time : perdre du temps a pillow : un oreiller
To work: fonctionner a nursing home: maison de retraite
To carry: porter voice command: commande vocale
To worry: s’inquieter
To cuddle: caliner
To care for: s’occuper de a helper: une aide
To snore: ronfler a domestic robot:
To relieve: soulager a scientific robot:
To pet: caresser a military robot:
To groom: toiletter, brosser un animal
To lift: soulever

Vocabulary about robots

To do the housework / household chores: faire le ménage very small = tiny

To hoover / to vacuum: passer l’aspirateur busy: occupé
To water: arroser useful /useless: utile/ inutile
To clean: nettoyer reliable: fiable
To wash: laver time-saving : qui fait gagner du temps
To wipe: essuyer dirty / clean: sale / propre
To serve a drink: a sensor: un capteur
To do the washing up / to do the dishes: faire la vaisselle dull: monotone, ennuyeux
To do the dusting: faire la poussière. a nurse: une infirmière
To sweep the floor: balayer le sol domestic appliances: appareils menagers
To tidy: ranger tiring: fatigant, épuisant
To relax / unwind: se détendre the disabled: les handicapés
To rest: se reposer the elderly: les personnes agées
To be tired: être fatigué independent= autonomous
To be bored: s’ennuyer idle: oisif
To waste time : perdre du temps a pillow : un oreiller
To work: fonctionner a nursing home: maison de retraite
To carry : porter voice command : commande vocale
To worry: s’inquieter To lift : soulever
To cuddle: caliner
To care for: s’occuper de a helper: une aide
To snore: ronfler a domestic robot:
To relieve: soulager a scientific robot:
To pet: caresser a military robot:
To groom: toiletter, brosser un animal

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