MCP Rules

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Table of Contents

Setting Up the Map ....................................... 3

Range and Movement Tools ......................... 4

Creating and Deploying a Roster................. 6

Tray and Character Creator ........................... 9

Dice Rollers ...................................................... 10

Custom Characters .......................................... 11

MCP Created by Atomic Mass Games
MCP for TTS Authored by Verscen, Gronco,
Dyzard, LTJkrazyglue04, Zetan,
Carefree Llama, and Harleyz
MCP for TTS Discord:
Terrain Assets donated by Corvus Games
Setting Up the Map

Setup Map
Place the desired terrain card
(Pictured with green back) in the
green tray and click the “Setup Map”
Rotate Map
If you would like to rotate the
map that is currently on the board
click the “Rotate Map” button. You
can use this to rotate the map
multiple times so you can play at
whatever edge you want.

Setup Crisis
Place the desired crisis cards (Pictured are red or Extract and blue or Secure cards)
in the appropriate trays and press the “Setup Crisis” button. The appropriate tokens will be
spawned on the table where they are supposed to be. Sometimes the tokens will float or
land it odd locations. This is to make sure board state is accurate. If you do not like the
floating tokens, feel free to nudge them wherever you and your opponent agree.
Clear Map
After you place the tokens, if for any reason you want to reset the
crisis press “Clear Crisis” button to remove all current crisis tokens on the

Deploy Lines
If you would like to deploy with
characters with ease, click “Show
Deploy Lines” to spawn a shadow that
is exactly Range 3 in length. Placing
your characters at the edge of the
shadow will deploy them without the need of positioning a Range 3 ruler. Once you are
done with the lines, click “Clear Deploy Lines” to remove the shadows.
Range and Movement Tools

The new Range and Movement tools allow
for the player to Snap the tools directly to a
character’s base for easy measuring. While the
tool is snapped it can be held and dragged
around the base to check every angle possible.

Snapping to the Correct

If you want to snap to a character and there are multiple around.
Place the tool in a position so that the “Snap” button is closer to the
intended character. The tool picks the closest character to its snap


Once a character is snapped to a Range or
Movement tool, the button “Move” will appear.
Clicking this button will move the snapped
character the full movement of the tool. This
feature is included on the Range tools as well for
when cards have you place a character a certain range. If you would like to disable to move
button on the range tool check the settings on the Tool Tray.

Once a character is snapped on a
movement tool, along with the “Move”
button you will see the “Bend” button
as well. Clicking this button separates
the movement tool into two separate
pieces. You are able to swivel the front
piece 90 degrees either direction. The
move button will still work while the tool is bent. When you want to lock the tool in place
simply click “Lock” and you are able to freely move the tool.
Measuring Toward and Away
Bend the long movement tool 90 degrees
and a Toward/Away button pops up for use. This
will allow you to measure the toward and away
angles on the table. Once the Toward/Away is
snapped, click the button again to change
between toward and away. Holding the tool in
your hand and placing your curser over the
character you are measuring from will precisely
setup the angle of the PUSH or THROW.

Numpad Shortcuts
If you are hovering over a character model and
click any of the scripting buttons they will allow for
quick use of the tools assigned to them. These are
customizable through the controls setting in
Tabletop Simulator. The default is the numpad
keys, but you are able to change them to whatever
is comfortable to your play style.

Controls Action Default Key Use

Scripting 1 Numpad 1 Snap Range 1
Scripting 2 Numpad 2 Snap Range 2
Scripting 3 Numpad 3 Snap Range 3
Scripting 4 Numpad 4 Snap Range 4
Scripting 5 Numpad 5 Snap Range 5
Scripting 6 Numpad 6 Snap Toward/Away
Scripting 7 Numpad 7 Snap Short Movement
Scripting 8 Numpad 8 Snap Medium Movement
Scripting 9 Numpad 9 Snap Long Movement
Scripting 10 Numpad 0 Cleans up all tools
Creating and Deploying a Roster

Parts of the Roster Tools

A. Roster Creator
B. Premade Roster Box
C. Place Finished Roster
D. Open Roster

A) Roster Creator
The first way is by simply pasting your roster text into
the input box on top. You can copy these rosters from
apps like Assemble or

The second way is to drag the cards for your roster

into the tool. It can support up to 10 characters, 3 of
each type of crisis, and 8 tactic cards.

Once the roster objects are in the tool or the roster is

pasted into the input, decide which picture you want
by clicking through the arrow buttons. This will cycle
through all tactic card images to give you a custom
looking roster box. Once its ready click “Create Roster”
to build the roster.

B) Premade Roster Box

This box has premade partial rosters that are all based on affiliations. Use them as a
good starting off point to create your own roster!

C) Place Finished Roster – D) Open Roster

This is where you place your completed roster. Once here click “Show Roster”
Buttons on the Roster Tool
Edit Roster – Will allow for the roster to be edited and will
add two new buttons
Cancel Edit – Will cancel the current edit you are making
Save Roster – Will add all the cards into the roster creator
so you can manually make any changes in the tool and create
Close Roster – Will close the current open roster
Threat Level – Cannot be clicked and will display the current
total threat value of the roster selected
Auto Activate – Will automatically create all character trays
and character cards needed for your chosen squad, including
the tactic cards and infinity gems.

Buttons on Each Card

Card Name - The title of each card is displayed above each card.
Change Art – This will allow for alternate card art to be loaded
instead of the original art.
USE – When green this will add the card into the squad as
selected. Red will mean it is not in use.
REMOVE – While editing this will button will take the place of
the USE button. This will remove the card so it is not added to
the roster creator to make editing as easy as possible

Selecting Crisis Type

When clicking one of these buttons it will select that crisis
type and will automatically delete the crisis cards of the
type you did not select and 1 random card form the crisis
you did select.
USE – Once you select USE on crisis cards it will
automatically spawn the card in the correct crisis tray.
Buttons in the Roster
Hide Roster – Will hide spawn a hidden zone that
hides all of your cards and hides which cards are
being used.
Number Buttons – These will save or select pre-
selected squads based on the number on the
button which represents the threat value of the
Left Click – Selects
Right Click - Saves

Affiliation(s) Possible – Cannot be clicked.

Affiliations – Click on any affiliation listed and it will change your affiliation token to match
what you are selecting. The token will automatically switch to the top most affiliation, but
clicking a button will overwrite it.
Tray and Character Creator

Affiliation Selection
Use the left and right buttons next to the
Affiliation Token to cycle through available

Color Selection
Right click the square in the middle and
select “Color Tint”. Change the color of the square
to whatever color you want to be used on the
trays and the character bases.

Create Character Tray

Before you have activated any trays, you
can use the “Create Character Tray” button to
both add and remove character trays. Left click the
button to add additional trays until you have the
number you need for the game. If you accidentally click too many times, right clicking the
button will remove the extra tray(s).

Hidden Zone
Clicking this button toggles a Table
Top Simulator Hidden Zone. The contents
of this zone will only be viewable by the
player whose color matches the zone. This
will allow you to set up your roster and
even ready all of your character trays
before revealing to your opponent the
team you have assembled.
Activating a Character Tray
Once you have the correct number of trays on your side of the board drag your
character cards into each tray and click “Activate Character”

Features of a Character Tray

Tokens – all tokens needed to play
this character will appear as Infinity
Bags on the top right of the tray.
(Including the affiliation token you
chose in previous steps)
Power and Wounds – power and
wound trackers are build into the
bottom of the tray. Left click to add
and right click to remove power or
Character Model – the character
model will be spawned on the
bottom right of the tray. The base
will match the color of the tray
which was selected prior to creating
the trays.
Flip Card – when a character card
needs to flip for whatever reason.
Press the flip card button on the
bottom right of the tray. This will flip
the card and update the Stamina of the
character in the tray.
Infinity Gems – to add an Infinity Gem simply drop the card on the character tray and it will
attach to the tray as pictured above.
Dice Roller

1 2 3 4 5

1. Clear - This button will clear all dice from the roller and start a new roll.
2. Subtract Die – This button will remove the last die added from the roller.
3. New Roll / Total Display – This button both shows how many dice you have in the
roller AND will set up a new roll with that number of dice if pressed.
4. Add Die – This button will add a die to the rolling tray.
5. Roll Dice – This button will roll all dice in the rolling tray.

Reroll Buttons
Click on the
number near the
dice icon you wish
to reroll. This will
add the dice to
your rolling tray
and allow you to
use the “Roll Dice”
button to reroll the
Numpad Shortcuts
If you are hovering over a the dice tray and click any of
the scripting buttons they will automatically fill the dice tray
based on the number you clicked. These are customizable
through the controls setting in Tabletop Simulator. The
default is the numpad keys, but you are able to change them
to whatever is comfortable to your play style.
Custom Characters

Character Trays
If you are wanting to use a
custom character with the Character
Trays simply put in the description of
Reroll Buttons
the card - Custom Character Card. This
is case sensitive.
Custom Wound Tokens
Click the inputs at the bottom of the
character tray and input your characters
stamina. This will allow you to use the wound
counter and will automatically switch if you
click the “flip card” button.

Movement Tools
To setup your character figurine to work
with the movement tools simply add a
description below: (Case Sensitive)

1. Small Bases – Custom Small

2. Medium Bases – Custom Medium
3. Large Bases – Custom Large

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