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DAVAO OEL SOR STATE COLLEGE MaTTI DiGOS CITY AINSTITUTE OF COMPUTING ENGINEERING AAO TECHNOLOGY AGRICULTURAL AND BIOSYSTEM ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT B® PRODIKTS PROCESSING AND STORAGE MODULE APPLICATION COURSE NO. ANO NAME [scoRE | ABE 221 ABPRODUCTE PLICEKSING AND SIDRAGE ae [MODULE APPLICATION NO. THODULE AEPLICATION TITLE] A® PROCESSING IMPORTANT ROLE IN THE QUAUTY) OF PRODUCTS PRO DEVELOPMENT OF THE INDUSTRY PADDULE APPLICATION KRANEYLLA GRACE P. BAYKING PARTNER RO BARADAN MINCENT BALATICO JEFREY MM. BOTIL ATHENS CEXUELA ALLEAK SYBEL DALAO DANZA doy O- DURAN LARRA VEY ESPELLITA SUMAILA_E. ONDAC MopuLe APP. Pent. Mince hace ooh agile and pridy ead voruty, on Odminicngtne (der wa wade 40 et 2 moe potent pillar pot wed weuidg iN th, exuettyoocling, wat wade in ofder fC contest’ to FRO vat — Content ec yo nade of. he potowing — labding Weavicencrs vet ost oy the DOK I Adinic~ acahte cdr No. 3O- 2014 © Revieed Filer aad Migvlatvon Gowvting te tavding oF Fee = pacleaged oud eediids Tthec Anading, Cutan POMC OF Addivickatw. Od No. EBB ie 14B1 “Food Labeling Kila" te lou agey “yoo products, saowding youd wuppraneats whut inpecteh ot Necaly produed oad gickivukd 6 He Pulighe. Jw. qatoning, agioXion 08 pereactaged goad patie rd We aud of te Lal indies predict name / Tame og te oody wee 0g rand none andlor Axaduna't; compo UA of ingueditnts ck eomteatt — ondd Orained weight; nam aod addkes — oF momeackun, CUpacker, odrur, import, ntodu ond divttiloitor, lot deviation, etorage unadition, erty captain date! we-ly date! conmume- vue date Lectonecrcked lox concunption date) 5 Yond allergen ingotnation, ond aukition ache J ttikion Lagotmction/ putiine wale. Furthermore, % Tood Labeling Ruies provide for pectic informatin which twat fe slated on fod Valoels for eau uf ‘the ems aloave - Wi recpeck to ‘he lil of ingredients, quoeroty, te fouing rales Opply except vo single ingrtdion fred, complete ish of ingredients tah be dedared on tim label the fet of ingredients ‘Stat be headed or preceded toy an appropriate tthe viticn eancists of or incudes Ye tem “agredits”: the canpte Heh chal be dudared in ducerdng oder of Proportinn on either the principal display pane! gr information panel jadded water shat be dedared ia the ic of ingredients crept when the water forme part of ae ingredient, such as Lorine syrup or Laoth used in ‘Se componnd food and dedared Jas such in the lid of ingredients. Nater or otter volatile Mgrediene thal ewnperate in the cumree of mannfactwe, ned wot be dedared- W additinn bs the rulec; tiece Allowing shall ve seen in the Prodwe: where an ingredient jc iLedf the product of two or mare ingredient’, the compuand ingredient may be dudared ac cwdh, in Ane ick of ingredient, provided tat it ic immediately accompa nit by a I, in Mrawsere, of ike ingredienic in Auceding order of proportion , where a Compound ingredient canctitvbes bc than Ib of the fod, the ingredientc, otter than Food additives which fave a ttchinstogical finctinn in the Antic produc need nol be Award; a specific name, not a collective (generic) dame chal be ved for an ingre- ical wiket a general class fame wold be more Informative and not io cotflict With eaieting regulation | standards flavor and flavoring substance chal be Award. Firkermore: © cng pyroliqnens acid ov oltur enkfreial smalee flavore taed thal be cleclored oy arifretol smobe filmor > colaring scbrtercer lad be eteclored by Heir commen mame or og “focl colng}” or Par)” fr fore alevived fem or penbicnl with sibchoncec olerived fom plard maferints, ond ax "orkfiresnl Colore “ for esol - tor dyer or other aynHebe chemten] compomnele y emel fuocl acllibives phat be clecloreel hy fhetr cxrrom rome onl fherr finefrera( extigai Oher peghkor emel polider of fhe fOA may cto apply - fo le inder TDA om Mo. 2, weriet of 999, fc lobele of aM food! roplements that incbente te pobroee "No cxppormed fherey elatm* fo inform fhe cmremerr phat fro cihey syphmeds hove me eal exrobine effete. 7 Fo sm lap, ccelhenl procerming x eseankal to fre ncboprend of tncluchy. I ancemager the grewlt of naw ape prestting calrprirec, orel than, Biches fhe crontion of jobe ont the laelapment of how frebualegter. For jetfonce , Hee clewalopmenf of high - Rel frock yoo, pron foe bed frerceted cubomabvom orl reduced okt 0 prcvelion , ing prereset fact poe offerrlable ond accnterbe fr embmers. a 4 Tn addition , agieutwral and vineystem s processing promotes “echualogies} which are advance axnd inverted. he the dustry strives tp Muck ‘the gros denand for sake, high-quality and sustainable fod products ,it hosters Weearch and development in areas such as food engineering, Wotechnology , and spoduct formulation. Thuse advanceinertts lead to te davelopmemt af Mews ~processecing “Lecan iques equipment yand ingredients which Jurter enhance product quality improve effidenay and reduce, environmental ‘impact. The mduetry's ommetment to innovertion drives confines, ‘mprovement, and enevres ‘ite competitiveness ‘in the giclan! marleet. Agric tural anc) lnineystans “procseing evpports roral development and employrent oppurtonities, Hany qroassing facilities are located in tural anas, yrviding ‘po opportunities or local commuyrities. % adding Vale 40 agrtuttural commodities , prowssing “facilities create 4 demand for rao materials, Consequently benefiting Formers ond encovraging agptas oral production Wis symbiotic. relstionsialy letwucenagricitre and qoescing strengths We rral cesnorny, reduces wean mignettion , and writibiie, ty Sustainable developmart. ; sae 9 Cre cmp ily cel pe Jo ble |) I “p foley de aay pal Ina Comins fone a pipptat Anam ganerrt Ww 0 Dural Cee Tesi] staien® ooh in ; ag NUS onl ie isi th > whan smignoton. *9 inet Wed sol Bospoes, poy Rey fe foward redunci pean Hea i cei pi bared hy dod corto. 2 “ Deke Boe fadsti of Sura drorrall ine oe He ality to while. var iorpogeets > a 2 priest ants Sha | ie arexima®. Rrongh Hess pene Final)» axscatival and iasyrems Pawan) eve ontal im youd wate. The pacdiing of aqronttwal podacts redness veatacing, the Wetnwed a pele et ether porms a waske- Varco, 4 enables he woe oe uncdbl. impergect , on wanplay farm prtdnckt thee would cthawite 47 to wate - Agviesltwal ont wigagilems freind play a aignipitant vole in ening te quality a pieducks ant diving tty oryall evelopment ae te indwrtvy. Theongh el” contvibubon to paduct qualty ealrarcemers , economic gow, A A semrly, thse Plots ae esieuhn| for meeting — consumer denonds, ducing wate, and prom ting Govtninabillt) in ee Aqeioattuanl vector. levestnenst im vexarch 1 keivolgy ) «A Vagartruchwe i aicnltnetl ont bia teny prowingy a qivthal 40 ae the catined uth ont Posies ae tne nchty.

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