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Bailey Jeffers Laura Lott FRIT 7230 Fall 2011 Downs/ Green Standards 3.

Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers:

collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools b. and resources to support student success and innovation. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, d. analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.

5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:

contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and d. of their school and community.

We will be demonstrating a technology resource as part of an ongoing collaboration to support student success. It is our goal to improve the efficiency and vigor of the teachers and their instruction in schools and personal uses.

Audience Our audience will target colleagues in the K-12 field of education. Educators from our school are Caucasian and African American. The majority of teachers are women, but there are several men. The educators ages range from 22-65. Our concerns with the age range is that the younger adults will have far more familiarity with technological terminology and applications than the educators who are older, and have less experiences with technology on a daily basis. All

educators have completed a Bachelors degree and have maintained certification through the Standards Commission. Educators also complete many PLU/PLC credits throughout the year as part of their commitment to lifelong learning. The implication for us as we design an instructional tool is to consider how educators, unlike other professions, value education and the learning process. All teachers were given a basic introduction to the system when it was purchased, and again when they were installed. So, they are all familiar with the basic uses of the stylus and projector. When the technology department hosts application training, the classes fill up. It is our hope that this demonstration will alleviate some of this by providing an introduction to the Mimio system and its uses in the K-12 classroom. So we will consider that educators all have the basic operational knowledge as an entry skill. We asked a sample of teachers from various grade levels and subject areas to respond to a survey to let us know their learning styles. Thirty educators were given the link and asked to respond with their learning style.

Musical Linguistic Logical/Mathematical Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic Spatial

2 9 2 5 6 4 1 1

Learning Styles
Musical Linguistic Logical/Mathematica Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal naturalistic spatial

The implication for our design is that most people do not benefit from their natural environment or spatial connections. Therefore, incorporating those aspects into the tutorial would not be beneficial. However, many in our target audience are talkers, whether by their linguistic interests or by their interpersonal tendencies. We will make natural pauses in the video tutorial

so that the viewers have ideal moments to raise inquiry and discuss further application. It will also give the kinesthetic learners time to leave their sears and actually manipulate the materials that are available in the training space.

Motivation It is our intent that the creation of a digital video will give our audience the visual, auditory, and perceptual stimulation to attain their attention. The variability from a traditional teacher directed instruction gives the viewers the opportunity to pause and raise inquiry without sacrificing any instructional time. Because both of our schools currently utilize the Mimio systems, the tutorial will be relevant to the viewers. The motives for the viewers will be to increase their use of the available technology so that their instructional goals can be taught with variability. We believe that the audiences confidence depends on our providing only the initial processes and applications. We will not delve into any difficult program or application. Our focus will remain on the simple applications that a teacher should be able to easily incorporate into any classroom situation. The teachers will see the benefit of incorporating this technology into their classrooms and will feel satisfied with the time spent due to the intrinsic reward of improving their instructional styles. Objective Given Mimio equipment, the teacher will develop an interactive slide using at least two functions taught during the video.

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