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Consumable Booklet are GNI- Dr. J. S. Grewal (Bhopal) (English Version) Please fill up the following informations : Name Father's Name Date of Birth CT TTIIIT1 Sex: Male [7] Female [_] Class with Section. Institution School / College Scoring Table alle eae Estd. 1971 @:(0562) 2601080 NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CORPORATION UG-1, Nirmal Heights, Near Mental Hospital, Agra-282 007 INSTRUCTIONS This inventory contains a catalogue of guidance needs which are felt by the pupils studying in educational institutions, These needs are reflected through the > various items of this inventory. Read each item carefully and indicate how you feel about each of these need iterns. You will find that some of these needs concern you most and others are less applicable in your case. Express your needs on a 5-point scale through five possible answers given against each need item. Choose the answer that best expresses your feelings about each need according to guide- lines given below : a _ CS If you think that the statement is Highly True, put a circle around the SquareQ) of HT. If you think the statement is Mostly True, put a circle around the oO of MT. It you think the staternent is Quite True, put a circle around the (B of OT. if you think the statement is Least True, put a circle around the Oot LT. And, if you think that the statements is Not True, put a circel around the ©) of NT. Do this for each statement and be sure not miss out any. At the end of the inventory some space has been left where you may write any other need about which you feel strongly but has not been included in this inventory. | Consumable Booklet of GNI-6s AREA I Highly True I NEED GUIDANCE IN : 4 1. Developing good physique 2. Inculcating interest in sports. 3. Developing interest in some indoor games. a 4. Participating more and more in co- curricular activities. Qa 5. — Encouraging me tolearn yoga exercies. O 6. Keeping my surroundings neat and tidy. 7. Explaining to me the significance of balanced diet. 2 8. Regulating my study and sleeping hours. o 9. Developing me in the habit ofearly rising. 10. Motivating me or physical exercises, Qo Deeds). 6, Gem) (oh pisrefolme (=) (C=) @ Gop oC oo 6 0 OCDOe @g [ooh eal. (a) (c=) Ec (G) soem) oes) o o a Total Score Areat [—_] | AREA I ‘STATEMENTS: I NEED GUIDANCE IN : Tt 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Developing in me an understanding or the rights and responsibilities of a citizen of a democratic society. Developing healthy respect and attitude towards teachers and elders. Developing the habit of working cooperatively with others. Participating in group activities. Securing cooperation from peers and my friends. Adjusting with peers and class-fellows in and outside the class. Getting some status in my group. Exercising powerful influence over others. Accepting strong and weak points of others. Getting along with others living in our family. Developing affection for my brothers and sisters and being loved by them. Amusing others with my witty talks and actions. Motivating my class fellows and others for play and other activities. Getting to know about the methods and significance of religious worship. Maintaining good relations with neighours. a G@; 1070" oO o Oo i; LOO) oO oO a Oo a a Oy tos. o Oo oa Os {<0 coh7 a) a Oo a Consumable Booklet of GNI-es a N00 0000000000000 W o o a Qo Total Score Area II 5 A 6 | Consumable Booklet of GNI-6s AREA Il I NEED GUIDANCE IN : 26. 32. 33. 35. 37. 38. Overcoming hesitation in starting conversations with others. Becoming a bit bold in my actions. Getting admiration and approval of others. . Developing self-confidence in me. Getting freedom from my parents in taking decisions about my affairs. Developing in me the confidence for saying what | feel right. Keeping normal relationships with the opposite sex. Developing the feeling of being at ease with myself. . Overcoming conflicts which arise in my mind from time to time. Overcoming the feeling of being an unwanted person. Tolerating if someone tries to make fun of me. Getting sympathy of people older to me. Overcoming in me the feelings of being neglected by the teachers of my class. Caradon Glen Oss) Bs OAgeosesGse) O *DevnteniGes) aq a ES Es Gem) GO 0. O-siee=s) peso!

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