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“Is pressing the green button worth it?” The politicians are the core of
democracy and we, the people decide the core, Radhika Verma opines.

“How will India live if the political parties die?” asked by Pandit Jawahar Lal
Nehru once in a round table conference. Candidates of the elections have to
make the public sure about that. The Election Commission of India is
somewhere lacking the answer to this question. Is our Election Commission
playing fair and exercising its power enough to its extent?

I believe that there are still a number of issues that requires the attention of
Election Commission as if we compare ours with other countries. Political
candidates that are holding some criminal records and serious cases in their
pasts are at liberty of standing a chance to win elections. Voters are aware of
their background and yet voting for them. A very less population of our
country is taking a step which will make our election commission right.

We need to spread the connection and awareness of election commission in

the rural areas as well. Rapid use of money and muscle has to be minimized in
order to make our democracy work! The genuine and positive intentions are
neglected in today’s scenario. Though it is very hard to be successful in politics
but according to me the only aspect that wins people’s heart is the integrity
and good instincts.

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