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Everything started with a hijacked plane…

At the morning of 11th of September (2001) an airliner took off from the Logan airport in Boston and
were heading to Los Angeles. According to a flight attendant someone was stabbed in the business class.
They also sensed some toxic material in the air. The plane basically became invisible as the transponder
was turned off, but it seemed as it were descending. The situation was handled as a confirmed hijacking.
All other planes were deflected. It was headed to New York. The hijackers threated the passengers, they
could not do anything as the plane was crushed into the Twin Towers of the Word Trade Center. An
enormous fire broke out causing long-lasting effects, taking away lives of thousands.

A lot of workers were trapped in the first building since they were too high, and the fire restricted them
from escaping. One of the survivors, Desirée Bouchat, who was working in the South Tower did not issue
an evacuation order. She regrets it ever since. A lot of workers were traumatized by the events. They
never saw their colleagues ever again.
Some survived thanks to individual rescue attempts. As an example, two women, one with physical
disability were saved by Gregory Frederick. This could have never happened if they did not complain
about their rooms.
Three men who survived the attack at three different places: tower one, tower two, and at Pentagon
Washington DC became living history books. Yantis were rescuing people, helping get out the injured
ones from the Pentagon.
Dittmar travels the US. And teaches about the horrible facts and consequences. He founded the Always
Remember Initiative as a memory of all those who have been perished. Yantis and Bacso formed a team
with six other survivors in order to write a book about how they live through the attack. All profits by
purchasing the book goes for the American Pride Incorporated.

The cause of this terrorist attack:

Back in the Cold Ward the USA supported the fights against the Soviet Union by sending developed
weapons to Afghanistan. During the brutally long war a terrorist group was formed, named Al Qaeda
made up of veterans by Osama bin Laden.
USA sent military forces to support Saud Arabia. They took is at a threat of despoiling the natural
resources of Muslim lands, especially oil, that they wanted to acquire. Osama saw the USA similarly to
the Soviets. He declared jihad on the states.

America stays remembering these hurtful happenings and

shows respect my memorials:

The memorial concludes a beautiful ceremony. People

expresses their respect by one minute of silence each time a
plane crashed into the tower. Apart from this, they place
roses beside the names of the victims. A Tribute of light was
sent into the sky after sunset, too.

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