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I. Enumerate the following items.

1. What are the different types of electricity? Define each in your own words.
➢ There are 2 different types of electricity, the static electricity and the dynamic electricity. Static electricity is
the electricity at rest on an object or a system while a dynamic electricity is the electricity in motion, or in
layman's term an electric current.
• An example of Static electricity is when we feel a static shock. The electricity (specifically the
electrons) in our body is disturbed, releasing the static electricity on a conductive object or other
person. once these electrons are released, our body will feel a static shock.
• An example of a dynamic electricity is a plugged-in electric fan. The electricity will flow from the
power source to the electric fan through the electric fan's plug and wires and to the motor where
the electrical energy will be converted to a mechanical energy. The flow of current will be
continuous unless the electric fan is unplugged from the power source.
2. Give at least 5 kinds of splices.
5 kinds of splices are:
➢ Western union splice or Lineman splice
➢ T-Splice
➢ Knotted Splice
➢ Y-Splice
➢ Staggering Splice
3. What does HIRAC stands for?
The term HIRAC means:
➢ H-hazard
➢ I-identification
➢ R-risk
➢ A-assessment
➢ C-control
4. Enumerate the original 5s with definition.
The 5s principles are:
i. Seiri - Seiri means Sort in English. This principle means that it is important to identify which tools and
equipment are needed for an operation. clearing out unnecessary items means that you are making
space for the important ones.

ii. Seiton - Seiton means Set in Order in English. This principle means that it is important to organize the
tools and equipment before and after a certain operation.

iii. Seiso - Seiso means Shine in English. This principle means that it is important to maintain the tools,
equipment, and workplace areas. This principle is achieved by cleaning the floors of the workplace,
servicing the tools and equipment before and after operation, and making sure that the whole
workplace is spotless clean.

iv. Seiketsu - Seiketsu means Standardize in English. This principle is about creating a plan or an ordinance
that will successfully execute the 3 said principles above. It is about implementation of proper
procedures that can boost the efficiency of the workplace.
v. Shitsuke - Shitsuke means Sustain in English. This Principle is about a collaborative effort of the
administrators and the workers. The administrators are responsible in creating a team of disciplined
individuals inside their workplace and the workers are expected to follow the disciplines not only inside
the workplace but also outside. Shitsuke is about sustaining the values inside the workplace and
following it as a way of life.

II. Definition of terms. Define the following in your own words.

1. Electricity
- Electricity is an energy that is built up from one place and flows to another. Electricity is produced by
induction, friction, and chemical reaction.
2. Voltage
- Voltage is the force that flows the current within the circuit
3. Current
- Current is defined as the flow of electrons inside a circuit.
4. Accident
- Accident is any unwanted incident that can result from bodily harm or worse, death.
5. Hazard
- Hazard is any object, setting, or scenario that may impose accidents if not anticipated.
6. Splice
- Splice is the fusion of two or more conductors which intends to create a permanent electrical and
mechanical bond.
7. Tools
- Tools are any equipment or instrument that intends to ease the user’s work
8. Preventive maintenance
- Preventive maintenance is the routine maintenance of any tools and equipment with the purpose of
preventing unwanted failure
9. Series circuit
- Series circuit is a type of circuit that has the components connected from end-to-end that forms a single
flow of current. When a path of electricity is interrupted or broken, the flow of current will be halted.
10. Parallel circuit
- Parallel circuit is a type of circuit that has the components connected through each other’s lead that forms
one or more flow of current. When a path of electricity is interrupted or broken, the current will still flow.

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