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UNIT TEST - IV (2023-2024)

S. No Subject Chapter No. Chapter Name
1. English Course Book
CH-8 A Girl with a Dozen Legs
CH-9 On Top of the World
CH-10 I Don’t Want To
POEM- Don’t Give Up (Speaking Skills)

Grammar CH-8 Verbs

CH-9 Adverbs

Creative Writing Notice Writing

Reading Comprehension Unseen Passage

2. Hindi Course Book

पाठ -11 ओणम
पाठ - 12 पत्तों का खेल
पाठ - 14 बोंदर - बााँ ट
Grammar उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय , काल , विराम विह्न

Creative writing & Letter अनुच्छेद लेखन, पत्र लेखन

पवठत र्द्ाों श , अपवठत र्द्ाों श
Reading Comprehension
3. Mathematics Course book
CH-7 Fractions
CH- 8 Decimals
CH-12 Time
CH-11 Perimeter and Area (only for project )
4. Science Course book
CH- 9 Animals and Their Young Ones
CH-10 How Animals Survive
CH- 12 Air, Water, and Weather
CH- 14 Keeping Our Earth Green (Only for Project)
5. SST Course book
CH- 8 The Climate of our Country
CH-13 Our Mineral Wealth (Map work too)
CH- 14 Agriculture and industries (Map work too)
CH- 17 Our Culture and Heritage(Only for creative
CH- 20 Our National symbols(Only for Project)
(Project & Group Discussion)

6. Computer Course book

Science CH-6 (Practical) Step -wise thinking
CH-7 (Theory & Practical) Features of file management
CH-8 (Theory & Practical) Coding club
7. General Course book
knowledge CH- 8 Science (pg : 54- 60)
CH- 9 Life Skills (pg : 62- 65)
CH- 10
Figure It Out (pg : 67- 75)
8. Kannada Course book
CH - 7 ಗದ್ಯ ಪಾಠ - ಸಹನೆ
CH- 4
ಪದ್ಯ ಪಾಠ - ಹಲ್ಲು ತಪಾಸಣೆ
Grammar ನಾಮಪದ್& ವಿಧಗಳು
ಪರ ಕಟಿತ ಗದ್ಯಯ oಶ
Reading comprehension

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