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Social StudieS
Exercises: C.B Page no: (45)
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. High land which is almost flat on the top is called a plateau .
2. On the north-east boarder of the Malwa Plateau lie the Raj Mahal Hills.
3. The Southern Plateau is divided into two parts by the Narmada valley.
4. Black soil found in the Deccan Plateau is very good for cotton.
5. The Deccan Plateau is bound by the Western and Eastern Ghats.
6. Rice is grown in the delta region of the Krishna and Godavari rivers.

B. Write T for True and F for False Sentences.

1. The Southern Plateau covers a large area than the Northern Plains.T
2. Most of the land in the Deccan Plateau slopes from west to east. T
3. The rivers in the Southern Plateau are fed by melting snow in mountains.F
4. The rivers in the Northern Plains flow faster than those in the Deccan Plateau.F
5. The Central Highlands are very rich in minerals.T
6. Black soil is good for oilseeds.F

C. Match the columns.`

1. Rajmahal Hills - a. Arabian Sea
2. Gold mines - b. Sharavati River
3. Jog Falls - c. North-East border of Souther Plateau
4. Tapi river - d. Kolar
(Answrers:1.(c), 2.(d), 3.(b), 4.(a) )

D. Multiple choice questions.

1. The Southern Plateau is bounded on the east and west by
a. The Aravali Range b. the hilly regions called Ghats
c. The Rajmahal Hills d. the Narmada Valley
2. Which of these states is not included in the Deccan Plateau?
a. Jharkhand b. Chhattisgarh c. Madhya Pradesh d. Tamil Nadu
3. Which of these rivers flow from east to west?
a. Mahanadi b. Godavari c. Narmada d. none of these
4. Which of these rivers is fed by melting snow?
a. Yamuna b. Mahanadi c. Godavari d. Narmada
5. Black soil is especially good for
a. wheat b. rice c. millets d. cotton

Notebook work
I. Key words
1. tamasha: a kind of dance-drama popular in Maharashtra.
2. plateau: a large and flat area of land which higher than the land around it.
3. seasonal rivers: rain-fed rivers that dry up during summers.

II. Answer the following questions.

Q1. What is a Plateau? What landforms border the Southern Plateau? [Ans C.B Page no:39]
Ans. A large and flat area of land which is higher than the land around it. The Southern Plateau is bound by
the Aravali Range on the north-west, the Rajmahal hills on the north-east and the Western Ghats in the
west and by the Eastern Ghats in the east.

Q2. In what ways are the river of Deccan Plateau different from those of the Northern Plains? [Ans
C.B Page no:40 and 41]
Ans. The rivers of the Deccan Plateau are fed by rain and have very little water during the hot summer
months. The rivers of the Northern Plains are fed by the melting snow in the mountains and have water
throughout the year. The rivers in the Deccan Plateau flow much faster than the rivers of the Northern
Plains because the land is uneven. Hence, there are more waterfalls in these rivers than the rivers in the
Northern plains.
Q3. Parts of which states are included in the (a) Malwa Plateau (b) Chota Nagpur Plateau? [Write in
Ans. Malwa Plateau - Malwa region includes districts of western Madhya Pradesh and parts of
south-eastern Rajasthan.
Chota Nagpur Plateau - The Chota Nagpur Plateau is a plateau in eastern India, which covers much of
Jharkhand state as well as adjacent parts of Odisha, Bihar ,West Bengal and

Q4. Name three minerals found in Southern Plateau. [Write in N.B.]

Ans.The three minerals found here is coal, iron ore, mica and manganese.

Q5. Why are cotton and sugar cane grown in large areas of Deccan Plateau?
[Ans C.B Page no:41]
Ans. Large part of the Deccan Plateau have Black soil, which is suitable for cotton cultivation and to grow
sugarcane and cotton.

Q6. Why do most rivers in the Deccan Plateau flow from west to east?[Write in N.B.]
Ans.The Deccan Plateau is higher in the west and slopes gently eastwards. This would imply that most
Deccan plateau rivers flow from west to east.

Q7. Many rivers in the Southern Plateau dries up during summers. Why?[Write in N.B.]
Ans. The rivers of the Deccan Plateau are non - perennial because they depend only on rain for water and
get dried up in summer due to absence of rain. The rivers are non-navigable because they mainly flow
through the hilly regions.

Q8. Name three Plateaus which form part of the Southern Plateau. [Write in N.B.]
Ans.The three plateaus part of Southern Plateau are Deccan plateau, Malwa Plateau and Chota Nagpur

III.HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills)

Q1. There iron and steel industry in the Chota Nagpur {lateau is very well developed/Where do you
think is the reason for this? [Write in N.B.]
Ans. The iron and steel industry is well developed in the Chota Nagput Plateau it has large deposits of iron
ore and coal which are the raw material for the iron and steel industry.


Assertion (A) & Reason (R) based questions.

1. Assertion (A): The plateau is a high land which is almost flat at the top.
Reason (R): The Plateau forms large part of the India's mainland.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason [R] are correct but Reason IR) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason [R] is true.

2.Assertion (A): Many rivers in Malwa plateau join Ganga and Yamuna.
Reason (R): Malwa plateau slopes towards the north.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason [R] are correct but Reason IR) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason [R] is true.

3.Assertion (A): Bengaluru is known as garden city.

Reason (R): It has many parks and green lands.

(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason [R] are correct but Reason IR) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason [R] is true.

4. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow
The Deccan plateau is one of the largest in southern Asia. Geographically, it is located to the south of the
Gangetic plains, between the mountain ranges, the western ghats, and the eastern ghats, and is described as
the peninsular region between these mountain ranges to the south of the Narmada River. It is bounded by the
Satpura and Vindhya Himalayan ranges in the north. The area surrounded by water from the three sides is
termed a peninsula, and the area of flat land raised above sea level is called a plateau. Hence, the Deccan
plateau is referred to as the peninsular plateau because three rivers surround it. It consists of precious stones
and is rich in minerals such as mica, coal, iron ore, asbestos, and kyanite. It is almost triangular in shape and
approximately covers an area of about five lakhs sq km.

a. Deccan Plateau is bound by ________ and ___________ranges in the north.

b. Why is Deccan Plateau referred to as peninsular plateau?
c. The area of Deccan plateau is approximately ______ sq. km.


Exercises C.B Page no: (54)

A. Fill in the blanks

1. The Western and Eastern coasts of India meet at Kanyakumari .
2. Lagoons are salt water lakes, which get cut off from the sea.
3. Mumbai Port is the largest port of India.
4. Goa lies in the Konkan Coast of the Western Coastal Plain.
5. Cellular jail in Port Blair was used to jail Indian freedom fighters.
6. Odissi is the famous dance of Odisha.

B. Match the columns
1. Konkan Coast a. Tamil Nadu
2. Coromandel Coast b. Andaman Nicobar Islands
3. Coral islands c. Lakshadweep islands
4. Indira Point d. Western Coastal Plains
5. Vivekananda Rock Memorial e. Eastern Coastal Plains
Ans: (1-d, 2-e, 3-c, 4-b, 5-a)

C. Multiple choice questions.

1. Which of these coasts lie in the Western Coastal Plain?
a. Konkan Coast b. Malabar Coast c. Gujarat Coast d. All of these
2. Which of these is a port city?
a. Delhi b. Bengaluru c. Hyderabad d. Chennai
3. Which of these ports is also a ship-building centre?
a. Mumbai b. Vishakapatanam c. Kolkata d. Kandla
4. The Aurobindo Ashram can be found in
a. Andra Pradesh b. Tamil Nadu c. Odisha d. Puducherry
5. An important seaport of Karnataka is
a. Cochin b. Kavaratti c. Vishakapatnam d. Mangalore
6. The Gir Forest, which is home to the Asiatic lion is located in
a. Gujarat b. Maharashtra c. Andhra Pradesh d. Kerala

Notebook work

I. Key Words.

1. port: a place by the sea or a river where ships can be loaded and unloaded.
2. coral: a small sea creature that lives in large groups; they produce a hard substance that
can grow to form islands
3. lagoon: an area of sea water that is separated from the sea.

II. Answer the following questions.

Q1. What is the advantage of a long coastline? [Ans C.B Page no:49]
Ans. a. The country has more sea life.
b. Better fishing for fisherman and locals who love seafood.
c. Better resources can be mined from under the water.
d. Better quality beaches for tourists which would bring in money for the country.

Q2. Through which states do the Western and Eastern Coastal Plains pass?
[Ans C.B Page no:49]
Ans. Western coastal plains passes through Gujarat to Kerala Eastern coastal passes through
West Bengal to Kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu).

Q3. Why are so many toursists attracted to Goa? [Ans C.B Page no:51]
Ans. Goa is one of the most favorite destination among Indian tourists due to its pristine beaches.

Q4. Why are the Lakshadweep Islands referred to as ‘coral islands’ ?

[Ans C.B Page no:50]
Ans. Many of the Lakshadweep Islands are made up of corals, the deposits of skeletons of any
animal. That is why they are called the coral islands.

Q5. How is it that so many people in Puducherry know French? [Ans C.B Page no:53]
Ans. Before independence, many French colonies were situated in certain parts of India, such as Goa
and Puducherry, and they ruled these areas. Now, the people from these former colonies are
Indian citizens, and they often retain knowledge of their forefathers' languages. Therefore, the
people of Puducherry are known to have knowledge of French.

Q6. Which is the southern-most tip of (a) the Indian mainland, (b) India? [Write in N.B.]
Ans. (a) Kanyakumari, (b)Indira Point

Q7. Name two important ports in each of the two coastal plains. [Ans C.B Page no:49]
Ans. Kandla Port in Gujarat and Chennai in Tamil Nadu.

Q8. Name four major occupations of the people of the coastal plains. [Write in N.B.]
Ans. The major occupations are agriculture,fishing,sailing and jute cultivation.

Q9. Name four main industries of Gujarat. [Write in N.B.]

Ans.The four main Industries of gujarat are textiles, petroleum, fertilisers, salt and diamond.

III.HOTS. High Order Thinking Skills.

Q1. Why is fishing such an important occupation of the people living in the coastal areas and islands
of India? [Write in N.B.]
Ans. Fishing is an important occupation for the people living in the coastal areas as they live near
the sea,which is rich in Marine life.


Assertion (A) & Reason (R) based questions.

1. Assertion (A): Northern plains of India receive some rainfall in winter.

Reason (R): North-East monsoon is active in winter.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are correct, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion [A].
(c) Assertion [A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion [A] is false, but Reason [R] is true.

1. Learn the names of States along the Coastal Plains with the Capitals.


Chapter 10 Soils of India

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Soil is an important natural resource.

2. The alluvial soil of the Northern Plains is very fertile
3. Cotton grows best in black soil
4. Desert soil contains mainly Sand and is not fertile.

B. Write T for true and F for false sentences.

1. Soil is made by breaking up of rocks. T

2. Black soil is more fertile than red soil. T
3. Mountain soil is very fertile. T
4. Soil erosion can be controlled by planting trees. T

C. Match the columns.

1. Desert soil a. Rice

2. Laterite soil b. Cotton
3. Black soil c. Rajasthan
4. Red soil d. Coffee
5. Alluvial soil e. Jowar, bajra
Ans:( 1.c , 2.b , 3.b , 4.e , 5.a )

D. Map work 18 and 19 (for practice)

1. Locate, label and name the following on the outline map of India:

a. Two states having alluvial soil b. Two states having red soil
c. Two states having black soil d. Two states having laterite soil

Chapter 11 Forests of India

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. The timber we get from trees is used to build houses.

2. Evergreen forests require a warm place with plenty of rainfall.
3. Paces with sandy soil and little rainfall will have thorny forests.
4. Sunderlal Bahuguna led the Chipko Movement to prevent cutting down of trees.

B. Match the tree with the forest in which it grows best.

1. Rosewood a. Marshy forest
2. Keekar b. Evergreen forest
3. Sundari c. Coniferous forest
4. Pine d. Thorn forest
5. Sheesham e .Deciduous forest
Ans:( 1.b , 2.d , 3.a , 4.c , 5.e )

C, Multiple choice questions

1. Which of these do we not get from trees?
a. Timber b. plastics c. rubber d.medicines
2. Teak and sal trees grow best in
a. evergreen forests b.deciduous forests c. thorn forests d. mountain forests
3. In which type of forest will you find trees with needle-like leaves?
a. evergreen forests b. deciduous forests c. tidal forest d. Mountain forests
4. In which of these areas will you find thorn forests?
a. mountain b. marsh land c. land with low rainfall d. land with heavy rainfall
5. What kind of forest will you find in the Sunderbans?
a. coniferous forest b.tidal forest c. deciduous forest d. thorn forest

Chapter 15 Means of Transport

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. National Highway connect important cities in India.
2. The underground railway in Kolkata and Delhi is called Suburban taains.
3. Helicopters are flying machines that can land where aeroplanes cannot.
4. Mumbai is the largest seaport in India.

B.Write T for true and F for false sentences.

1. India has the largest railway network in the world. F
2. The coming of private airlines has made air travel in India more expensive. F
3. Transporting goods by ships is cheaper than by train.T
4. Water transport is very useful for taking food and medicines to affected people during floods.F

C.Multiple choice questions
1. Which of these is a mode of travel?
a. Railways b. waterways c. airways d. all of these
2. Which of these is the cheapest means of transporting goods?
a. train b. aeroplane c. ship d. bus
3. Which of these is the fastest mode of transport?
a. Train b. aeroplane c. ship d. bus
4. The best mode of transport for sending relief supplies to flood affected areas is:
a. train b. bus c. aeroplane d. helicopter
5. The main reason for the increase in number of people travelling by air in India in the
past few years is:
a .people like to travel fast b. air travel has become cheaper
c. more aeroplanes are being built d. air travel is safe



Write the names of the states where the following are situated.

1. Chitrakoot Falls ___________________.

2. Betla National Park_________________.
3. Golconda Fort _____________________.
4. Sanchi Stupa ______________________.
5. Gol Gumbaz ______________________ .
6. Gateway of India ___________________.

7. Write the important facts about the given states.

States Important Facts

Madhya Pradesh Important cities:

Tourist Attractions:

Famous for:

Chhattisgarh Important cities:

Tourist Attractions:

Famous for:

Jharkhand Important cities:

Tourist Attractions:

Famous for:

Odisha Important cities:

Tourist Attractions:

Famous for:

Andhra Pradesh & Important cities:

Telangana Tourist Attractions:

Famous for:

Tamil Nadu Important cities:

Tourist Attractions:

Famous for:


Fill in the blanks ,choose the words from the box.

Beaches Kolar Basilica of Bom Saurasht Port Blair Visakhapatnam

Gateway of St. Francis of Pongal Maitri Sivakasi Bihu
India Assisi Mandir
1.________________ in Tamil Nadu is famous for its firecracker factories.
2._________________ is the harvest festival of Tamil Nadu.
3. _________________ has a large part and a big shipyard.
4.__________________ is the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
5. Auroville in Puducherry is famous for the______________.
6.________________ is famous for Gir forests.
7. _________________ is a landmark of Mumbai.
8.________________________ gold mines are located in Karnataka.
9. Goa is a land of ___________________.
10. Two famous churches of Goa are ______________and ________________.
11. Complete the following table:
Name of the Capital Occupation Dance Festival Language







ಗದ್ಯ ಪಾಠ -3


I. ಹೆೊಸ ಪದ್ಗಳು (New words)

1. ಸಮಾಧಾನ -Satisfaction of mind/ Peace of mind
2. ಸಂದ ೇಹ -Doubt
3. ಸಭ - Meeting
4. ಹ ೊರನಾಡು - Abroad
5. ಗೌರವ -Respect
6. ಸಂಬಧಿಕರು - Relatives
7. ಪ್ರಭು - Lord
8. ಆಸ್ಾಾನ - Court
9. ಲ ಕ್ಾಾಚಾರ -Calculate
10. ವಿಶ್ರಾಂತಿ - Rest

II. ಬಿಟ್ು ಸಥಳಗಳನ್ಟನ ಆವರಣದ್ಲ್ಲಿ ನೀಡಿರಟವ ಸರಿಯಾದ್ ಪದ್ಗಳನ್ಟನ ಆರಿಸಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ.

( Choose the correct answer and fill the blanks)
( ಮೂರು, ಬುದ್ದಿವಂತಿಕೆಯನ್ುು, ಎಷ್ುು? )
1. ಅಕಬರ ಬಾದಶಹನು ಮಂತ್ರರಗಳ ಬುದ್ದಿವಂತಿಕೆಯನ್ುು ಪ್ರೇಕ್ಷಿಸುತ್ರಿದನ
ದ ು.
2. ದ ಹಲಿಯಲಿಿ ಈಗ ಎಷ್ುು ಕ್ಾಗ ಗಳಿರಬಹುದು?
3. ಬೇರಬಲ್ಿ 'ನನಗ ಮೂರು ದಿನಗಳ ಕ್ಾಲಾವಕ್ಾಶಬ ೇಕು' ಎಂದು ಕ್ ೇಳಿದ.

III. ಹೆೊೊಂದಿಸಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ. (Match the following)

(ಅ) (ಬ )

1. ಸಮಾಧಾನ ನ ಮಮದಿ
2. ಪ್ರದ ೇಶ ಹ ೊರನಾಡು
3. ನ ಂಟರು ಬಂಧುಗಳು
4. ಕ್ಾಣಿಕ್ ಬಹುಮಾನ

IV. ಕೆಳಗಿನ್ ಪದ್ಗಳಿಗೆ ವಿರಟದ್ಾಾರ್ಥಕ ಪದ್ಗಳನ್ಟನ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ. (Write the Opposite words for given
1. ಹಗಲ್ು x ರಾತ್ರರ
2. ಜಾಣ x ದಡಡ
3. ಪ್ರಶ್ ೆ x ಉತ್ಿರ

V. ಕೆಳಗಿನ್ ಪರಶ್ೆನಗಳಿಗೆ ಒೊಂದ್ಟ ವಾಕಯದ್ಲ್ಲಿ ಉತ್ತರಿಸಿರಿ.

(Answer the following questions in one sentence)

1. ಅಕಬರನ ಒಡ ೊಡೇಲ್ಗ ನಡ ಯುವಾಗ ಒಳಗ ಏನು ಬಂದವು ?

ಉತ್ಿರ: ಅಕಬರನ ಒಡ ೊಡೇಲ್ಗ ನಡ ಯುವಾಗ ಒಳಗ ಕ್ಾಗ ಗಳು ಬಂದವು.
2. 'ಗಣತ್ರ' ಈ ಪ್ದದ ಅರ್ಥವ ೇನು?
ಉತ್ಿರ: ಗಣತ್ರ ಅಂದರ ಲ ಕಾ ಹಾಕುವುದು ಎಂದರ್ಥ.
3. ಕ್ಾಗ ಎಣಿಸಲ್ು ಬೇರಬಲ್ಿ ಎಷ್ುು ದಿನಗಳ ಕ್ಾಲಾವಕ್ಾಶ ಕ ೇಳಿದನು ?
ಉತ್ಿರ : ಕ್ಾಗ ಎಣಿಸಲ್ು ಬೇರಬಲ್ಿ ಮೊರು ದಿನಗಳ ಕ್ಾಲಾವಕ್ಾಶ ಕ ೇಳಿದನು

VI. ಕೆಳಗಿನ್ ಪದ್ಗಳನ್ಟನ ಕೊಡಿಸಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ.(Join and Write)

1. ಕ್ಾಲ್ + ಅವಕ್ಾಶ = ಕ್ಾಲಾವಕ್ಾಶ
2. ಐವತ್ುಿ + ಒಂದು= ಐವತ ೊಿಂದು
3. ನಗರ + ಅಲಿಿ= ನಗರದಲಿಿ
4. ಪ್ರ + ದ ೇಶ = ಪ್ರದ ೇಶ
VII. ಸವೊಂತ್ ವಾಕಯದ್ಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ. (Write in own sentence)
1. ಜ್ಣ : ನ್ವು ಯ್ವ್ಗಲು ಜ್ಣತನದಾಂದ ಕ ಲಸ ಮ್ಡಬ ೇಕು.
2. ವಿಶ್ರಾಂತಿ : ಮರದಲ್ಲಿ ಪಕ್ಷಿಗಳು ವಿಶ್ರಾಂತಿ ತ ಗ ದುಕ ೊಳುುತತವ .

ಪದ್ಯ ಪಾಠ -3
ಪುಟ್ುನ್ ಗಾಳಿಪಟ್
I. ಹೊಸ ಪದ್ಗಳು
1. ಗಾಳಿಪ್ಟ - Kite
2. ಕ್ಾಸು – Money
3. ಸಿಲ್ುಕು – Stuck
4. ಪ ಚ್ುು - Dullness
5. ಜಂಭ – Pride/Atitude
6. ದಾರ -Thread

7. ಉದದ - Length
8. ಬಳಗ - Team
9. ತ್ಲ್ುಪ್ು - Reach
10. ವಿಶ್ರಾಂತಿ - Rest

II. ಬಿಟ್ು ಸಥಳಗಳನ್ಟನ ಆವರಣದ್ಲ್ಲಿ ನೀಡಿರಟವ ಸರಿಯಾದ್ ಪದ್ಗಳನ್ಟನ ಆರಿಸಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ.

( Choose the correct answer and fill the blanks)
( ಬಾಲೊಂಗೆೊೀಚಿ, ಕಟಣಿದ್ಾಡಿ, ಹಾಳೆಯ)
1. ಪ್ುಟುನು ಓಡಿದ ಕಟಣಿದ್ಾಡಿ.
2. ಹಸುರನ ಹಾಳೆಯ ಗಾಳಿಪ್ಟ.
3. ಉದದದ ಬಾಲೊಂಗೆೊೀಚಿ ಯಿದ ಗಗನಕ್ ತ್ಲ್ುಪ್ುವ ದಾರವಿದ .

III. ಕೆಳಗಿನ್ ಪದ್ಗಳನ್ಟನ ಬಿಡಿಸಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ. (Split and write)

1. ಕುಣಿದಾಡಿ = ಕುಣಿದು + ಆಡಿ
2. ಮನ ಯಾಚ = ಮನ ಯ+ ಆಚ
3. ಓಡ ೊೇಡಿ = ಓಡಿ + ಓಡಿ
4. ಪಾಲಾಯುಿ = ಪಾಲ್ು + ಆಯುಿ
IV. ಪದ್ಯ ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳಿಸಿ (Complete the poem)
ಹಸುರಿನ್ ಹ್ಳ ಯ ಗಾಳಿಪ್ಟ
ಕ್ಾಸಿಗ ಕ್ ೊಂಡನು ನಮ್ ಪ್ುಟು
ನಡ ದನು ಪ್ುಟುನು ಮನ ಯಾಚ
ಗ ಳ ಯರ ಬಳಗವ ಕರೆಯಲಿಕೆ.

V. ಕೆಳಗಿನ್ ಪರಶ್ೆನಗಳಿಗೆ ಒೊಂದ್ಟ ವಾಕಯದ್ಲ್ಲಿ ಉತ್ತರಿಸಿರಿ.

(Answer the following questions in one sentence)
1. ಗ್ಳಿಪಟವು ಯ್ರ ಕ ೈಯಲ್ಲಿ ಇತುತ?
ಉತತರ: ಗ್ಳಿಪಟವು ಪುಟಟನ ಕ ೈಯಲ್ಲಿ ಇತುತ .
2. ಗ್ಳಿಪಟವು ಎಲ್ಲಿ ಸಿಲುಕಿತುತ ?
ಉತತರ: ಗ್ಳಿಪಟವು ಮರಕ ೆ ಸಿಲುಕಿತುತ .
3. ಗ್ಳಿಪಟ ಯ್ರ ಪ್ಲ್ಯಿತು?
ಉತತರ: ಗ್ಳಿಪಟ ಗ ಳ ಯರ ಪ್ಲ್ಯಿತು.

VI. ಸವೊಂತ್ ವಾಕಯದ್ಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ. (Write in own sentence)

1. ಗ್ಳಿಪಟ : ಆಕ್ಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಣಣ ಬಣಣದ ಗ್ಳಿಪಟ ಹ್ರುತಿತವ .
2. ಕರಗು : ಬಡವರನುು ನ ೊೇಡಿದ್ಗ ನನು ಮನಸುು ಕರಗಿತು.

* ಲೆೀಖನ್ ಚಿಹೆನಗಳು ಮತ್ಟತ ಅವುಗಳನ್ಟನ ಬಳಸಟವ ವಿಧಾನ್.
1. ಪೂಣಣ ವಿರ್ಮ/ Full stop (.) - ಒಾಂದು ಪೂಣಣ ಕಿರಯೆಯಿಾಂದ ಕೊಡಿದ ವ್ಕಯದ ಕ ೊನ ಯಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ಪೂಣಣ ವಿರ್ಮ
ಚಿಹ ುಯನುು ಬರ ಯಬ ೇಕು.
ಉದ್ಹರಣ : a. ರ್ಮನು ಮರವನುು ಕಡಿದನು.
b. ವಿದ್ಯರ್ಥಣಗಳು ಪದಯವನುು ಹ್ಡುತ್ತರ .
2. ಅರ್ಣ ವಿರ್ಮ/Semicolon (;) - ಅನ ೇಕ ಉಪವ್ಕಯಗಳು ಒಾಂದು ಪರಧ್ನ ವ್ಕಯಕ ೆ ಅಧೇನವ್ಗಿದ್ಾಗ, ಆ
ಉಪವ್ಕಯಗಳ ಕ ೊನ ಗ ಬರುವ ಚಿಹ ು.
ಉದ್ರಣ : ಅಾಂದು ಮಳ ಬಾಂದತು; ಆದಾರಾಂದ ಆಟವ್ಡಲ್ಲಲಿ.
3. ಅಲಪ ವಿರ್ಮ/Comma (,) - ಒಾಂದು ಕಿರಯ್ಪದಕ ೆ ಹ ೊಾಂದಕ ೊಾಂಡು ಬರುವ ಬ ೇರ ಬ ೇರ ಪದಗಳನುು ಪರತ ಯೇಕಿಸುವುದು.
ಉದ್ಹರಣ - ರ್ಮನು ಬುದಿವಾಂತನೊ, ಆಟಗ್ರನೊ ,ಗುಣವಾಂತನೊ ಆಗಿದ್ಾನ .

4. ಪರಶ್ುರ್ಣಕ ಚಿಹ ು/Question mark (?) - ಪರಶ್ುರ್ಣಕ ಪದ ಅರ್ವ್ ವ್ಕಯದ ಮುಾಂದ ಹ್ಕುವ ಚಿಹ ು.
ಉದ್ಹರಣ : a. ನೇನು ಯ್ರು?
b. ಕನ್ಣಟಕದ ರ್ಜಧ್ನ ಯ್ವುದು?
5. ಭ್ವಸೊಚಕ ಚಿಹ ು/Exclamation(!) - ಹರ್ಣ, ಆಶಚಯಣ, ಕ ೊೇಪ, ಮೊದಲ್ದ ಭ್ವನ ಗಳನುು ಪರಕಟಿಸುವ ಶಬಾಗಳ
ಮತುತ ವ್ಕಯಗಳ ಕ ೊನ ಗ ಹ್ಕುವ ಚಿಹ ು.
ಉದ್ಹರಣ : ಆಹ್! ಮೈಸೊರು ದಸರ್ ಎಷ ೊಟಾಂದು ಸುಾಂದರವ್ಗಿದ !

* ಪರಕಟಿತ್ ಗದ್ಾಯೊಂಶ : ( Seen passage)

ಒಗಗಟಿುನ್ಲ್ಲಿ ಬಲವಿದ್ೆ.
ಒಾಂದು ಊರನಲ್ಲಿ ಒಬಬ ರ ೈತನದಾನು. ಅವನಗ ಮೊರು ಜನ ಮಕೆಳಿದಾರು. ಆ ಮೊವರು ಯ್ವ್ಗಲೊ ತಮಮ ತಮಮಲ್ಲಿ
ಜಗಳವ್ಡುತಿತದಾರು. ಅವರ ತಾಂದ ಯು ಎಷ ಟೇ ಬುದಾವ್ದ ಹ ೇಳಿದರೊ ಅವರು ಕ ೇಳುತಿತರಲ್ಲಲಿ. ಅದಕ ೆ ರ ೈತನು ಒಾಂದು
ಉಪ್ಯವನುು ಯೇಚಿಸಿದನು.
ಒಾಂದು ದನ ಉದಾನ ಯ ಹತುತ ಸೌದ ಯ ತುಾಂಡುಗಳನುು ಒಾಂದು ಹಗಗದಾಂದ ಬಿಗಿಯ್ಗಿ ಕಟಿಟ ಆ ಕಟಟನುು ತನು ಮಕೆಳ
ಮುಾಂದರಸಿದನು. "ಮಕೆಳ ೇ, ನಮಮ ಮುಾಂದರುವ ಈ ಸೌದ ಯ ಹ ೊರ ಯನುು ಹಗಗ ಬಿಚಚದ ಹ್ಗ ಯೆೇ ಮುರಯಿರ
ನ ೊೇಡ ೊೇಣ" ಎಾಂದನು. ತಾಂದ ಯ ಆಜ್ಞ ಯಾಂತ ಮೊವರು ಒಬ ೊಬಬಬರ್ಗಿ ತಮಮಲ್ಿ ಶಕಿತಯನುು ಉಪಯೇಗಿಸಿ ನ ೊೇಡಿದರು.
ಆದರ ಸೌದ ಯ ಹ ೊರ ಮುರಯಲ್ಲಲಿ. ಆಗ ರ ೈತನು ಮೊವರು ಕೊಡಿ ಹ ೊರ ಯನುು ಮುರಯಲು ಪರಯತಿುಸಿರ" ಎಾಂದನು.
ಆಗ ಮೊವರು ಒಟುಟಗೊಡಿದರು. ಒಾಂದು ನಮಿರ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಅವರು ತಮಮ ಎಲ್ಿ ಶಕಿತಯಿಾಂದ ಸೌದ ಯ ಹ ೊರ ಯನುು ಮುರದು
ಹ್ಕಿದರು. "ಒಗಗಟಿಟನಲ್ಲಿ ಬಲವಿದ ." ಎಾಂದು ಮಕೆಳಿಗ ಬುದಾವ್ದ ಹ ೇಳಿದನು.
1. ರ ೈತನಗ ಮೊವರಟ ಮಕೆಳಿದಾರು.
2. ಕ ಳಗಿನ ಪದಗಳಿಗ ಆಾಂಗಿ ಭ್ಷ ಯಲ್ಲಿ ಅರ್ಣ ಬರ ಯಿರ.
a. ಉಪ್ಯ -Idea b. ಶಕಿತ - Power
3. ರ ೈತನು ಮಕೆಳಿಗ ಏನನುು ಮುರಯಲು ಹ ೇಳಿದನು?
ಉತತರ: ರ ೈತನು ಮಕೆಳಿಗ ಸೌದ ಹ ೊರ ಯನುು ಮುರಯಲು ಹ ೇಳಿದನು.





A. Fill in the blanks with the help box the given words.

Internet Microsoft information refresh Bing

1. Internet is a worldwide computer network.

2. Internet is like a big book of information.

3. Internet Explorer is a web browser from Microsoft.

4. Internet Explorer uses the Bing search engine by default.

5. The refresh button reloads the current website.

B. Tick the correct option.

1. navigate a website you type a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) in the ____________________.

a. Address Bar b. Tools Bar c. Menu Bar d. Title Bar

2. To create a new tab, Click the _______________tab button.

a. Insert b. View c. Create d. New
3. ___________________ is the web browser from Google.
a. Microsoft b. Google chrome c. Yahoo d. Firefox

4. The ______________ buttons allow you to move between sides, you have recently visited.
a. Close b. Restore c. Back & Forward d. refresh

5. _______________ is a great way to save a website that you wish to view later in Google chrome.
a. Bookmark b. Star c. Favorites d. Highlight

C. Shivam wants to connect the internet at his home. His father has asked him to find out thr

requirements. Help him with the requirements to connect to the internet. Write their names as well as

the work they perform. (Hots)

Ans: A computer requires the following things to connect to the Internet.

Router: It is the medium used to transfer the information between computer networks.

Modem: It is derived from the word modulator-demodulator. It converts digital signals from

the computer in another form that can be transmitted over telephone wires and vice versa.

Internet connection: It is a connection provided by an Internet Service Provider (ISP) company.

For example, Bharti Airtel, MTNL, BSNL, TATA, Reliance, etc. These companies

provide Internet access to the users.

Web Browser: It is a software that is needed to access the Internet. It is installed on the



A.It is cricket IPL session. Nischay wants to search for the schedule of all the matches. Help
him with the search phrases. Which storage devices would you choose to store the
Ans: Nischay should search the result using any search engine with the key word “ IPL schedule
for 2023 ”.
B. Look at the following search results and identify the keywords.
Ans:1. Teak tree and Soil Erosion, Bruk- Gilman trail vegetation management, Soil and the
2. Rocks and minerals

4. Download
5. WWW
6. Netiquettes
7. Facebook

1. Google
2. World Wide Web
3. Yahoo


1. What is LAN (Local Area Network)?

Ans : Local Area Network. A LAN allows users to share files between computers, send e-mail and access

the Internet. Most companies use Local Area Networks so that users can access information within or

outside the LAN.

2. What is IP Address (Internet Protocol Address)?

Ans : Each computer is assigned an IP address. These are similar to phone numbers. When you attempt to

connect to an IP address, you will connect to the computer with that IP address.

3. Explain Firewall?

Ans : A firewall is a software boundary that prevents unauthorized users from accessing restricted files on a



1. Search information about Malala Yousafzai, the girl who stood up and defended her right to
education. She is the youngest –ever laureate. Prepare presentation and share with your
2. How will you search information in your native language on the topic “Importance of internet?
Search information on the internet. Copy and Paste it in Word 2013.share it in the class.




A. Fill in the blanks with the help box the given words.

Slides notes pane New slide Slide Sorter Slide Layout

1. You can add, delete , duplicate and rearrange slides in the slides tab.

2. To insert a new slide, on the home tab, in the slides group , click the arrow of the new slide


3. Slide Layout is the arrangement of text and pictures on the slide using different types of place


4. Slide sorter view displays smaller versions of all the slides in the presentation.

5. Notes pane displays the notes created by the speaker for the content in the slide pane.

B. Tick the correct option.

1. It displays the name of the software application and the name of the file currently in use.

a. Title Bar b. Scroll Bar c. Status Bar d. Notes Bar

2. Which of the following tabs contains option like New, Open, Save, Save as and print?


3. To remove the bullets, deselect the ________________ command in the paragraph group on the

home tab.

a. Numbering b. Points c. Bullets d. Dots

4. It displays the nodes created by the speaker for the content in the slide pane..

a. Slide Pane b. Status pane c. Outline pane d. Notes pane

5. The single page of presentation is called _______________________.

a. Slide b. Pane c. Placeholder d. Layout

C. Answer the following question.

1. What is a presentation? Why do you think it is important?

Ans: i. A presentation displays information about a topic in systematic manner.

ii. It includes text, pictures, sounds, movies and special effects. It is important because you

can express your thoughts and ideas to the audience.

iii. Presentations are used at schools, offices and many other places.

2. Define a slide.
Ans: A slide is a single page of a presentation.

3. What is the purpose of a placeholder?

Ans: i. Placeholders are areas on the slide that are enclosed by dotted borders.

ii. They are needed as they contain many different items, including text, pictures and charts.
iii. They also have thumbnail-sized icons that represent specific commands such as Insert
Picture, Insert Chart and Insert ClipArt.

4. Do you think Notes pane is helpful to the speaker? Why?

Ans. Notes pane is helpful to the speaker because it displays the notes created for the content

in the slide pane.

5. List the tasks that you can do in Outline tab.

Ans: Outline tab displays the text content of each slide. You can edit your text directly from the

Outline tab.


Spot the difference between the two texts.



1. How to insert slide number on presentation?

Ans: Steps to insert slide number on PowerPoint slides:

o Navigate to the Insert

o Click on the Slide Number under the text section inside the ribbon.
o Here, you can insert the slide number on all slides.
o Mark the Slide Number checkbox and click on the Apply All
o Apply All adds the slide number to all slides in the presentation.

2. What is a Slide Sorter view?

Ans. Slide Sorter View is a view to see the slides presentation in a shorter view. It allows the users to see all

the slides in a single view.

3. What extension is used to save the PowerPoint file?

Ans. PowerPoint uses .pptx extension to save a presentation file.

4. Can we customize the PowerPoint ribbon?

Ans. Yes, PowerPoint allows its users to customize the ribbon. You can add or remove any options from it.

o Right-click on the ribbon and click on Customize the ribbon.

o Now, you can add or remove items from here.


1. Create presentation on Space Travel. Include the following information:

a. First Man in space
b. First man on Moon
c. How do astronauts survive in space?
d. Which equipment do they use during space journeys?
2. Create presentation on birds of your choice. Include the following information:
a. Where does it live?
b. What does it eat?
c. What types of nest does it build?
d. Save the presentation.


A. Tick the correct option.

1. TCP/IP is a_________________________.

a. Network hardware b. Network software c. Protocol d. None of these

2. A web address is also called a ___________________________

a. LRU b. URL c. HTTP d. None of these

3. Which of the following is used to write web pages?

a. LRU b. FTP c. HTTP d. HTML

4. _________________________is an access channel for computers to exchange information

a. socket b. port c. Gateway d. protocol

5. How many ports a computer may have______________

a.65535 b. 124 c. 69 d.1238

B. Label the components of Microsoft Edge interface.

C. Match the different browser logos with their respective names.









A. Tick the correct option.

1. TCP/IP is a________________.

a. Network hardware b. Network software c. Protocol d. None of these

2. A web address is also called a _______________

a. LRU b. URL c. LRU d. URL

3. Which of the following is used to write web pages?

a. LRU b. FTP c. HTTP d. HTML

4. an access channel for computers to exchange information

a. socket b. port c. Gateway d. protocol

5. How many ports a computer may have __________________________

a. 65535 b. 124 c.65535 d. 124

B. Label the components of Microsoft Edge interface.

C. Match the different browser logos with their respective names.









A. Label the components of power point presentation.

B. Tick the correct option.

1. Which tab is not available on left panel when you open a presentation?

i. outline ii. slides iii. notes iv. None of these

2. Which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout?

i. titles ii. lists iii. charts iv. animation

3. ______ controls all the main slide control tasks for your presentation.

i. Task pane ii. Task bar iii. Control panel iv. None of thes

4. Which menu provides you options like Animation Scheme, custom Animation, Slide Transition?

i. Insert menu ii. Format menu iii. Tools menu iv. Slide show menu


A. Label the components of power point presentation.

B. Tick the correct option.

1. Which tab is not available on left panel when you open a presentation?

i. outline ii. slides iii. notes iv. None of these

2. Which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout?

i. titles ii. lists iii. charts iv. animation

3. ______ controls all the main slide control tasks for your presentation.

i. Task ii. Task bar iii. Control panel iv. None of these

4. Which menu provides you options like Animation Scheme, custom Animation, Slide Transition?

i. Insert menu ii. Format menu iii. Tools menu iv. Slide show menu




1. dividend
2. divisor
3. quotient
4. remainder
5. equal grouping
6. equal sharing
7. long division


1. Any number divided by itself gives 1 as the quotient. E.g.,12 ÷ 12 = 1

2. Any number divided by 1 gives the number itself as the quotient. E.g.,14 ÷ 1 = 14
3. You cannot divide by ‘0’.
4. Division means equal sharing or equal grouping. Equal sharing can be done by repeated subtraction.
5. The number to be divided is called the dividend.
6. The number by which we divide is called the divisor.
7. The answer we get after division is called the quotient.
8. The number left after dividing is called the remainder.
9. Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder.



1. factor
2. array
3. factor pair
4. remainder
5. divisibility
6. factor tree
7. common factors


1. The numbers that are multiplied to get a product are called its factors.
2. 1 is the factor of every number.
3. Every number is the greatest factor of itself.
4. The factors of a number are equal to or less than the number.
5. Factor tree helps us find ways of making a number by multiplying.



1. multiples
2. factors
3. common multiples


1. A number is a multiple of itself.

2. Every number is a multiple of 1.
3. Every multiple of a number is greater than or equal to the number itself.
4. There is no end to the multiples you can get of a particular number.


1) If 9,975 kg of wheat is packed in 95 bags, how much wheat will each bag contain?




2) The total train fare for 20 persons is ₹ 7,540. What is the fare for each person?




3) Emma is planning a birthday party and wants to have 980 cupcakes for her guests. She wants to arrange
them on trays with 8 cupcakes on each tray. How many trays does she need and how many cupcakes
will be left over?




4) In an orchard of northern part of Denmark, delicious oranges are packed in boxes of 62 each. How
many boxes will be required to pack 12,896 oranges?





5) Geeta prepared dough to make cookies. The dough was enough to bake 146 cookies. In one slot she
can bake 16 cookies. How many slots does she need to bake all the cookies? How many cookies does
she bakes in last slot?




6) Ron is taking his students out on a school trip. There are 2420 students in the school. A bus can only seat
45 students. How many buses will he need to take all the students on a trip?




7) 178 trees are planted such a way that each row has 12 plants. How many rows can be made such a way
that none of the plants are left? Find number of plants in the last row.




8) How many hours are there in 1500 minutes?





1) Make 2 different factor trees for 48.

2) Show the factors and common factors of 12 and 32 on the given diagram.

3) Anish as 30 blue balloons and 45 red balloons at home. What are the possible ways he can decorate
the balloons in each row. So that each row as only red and only blue balloons.




4) Suhaas has a coin collection with twenty-four ₹5 coins and fifteen ₹10 coins. He wants to put the coins
in his album in columns such a way that each column has only ₹5 and ₹10 coins. What are the different
ways can he do this?




5) Write the first five multiples of given numbers.

a. 14 -
b. 12 -
c. 7 -
d. 9 -
e. 8 –

6) What numbers have 21, 42 and 63 as multiples?




7) What are the multiple of 9 that lies between 50 to 100?




8) A green frog hops 2 steps and red frog hops 4 steps together. What are the first 5 steps both the frogs hop




1) 9975 ÷ 95 = 105
2) 7540 20 = 377
3) 980 ÷ 8 = 122, 4 cup cakes are left
4) 12896 ÷ 62 = 208
5) 9 + 1 = 10 slots, 2 cookies
6) 53 +1= 54 buses
7) 14 + 1 = 15 rows ,10 trees left
8) 25 hours

48 48

8 6 12 4

4 2 2
4 3

2 2 2

3 2 8
6 4 16
12 1 32

3) 1,3,5,15 rows of balloons.

4) 1and 3 columns.

5) Write the multiples of given factors.

a. 14 – 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84
b. 12 - 12, 24, 36, 48, 60
c. 7 – 7, 14, 21, 28, 35
d. 9 - 9, 18, 27, 36, 45
e. 8 – 8, 16, 24, 32, 40

6) 7, 3
7) 54, 63, 72, 81, 90 and 99
8) 4th step, 8th step ,12th step ,16th step and 20th step


I. Objective type questions

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. Plants on the mountains are usually flowerless (flowering/flowerless) and have cones (fruits/cones) to
2. Plants growing in deserts store water in the stems (roots/stems), which become fleshy.
3. Leaves of underwater plants absorb gases dissolved in water (dissolved in water/from air) directly
through their surface (stomata/surface).
4. The juice of acacia (acacia/bamboo) gives us gum.
5. Tulsi (Tulsi/Sheesham) gives us medicines.

B. Choose the correct option.

1. Which of these can grow in areas of less rainfall?
a. Peepal and gulmohar b. Sheesham and sal
c. Ashok d. All of these

2. Which of these is true about trees that grow on mountains?

a. They are tall and straight b. They have a conical shape
c. They grow cones with seeds inside them d. All of these

3. Which of these help plants growing in swampy regions to breathe?

a. Breathing leaves b. Breathing stems
c. Breathing roots d. Cones and Thorns

4. Where do saprophytic plants get their nutrition from?

a. Insects that they trap b. Photosynthesis with the help of their leaves
c. Dead plants and animals d. All of these

5. Stems of which of these plants would you use to make baskets and walking sticks?
a. Bamboo b. Rubber c. Flax d. Kikar

6. Which of these refers to dry lands that receive very little rainfall?
a. Mountains b. Plains c. Deserts d. Swamps

7. Why do we find coconut trees in coastal areas?

a. Because they are tall and rain can slide off easily
b. Because the soil is sticky
c. Because coconut trees can survive in salty water
d. Because coconut trees have thorns that help them to conserve water

8. How do some plants survive under water?
a. They have no stomata
b. They have thin and narrow leaves
c. Their leaves absorb gases directly from their surface
d. All of these

II. Very short answer type questions.

A. Give two examples for each of the following.

1. Plants that grow in areas of heavy rainfall Rubber Teak

2. Plants that grow in deserts Cactus Babool
3. Underwater plants Tape grass Pondweed
4. Insectivorous plants Venus flytrap Pitcher Plant
5. Plant fibres Cotton Jute
6. Plants that give us medicines Tulsi Neem

B. Give one word for the following.

1. Plants that grow on land Terrestrial plants
2. Plants that remain green all year around Evergreen trees
3. Plants that grow in water Aquatic plants
4. Plants whose leaves are modified to trap insects. Insectivorous plants
5. Plants that cannot make their own food and absorb nutrients from dead
plants and animals. Saprophytic plants

A. Keywords
1. terrestrial plants
2. adaptation
3. photosynthesis
4. duckweed plant
5. water hyacinth
6. insectivorous plants
7. pitcher plant
8. saprophytes
9. acacia
10. eucalyptus

B. Define the following

1. Adapt: To adjust in a new living condition
2. Evergreen plants: Evergreen plants are plants that have green leaves throughout the year. Eg.
Rubber and Teak tree.
3. Saprophytic plants: Saprophytic plants are plants that cannot make their own food and absorb
nutrients from dead plants and animals. Eg. Indian Pipe and Coral Root.

C. Answer the following questions.

Q1. What are terrestrial plants? Why do different kinds of plants grow in different regions?
A1. Plants that grow on land are known as terrestrial plants. Different kinds of plants grow in different
regions because plants need to adapt to the natural conditions of that area to be able to survive.

Q2. List any three features that help desert plants save water.
A2. i. Desert plants do not have any leaves or have very few of them. Photosynthesis is thus carried out
by the green stems.
ii. They store water in the stems, which become fleshy
iii. Most plants have spines or thorns which further reduce loss of water.
Q3. Why do plants in swampy areas have breathing roots?
A3. Plants in swampy areas have breathing roots because they take in air and help a plant to breathe.
They also absorb water and minerals required for photosynthesis.

Q4. What are the different kinds of aquatic plants?

A4. Aquatic plants are of three types.
i. Floating plants-Stems of floating plants are light and spongy so that they can float on water
Eg: Duckweed
ii. Fixed plants-These plants have thin, long and hollow stems where their roots are fixed to the
bottom of the pond. Eg: Water Lily
iii. Underwater plants-These plants have thin and narrow leaves which grow under the water.
Eg: Tape grass
Q5. What are insectivorous plants? How does a Venus fly trap catch insects?
A5. Plants that are carnivorous in nature and trap insects are called insectivorous plants.
Venus flytrap has leaves that are like boxes with hinges. They have stiff hair-like structures on the
inside of the leaves. When an insect touches the hair, the leaf snaps shut, trapping the creature

Q6. Write a short note on useful plants.

A6. Some useful plants are
i. Coconut tree gives us coconut oil, coconut water, coir for making ropes as well as an edible fruit.
ii. Juice from the rubber tree is used to make rubber for tyres and pipes.
iii. Juice of acacia tree is used to make gum.
iv. Many plants such as eucalyptus, tulsi, cinchona and neem give us important medicines.
v. Trunks of trees such as sheesham, teak and sal give us wood for making furniture, doors and

D. HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills)

Q1. Why does a cactus plant not have leaves?

A1. Cactus is a desert plant. To save water cactus plant does not have leaves.

Q2. Komal says that plants can be used to dye (colour) fabrics. Do you think it is possible? How?
A2. Yes, a variety of dye colour can be obtained from plants. Indigo and madder are two most popular
plants for producing dyes. It is possible due to greater amount of pigments present in those plants.

E. Scientific Skills

Q1. Draw and label different parts of a cactus plant.

Adaptation of Cactus Plant



I. Objective type questions

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
1. Organ systems (Organisms/Organ systems) work together so that our body can function normally.
2. The circulatory (circulatory/excretory) system help to transport substances within the body.
3. Blood (Heart/Blood) is a fluid that is carried by blood vessels to all parts of the body.
4. The excretory (circulatory/excretory) system is an organ system that helps in getting rid of wastes
formed inside the body.
5. The formation of urine takes place in the kidneys (heart/kidneys).

B. Match the following.

Column A Column B
1. Circulatory system c. Transport of substances
2. Excretory system d. Removal of wastes
3. Arteries and veins b. Blood vessels
4. Kidneys e. Urine formation
5. Heart a. Pumping organ

C. Choose the correct option.

1. Which of these are transported by blood?
a. Nutrients b. Water c. Oxygen and carbon dioxide d. All of these

2. Which of these are called blood vessels?

a. Ureters and kidneys b. Heart and blood
c. Arteries and veins d. Urethra and bladder

3. Which of these help in getting rid of wastes from the body?

a. Digestive system b. Circulatory system
c. Excretory system d. None of these
4. Which of these is NOT a part of the excretory system?
a. Urinary bladder and kidneys b. Urethra and urinary bladder
c. Urine and ureters d. Heart and blood vessel

5. Which of these organs store urine?

a. Ureter b. Urinary bladder c. Kidneys d. Urethra

6. Which of these is NOT a part of the circulatory system?

a. Heart b. Blood c. Blood vessels d. Kidney

7. Where does urine get formed?

a. Kidneys b. Urinary bladder c. Heart d. Blood vessels

8. Which of these is a process by which wastes are removed by the body?

a. Circulation b. Skeleton c. Excretion d. None of these

Very short answer type questions

A. Give two examples for each of the following.

1. Organ systems of the body Excretory system Circulatory system

2. Organs of the circulatory system Heart Blood vessels
3. Substances that get transported within the system Oxygen Nutrients
4. Blood vessels Arteries Veins
5. Organs of the excretory system Kidneys Urinary bladder

A. Keywords
1. circulatory system
2. capillaries
3. blood vessels
4. arteries
5. circulation
6. urethra
7. urinary bladder
8. excretory system
9. ureters
10. excretion

B. Define the following

1. Heart – Heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood to all parts of the body.
2. Blood – Blood is a fluid that is carried by blood vessels to all the parts of the body.

C. Answer the following questions.

Q1. What do organ systems do for the body? Name any three organ systems of the human body.
A1. Organ systems work together so that our body can function normally. Different organ systems work
together to make the body to do different activities.
The different organ systems of the human body are:
1. Circulatory system - It helps to transport substances inside our body.
2. Excretory system - It helps in getting rid of wastes formed inside our body.
3. Digestive system - It helps in the digestion of food.

Q2. Differentiate between the role of excretory system and circulatory system in the body.

Excretory system Circulatory system

1. The excretory system is an organ system that 1. Circulatory system is an organ system that helps
helps in getting rid of wastes formed inside to transport substances inside our body.
our body.
2. It consists of a pair of kidneys, a urinary 2. It consists of heart, blood and blood vessels.
bladder, a pair of tubes called ureters and a

Q3. Name the different things that blood helps to transport within the body.
A3. Blood is a fluid that is carried by blood vessels to all parts of the body.
It forms a medium through which nutrients, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide and waste products are
transported inside our body.

Q4. What are the three types of blood vessels?

A4. Arteries, veins and capillaries are the three types of blood vessels.

Q5. Define excretion. Name any three parts of the excretory system.
A5. The process by which wastes get removed from our body is called excretion.
The excretory system consists of a pair of kidneys, a urinary bladder, a pair of tubes called ureters, and a

Q6. Describe the excretory system in brief.

A6. The process by which wastes get removed from our body is called excretion.
The excretory system consists of a pair of kidneys, a urinary bladder, a pair of tubes called ureters and a
urethra. The formation of urine takes place inside the kidneys. Ureters carry urine from the kidneys to
the urinary bladder. The urine is stored in the urinary bladder. The urethra helps to pass the urine out of
the body.

D. HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills)

Q1. You may have seen a blood sample being taken from a sick person. How do blood samples help
doctors in finding out which disease a person is suffering from?
A1. Blood samples help doctors to check for certain diseases and functions of various organs.
Blood is the only fluid that is carried by blood vessels to all parts of the body.

E. Scientific Skills
Q2. Draw and label different parts of an excretory system.
Excretory system


I. Objective type questions
A. Choose the correct option.
1. What is force?
a. Act of pushing or pulling b. Gravity
c. Friction d. All of these
2. What causes a ripe mango to fall on the ground?
a. Friction b. Gravity c. Energy of the sun d. Scales
3. Which of these forces causes a moving body to stop?
a. Friction b. Gravity c. Energy of the sun d. Energy of the Earth
4. In which of these is work said to have been done?
a. Pushing a wall b. Pushing a lawnmower
c. Reading d. Standing
5. Which of these can be used to open a lid of a can?
a. Lever b. Pulley c. Wheel and axle d. Screw
6. A pair of scissors is an example of a
a. Lever b. Pulley c. Wheel and axle d. Screw
7. Which of these is NOT a form of energy?
a. Chemical b. Mechanical c. Electrical d. Frictional
8. Which of these is the main source of energy on the Earth?
a. Sun b. Wind c. Water d. Light

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
1. The force that pulls objects towards the centre of the Earth is called gravity (friction / gravity).
2. If there is too much friction, things will not move (move/not move).
3. Energy is the ability to do work (work/force).
4. A pulley (pulley/wheel and axle) is a simple machine with a grooved wheel and a rope and running
between the grooves of the wheel.
5. The energy of moving water is called hydro (solar/hydro) energy.

II. Very short answer type questions

A. Give one word for the following.

1. The force that opposes the motion of one surface across another Friction
2. A simple machine that is made up of a rod resting at a point around which it turns Lever
3. A sloping surface that is used to push heavy objects to a certain height Inclined plane
4. An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder that has a sharp pointed end Screws
5. The ability to do work Energy

B. Give two examples for each of the following.

1. Work being done Kicking a football Riding a cycle
2. Simple machines Crow bar Axe
3. Forms of energy Heat energy Light energy
4. Levers Spoon Scissors

A. Keywords
1. gravity
2. friction
3. energy
4. machines
5. pulley
6. wedge
7. turbines
8. screws
9. inclined plane
10.wheel and axle

B. Define the following

1. Force – A push or pull acting on an object is called force.
2. Gravity –The force that pulls objects downwards, towards the center of the Earth is called gravity.
3. Friction– The force that is present when two things are in contact with each other is called friction.
C. Answer the following questions.
Q1. What is work? Explain with the help of an example.
A1. Work is used to describe a lot of activities in everyday life. Work is said to be done when a force applied
on an object causes it to move in the direction of the force applied.
Ex: Riding a cycle is considered as work because force is being applied to the cycle to make it move.
Q2. What is a lever? Give two examples.
A2. A lever is a simple machine that is made up of a rod resting at a point around which it turns. It is used to
lift or move heavy weights, cut things, or open the lid of a tin.
Ex: A pair of scissors and a spoon.

Q3. What are simple machines?
A3. A simple machine is a tool that makes our task easier and faster, with the use of less force.
Ex: Lever, pulley and wheel and axle.
Q4. Name five simple machines with one example of each.
A4. i. Lever – It is used to lift heavy objects or cut things. Ex: A pair of scissors.
ii. Pulley – It is used to lift heavy objects. Drawing water from a well with the help of a pulley is an
iii. Wheel and axle - Moving heavy objects becomes easier with the help of a wheel and axle. Ex: Pizza
iv. Screw - They help to attach things to each other. Ex: Bottle cap
v. Wedge- This helps to cut things. Ex: An axe
Q5. What is energy?
A5. Energy is the ability to do work. We need energy to do everything such as walking, reading, talking,
lifting, carrying, and climbing.
Q6. Write a short note on solar energy and wind energy.
A6. Solar energy- We get heat and light energy from the sun. Solar energy can be also used to generate
Wind energy- Energy of the wind, called wind energy can turn windmills, which in turn can move
turbines. This movement of turbines help to produce electrical energy.

D. HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills)

Q1. Why do we spread talcum powder on a carrom board while playing?
A1. We sprinkle talcum powder on carrom board to make the surface of the board smooth. This reduces the
friction between the surface of the carrom board, the striker, and the coins. As a result, the coins and the
striker move easily on the carrom board.

Q2. A gardener is using a large pair of scissors to cut the bushes. Which type of simple
machine is she using?
A2. The gardener is using a simple machine called lever.

E. Scientific Skills
1. Draw a neat, labeled diagram of simple machines Pulley, wheel and axle, wedge, lever, screw and
inclined plane.

Pulley Wheel and axle Wedge

Screw Inclined Plane Lever



I. Objective type questions

A. Choose the correct option.
1. The number of planets in our solar system.
a. Seven b. Eight c. Nine d. Ten

2. The biggest planet in our solar system.

a. Earth b. Jupiter c. Uranus d. Neptune

3. Which causes day and night?

a. Rotation of the Earth b. Revolution of the Earth
c . Change of position of the Sun d. Change of position of the Moon

4. A group of stars is a ________

a. Constellation b. Galaxy c. Bundle d. Planets

5. What is the average temperature on the surface of the Moon at night?

a. 100oC b. -100oC c. 173 oC d. -173 oC

6. A planets with rings.

a. Jupiter b. Saturn c. Uranus d. Neptune

7. Planet that forms a stripped pattern by pulling clouds around it.

a. Jupiter b. Saturn c. Uranus d. Neptune

B. Match the following.

Column A Column B
1. Mercury e. Smallest planets
2. Mars c. Red planet
3. Venus d. Hottest planet
4. Saturn a. Planet with rings
5. Uranus b. Outer planet

II. Very short answer type questions
A. Give one word for the following.
1. The Blue planet Earth
2. The heavenly bodies that move around a planet Satellite
3. The spinning movement of the Earth on its own axis. Rotation
4. A constellation that looks like a hunter. Orion
5. Rainy season in India June to September

B. Give two examples for the following

1. Dwarf planets Pluto Ceres
2. Constellations Scorpio Orion
3. Outer planets Uranus Neptune
4. Movement of the Earth Rotation Revolution
5. Imaginary lines of the Earth Axis Equator



Q1. Two statements are given - one labelled as Assertion (A) and the
other labelled as Reason R. Select the correct answer from the codes a, b, c, d given
a) Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation of the assertion.
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) A is true, but R is false.
d) A is false, but R is true
Assertion (A): Trees growing on hilly areas are tall, straight and cone shaped.
Reason (R): The leaves of these trees have a waxy coating which prevents the damage from heavy

Q2. Read the following and answer the questions. (Case study)
After vacation Leila shares her holiday experience with her friends. She enjoyed her vacation in her
granny’s house. She played so many games in between rubber trees and teak trees.Those plants have
broad and abundant leaves to capture sunlight for photosynthesis. She is very fond of its scenic beauty
and greenery of that place.

i. Which place did she visit?

ii. Give one use of rubber tree.
iii. Write two features of evergreen trees.

Q3. Shreya plucked a lotus plant from a pond near her house. She observed that it has a long hollow stem.
Can you explain the function of the stem?


Q1. Two statements are given - one labelled as Assertion (A) and the
other labelled as Reason R. Select the correct answer from the codes a, b, c, d given
a) Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation of the assertion.
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) A is true, but R is false.
d) A is false, but R is true
Assertion A: There are two types of blood vessels
Reason R: Capillaries connect arteries and veins and helps in exchange of blood.

Q2. Read the following and answer the questions. (Case study)

i. Write the correct sequence of the following diagram and name them.
ii. Which process correlates with the function of the excretory system?
iii. How kidney and urinary bladder are interrelated?

Q3. Which of the following is an incorrect match. Why?

i) Ureters : carry urine from kidney.
ii) Incisor : cut food
iii) Saliva : absorbs nutrients
iv) Brain : controls action


Q1. Two statements are given - one labelled as Assertion (A) and the
other labelled as Reason R. Select the correct answer from the codes a, b, c, d given
a. Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation of the assertion.
b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c. A is true, but R is false.
d. A is false, but R is true.
Assertion (A): When a pin wheel is placed against the wind, it spins.
Reason (R): Moving air has energy.

Q2. Read the following and answer the questions. (Case Study)
A push or pull on an object is referred to as force. Force is utilised not just to move but also to stop an
object. Force is used to affect an object's direction and position. It has the ability to change the speed of a
moving object. There are several types of forces which help us to perform different activities.

i. Can we change the shape of an object by applying force? Give one example.
ii. Give an effect of friction.
iii. Rahul is trying to shift a heavy box kept in the middle of the room, but he couldn’t move it. Give
Q3. Identify the simple machine in the following diagram. Define any one.

Q1. Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation of the assertion.
Q2. i. In the areas of heavy rainfall
ii. Rubber tree is used to make tyres and pipes.
iii. Plants that have leaves that remain green almost all year around, and are called evergreen trees.
The heights of the trees can reach up to 60 meters and above.
Q3. The stems in lotus plants are hollow and very light. This helps the leaves to float on water.


Q1. d. A is false, but R is true
Q2. i. b. Kidney a. Ureter d. Urinary bladder c. Urethra
ii. Filtration
iii. The formation of urine takes place inside the kidneys. Uretes carry urine from the kidneys to the
urinary bladder.
Q3. iii) Saliva : absorbs nutrients
Saliva gets mixed with the food and makes it easy to swallow. Thus (iii) is an incorrect match.


Q1. a. Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation of the assertion.
Q2. i. Yes, we can change the the shape of an object by applying force. For example: Making chapati with
dough. .
ii. Friction increases if smoothness of surfaces increases.
iii. The frictional force opposes the movement of the box. Work done by Rahul is zero.
Q3. Wheel and axle, lever.
Lever: It is used to lift heavy objects or cut things.

Ch-5: I Found My Mother using Google Earth

1. Chapter at a Glance:
A man, set apart from his family at childhood, ends up being adopted by a family from Australia.
He tries to look for his long-lost family. Did he find them? Let’s find out…

2. New words:
1. navigated
2. immediately
3. incredibly
4. suspicious
5. battered

3. Word meanings:
1. Google Earth – a computer software that allows users to locate any place on the earth.
2. suspicious- feeling that something is wrong.
3. orphanage- a home for children who do not have parents.
4. battered- old and in a poor condition.
5. vivid- clear and bright

4. Questions & Answers:

Q1. The author earned money by (complete the sentence)?

A1. The author earned money by sweeping the train coaches.

Q2. The author and his brother lost each other because.
A2. (a) the author fell asleep at a train station.

Q3. How did the author earn money in Kolkata? By (complete the sentence)?
A3. The author earned money in Kolkata by becoming a beggar.

Q4. After growing up, the author wanted to find his real family. But the problem is he could not
A4. b. The name of his home town in India.

Q5. He found his home town by (complete the sentence)?

A5. He found his home town by using Google Earth.

Q6. When he reached Khandwa, at first, he was disappointed. Why?

A6. When he reached Khandwa, at first, he was disappointed because it was not what he had
hoped for, as the house looked old and battered as if no one had lived there for quite a long time.

Q7. Why did he find it difficult to recognize his mother?

A7. He found it difficult to recognize his mother because she looked old now.

Q8. Did the author really want to go to Kolkata? How then did he reach Kolkata?
A8. No, the author did not really want to go to Kolkata. He reached there unknowingly as he fell
asleep on the train.

Q9. Was he happy to be in Kolkata? How can you tell?

A9. He was not happy to be in Kolkata as it was not familiar to him, he had no money and no
home to go to as he became a beggar.

Q10. In his life, the author was lucky sometimes and unlucky some other times. When was he
lucky and when was he unlucky? Fill in the table.

He was lucky when He was unlucky when

1. He was lucky when an orphanage took him. 1. He was unlucky when he lost his mother
and brother.

2. He was lucky when he was adopted by a 2. He was unlucky when he became a beggar
family. with no money and no home to go to.
3. He was lucky when he came back to
Khandwa to meet his mother again.

Ch-6: I Hate Bugs

Chapter at a Glance:
Maggie hates bugs. She thinks bugs are ugly and they can bite her. Gran picked one of the bugs and
tried to help Maggie to get rid of her fear. Was Gran successful? Let’s see….

New words:
1. clipping
2. immediately
3. giggled
4. hesitantly
5. crawled

Word meanings:
1. clipping – cutting something with scissors.
2. hesitantly – doing something slowly because you are nervous or not sure.
3. giggled - to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled way.

Questions & Answers:

Q1. At the beginning of the story, Maggie names three types of bugs she doesn’t like. What are
A1. They are caterpillar, spider and bees.

Q2. Maggie doesn’t like bugs because

A2. c.(both a. and b)

Q3. When Gran picks up a bug, it curls up in a ball because

A3. b.(it feels unsafe in her hands.)

Q4. Maggie, at first, is afraid of bugs. She picks up courage to hold one of the bugs when she sees
when the bug did not bite Gran and crawled on her hands.

Q5. Gran was cutting off all the roses.

A5. False

Q6. Pollens are useful for bees to make honey.

Q7. There is one thing Maggie still dislikes at the end of the story. What is it?
A7. Spider

Q8. Why do you think Maggie doesn’t like caterpillars and spiders?
A8. Maggie does not like caterpillars and spiders because she thinks they are ugly and can bite her.

Q9. Gran picks up a bug to prove something to Maggie. What is it?

A9. Gran proves that bugs are not ugly and even they do not bite anyone. Bugs are afraid of
humans. They roll themselves and will not open up until they feel safe.

Q10. Where are the following usually found?

A10. Caterpillars are found - on leaves, but they are also found inside living stems and branches
or on the roots of plants and dead wood.

Bugs are found under leaves, among flowers and around the bed.

Spiders are found in hidden spaces and undisturbed areas, like behind a bookshelf or
underneath the basement stairs.

GO Grammar
Ch-5 Adjectives
Pg. 34:
A. Match the adjectives to the right nouns.
1. perfect- host
2. wicked- witch
3. courteous- gentleman
4. fine- weather
5. cold- ice cream
6. soft- feather
7. ancient- relic
8. wise- sage
9. dangerous- road
10. graceful- dancer
11. wooden- bed
12. thick- encyclopedia

B. Self- activity:
C. Complete these dialogues with the right adjectives.
A: You helped me to write my school project. You are so helpful.
B: I am also grateful to you for lending me your pen. You are very generous.
A: Isn’t David intelligent to be able to write the test in just 30 minutes?
B: Yes, and he is bold too. He fought a bully in the school.
A: What a beautiful picture! You are very artistic to draw such beautiful sketches.
B: But my handwriting is not as neat as yours. You always get the prize in the handwriting

D. Circle the adjectives in each sentence. Underline the noun that they describe.
1. The dark cave is a dangerous place.
2. Jaipur famous for blue pottery.
3. The is noisy children got a scolding.
4. The driver could not see anything because of the thick fog.
5. The student who completes the race will get the golden trophy.
6. This salad is made fresh vegetables
7. The cruel farmer beat of his ox.
8. The fox left the sour grapes and went his way.
9. Jolly ate the bitter medicine tablet.
10. The brilliant scientist was awarded the Nobel prize.

E. Use the adjectives given in the box to describe the given pictures.
Self- activity
F. Use the words given to change the word good in Bobby’s letter.
perfect, fabulous, beautiful, wise, valuable, remarkable, tasty, refreshing, heavenly, wonderful,
G. Circle the right number of adjectives in each sentence and write in the box.
1. rude, bad, strict, jolly (4)
2. large, soft (2)
3. brave, wicked, sad (3)
4. fat, hot (2)
5. best, honest (2)
6. small, tall, juicy (3)

H. Rewrite each sentence with the opposite adjective for those given underlined.
1. Susie is a tall and silent girl.
2. This bag is weak and poorly built.
3. His mother is bold and young.
4. She is a stupid but docile girl.
5. My dog is unfriendly and dirty.
6. I am not bad at playing carrom.
7. The teacher entered the quiet and soft classroom.
8. My big brother ruined my old pretty dress.
9. The new telephone is kept near the close window.
10. My toy is ugly but huge.
11. The weak wrestler fought the virtuous sorcerer.

I. Answer the question -How much?

1. He drank all the juice.
2. Is there any water in the bottle?
3. He has a little money left. 53
4. I have eaten enough food at lunch.
5. The children are making so much noise.

J. Read the story. Then fill in the blanks to tell which one stood where.
1. first
2. second
3. third
4. fourth
5. fifth
6. second
7. third

K. Circle the words that tell how many.

1. My sister has two friends.
2. Mother bought a dozen bananas from the fruit shop.
3. A couple of my cousins are going to watch the movie.
4. My uncle has a million ideas. He is a scientist.
5. We read a few poems together.

L. Write whether the underlined adjective is demonstrative adjective or possessive adjective.

1. Demonstrative
2. Demonstrative
3. Demonstrative
4. Possessive
5. Possessive
6. Possessive
7. Possessive

M. Complete these sentences with the given participle adjectives.

1. The frustrated students yawned in the class.
2. This interesting book is hard to keep down.
3. His life is full of fascinating stories.
4. We had a tiring day in school.
5. The agitated workers sat on a hartal.
6. My determined mother tries to bake a cake again and again.

Degrees of Comparison
N. Complete the table:
Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree
1. young younger youngest
2. sweet sweeter sweetest
3. silly sillier silliest
4. fine finer finest
5. funny funnier funniest
6. angry angrier angriest
7. old older oldest
8. clever cleverer cleverest
9. weak weaker weakest
10. thin thinner thinnest
11. fat fatter fattest
12. narrow narrower narrowest
13. strong stronger strongest
14. cold colder coldest
15. beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful
16. careful More careful Most careful
17. intelligent More intelligent Most intelligent
18. sad Sadder saddest
19. costly costlier costliest

O. Fill in the right degree of comparison in the blanks.

1. The giraffe is taller than an elephant.
2. River Ganga is longer than River Yamuna.
3. I find Charles Dickens’ books more wonderful than Ruskin Bonds’ books.
4. Vatican City is the smallest city in the world.
5. That temple is a large building.
6. I think the lotus is more beautiful than the rose.
7. Diamond is harder than any other substance in the world.
8. The cheetah is the fastest animal on the earth.
9. This poem is harder than that one.
10. You should be careful when you walk on the road.

P. Think and write the superlative form of an appropriate adjective in the blank.
1. Asia is the largest continent.
2. Antarctica is the coldest continent.
3. Nile is the longest river in the world.
4. Blue Whale is the largest animal in the world.
5. The Hummingbird is the smallest bird.
6. The bees and ants are the smallest insects.
7. The Dead Sea is the deepest sea in the world.

Q. Fill in the table with irregular forms of adjectives.

Positive Comparative Superlative

1. good Better best
2. bad Worse worst
3. less Less/lesser least
4. many/much More most
5. many More 55
6. far Farther farthest
7. far Further furthest

R. Read the story and underline all adjectives.

lovely, happy, pretty, delicious, big, brown, busier, bright, fresh, excited, fast, cheery, holy, juicy,
obedient,delightful, dark, big, small, good, little, happy, long, favourite

Pg. 49:
A. Write a or an:
1. a
2. an
3. an
4. a
5. an
6. a
7. an
8. a
9. a
10. a
11. an
12. an

B. Make sentences using a, an, or the with the group of words. Use suitable verbs where

1. A burning bonfire is dangerous to leave.

2. It is rude to interrupt a conversation.
3. It is fun to go for a picnic.
4. It is great to meet the president of our country.
5. It is easy to get tickets of the latest movie show.
6. It is exciting to see the water life.
7. It is scary to dream about the ogre.

C. Self-activity:

D. Fill in the blanks with one more example.

1. the Mt. Everest

2. the Pacific Ocean

3. the Taj Mahal 56

4. the Mahabharat
5. the Hindu
6. the Earth
7. the United Kingdom

E. Choose the right article a, an or the and fill in the blanks.

1. a
2. A
3. The, a
4. An
5. an
6. the
7. The, a
8. a
9. the
10. A
11. the
12. the
13. an
14. an
15. a

F. Self-activity:
G. Self-activity

Ch-10 Prepositions
Pg. 70:
A. Underline the prepositions in these sentences:

1. in
2. with
3. across
4. at
5. inside
6. Despite
7. upon
8. around
9. between
10. underneath
11. out of
12. through
13. about
14. without
15. Over, towards

B. Self-activity:
C. Self-activity:

D. Fill in the blanks with the opposites of the given prepositions:

1. below
2. inside
3. for 57
4. under
5. after
6. far
7. out
8. within
9. from
10. down
11. in front of
12. indoors

E. Use prepositions from Activity D to complete the following sentences:

1. in front
2. out
3. from
4. without
5. from
6. under
7. outside

F. Self-activity:


Pg. 74
A. Combine the following sentences using and.

1. Tyres and erasers are made of rubber.

2. Indians speak Hindi and English.
3. My book has riddles and jokes.
4. He is gentle and kind.
5. She can sing and dance.
6. Sumeet and John study in class four.
7. It is a boring and lengthy lesson.
8. I will go to the market and buy some fruits.
9. I like to eat bread and rice.
10. I shall stand here and wait for my turn.

B. Choose the right conjunction and complete the sentences.

1. Ketan teaches both judo and karate.

2. The headlight and radio are working.
3. Is it your father’s birthday or your parents’ wedding anniversary?
4. Either Mr. Krishna or Mr. Ramdas will take the interview.
5. Did Aman win the match or Ravi?
6. He is underweight but healthy.
7. He turned and threw the ball at the batsman.
8. He is not well so he did not come to school.

C. Self-activity

D. Choose the correct conjunction.

1. Although I said sorry, my friend was still angry with me.
2. We played in the pool till it was night.
3. I dusted the shelf and Mike cleaned the floor.
4. Unless you study, you will not pass.
5. I like to eat bread and butter for breakfast.
6. I want to buy a new book but I don’t have any money.
7. As the teacher was in good mood, we asked for a holiday.
8. I will complete this work faster if you help me.
9. We can play checkers or read a story book.
10. The policeman caught the thief but he ran away.

E. Self-activity

Creative Writing
Diary Entry
You are Yug/Yukti, you happened to go to Agra on a crowded bus on a summer day, Record your
experience in the form of a diary entry.

25th October,2023

10:00 pm

Dear diary,

Today I had the bitterest experience of my life. I never had such an awful experience
in my life before. I had gone to Agra for some urgent business. There were only few buses
plying today as most of them had been put on election duty. I waited for two hours at the bus
stop when the bus arrived, it was very crowded. I somehow managed to get some space for
myself. It was difficult to breathe. Everyone was sweating. People were pushing each other.

After the journey of two hours, I came out of the bus and took a sigh of relief.
I will never forget this journey in my life.


1. Underline the adjective and state whether the underlined adjective is
demonstrative or possessive adjective.
1. Susie is his friend.
2. Those are apples.
3. Put these tools back in the rack.
4. Call her friends right now.
5. Do not go out with these people.

II. Fill in the blanks with a or an.

1. Virat Kohli is __ famous cricketer.
2. A lion is __ animal.
3. Please pass me __ slice of pizza.
4. It is __ honor to meet your father.
5. This is __ eraser.

III. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions to complete the

1. The mouse ran __ the room.
2. The chair is __ the table.
3. I am __ the University of North Carolina.
4. The crocodile is __ the water.
5. We are in __ Pizza Hut.

IV. Choose the right conjunctions using and, or, so, but and complete the
1. My brother is a plumber __ my sister is a teacher.
2. He is good __ not the best.
3. Mira can go to a hotel __ stay with us.
1.Underline the adjective and state whether the underlined adjective is
demonstrative or possessive adjective.
1. Susie is his friend. – Possessive
2. Those are apples. - Demonstrative
3. Put these tools back in the rack. - Demonstrative
4. Call her friends right now. - Possessive
5. Do not go out with these people. - Demonstrative

II. Fill in the blanks with a or an.

1. Virat Kohli is a famous cricketer.
2. A lion is an animal.
3. Please pass me a slice of pizza.
4. It is an honor to meet your father.
5. This is an eraser.

III. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions to complete the sentences.
1. The mouse ran across the room.
2. The chair is under the table.
3. I am at the University of North Carolina.
4. The crocodile is under the water.
5. We are in the Pizza Hut.

IV. Choose the right conjunctions using and, or, so, but and complete
the sentences.
1. My brother is a plumber and my sister is a teacher.
2. He is good but not the best.
3. Mira can go to a hotel or stay with us.

1. Which state is known as Orchid Paradise in India?
Arunachal Pradesh

2. “Electra Gold Cup” is associated with which sports?

Table Tennis

4. Who was the first Education Minister of India after Independence?

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

5. Which element was confirmed by Chandrayaan-3's Pragyan rover on the surface of the Moon's
South Pole?

6. Panna Tiger Reserve is located in which state?

Madhya Pradesh

7. A and B are brothers. E is the daughter of F. F is the wife of B. What is the relation of E to A?
a. Niece b. Sister c. Sister-In-Law d. daughter

8. How many circles are there in the given figure?

a. 10 b. 11 c. 15 d. 13

9. If the day before yesterday was Thursday, then what day will be day after tomorrow?
a. Saturday b. Tuesday c. MONDAY d. Friday

10. Aizawl is the capital of which state of India?



पाठ – 9
दे खकर चलो भाई
नए शब्द

नए शब्द नए शब्द नए शब्द

1 मिट्टी

2 तिाशा

3 सड़क

4 आँ धी

5 डॉक्टर

6 दरवाज़ा

7 पट्टी

8 क्षिा

9 शिम

10 गौरव

पाठ – 9
दे खकर चलो भाई
शब्द – अर्थ

शब्द अर्थ

1 शिम लज्जा

2 आदे श आज्ञा

3 आँ धी हवा का झ क
ों ा

4 क्षिा िाफ़ी

5 मित्र द स्त

6 आराि मवश्राि

ददए गए शब्दोों से वाक्य बनाइए।
1. आराि - मिमड़या पेड़ पर आराि कर रही थी I

2. क्षिा - मदया ने अपनी गलती पर सीता से क्षिा िाँगी I

3. मित्र - गौरव िेरा अच्छा मित्र है ।

वर्थ दवच्छे द

1. दरवाज़ा = द + अ + र +अ + व् +आ + ज़ + आ

2. गौरव = ग + औ +र + अ + व् + अ

पाठ – 9
दे खकर चलो भाई
प्रश्न - उत्तर

प्रश्न (1) गौरव ने राघव की क्या मदद की ?

उत्तर) गौरव ने राघव क उठाया और पूछा- कहीों ि ट त नहीों लगी?

प्रश्न (2) गौरव को आता हुआ दे खकर राघव ने क्या दकया ?

उत्तर) गौरव क आता हुआ दे खकर राघव ने उसके रास्ते िें एक पत्थर रख मदया।


प्रश्न (3) गौरव कैसे दगरा ?

उत्तर) राघव ने रास्ते िें पत्थर रख मदया था, मिससे ठ कर खाकर गौरव मगर पड़ा।

प्रश्न (4)गौरव की मदद दकसने की और कैसे की ?

उत्तर) गौरव की िदद सुखिीत ने की। उसने गौरव क उठाया और उसका हाथ पकड़कर उसके घर ले गया।


प्रश्न (5) राघव की आँ खोों पर पट्टी क्योों बाँधी र्ी ?

उत्तर) राघव की आँ ख ों िें मिट्टी घुस गई थी और उसे ददम ह रहा था इसमलए दवा डालकर उसकी आँ ख ों पर पट्टी बाँध
दी गई थी।


पाठ – 10
पत्थर का पत्थर
नए शब्द

1 मितपुर

2 िट्टान

3 प्रकट

4 िूमतमकार

5 व्यापारी

6 कलाकृमत

7 रुकावट

8 राहगीर

9 किाोंडर

10 प्रदू मित

पाठ – 10
पत्थर का पत्थर
शब्द – अर्थ

शब्द अर्थ

1 कलाकृमत कला का निूना

2 प्रकट ह ना सािने आना

3 रुकावट बाधा

4 किाोंडर सेनानायक

5 राहगीर यात्री

6 दलदल कीिड़

ददए गए शब्दोों से वाक्य बनाइए |

1. नदी - नदी के मकनारे भीड़ लगी थी |

2. सैमनक –सैमनक हिारी रक्षा करते हैं |

3. प्रदू मित – नदी िें कपड़े ध ने से िल प्रदू मित ह ता है |

वर्थ दवच्छे द

1. नदी = न + अ + द + ई
2. राहगीर = र + आ + ह + अ + ग +ई + र + अ

3. सैदनक = स + ऐ + न +इ +क + अ

पाठ – 10
पत्थर का पत्थर
प्रश्न – उत्तर

प्रश्न (1) राजू गाँव वालोों को क्या बताने के दलए भागा ?

उत्तर) रािू गाँववाल ों क यह बताने के मलए भागा मक गणेश िी हिारी रक्षा करने के मलए प्रकट हुए हैं ।


प्रश्न (2) राजू को चट्टान कैसी ददखाई दे रही र्ी ?

उत्तर) रािू क िट्टान गणेश िी की तरह मदखाई दे रही थी।

प्रश्न (3) सैदनक चट्टान को क्योों हटाना चाहता र्ा ?

उत्तर) सैमनक िट्टान क इसमलए हटाना िाहता था क् मों क वह िट्टान सैमनक ों के रास्ते िें रुकावट डालती थी ।


प्रश्न (4) व्यापारी चट्टान पर लेटकर क्या सोच रहा र्ा ?

उत्तर) व्यापारी िट्टान पर लेटकर स ि रहा था मक आराि करने के मलए मकतनी अच्छी िट्टान है , अपने सामथय ों क भी
बताऊँगा ।

प्रश्न (5) नई जगह धोबीघाट क्योों बनाया गया र्ा ?

उत्तर) नदी पर कपड़े ध ने से नदी का पानी प्रदू मित ह रहा था, इसमलए ध बीघाट नई िगह बनाया गया था।


पयाथयवाची शब्द

पररभाषा – मिन शब् ों के अथम िे सिानता ह ती है ,उन्हें पयामयवािी शब् कहते हैं I


1) िाँद – शमश ,ियोंक

2) सूयम – सूरि ,मदवाकर

3) नदी – सररता , तमटनी

4) फूल – पुष्प ,कुसुि

5) पेड़ – मवटप , तरु

6) आसिान – आकाश , नभ
7) हवा –पवन ,वायु

8) सागर – सिुद्र , िलमध

9) रात – रिनी , मनशा

10) पुत्र – सूत , बेटा


पररभाषा – मिस शब् ों से मकसी काि के करने या ह ने का पता िलता है , उन्हें मिया कहते हैं।

जैसे: खेलना ,पढ़ना ,नािना ,मलखना ,खाना, आमद I

वाक्य दिया शब्द

1) सिथम िूस पी रहा है I पी रहा है I

2) रािन गीत गा रहा है I गा रहा है I

3) सरस नहा रहा है I नहा रहा है I

4) गुोंिन स रही है I स रही है I

5) वासू दौड़ रहा है I दौड़ रहा है I

6) अिुमन तीर िलाता है I िलाता है I

7) मशखा मकताब पढ़ती है I पढ़ती है I

8) मिमड़या उड़ रही है I उड़ रही है I

9) राि ने धनुि त ड़ मदया I त ड़ मदया

10) महरन दौड़ता है I दौड़ता है I


पररभाषा – सोंज्ञा या सवमनाि शब् ों की मवशेिता बताने वाले शब् ों क मवशेिण कहते हैं I
जैसे: िीठा ,सुोंदर ,ि टा ,ग ल आमद I

ददए गए वाक्योों में से सही दवशेषर् शब्द चुनकर दलखखए I

वाक्य दवशेषर् शब्द

1) उसका िकान बहुत ऊँिा है । ऊँिा

2) सु रेश की किीज़ बहुत सुों दर है । सुों दर

3) शोंकर बहुत िेहनती लड़का है I िेहनती

4) इिली खट्टी ह ती है। खट्टी

5) कक्षा िें िालीस मवद्याथी है । िालीस

6) हाथी एक ताकतवर िानवर है I ताकतवर

7) सुोंदरलाल ईिानदार व्यक्ति है। ईिानदार

8) उसे एक मकल िीनी िामहए । एक मकल

9) टिाटर लाल ह ता है। लाल

10) कल िेरे यहाँ द मित्र आएँ गे I द


अोंग्रेजी में अोंकोों में शब्दोों में

1 १ एक
2 २ द
3 ३ तीन
4 ४ िार
5 ५ पाँि
6 ६ छह
7 ७ सात
8 ८ आठ
9 ९ नौ
10 १० दस
11 ११ ग्यारह

12 १२ बारह
13 १३ तेरह
14 १४ िौदह
15 १५ पोंद्रह
16 १६ स लह
17 १७ सत्रह
18 १८ अठारह
19 १९ उन्नीस
20 १० बीस
21 २१ इक्कीस
22 २२ बाईस
23 २३ तेईस
24 २४ िौबीस
25 २५ पच्चीस
26 २६ छब्बीस
27 २७ सत्ताईस
28 २८ अट्ठाईस
29 २९ उनतीस
30 ३० तीस
31 ३१ इकतीस
32 ३२ बत्तीस
33 ३३ तैंतीस
34 ३४ िौोंतीस
35 ३५ पैंतीस
36 ३६ छत्तीस
37 ३७ सैंतीस
38 ३८ अड़तीस
39 ३९ उनतालीस
40 ४० िालीस
41 ४१ इकतालीस
42 ४२ बयालीस
43 ४३ तैंतालीस
44 ४४ िौवालीस
45 ४५ पैंतामलस
46 ४६ मछयालीस
47 ४७ सैंतालीस
48 ४८ अड़तालीस
49 ४९ उनिास
50 ५o पिास

मेरा दप्रय त्योहार


भारत एक ऐसा दे श है िहाँ पर सभी त्य हार बड़े ही हिम और उल्लास के साथ िनाए िाते हैं। यहाँ हर पवम क ल ग पूरे
ि श और खुशी के साथ िनाते हैं। इन त्य हार ों िें से िेरा पसोंदीदा त्य हार दशहरा है। दशहरा के मदन ही िाँ दु गाम ने
िमहिासुर का वध मकया था अतः इस मदन क मवियादशिी भी कहते हैं। यह त्य हार बहुत ही शुभ और पमवत्र िाना िाता
है । इस मदन रावण के पुतले िलाए िाते हैं , ि बुरी शक्ति के मवनाश और बुराई पर अच्छाई की िीत का प्रतीक है।
दशहरा मदवाली से द या तीन सप्ताह पहले आता है। पररवार के सभी ल ग मिलकर यह त्य हार िनाने की तैयारी करते
हैं। इस त्य हार के मदन हि नए कपड़े पहनकर भगवान की पूिा करते हैं I घर िें तरह-तरह के स्वामदष्ट पकवान और
मिठाइयाँ बनती हैं I हि इस मदन नए कायम की शुरुआत भी करते हैं ।

पत्र लेखन (अनौपचाररक)

अपनी बहन की शादी के दलए दनमोंत्रर् दे ने के दलए दमत्र / सहेली को पत्र दलखखए I

वाईट फील्ड , बेंगलुरु,

मदनाोंक-1 अक्टू बर 2023
मप्रय मित्र / सहेली

सप्रेि निस्ते I

िैं यहाँ कुशल हँ, आशा है वहाँ पर भी सभी सकुशल ह ग

ों ें। तुम्हे िानकर बड़ी खुशी ह गी मक िेरी बहन सुिन का मववाह
नवोंबर 5 क तय हुआ है। िैंने अपने पुराने स्कूल के सभी मित्र क बुलाया है और तुम्हे भी आना है तामक द स्त ों से एक
बार मिलने का िौका मिल सकें। यमद तुि िेरी बहन की शादी िें आते ह त िुझे खुशी ह गी। मववाह ताि ह टल िें
आय मित मकया गया है।
िािािी और िािी िी क प्रणाि और छ टू क प्यार। िुझे तुम्हारी प्रतीक्षा रहेगी।
तुम्हारा मित्र/तुम्हारी सहेली


I) ददए गए शब्दोों का सही पयाथयवाची शब्द दवकल्ोों में से चुनकर दलखखए I

1. नदी _____________

(क) सररता, तमटनी (ख) पुष्प, कुसुि (ग) सूत, बेटा

2. पुत्र ___________

(क) पुष्प, कुसुि (ख) सूत, बेटा (ग) इनिें से क ई नहीों

3. पेड़

(क) मवटप, तरु (ख) िाता, िननी (ग) इनिें से क ई नहीों

4. धरती

(क) मवटप, तरु (ख) वसुधा, धरा (ग) किल, िलि

5. सूयम

(क) मवटप, तरु (ख) शमश ,ियोंक (ग) मदवाकर ,सूरि

II) ददए गए वाक्योों में से सही दिया शब्द दवकल्ोों में से चुनकर दलखखए I

1. मशखा मकताब पढ़ती है I

(क) गाती है (ख) पढ़ती है (ग) मलखती है

2. गुोंिन स रही है I

(क) नाि रही है (ख) मलख रही है (ग) स रही है

3. सिथम िूस पी रहा है I

(क) पढ़ रहा है (ख) पी रहा है (ग) खेल रहा है

4. महरन दौड़ता है I

(क) दौड़ता है (ख) स ता है (ग) गाता है

5. सरस नहा रहा है I

(क) पढ़ रहा है (ख) नहा रहा है (ग) नाि रहा है

III) ददए गए वाक्योों में से सही दवशेषर् शब्द दवकल्ोों में से चुनकर दलखखए I

1. उसका िकान बहुत ऊँिा है ।

(क) बड़ा (ख) छ टा (ग) ऊँिा

2. शोंकर बहुत िेहनती लड़का है I

(क) िेहनती (ख) ह मशयार (ग) आलसी

3. कक्षा िें िालीस मवद्याथी है ।

(क) िालीस (ख) बीस (ग) इनिें से क ई नहीों

4. हाथी एक ताकतवर िानवर है I

(क) किज़ र (ख) ताकतवर (ग) इनिें से क ई नहीों

5. उसे एक मकल िीनी िामहए ।

(क) तीन मकल (ख) िार मकल (ग) एक मकल


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