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 An Analysis of Factors that Cause Public Speaking Anxiety of Four-Year

English students at FFL-IUH

 four-year students need public speaking skills to apply to job interviews,
make presentations, and do the IELTS test
 It helps you improve students' leadership skills
 the interview on these days always requires public speaking skill
 Structured Interview and Close-Ended Questionnaire
 find out the solution (skill + mentality preparation) to help four-year
students get over public speaking anxiety, and find out the cause that
affects the mental of students when they are public speaking.
 Prepare and Practice: Before giving a speech or giving an oral presentation,
students must adequately prepare the subject that will be covered and
practice their delivery.
 Modify Thoughts and Attitudes: In order to implement this method,
students must view public speaking as an engaging and significant form of
interpersonal communication and adopt a positive outlook on speaking in
front of an audience.
 Visualize Success: It helps students control their emotions or tensions
before giving a speech by having them envision a successful public speaking
experience. This helps them visualize a brighter future for themselves.
 Use Movement to Minimize Anxiety: Students can also walk about to keep
the audience interested or make motions to emphasize points in the
speech to help them feel less anxious.
 We would like to recommend that this topic be covered to help students
enhance their comprehension and public speaking abilities because it is
urgent and beneficial for fourth-year students who are ready to graduate.
Recognize the elements that have raised public concern.
 public speaking anxiety

Table Of Contents
List Of Tables And Figures
List Of Abbreviations
 FFL: Faculty of Foreign Languages
 IUH: Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
 Fourth-year IUH students are inexperienced in mental training, situational
preparation, or reading too quickly when speaking in front of an audience.
 Since public speaking is taught in just one subject—public speaking skills—
students have not practiced public speaking or presentations enough.
 Students lack confidence when speaking in front of an audience due to
agoraphobia or hoarseness.
 impacted by outside variables such as the crowd, audience, and health
status; lacking the vocabulary and grammar required to deliver a coherent
speech (using incomplete vocabulary, improper syntax, and incorrect
Research Objectives
 determining the main factors that cause anxiety IUH fourth-year students
to encounter when public speaking.
 Identify the method to overcome public speaking anxiety

Research Questions
 What are the factors that cause public speaking anxiety among fourth-year
IUH students?
 What methods help fourth-year students overcome nervousness when
speaking in public?
Scope of Study
 Fourth-year FFL-IUH
 200 students
 University Student

Definitions Of Key Terms/Concepts
 According to Van der Ploeng (1984, p. 115), anxiety is defined as "an
unpleasant emotional reaction that results from the perception or appraisal
of a particular situation as threatening." Anxiety is defined as
"apprehension, tension, or uneasiness related to the expectation of danger,
whether internal or external," by Morris and Kratochwill (1985, p. 1).
Anxiety can be unfocused or concentrated on something to avoid, such as a
circumstance, an object, or an activity, as in a phobia. Put differently,
research indicates that anxiety is the result of a person's natural fear or
anxiety response, which is triggered by feelings of tension, concern,
uneasiness, and stress (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986).
 "Fearfulness when speakers give a speech in public" is what public speaking
anxiety is defined as (O'Hair, Rubenstein & Stewart, 2007, p.155).
Furthermore, according to Jaffe (2007), there are two categories of anxiety
related to public speaking: process anxiety and performance anxiety.
"Process anxiety" refers to the worry that speakers experience before
giving a speech. Process anxiety and performance anxiety are not the right
categories, according to O'Hair et al. (2007), who contend that they belong
in more narrower time frames. They claim that a speaker giving a speech
may experience anxiety at any time and that it may manifest itself in four
ways: 1) Per-preparation anxiety, which is the feeling a speaker has when
they realize they have to give a speech in front of an audience, 2) Anxiety
related to preparation, which is the period of time when the speaker begins
to get ready for the speech 3) nervousness before a performance, which is
related to the period of time the orator practices their speech, and 4)
performance anxiety, which refers to the time when the speaker presents
the public speech. Therefore, an individual may avoid speaking in public
situations if he/she has public speaking anxiety.

Results Of Previous Studies

There are several studies related to public speaking anxiety as follows:
 Ayuna N, Ika KT, and Cut MH (2020) studied anxiety in INDONESIAN EFL
SPEAKING COURSE, they used qualitative methods to point out several
strategies to help students get over fears of public speaking, according to
O’Hair et al. (2010) research, the best way to collect information about
public speaking skills is to have two students converse with each other to
minimize anxiety when speaking in public. It found that students need to
prepare and practice regularly to be able to overcome their anxiety and at
the same time students can use body language to relieve stress. In the
above survey, the researchers pointed out methods to overcome anxiety
when speaking in public, but they did not point out the specific causes
leading to stress when speaking in public. At the same time, the anxiety
levels of the problem have not been outlined, leading to students not
clearly understanding the nature of anxiety when speaking in public and
misusing the above methods. Therefore, our research will clarify the
missing aspects of the levels of anxiety when speaking in public and
highlight the main causes of fear when speaking in public.

Research site/context
 Industrial University of HCM City

 200 Fourth-year students

Research methodology and research methods

 Research methodology: quantitative
 Research methods: structured interview and close-ended questionnaires

 let fourth-year students participate in and do the list of question

Data analysis
 analyze the result after the student is finish

Limitations of the study
Suggestions for further study

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