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S2 History

Total No. of pages: 6

Answer all questions. Put your answers on the answer sheets provided.
Section A: Filling in blanks (24 marks)
1. After putting down the revolts in Paris and defeating the (a) _____ of European
countries, Napoleon became so popular that he was elected to be the First Consul,
carrying out a series of reforms. One of them was the (b) ______, which not only made
everyone (c) ______ before law but also abolished the class divisions. Yet, he made
himself the Emperor of France later and fought the Napoleonic Wars with other
European countries. He was quite successful until he got a serious defeat in the (d)
_______ Campaign and was exiled to (e) _______.

2. During the Middle Ages, there were a lot of wrongdoings of the Church such as the
selling of the (f) _____ to earn money. Feeling discontented with the Church, (g)

______ wrote a list of 95 objections, nailing it on the Church door to protest. Yet, the
Pope excommunicated him and he started the (h) ______. As a result, it led to a split
of the Church with the formation of the (i) ______ Church.

3. WTSAPP:51089883
In order to raise new taxation, King Louis XVI called the meeting of the (j) _____ in
May 1789. Yet, the French common people were boiling with anger and demanded the
change of the old voting method to a new one of (k) ‘_____’. When the people of the
Third Estate knew that King Louis XVI planned to suppress the (l) ______, which they
set up near a tennis court, they attacked the (m) ______ on (n) ______ 1789, which
has become the national day of France.

4. Before the Renaissance, the ideas were (o) ______ and people often believed that life
after death was more important. Yet, people in the Renaissance though still believed in
god, they were influenced by (p) ______, which emphasized human beings and
human values.

Section B: Fact or Opinion (8 marks)

If the following statement is a fact, write “Fact” but if it is an opinion, write “Opinion” in the
space provided.
1. The block printing was better than the movable metal type.
2. The Revolutionary Wars were the bloodiest in the French history.

3. The Crusades were sent by the Church during the 11th and 13th centuries.
4. Gothic style was the best architectural style in the Historic Times.
5. The play “Merchant of Venice“ was the best masterpiece of literature.
6. Copernicus believed that the Sun instead of the Earth was the centre of the universe.
7. Napoleon proposed to reform the tax system.
8. The Great Voyages of Discovery was more important than the Reformation.

Section C: Matching (10 marks)

Match the items under Column B against those under Column A.

Column A Column B
1. Galileo a. He was known as the ‘Sun King’.
2. William Harvey b. She was an Austrian princess.
3. Queen Marie c. He was considered to be the Father of Biology.
4. Montesquieu d. He wrote a book about blood circulation.
5. Pope Leo X e. He defeated Napoleon in the Battle of
6. Vesalius f. He put forward the principle of pendulum.
7. Lorenzo Medici g. He sold indulgences to earning money.

8. Shakespeare h. He gave a lot of financial support to artists.
9. King Louis XIV i. He proposed the separation of powers.
10. Wellington j. He wrote the famous play “Romeo and Juliet”.

Section D: True or False (10 marks)
Read the following statements carefully. If the statement is true, write T; while the statement
is false, write F and correct the underlined part.
1. Renaissance meant ‘redeath’ of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures.
2. St. Peter’s Cathedral was one of the well-known examples of the Renaissance
3. The main topic of the Renaissance literature was the concern about human nature.
4. The bourgeoisie and clergy belonged to the Third Estate before 1789.
5. People in Germany and Russia were inspired by the French Revolution to struggle
for their unifications in the second half of the 19th century.
6. The Enbrightenment was a movement in which man applied reasons when
considering problems.
7. During the Renaissance, Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
8. The Renaissance scholars thought that the world they lived in and the things around
them were more important.
9. During the Medieval Times, people believed that sickness was a punishment for their
10. Rousseau proposed that everyone should be equal.

Section E: Multiple-choice questions (6 marks)

1. Feeling that King Louis XVI betrayed the country, he was put to death by a _____.
A. guillutine B. guillotine C. guiltine D. guilotane

2. Which of the following was NOT related to Galileo?

A. telescope B. thermometer C. principle of pendulum D. tank

3. The monarchy was replaced by a _____ after the French Revolution.

A. triarchy B. council C. federation D. republic

4. Which of the following was NOT a subject at the grammar schools during the
A. history B. liberal studies C. language D. biology

5. The colours of the French national flag include blue, white and _____.
A. red B. pink C. green D. yellow

6. In 1886, France gave the Statue of _____ to the US as a gift.
A. Freedom B. Liberty C. Democracy D. Beauty

Section F: Map work (14 marks)
Please put all the answers on the answer sheet. Remember to put down the question
numbers clearly.

1. Colour in YELLOW and name the TWO countries which Queen Marie asked for help
to put down the revolution. (2 + 2 marks)
2. Colour in GREEN and name the country where Gutenberg was born. (2 marks)
3. Colour in ORANGE and name the country where the Renaissance was born. (2
4. Colour in PURPLE and name the country where Wellington came from. (2 marks)
5. Colour in PINK and name the country where the Notre Dame of Paris is located. (2
6. Locate and name the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire that was captured by the
Turks. (2 marks)

Section G: Data-based questions (28 marks)

Follow the instructions and answer in complete sentences.
Question 1:
Source: The following picture shows a famous person at work during the Renaissance.

1a) WTSAPP:51089883
Identify the famous person in the Source. Find ONE clue from the Source to help you
identify him. (1 + 2 marks)

1b) Name any ONE patron family which provided a lot of financial support to this famous
person. (1 mark)

1c) According to your own knowledge, what features of the Renaissance paintings were
shown by works of this famous person? Mention THREE points. (3 marks)

1d) Identify the invention in the Source made by this all-rounded person. (1 mark)

1e) Based on your own knowledge, how did this famous person make inventions and
scientific discoveries? (2 marks)

1f) If you were asked to choose any ONE painting or invention of this famous person to
represent the Renaissance, what would be your choice? Explain your idea fully. (1 +
3 marks)

Question 2:
Source: The adapted passage below was taken from a history book about a declaration
issued after the French Revolution.
On 27th August 1789, the Assembly issued a famous declaration. It stated the general
principles on which the new government would be based. … The declaration began by
stating that all men were born free and equal with certain natural rights. Everyone was
free to speak, write or publish what they wanted and free to worship as they pleased. All
men were equal before the law and could not be imprisoned or punished without a trial. …
All people had the right either to take part in the government or to be represented in it. It
was a summary of all the main political ideas of the 18th century Enlightenment and used
as an introduction to the French Constitution of 1791. Outside France, the declaration
worried the rulers of other European states because its writers stated that it was a
proclamation of rights for all men, for all time, and for all countries.

2a) Name the Declaration shown in the Source. (1 mark)

2b) What were the three main ideas stated in this Declaration? Answer with the help of
your own knowledge. (3 marks)

2c) With the help of the Source and your own knowledge, how were the rights of the
people of the Third Estate changed before and after the issue of this Declaration?
Mention any TWO points. (2 + 2 marks)

2d) WTSAPP:51089883
According to the Source, would the rulers of other European states support this
Declaration? (2 marks)

2e) If you were asked to add ONE new idea to this Declaration, what would you suggest?
Explain your idea clearly. (1 + 3 marks)

--- End of Paper ---


S2 ____
Name: _________________ ( )

Total No. of pages: 3

Section A: Filling in blanks (24 marks)
a. b. c. d.

e. f. g. h.

i. j. k. l.

m. n. o. p.

Section B: Fact or Opinion (8 marks)

1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.

Section C: Matching (10 marks)
6. WTSAPP:51089883

Section D: True or False (10 marks)

1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________
7. _________________________________________________________
8. _________________________________________________________
9. _________________________________________________________
10. _________________________________________________________

Section E: Multiple-choice questions (6 marks)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Section F: Map work (14 marks)

Section G: Data-based questions (28 marks)

Question 1:
1a) ___________________________________________________________________

1d) ___________________________________________________________________
1e) ___________________________________________________________________
1f) ___________________________________________________________________

Question 2:
2a) ___________________________________________________________________
2b) ___________________________________________________________________

2c) ___________________________________________________________________
2d) ___________________________________________________________________
2e) ___________________________________________________________________

MC ENGLISH CLASS --- End of Paper ---


S2 ____
Name: _________________ ( )
Total No. of pages: 3
Section A: Filling in blanks (24 marks)
a. First Coalition b. Code Napoleon c. equal d. Russian

e. Elba f. indulgences g. Martin Luther h. Reformation

i. Protestant j. Estates-General k. One Head; One Vote l. National Assembly

m. Bastille n. 14th July o. god-centred p. humanism

Section B: Fact or Opinion (6 marks)

1. Opinion 2. Opinion 3. Fact 4. Opinion
5. Opinion 6. Fact 7. Fact 8. Opinion

Section C: Matching (10 marks)
1. f
6. c WTSAPP:51089883
2. d
7. h
3. b
8. j
4. i
5. g
10. e

Section D: True or False (10 marks)

1. F rebirth
2. T
3. T
4. F bourgeoisie and workers/ peasants
5. F Germany and Italy
6. F Enlightenment
7. T
8. T
9. F sins
10. T

Section E: Multiple-choice questions (6 marks)

1. B 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B

Section F: Map work (14 marks)

1. Prussia and Austria (2 + 2 marks)
2. Germany (2 marks)
3. Italy (2 marks)
4. England/ Britain (2 marks)
5. France (2 marks)
6. Constantinople (2 marks)

Section G: Data-based questions (28 marks)

Question 1:
1a) The famous person in the Source was Leonardo da Vinci. (1 mark)
In the Source, there was a painting called “Mona Lisa” in the background, which was
one of his masterpieces. Thus, it helped us to identify him. (2 marks)
1b) One of the patron families was the Medici family. (1 mark)
1c) According to our own knowledge, the features of his works were life-like, realistic and
the topic was always about people’s daily lives. (3 marks)
1d) In the Source, a flying machine was found on the table. (1 mark)

According to our own knowledge, Leonardo made inventions and scientific
discoveries by observation and experiments. (2 marks)
Free answer (1 + 3 marks)

Question 2:
The declaration shown in the Source was the Declaration of Rights of Man. (1 mark)
2b) With the help of our knowledge, the three main ideas included were liberty, equality
and fraternity. (3 marks)
2c) From our own knowledge, the people of the Third Estate were not given any freedom
before the issue of the Declaration but according to the Source, after its issuing, they
were entitled to enjoy the freedom to speak, write or publish what they wanted to
worship as they pleased. OR
From our own knowledge, before the issue of the Declaration, people of the Third
Estate were not equal as those of the First and the Second Estates but based on the
Source, after the Declaration was proclaimed, people of the Third Estate were equal
before the law with the others. OR
Other sensible answers are acceptable. (Any TWO; 2 marks@ and 4 marks in total)
2d) According to the Source, the rulers of other European states would unlikely support
this Declaration as they were worried by the ideas of this Declaration. (2 marks)
Other sensible answers are acceptable. (Any ONE; 2 marks)
2e) Free answer (1 + 3 marks)

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