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What is plank exercise?

The plank is a popular isometric exercise that works every core muscle, as well as muscles in the
back, shoulders, hips, and legs. While most traditional core exercises train the core through
movement, the plank trains the core to resist movement by keeping the body stable for a period
of time.

How to do planks?
1. The first thing we have to take care is the body position.
2. Place your forearms or palms on a flat, elevated surface with your elbows directly under your
3. Walk your feet back untul your body forms a straight line on a diagonal.
NOTE: Don't hold your body too low or too high, aim for a nearly horizontal body position,
4. Just tuck your chin and always look to the ground. Because, when we take a look at the
position of the head, we want to avoid an over extension.
5. Always ground the toes into the floor, squeeze the glutes tight, and tilt your pelvis backwards
to engage your abs.
6. Rotate your arms outwards or place your forearms on the ground to activate your rotator cuff
7. If you're able to hold the plank with this form over one minute, you can try harder versions to
make it more intense and challenging instead of just holding it longer.

What are the other planks workout that you can try?

• Plank Toe Taps

• Plank Jacks
• Plank Leg Raises
• Dolphin Planks
• Up & Down
• High Plank
• Shoulder Taps
• and moree..
What are the benefits of plank exercise?

• It reduces the stress on our spine and gives us a straight, well aligned body while
walking, standing and sitting. The plank position engages all muscles from your neck,
shoulder and back up to your pelvis, thighs and legs. Gradually, this results in a strong
posture giving you the confidence to walk tall and proper.
• It significantly reduces the risk kf back and spinal column injury.
• It boosts your overall metabolism
• It enhances your overall metabolism
• It enhances your overall balance
• It benefits you mentally

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