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Concept for Training

Introducing the DOJO room, a dedicated space for hands-on training
and skills development in a two-wheeler manufacturing organization.
This immersive environment fosters collaborative learning and practical
application of machining and assembly techniques.

by abhishek agarwal
Introduction to the DOJO Room
The DOJO room is a dedicated training space designed to foster a culture of continuous
improvement and skill development within a two-wheeler manufacturing organization in India. This
specialized facility serves as a hub for hands-on learning, problem-solving, and the implementation
of lean manufacturing principles.
Objectives of the DOJO
1. To provide a dedicated space for hands-on training and skill
development in advanced machining techniques and two-wheeler
assembly processes.
2. To foster a culture of continuous learning and kaizen (continuous
improvement) among the manufacturing workforce.

3. To enable rapid prototyping and testing of new production methods

and product designs.
Key Features of the DOJO
The DOJO room is designed as a dedicated training space with a focus
on hands-on, interactive learning. Key features include a whiteboard for
instruction, ergonomic tables and chairs for collaborative exercises, and
a clean, minimalist aesthetic to reduce distractions.

Advanced audio-visual equipment, such as projectors and high-quality

speakers, enable multimedia presentations and immersive training
experiences. The room layout is flexible, allowing for both individual and
team-based activities.
Layout and Design Considerations
The DOJO room layout should be designed to
optimize the training experience. It should have
a flexible, open floor plan that can
accommodate different training activities and
group sizes.

Careful consideration should be given to the

placement of equipment, workstations, and
collaborative zones to foster an engaging,
hands-on learning environment.
Equipment and Technology in the

Advanced Data-Driven Collaborative Ergonomic

Machining Training Technologies Workspaces
Equipment Integrated sensors The DOJO room Trainees work in
The DOJO room is and digital displays in features advanced comfortable,
equipped with state- the DOJO room allow collaboration tools adjustable
of-the-art CNC trainees to monitor like interactive workstations
milling machines and production metrics whiteboards and designed to promote
other precision and use data-driven virtual reality productivity, safety,
manufacturing tools insights to optimize simulations to and well-being during
to provide hands-on their processes. encourage teamwork intensive training
training in modern and problem-solving. sessions.
Training Methodologies and
1 Hands-on Training
Practical, interactive training sessions where trainees can apply their skills
on actual machinery and tools, developing muscle memory and problem-
solving abilities.

2 Simulation-based Learning
Using virtual reality and advanced simulation software to create realistic
training environments, allowing trainees to practice procedures and
troubleshoot issues without risking equipment or safety.

3 Continuous Feedback
Regular feedback and coaching from experienced instructors, fostering a
culture of continuous improvement and enabling trainees to refine their
Continuous Improvement and Kaizen
in the DOJO Room
Kaizen Culture Experimentatio Visual Empowered
n and Feedback Management Teams
The DOJO room
fosters a culture of The DOJO room Boards, charts, and Cross-functional
continuous provides a safe other visual tools in teams in the DOJO
improvement space for employees the DOJO room help room are
through the Kaizen to experiment with track performance, empowered to make
philosophy. new ideas, get identify problems, decisions and
Employees are feedback, and refine and monitor implement changes.
encouraged to processes. This rapid progress on Kaizen This fosters a sense
constantly identify iteration and initiatives. This of ownership and
and implement learning loop drives transparency accountability for
small, incremental continuous enables continuous
changes to enhance improvement. collaborative improvement.
efficiency and problem-solving.
Benefits of the DOJO Room for the

1 Improved Productivity 2 Enhanced Quality

The DOJO room enables hands-on By providing a controlled environment for
training and real-time problem solving, training and experimentation, the DOJO
leading to faster skill development and room helps reduce errors and defects,
more efficient production processes. resulting in higher quality machined parts
and assemblies.

3 Reduced Costs 4 Fostering Innovation

The DOJO room lowers the cost of The collaborative and interactive nature of
training by allowing employees to practice the DOJO room encourages employees to
and refine their skills without interrupting think creatively and come up with
actual production. innovative solutions to production
Implementing the DOJO Room:
Challenges and Solutions

Organizational Readiness Space Constraints

Ensuring the organization is prepared to Optimizing the available floor space to
embrace the DOJO room concept, with buy- create an effective DOJO room layout,
in from leadership and a culture that balancing training needs and production
supports continuous improvement. requirements.

Resource Allocation Change Management

Securing the necessary financial and human Effectively communicating the value of the
resources to establish and maintain the DOJO room and managing the transition to
DOJO room, including equipment, new training methodologies, addressing any
technology, and skilled facilitators. resistance to change.

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