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Rage No - 2! Eskimation Of Amouet of Oxygen Dissolved te olet| AIM ~ Determination of disaloved oxygen i & Qver top Aster somple (inklen's method) - GREORY = Diesloved oxygen 16 vex importer AS aquatica Ube. 5-4 ppm. of dicsloved oxygeo *S Present to unpottuted of aces ' omosot ef dissleyed oxygen (> @ ppm) , aexobic Pe ow co cCMELiny cd anamnty oxqanic, compounds fede oO MOST ac Aeros dissolved Oger Is Bstalla 7 iS. ob aquctica life? Dissloved exygen- 4s gsually delewnined b Dinklerts method is the sone Me the foot thot oxygen axidizes petossiam todide. de Yadine Tre liberated fedine ig +tiwoted agoinst stondand Seclium -thiosulphate. [also known, co hype) Sclution Using Storoh oo am. andicoter Wotet- In presence cham. decremes the population) Since dissolved Oxygen jn Watet is in molecalea. state. ,9t of Such. conmot oxidize ki. Hence manganse- hydacxdd obtained by the action of KOH on manganese Sulphate (Mnsd,) helps +e convert molece lor oxygen. te ctemic oxygen by the meection with Hy30q4- This otemic oxygen reacts ith KL ond prodece, Ty MnS04 + 2kOH —> Mn. (OH), + k_S0,, 2Mm.(OH)o + So —> IMnOlon), MaQloh)y + Ho80q —> MnS +9n,0 Lo] OKI + H80q + [0] —> Ky 3Oq 4 Hod 4 1 9Noy3,03 + 1, ——— > NaoXQe + INot Page Nom 2% APARAT DS 4— ® Stepperred Bottle (950 m!) ® Ruetle ® Conical Mook ® Pipette (sm!) @ Dropper @ Tro Meoswting Cylinders (10 2 950 m0) REAGENT <= © Mongonow fulphele. — gclution_ ® Conoenrtaotect Hoy, @ _ Aikoline, KI Lox) @® Ginetis SAe Agnes BD kmMndy Solection (Nha) @_ Tetossiom. oxolote Solution Gd Hypo Selection. PROCEDORE +— Woke 400 mi oh ote Zomple. in a 950ml Stoppered — bottle oveiding comect aith ota on fon of Tossible) then odd 0:9 wnt of come HoS0q ond 0-2 ml Kivindy (Nie) éaletien . stoppen athe bolle he shake the content Vigorovola - 1h the permanganate coloual , odd, aditionak amount off KMady» Add 0:5 ml of potassium. oxolole (027) Solute A\soppeots Within 5 min stoppet and Shoke well. Add. aditicnal amount of exatete fh penmonqanate colon. net dischonged. @ithin 1G min Add Imi of Masey (427) celeb Delowet 3 mi of alkaline, KI solution. Woz). stepper» shoke ond. allo® +he ppt 40 settle onal pair ate ences areca rs Cys sraras ella ghake vntil the ppb: completely dissolves. Take so mt of this Solution. Orth Ahe help of sei ejlindet (256 ml) ond titrate sloaly urn Cacen Nhoo hype Solution . When. the. areata a solution. trans yello@sh add 9 mm! of Seen of ad storeh Solution, the sclution. ain teen. e pone * ne continue the Hitmotion untill tne disappecance tied “polow and note dean the vol of hypo S, a = VAGn Strength cf Sample Molen 3, = —_ 1 44 = — = 0.0004 N Equivolent at. of 0, =8 1000 mj) 4 (4) Aoter Zompte (due +o presence af disslovel O, ) contoing =@ gq oh Oo 4000 ml 6, WN) Qoter Somple (due to presence of disselved O2) contoins = 2%xS, @ of 05 = 2X Sx 1009 mg of 0, she omount of oxqaen- Present tn tap Aaten Sorn ple = &x 9, x 1600 ng | ut = 3x 0-0004FX 1000 mg (Ue 2 BG maglob = BAS ppm age No- 24 BISCussloNn +~— amount oxalate permongonote «olowr Solution. 49 requned fs not dischorged oxgge With Yn 10 minutes. @ Stoach combines attr iodine to form blue Colored sucloce. compiex (Se LE es TL concentration of fodine is high in solution »+he complex formed 49 highl{ stoble and conmot be broken. ba Hypo to qaive the end point. @ At aye end pot blue colem ill disappear @ me Ilerference due +o cemtin oxidizing agent Soch oo Noy os yeducin agent Like fe or aoe 39 semoved by excess KMnOY Solutio 4m ooidie medium . CONCLOSION she caleuleted omount of. Digealved Ree found +o be eee of Expesumem4 - 91/11/25 of § iqnotne of Teacher Dote Dose Sobmission — 22/0/23

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