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One COVID-19

Information System
Knowledge Management and Information Technology Service

Department of Health, Philippines

01 Overview

The One COVID-19 Allowance (OCA) is a singular allowance, which will cover and substitute for all the
COVID-19 benefits previously enumerated in the law. Its rate will vary according to the COVID-19 risk exposure
of each HCW in particular work settings.

Pursuant to GAA 2022, a DOH-DBM Joint Circular on the grant of OCA to public and private HCWs and
non-HCWs in health facilities involved in COVID-19 response is currently being drafted.

This will allow for the grant of OCA based on the risk classification of HCWs as identified based on the AO No.
2022-0001 or the Guidelines for COVID-19 Risk Exposure Classification of Healthcare
To allow for ease in tracking, monitoring, reporting and management of the One COVID-19 Allowance, a One
COVID-19 Allowance Information System (OCAIS) is currently being developed. While the official issuance on
OCA is still being drafted, an initial report of the COVID-19 Risk Exposure Classification of HCWs will be
collected which will serve as the masterlist of HCWs in the country.

Department of Health, Philippines

01 Overview

Healthcare Worker - refers to health and allied-health professionals, and other technical and administrative
support personnel in public and private hospitals and health facilities, regardless of employment status, including
outsourced personnel, who are involved in the national healthcare response for the prevention, detection,
isolation, and treatment of COVID-19 infection.

Health Facility - refers to any DOH duly-licensed or accredited public or private hospitals, Temporary Treatment
and Monitoring Facilities (TTMFs) or quarantine/isolation facilities, molecular laboratories, diagnostic facilities,
ambulatory surgical clinics, dialysis clinic, sanitaria, infirmaries, treatment and rehabilitation centers, birthing
facilities, OR vaccination sites, health centers, rural health units (RHU), barangay health stations (BHS), including
the Department of Health Central Office, Centers for Health Development, Provincial/City/Municipal Health Offices,
and Local Government Health Offices, who are engaged in COVID-19 response as reflected in the National Action
Plan Against COVID-19 Phase IV (NAP-4)

COVID-19 Risk - refers to chance or likelihood of acquiring COVID-19 infection of HCWs in the performance
of their duties

Risk Exposure Classification - refers to a framework in classifying COVID-19 infection risk for HCWs as
high risk, moderate risk, and low risk

Department of Health, Philippines

02 Legal Basis

AO 2022-0001: Guidelines for COVID-19 Risk

Exposure Classification of Healthcare Workers

AO 2019-0060: Guidelines on the Implementation of

the National Health Facility Registry

Department of Health, Philippines

03 Objectives

Provide basis for identification of target Automation of all processes while ensuring the Provide key inputs for the strategies for
eligible healthcare workers for preparation uniqueness of individuals registered in the provision processing, allocation, and issuance of
of nationwide budgetary requirements of OCA OCA.

Department of Health, Philippines

04 Masterlisting of HCWs
Profiling Consolidation Endorsement

A.) Direct registration of HCWs to

the system

Identificationof eligible
healthcare workers
Endorsement to the CHD/MOH
B.) Uploading of HCW masterlist to for approval
the system

Department of Health, Philippines

02 Features and Functionalities

Masterli User-Level
st Access
Masterlist creation for health workers to Available user-levels defined by Dashboards for visualization of
ensure uniqueness of each individuals the end-users to meet their statistics key
features and functionalities

Department of Health, Philippines

06 User-Levels
User Level Functionalities

Health Facility Upload Masterlist of COVID-19 Risk Exposure Classification (CREC) of all HCWs and their computed OCA
Update monthly the uploaded list to reflect changes, if any

CHD Validate and approve the submitted CREC and OCA of all health facilities within their jurisdiction
Monitor compliance of health facilities to the monthly submission of CREC and OCA
Maintain a database of health facilities in the region with the corresponding CREC and OCA
Submit to AFMT the estimated costing of One COVID-19 Allowance (OCA) for the region based on submitted CREC

AFMT/AS Maintain a database of health facilities nationwide with the corresponding CREC and OCA
Monitor compliance of CHDs to the monthly submission of CREC and OCA
Utilize submitted CREC in rational allocation of One COVID-19
Allowance Monitor the disbursement report of OCA nationwide

KMITS Develop and maintain the OCAIS

OSEC Monitor the disbursement report of OCA nationwide

Department of Health, Philippines

07 Process Flow

Evaluates submitted
CREC and utilizes in
the rational allocation
of OCA

Validates and approves

the submitted CREC of

Prepares and uploads the

CREC of HCWs in their

Department of Health, Philippines

03 Narrative

1. Health facility needs to register to the OCAIS

2. Health facility needs to upload HCW masterlist (CREC Template).
3. Wait for masterlist to be approved. Wait for system generated email for successful upload of the masterlist. For approval of
CHD/Central Office:
To be approved by CHD:
LGU public and private facilities, DOH Retained Hospitals, Medical Center, Sanitaria, Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers

To be approved by Central Office:

Specialty Hospitals, Philippine General Hospital, GOCCs, Bureaus/Services/Offices in the Central Office including Bureau of Quarantine

4. Login to the system and encode OCA information and submit on or before the 3rd day of the following of the month for the
approval of CHD/Central Office.
5. CHD/Central Office will approve or disapprove the submitted form (approve/disapprove per individual).
6. Health Facility will receive a confirmation of approved/disapproved forms.
7. CHD/Central Office will generate approved CREC forms and process for issuance of OCA. Approved CREC format must be
official and recognized by all CHDs/Central Office.
8. Health Facilities will confirm if the CREC forms are already received by each employee.
9. Dashboard presenting the KRAs will be viewable to DOH Central, CHDs, CHO/MHO.

Department of Health, Philippines

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