Lecture 1

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Module 1: Fundamentals of

Refrigeration and Air

Conditioning Systems
MEEN 30052: RAC Servicing I (NC II)
Principles of Refrigeration
and Air Conditioning
Fundamentals of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems
Principles of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
When heat is moved,
the temperature of the
substance it moved
from drops, while the
temperature of the
substance it moves to
Principles of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
When heat is moved,
the temperature of the
substance it moved
from drops, while the
temperature of the
substance it moves to
Principles of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
A refrigerator is
another example of
how the heat
movement by
refrigeration is
related to space
temperature. To keep
food cold and avoid
spoilage, heat must
be removed from the
food to the air in the
Principles of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
A refrigerator is
another example of
how the heat
movement by
refrigeration is
related to space
temperature. To keep
food cold and avoid
spoilage, heat must
be removed from the
food to the air in the
Refrigeration Cycle
The principles of
refrigeration and
components of a
system are the same,
no matter how big or
small the system,
and no matter how
the system is
Refrigeration Cycle
A fluid (a liquid or
gas), called
refrigerant, is
circulated through
each component for
the purpose of
moving heat
The Movement of Heat

Refrigeration is defined in its simplest term as

cooling by removal of heat. In terms of heat
transfer, refrigeration is the transfer of heat
from a place where it is not wanted to a place
where it is less objectionable.
The Mover of Heat

A refrigerant is a fluid that picks up heat by

evaporating at a low temperature and
pressure and rejects heat by condensing at
a higher temperature and pressure.
Refrigeration Cycle
The liquid refrigerant
passes through an
evaporator that
absorbs its latent
heat of vaporization,
and in the process
changes from a liquid
into a vapor.
Refrigeration Cycle
The liquid refrigerant
passes through an
evaporator that
absorbs its latent
heat of vaporization,
and in the process
changes from a liquid
into a vapor.
Mechanical Refrigeration System
The refrigerant in a
system absorbs heat
when it evaporates
(boils). We need a
system that will
evaporate refrigerant
at low enough
temperature that heat
will flow from the
indoor air into the
refrigerant within the
Mechanical Refrigeration System
Since pressure and
boiling points are
directly related for all
fluids, the refrigerant
can be made to
evaporate at a desired
temperature simply by
adjusting its pressure to
the proper level.
Mechanical Refrigeration System
The compressor and
metering device work
together to create a
high-pressure zone and
a low-pressure zone in
the same system.
Mechanical Refrigeration System
1. An evaporator to absorb heat
into the refrigeration system
2. A condenser to reject heat
from the refrigeration system
3. A compressor to establish the
pressures necessary to force
heat to flow "uphill"
4. A liquid metering device to
regulate the flow of the
refrigerant, and in the process, to
establish two pressure levels.
Molecules, Heat, and
Fundamentals of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems
Molecules, Heat, and Temperature
The refrigerant R-22 changes
from a liquid to a vapor at 40F
and a pressure of 69 PSIG, for
example. Therefore, as we
continue to heat the R-22, it will
eventually turn into vapor or gas.
Molecules, Heat, and Temperature
A great deal of heat is required to
achieve this new spacing and
arrangement of molecules, but it
doesn't show up on the
thermometer. This heat remains
in the refrigerant as long as it is a
Molecules, Heat, and Temperature
The heat that can be measured
by the temperature can be
sensed by a thermometer, and is
called sensible heat. The heat
that cannot be measured by
temperature, likewise cannot be
measured by a thermometer, and
is called latent heat
Molecules, Heat, and Temperature
Technically, anything above
about -460F (absolute zero)
contains some heat. Cold,
therefore, is really a relative term.
From a human viewpoint, ice
feels cold to the touch because
skin temperature is about 92F
and the ice is 32F or below. The
ice is only cold in comparison
with a finger.
Molecules, Heat, and Temperature
The R-22 refrigerant circulating
through it tubes is about 120F,
which is much warmer than the
outdoor air. Since the goal in
mechanical refrigeration is
controlling the movement of heat,
the right question to ask is, "How
much heat energy does it
contain?" rather than, "How cold
is it?"
Temperature & Heat
Fundamentals of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems

Temperature is the measure of

the intensity of heat in a
The boiling point for water at sea
level is 212F or 100C. Its
freezing point is 32F or 0C. A
comfortable 75F room is about
Heat Transfer
In an occupied space in a cold
climate, heat will flow out. This is
a heat loss. When it is hot
outside, heat flow from the hotter
outdoor air into the cooler indoor
air. This is a heat gain. If indoor
and outdoor temperatures are
the same. no heat will flow.
Heat Transfer
If the air temperature is lower
than that of the refrigerant in the
coil tubes, heat will flow from the
refrigerant inside the coil to the
air moving over the coil. Since
the air is heated, we can say that
the coil provides heating capacity
in this scenario
Methods of Heat Flow

Heat is transferred by
conduction, convection, and
Conduction is the transfer of heat
from molecule to molecule
through a substance by chain
collision. Heat added at one
place causes the temperature of
the substance being heated to go
up because the molecules move
about more rapidly.
Convection is heat transfer by
the movement or flow of
molecules within a flowing
medium such as air carry their
heat directly to a new area. In a
forced air heating system, for
example, air flowing through the
conditioned space carries heat
by convection.
As new air rushes in behind that
which falls off the windows, heat
is transferred from above the
windows down to the windows,
where it becomes heat loss (heat
load) for the space. In this case,
convection causes discomfort
because of the cold "puddle" of
air which builds up on the floor.
As the less dense, heated air
moves upward, it takes heating
capacity to the load at the
window, wall and ceiling. As the
air molecules lose their heat
energy, they become colder and
denser, falling toward the floor.
Cold air moves into the heater to
make up for the warm air moving
up; this solves the downdraft and
cold puddle problem.
Radiation is the most common,
and least understood, method of
heat transfer. It is most common
because most of the heat energy
of our planet comes from solar
Solar radiation comes through
windows in a building, strikes
walls, floors, furniture and
people, and is absorbed by them.
As it is absorbed, it heats up the
space and becomes a cooling
load which may need to be
removed by cooling equipment.
Radiant heat is sometimes used
to provide heating capacity from
overhead as a method of
warming people or products,
without heating the air in
between, or the entire area.
Radiant heat is almost always
seen in combination with other
forms of heat.
Heat transfer can be greatly
affected by the materials
selected in constructing buildings
and heat transfer equipment.
Conduction, convection, and
radiation are all affected by
Heat transfer can be greatly
affected by the materials
selected in constructing buildings
and heat transfer equipment.
Conduction, convection, and
radiation are all affected by
Materials which help heat move
by conduction are called
conductors. Those which retard it
are called insulators. Good
insulators make poor conductors
and vice versa.
We use good conductors when
we want heat to be transferred.
We use good insulators when we
want heat to stay where it is. For
example, we put fiberglass
insulation in our attics to help
keep heat from escaping.
As a general rule, materials that
conduct electricity well will also
be good thermal conductors.
Metals are good conductors.
Trapped air is one of the very
best insulators available.
Examples include expanded
polystyrene foam board,
fiberglass and cellulose
insulation, and dead air spaces
such as those found between the
panes of a double glass window.
Corkboard and wood products,
especially soft woods, are also
good insulators
Since insulators slow down heat
transfer by conduction, they are
used in buildings both above and
below ground, as shown by the
arrows in this diagram. The
cabinet of cooling coils is often
insulated to prevent the casing
from becoming so cold that water
in the air condensed on the
outside, causing "sweating".
Since insulators slow down heat
transfer by conduction, they are
used in buildings both above and
below ground, as shown by the
arrows in this diagram. The
cabinet of cooling coils is often
insulated to prevent the casing
from becoming so cold that water
in the air condensed on the
outside, causing "sweating".
Kinds of Heat
Fundamentals of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems
Sensible Heat
Sensible heat is the energy of
molecular motion. It is measured
by temperature and always
causes a temperature change in
substance heated.

The temperature has changed,

but the state (liquid) has not. No
boiling has occurred.
Latent Heat
Latent heat is the energy of
molecular separation and
arrangement. It cannot be
measured with a thermometer. A
latent heat change causes a
change of state at a constant
Total Heat
The total heat of a material is
equal to its sensible plus latent
heat. The total heat of any
material will change if either its
temperature or state changes.
Liquids and gases contain both
sensible and latent heat.
Heat Application
When it is 95F outdoors, heat is
conducted from outdoors to
indoors through the roof, ceiling,
walls, windows and doors of a
building. This adds sensible heat
to the indoor air, raising its
Radiant heat also adds sensible
heat to the air as sunlight enters
through windows and is
absorbed by objects inside
Sensible Cooling Capacity
Sensible heat in a warm house
moves into the cold refrigerant of
a cooling coil as the air flows
over it. The coil is providing
sensible cooling capacity as it
removes sensible heat from the
air, reducing the air temperature
from 80F to 53F.
Sensible Heating Capacity
Heating coils add sensible heat
to indoor air. In such cases, the
coil provides heating capacity.
For example, air returning from
the heated space at 70F id
heated to 95F as heat from the
fluid inside the coil is conducted
to the cooler air flowing over the
Sensible Heating Capacity
Heating coils add sensible heat
to indoor air. In such cases, the
coil provides heating capacity.
For example, air returning from
the heated space at 70F id
heated to 95F as heat from the
fluid inside the coil is conducted
to the cooler air flowing over the
Latent Heat Makes Refrigeration Work
Latent heat transfer is the main way
mechanical refrigeration systems
move heat. This close up look of a
cooling coil shows how cooling of the
air is accomplished.
Liquid refrigerant in the indoor coil
tubes boils at a fairly constant
temperature. As the refrigerant flows
back and forth through the coil tubes,
more and more liquid refrigerants boil
away until it is all gas.
Latent Heat Makes Refrigeration Work
Refrigerant in the outdoor coil
condenses (from a gas into a liquid) at
a fairly constant temperature. As the
refrigerant flows back and forth
through the coil, more and more of it
condenses from a gas into a liquid
until it becomes completely liquid.
The latent heat required to condense
this gas is rejected from the refrigerant
into the air, thus heating the air.

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