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Exams Spring 2024

Course Name: Software Re-Engineering : MID-TERM
Class: BSSE Semester-7th Shift: Morning
Instructor Max Marks: 30
Name: Muhammad Umair
Time: 1 HOUR
Student Name:

Note: Attempt all the questions: Over writing, cutting, using lead pencil will result in loss of marks.
Q 1: Choose the correct answer. (10x1 = 10)

1. When one does decides to re-engineer a product?

a) When hardware or software support becomes obsolete.
b) When system crashes frequently.
c) When tools to support restructuring are disabled.
d) All of these
2. Re-structuring or re-writing part or all of a legacy system without changing its
functionality is called___________________.
a) Re-engineering b) Maintenance
c) Architectural Transformation d) None of these
3. Analyzing software with a view to understanding its design and
specification is called_____________.
a) Forward Engineering b) Re-engineering
c) Reverse Engineering d) Transforming
4. Which of the following is not a business goal of re-engineering?
a) Time reduction b) Maintenance
c) Cost reduction d) None of these
5. Software supportability is not concerned with either the provision of hardware
or infrastructure.
a) True b) False
6. Software reengineering process model includes restructuring activities for
which of the following work items?
a) Data b) Code
c) Documentation d) All of above
7. What are legacy systems?
a) Old system b) Re-engineered system
c) New system d) Under-developed system
8. ________approach recommends to completely rewriting application
components using new languages and technology stacks while retaining the
exact same scope.
a) Encapsulate b) Re-host
c) Rebuild d) None of these
9. The________ approach replaces the whole system at once.
a) Incremental b) Evolutionary
c) Partial d) Big Bang
10 . A legacy system should be scrapped when_________.
a) High-quality, low-business value b) Low-quality, high-business value
c) High-quality, high business value d) Low quality, low business value

(Marks = 20)
1. How to perform the assessment of a legacy system?
2. Define forward engineering and reverse engineering.
3. What is software maintenance and write its types?
4. What is architectural evolution?
5. When to re-engineer a system? Give an example.
Long Question
a) Explain software Reengineering Approaches.
b) Elaborate the legacy system structure.

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