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Position Paper


These days different contests of beauty pageants in schools,
barangays, and towns are the highlight for the different events. But does
this bring positivity towards young girls? An early disappearance of their
innocence and would bring a standard of beauty.
I do believe that pushing different beauty pageants can bring
eagerness and confidence to people, especially to young girls.
Witnessing people older from them ramp and showing their talents can
push them let the world also see and appreciate what are they hiding
from it. Standing in front of a crowd is already showing that you are
strong for not everyone can do it. Small actions of candidates can save
young’s from being scared and frighten.
On the other side, it increases to someone to be doubtful on
themselves. Beauty is what they’re talking about. Not everyone can be
confident, the flaws and insecurity on people are always valid. They
would think that beauty has a standard. Especially young girls that are
not that matured yet will misinterpret what beauty pageants are for what.
It is not just about the appearance for me. It is the strength to
stand up and do the best that you can. Positive and negative is what
beauty pageants impact. Despite of any standard beauty has now, I hope
I people still can see the beauty that they have ever since. That we can
start it from ourselves their confidence, power and strength that are
always in our heart. At some point pageants can just contribute a little
push to someone’s self steem that at the same time it can pull down

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