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nag 7 } \ ee evusers Sulpktia, Gulantiien, Tellasturn) polantem- +eer 2 eens [theatecee Gees) Bictetrest yt ey u elurents: Mowe (Ses Phy ste a! stater Onyge nits gas yet e ath <5 one end id Bye “Mon rete! Pao metal (radtesctve) Se Te ypAetaltel ie Gy (dratrest= Sey: Teg locta-aternic? Qcmivence: Ot yarn te + ws Ghost “eres a » od sf 5 gaat: + oy. Greg trae taltted Po- o wil pe Se Rie Peeves Mlesey envettan te ‘Te Cvigstartine wed toe rafehetts Anletinpt rises cot eve thee, Salpbiny watet Fry eewnael eh Crame'thay apenosiioitc te cctabedsal CON) desl phus, * Menuctinte Fa pvtrmette ter poetphye =i piantt siulplus Hgenbte Sulphus-Te te pate yettes ctlowy Tes AP) Sy spree grovity Caine) AT) To traf biy tn waates, dotuww Te Gap Rllowilite stilphuad wihteh 16 shable Mereetinte sulphur Ths MiP 3s ape ant speak g 2 Te ty phalte ake Feat Belo 3 Charges Treats mhicwnbtes Reyes Thies toe Kraut tiie Tete getuble Weeks Seth Bhentte ond Perectinte Sulphis have Spates Sy ating th beth “theives % ‘puckered ant hae mar Pbomble, 5 =" Mineclinte + ia or Ipet ? yo chavo Page phot nf \ Pru ators Seveval othe ttle os e* i Rete: At Sikes weee vce foimed ~ metecate + ae state oxygen betry fran -? avdadtee +4 2, exbtbet t« wo they eleere re preter ye ortdat vet crrclads ore € al (Pope ie ac itty tous hybrogen: tenet, nyaregeh bee Bogen eet “4 hoo, May Hye nate, Mo fa pe Bur. bins = fe > Hy Se > Mss volattte : Has = Hate = lta Fe Thevenal Stabt hye ter ras Reducing mafuse! note: Hy Te > tt: Acid te fovalent chasacker ints? 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Canes, + BrShg 74 te cewats (56 ors thewnyligelh, 5" tee ithe ood ** g-0-8=4 3 ee, 6-0 =3% Gn bonds, 12 bonds +O H2aSQ4 ZR Ds + CadgQ—> Ca SOy fa S0q t Nao Ne, Sey —» OlenrenmissO7 sec, Ha Sp Oy . n olen te > aco euer tal Oxidising OF we f o Bibaarce: Hoamiee, ) FP © Pq Ow ercactds of satpibuow = . ovoadde Sulphur forme araot 1) Saalpharesrs _adid series 2 ? Ais (N59) = Sulphuyous: ae Preparatsey, 4 Hypo — HySO9 He%y =? HT a eos ee DHT tS0g”, Tt con fore two sestesof salts: (Bisulphites © o = ie sp hyb sso 4 » & Ge S244 ondat? state. 6-oH—9 2 yi8 > OT THorass acid cor) Hipp sulphone acids e. iPatt Te 5-CH 2, s=s— 4 Fors i $=o2 2 —> Iphuyous odd: (H2S0¢) oo oe ig $-0—-3 S-So5{ | 4 b 6-Cu— +2 Gs) (Masog) epee Taetae! Srduetiial chernicats exmtl diode jecoue Of Hs industnal ap} LH ts called Hing of « T+ fs pa por my 4H process Dleod Chamber pees tonto proce ik + Crertact process) @ S85 —* Sea 4 bes, #1 Wig Sista + 2 S JSPs @ 9.sog + Cane Ae EN A beet" of soq in satl phuaic octet $eq4 Hoar —> M2 OF HeS50_ 4 oa — go HgSSa Properties: Ts 9 ccleustens Utaatd Hs apeetfe gnavily te 4 xi sate + de otrs at abe a4 is begat geluble we rte 2) a Iso, Sb,O, Hee +400 thee Hpsoy (HO, He SOa~ prigo, NaSOq" 2H2O, = anductes of heat ont vtectsfctty. Ore Mmeeor 2S anducte imcestcol prnpetes #53Qa 3) Hy O + SOR F Actdte Moduwesalt 1 & Ser dthaste acid = = * + kd ee Sut 4 iseg = aN” toy 74 foxyns, 2 Samet oh salts: (Bi suipbeites & sulphates) 3% decerngosts Covbonates & bfeavkenates intd °C; Na, tg + M5 S04 ~? Ne Da 1/602 t HO Malieog 4 M2$0, => Norsmge gees 2c ae = 22 bh oe ane . 2, Gye > ovyroqet +e awe Mest Oiebtoag ge 5 culbey 0 May : a Hast = Se oro cess alee dttige> + ceigba tO" 71aD >= =e arg" ania il Det eating entarene ‘ “tener Hig S04 ; Case =——F ters t iitse ee & + BHO Sees eT co ‘ wwe ; 7 “i , a So con i Se Hy ot i & Ratt, 4 "ety ——> festy a ie: Tiegtnite Te pene Mew eis Heiss = PEpins, «Mating 9 Pe weet seachuble Te cee 4a a tsecwntag rong vy ~ *s iyso, * (hee Salodte, can the sed to acids frore thety Tees pe rooye vblaétle anart 4 t2Sty ~% Aas Da 1: Nephay anise ahones, + Misti = uo aa gph ‘Tetra brdaol ae il a6 oecdal” state ‘ Pe z byb sb fev S=a Bei iia a” tk — a ore equel = The sulphuate 4 Brida? yes) ~ bes Oh Buel Padate -37Teantnal eutphany 4 one or oH & whee Pad => Fiso sui a lppbuate ontd.- oid. (4%) a s- Oh C7) eas teed pi seo — oH ee a ° tee fh gro-s—t : a . Nie atty-tiierte ctl seve = — + i thionte acid (ase) sad ee Eee goss |) te eddotion State aq ait => faty "torte ald CMs Sie) ne Sie aie = Gayo Gahao | g ty) Pexory acid Sesies = . —

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