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Current status

Deepfake is a rapidly evolving technology with both exciting possibilities and serious challenges, making
them a highly relevant and impactful topic for us to present.

Nowadays, Deepfake is booming! Millions of videos are created yearly, with deepfake detection
challenges like the one with over 35,000 submissions in 2023 highlighting its prevalence. On the good
side, it's used for entertainment and creative content. However, the potential for deepfake to spread
misinformation, manipulate elections, and fuel online harassment is a growing concern. Social media
platforms are fighting back, with Facebook and Twitter removing tens of thousands of deepfakes in 2022
alone. In conclusion, Deepfake is a double-edged sword, and navigating its future requires a
collaborative effort.

2. Definition:

A deepfake is a video, photo, or audio recording that seems real but has been manipulated using
artificial intelligence (AI). The underlying technology can replace faces, manipulate facial expressions,
synthesize faces, and synthesize speech. These tools are used most often to depict people saying or
doing something they never said or did.

Deepfake videos commonly swap faces or manipulate facial expressions. Deepfakes rely on artificial
neural networks, which are computer systems that recognize patterns in data. Developing a deepfake
photo or video typically involves feeding hundreds or thousands of images into the artificial neural
network, “training” it to identify and reconstruct patterns—usually faces.

3. Benefits of Deepfake

- Entertainment and Special Effects:

· Visual Effects Enhancement: In visual effects (VFX), deepfakes can enhance realism. For instance,
creating lifelike monsters, aliens, or fantasy creatures becomes more achievable. The fine details and
expressions can be manipulated with precision.

· Cost-Effective Production: Deepfakes can reduce production costs. Instead of elaborate sets or
physical props, filmmakers can create environments digitally. This efficiency benefits both big-budget
productions and indie filmmakers.

- Engaging Education:

· Deepfakes can revolutionize education by making learning more interactive and engaging.

· Imagine history lessons where students interact with virtual historical figures, or science classes
where they witness realistic simulations of complex phenomena.

· By bringing educational content to life, deepfakes have the potential to improve learning outcomes.

- Improving customer experiences:

· Customers can virtually try on the latest clothing and accessories using deepfake technology. Their
faces, bodies, and even micro mannerisms can be incorporated into this exciting app

4. Drawbacks

1. Misinformation and Disinformation: Deepfakes can be used to create realistic-looking videos or audio
recordings of public figures, politicians, or celebrities saying or doing things they never did. This can be
weaponized to spread false information, manipulate public opinion, and disrupt elections. It can be the
biggest threat to national security

2. Privacy Invasion: Individuals can become victims of deepfake technology, with their faces
superimposed onto explicit or inappropriate content. This invasion of privacy can lead to reputational
damage and emotional distress. Cybercriminals can create convincing voice recordings or videos to trick
individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or financial details.

5. Example of Deepfake's political influence

Deepfake and video editing are rampant during the election season

Cut and collage videos and images to impersonate and discredit leadership candidates

A fabricated video of President Yoon Suk Yeol apologizing for "corruption and incompetence" appeared
online, according to the Yonhap news agency.

The above video was spread on platforms including Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, at a sensitive time
before the April general election in South Korea.

Notably, Mr. Yoon said that his "incompetent and corrupt" government regularly commits wrongdoing
and injustice, destroying the country and causing pain to the people.

Recently, US President Joe Biden had his voice impersonated by deepfake to call voters before the
primary election in New Hampshire, according to The Guardian.

In a call that appeared on February 21, Democratic voters heard a voice very similar to Mr. Biden's, with
content urging them not to vote in this state.

The case of using deepfake to impersonate Mr. Biden is the first major challenge to efforts to find
solutions to monitor an information ecosystem.


The moves to develop laws and guardrails reining in AI in elections are a good start, but they won't stop
determined bad actors.

Lawmakers and tech platforms have to adapt, creating not just laws but social norms around the use of

We need to get to a place where things like deepfakes are looked at almost like spam. They're annoying,
they happen, but they don't ruin our day,

( But the question is, this election, are we going to have gotten to that place?)

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