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Exercise 1. Put "an", "a", "the" or Ø (nothing):
1. My birthday is Sunday afternoon.
2. It doesn't often snow here at Christmas. We haven't had White Christmas for many
3. Thanksgiving is in November. The Church of England dates from year 1534.
4. A: I like driving at night. The roads are quite.
B: Oh, I don't like driving in dark. I'd rather travel during day.
5. A: Are you doing anything at weekend?
B: I don't think so. Well, come over on Sunday.
6. meals we had weren't very good. We had breakfast in the hotel and that wasn't too
bad. We usually went out for lunch because lunch they served in the hotel was always
the same dinner we had in our first evening, so we tried a few restaurants. On our last
evening we had marvelous dinner in a Chinese restaurant, but that was an exception.
7. Rita plays violin and her sister plays guitar.
8. On our trip to Spain, we crossed Atlantic Ocean.
9. David attended Princeton University.
10. Florida State University is smaller than University of Florida
11. chair that you are sitting in is broken.
12. Civil War was fought in United States between 1861 and 1865.
13. big books on table are for my history class.
Exercise 2. Write a or an in the space:
1. unreasonable decision 6. X- ray 11. elephant
2. universal problem 7. UFO. 12. hospital
3. unit of work. 8. T shirt 13. BBC programme
4. eucalyptus tree 9. happy girl 14. UNESCO worker
5. honorable man. 10. H-bomb

Exercise 3. Put in a, an or some or leave a space:

1. Have you got camera? 2. Would you like to be actor.
3. Bill's got big feet. 4. Do you collect stamps?
5. Tom always gives Ann flowers on her birthday.
6. Those are really nice trousers. Where did you get them?
7. What beautiful garden! 8. What lovely children!
9. birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.
10. Jack has got very long legs, so he's fast runner.
11. You need visa to visit foreign countries, but not all of them .
12. I'm going shopping. I'm going to get new clothes.
13. Jane is teacher. Her parents were teachers too.
14. When we reached the city centre, shops were still open but most of them were already
15. Do you enjoy going to concerts?
16. When I was child, I used to be very shy.
Exercise 4. Put suitable articles into blanks:
1. John is teacher. He's teaching in school in London.
Every morning, he gets up at 7 o'clock, has breakfast and cup of coffee. Then he
goes to work by bus. He has lunch at restaurant (near school). In the afternoon he
works until 5 or 5.30 and then goes home. He doesn't work on Saturday or Sunday. He
goes to cinema or theatre. John has sister in Oxford and brother in
2. There are millions of stars in space.
3. I'm going away at end of this month.
4. The sun is star.
5. What did you have for breakfast?
6. Have you got car?
7. How much are those potatoes? 1.20 kilo.
8. Can you think rich should pay more taxes to help poor?

Exercise 5. Put suitable articles into blanks:

1. He is honest person.
2. My father went out to sea when he was 14.
3. When do you hope to go to university?
4. There's a strike at hospital.
5. He is one-eyed man.
6. There's onion left in the fridge.
7. This is useful method of learning English.
8. I've got uncle.
9. Your shoes are under bed.

10. There's a splendid view of Lake Geneva from his hotel.

Exercise 6. Choose the correct answer:

1. The British Prime Minister live in Downing Street / the Downing Street.
2. One of the nicest parks in London is St. James's Park/the St. James's Park, which is very
near Buckingham Palace / the Buckingham Palace.
3. Frank is a student at Liverpool University / the Liverpool University.
4. Mr. Jenkins reads Daily Telegraph / the Daily Telegraph but his wife reads Times / the Times.
5. We flew from London to Orly Airport / the Orly Airport in Paris.
6. Mary and Peter got married in St. Matthew's Church / the Matthew's Church.
7. Some children hate school / the school.
8. After leaving school / the school, Nora worked as a cleaner in hospital / at the hospital
9. All over the world, people are in prison / the prison because of their political beliefs.
10. The other day the fire-brigade had to go to prison / the prison to put out a fire.
11. On the way to London we passed through a small village with an old church. We stopped to visit
church / the church. It was a beautiful building.
12. John's mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to church/the church every Sunday. John
himself doesn't go to church / the church.
13. Apples / the apples are good for you.
14. Women / the women are often better teachers then men/the men.
15. In Britain coffee / the coffee is more expensive than tea/the tea.
16. Most people/the most people still believe that marriage/the marriage and family life / the family
life are the basic of our society.
17. Life / the life would be very difficult without electricity / the electricity.
18. Skiing / the skiing is my favourite sport but I also like swimming / the swimming.
19. Second World War / the Second World Ward ended in 1945.
20. Don't stay in that hotel. Beds / the beds are very uncomfortable.
Exercise 7. Put suitable articles into blanks if necessary:
1. After lunch, we went for wall by sea.
2. Don't sit on ground. It's wet.
3. On Sunday my father stay in bed till ten o'clock reading Sunday paper.
4. He's got job in South and spent next two years doing work he really
5. My mother goes to church in morning and in afternoon goes to visit
6. postman's little boy says that he'd rather be dentist than doctor because
dentists don't get called out at night.
7. This morning I bought newspaper and magazine newspaper is in
my bag, but I don't know where magazine is.
8. My parents have cat and dog. dog never bites cat, but cat often
scratched dog.
9. We live in old house in middle of town. There is garden behind house. roof of
house is in bad condition.
Bài 8: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. Danny wanted _____ new bicycle for Christmas

a. a b. an c. the
2. Jennifer tasted _____ birthday cake her mother had made.
a. a b. an c. the
3. The children have _____ new teacher called Mr. Green
a. a b. an c. the
4. All pupils must obey _____ rules
a. a b. an c. the
5. Dad turned on _____ radio to listen to _____ news
a. a b. an c. the
6. Alex is in Boston studying for _____ MBA
a. a b. an c. the
7. The teacher read _____ interesting article from the newspaper.
a. a b. an c. the
8. There was _____ huge crowd of people outside the church
a. a b. an c. the
9. Julie talked for _____ hour about her school project
a. a b. an c. the
10. _____ European expert was invited to speak to the committee
a. a b. an c. the
Bài 9: Điền mạo từ thích hợp hoặc để trống
1. _________ boys like playing with cars.
2. _________ Amazon is South America’s largest river.
3. I never listen to _________ radio. In fact, I haven’t even got _________ radio.
4. What _________ amazing idea he had yesterday evening.
5. _________ rich should do more to help _________ poor.
6. My dad always liked to go to _________ school.
7. Did you see the film on _________ television or at _________ cinema?
8. There’s half _________ litre of milk left in _________ fridge.
9. _________ Uncle Norman and _________ Aunt Lydia stayed with us over the weekend.
10.Austria was ruled by _________ Habsburgs for many centuries.
11.Dad told us to go to _________ bed at ten.
12.What’s _________ highest mountain on _________ earth?
13.I met _________ few American tourists when I was in Italy.
14._________ earth moves around _________ sun every 365 days.
15._________ Soviet Union was _________ first country to send _________ human being into
_________ space.
16.I had to stay in _________ hospital for two weeks in order to recover.
17._________ oranges and apples have a lot of vitamins.
18.This is _________ most wonderful present I’ve ever had.
19._________ President Bush is from Texas.
20. I’m not very hungry. I had _________ big breakfast
Bài 10: Điền mạo từ thích hợp hoặc để trống
1. We had ______ very nice meal. ______ cheese was exceptionally good.
2. Are you interested in ______ science or ______ music?
3. They got married but ______ marriage wasn’t very successful.
4. Do you know any of ______ people who live across ______ road?
5. After ______ work the boss usually invites his staff to ______ pub.
6. When mom was ill ______ lot of her friends came to ______ hospital to visit her.
7. Many people hate ______ violence, but they like to watch it in ______ movies.
8. Have you ever visited ______ Madame Tussaud’s in London?
9. ______ life would be difficult without ______ useful machines and gadgets we have
10. I’m on ______ night duty this week.
11. I know someone who wrote ______ book about ______ American presidents.
12. ______ World War II ended in 1945.
13. ______ fumes of cars and factories are ______ primary reasons for ______ air pollution.
14. He was ______ unsuccessful musician when he came to this town.
15. Don’t stay in that hotel. ______ beds there are very uncomfortable.
16. The car sped away at ______ hundred km ______ hour.
17. John doesn’t usually go to ______ church on ______ Sundays.
18. He was sent to ______ prison for ______ murder.
19. At ______ beginning of his speech he spoke about ______ tourism in general.
20. We usually go by ______ train, but today we’re taking ______ bus.
Bài 11: Điền mạo từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống
1. I went sailing around _____ Lake Geneva
2. I’ve been living in _____ London for six years
3. _____ Danube runs through many European cities
4. Wild horses live in _____ Gobi Desert
5. _____ Pacific Ocean has many different types of fish
6. I love swimming in _____ Mediterranean
7. We spent our holiday on the shore of _____ Lake Windermere
8. _____ Nile is a very beautiful river
9. She stayed in _____ Belgrade for several weeks
10. Her husband comes from _____ California
11. They studied the geology of _____ Sahara Desert
12. They crossed _____ Black Sea by boat
13. He has always wanted to visit _____ Rome
14. She lived in _____ Asia for several years
15. _____ Tuscany has many beautiful cities
16. I spent a year travelling around _____ Europe
17. Her village is near _____ Lake Titicaca
18. Would you like to visit _____ South America?
19. They live near _____ Thames
20. I think _____ Cornwall is a very beautiful part of England
EX12. Put the suitable article or no article in each blank to complete the sentences. (Articles)
1. I would like to live by __________ sea
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
2. Harry is a sailor. He spends most of his life at __________ sea.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
3. There are billions of stars in __________ space.
A. a B. an C. no article D. the
4. He tried to park his car but __________ space wasn't big enough.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
5. We often watch__________ television
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
6. Can you turn off__________ television, please?
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
7. We had __________ dinner in a restaurant.
A. a B. an C. no article D. the
8. We had __________ meal in a restaurant.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
9. Thank you. That was __________very nice lunch.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
10. Where can __________ people buy everything they need?
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
11. Her parents are now working in __________ Europe.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
12. He majors __________ in English.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
13. Mark Twain, __________ American writer, wrote "Life on the Mississippi River".
A. an B. a C. the D. no article
14. Paris is splendid by __________ night.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
15. We might be able to catch __________ last train if we hurried.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
16. __________ used razor blade is __________ useless thing.
A. The/ the B. A/ a C. An/ an D. no article
17. We live at __________ third house from the church.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
18. My aunt has __________ interesting novel.
A. the B. an C. a D. no article
19. It was __________ best film I had ever read.
A. the B. an C. a D. no article
20. A video lab is__________ useful means for language learning.
A. the B. an C. a D. no article

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