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Education and Training for Troubleshooting in Automotive Chassis

Janus S. Liang
Yung-Ta Institute of Technology and Commerce,

Abstract expensive learning resources can be circulated to achieve

There are several subjects discussed in this research: the goal and resource sharing and education proliferation.
(1) developing the learning contents for repairing Besides, the virtual reality (VR) technologies are results
automotive chassis; (2) building the virtual and from the integration and improvement of all the existing
interactive platform for browsing and practice of technologies of sounds, images, graphs and texts, giving
troubleshooting; (3) creating the online evaluation tools users a sense of immersive presence. Generally, the
and effectiveness analysis. Meanwhile, the framework has simulation of virtual-reality technologies can be divided
been tested and implemented in the course, “Automotive into two types: geometry-based virtual reality and image-
Practice: Chassis,” in the spring semester of 2004. The based virtual reality [1]. To shorten development cycle of
platform developed is not dependent on specific new products and lower production cots, currently many
automobile style and software configuration and it uses industries are massively applying computer tools and VR
open software (e.g. Java, VRML, PHP, MySQL, etc.) in technologies [2].
the virtual display and data storage. To conclude, this study adopts the currently widely
The system can achieve the advantages and goals of used technologies of Internet and virtual interaction to
(1) constructing a web-based troubleshooting develop a web-based troubleshooting learning platform of
architecture of automotive chassis that can enhance automobile chassis. This platform can provide important
learners’ knowledge and promote practical technologies; references about chassis troubleshooting for students and
(2) providing references for drivers in self-detection of new employees in the automobile industry through virtual
general chassis problems to raise driving safety; (3) interactive interface before their hand-on operations with
creating a prototype environment for distance learning to real automobiles. This framework can also be
eliminate the limitation of space and time on learning; (4) significantly helpful for drivers in enhancing their
raising the learning effectiveness and motivation of on- knowledge about automobile maintenance/repair and
site and distant learners. consequently ensuring better driving safety. The learning
process and major topics of the system are illustrated in
1. Introduction Figure 1.

From the gradually increasing number of automobiles

worldwide each year, it can be seen that the automobile
has become an indispensable transportation tool for
humans. All the know-how and techniques related to
automobile maintenance/repair have become important
learning topics in this field. In addition to learners or
professionals, general drivers can also benefit from a
comprehensive and easy-to-use learning model, which
can be substantially helpful for drivers in daily
automobile checkup, maintenance and ensuring driving
safety. Meanwhile, the chassis is used to carry all the
modules of the vehicle, support the vehicle weight,
transmit the power generated by the engine to the driving
wheel and create a comfortable and safe driving
environment. Therefore, the learning system developed in Figure 1. The diagram of whole system for learning
this study is centered on automotive chassis. troubleshooting of automotive chassis
Furthermore, the Internet becomes more and more
popular and widely used, enabling access to required
learning information anytime and anywhere. With the
Internet, learning is not limited in time and space while

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0-7695-2776-0/07 $20.00 © 2007
2. Generate virtual scene and interactive
The web-based virtual classroom in this study is built
based on references from previous research on the
applications of VR technologies in education, such as
using video streaming to build multi-media learning
environments. The virtual classroom is composed of a
real-time teaching environment (RTTE) and a
collaborated learning environment (CLE). In a virtual
classroom, students can not only participate in traditional
campus-based courses but also have access to information
related to class contents anytime through the virtual
classroom [3]. In addition, through virtual reality,
students can develop initial ideas about circuit wiring and
debugging before entering the laboratory [4]. The use of a Figure 2. Flowchart for developing virtual scene
virtual circuit engineering lab that allows real-time
learning can facilitate related learning and trainings of
students [5].
In geometry-based virtual reality field, VRML (Visual
Reality Modeling Language) is a widely accepted
language for describing 3D objects over the Internet. It is
machine-independent and its viewer comes as a plug-in
for a web browser. In this way, VRML files can be
viewed without the need of special software or hardware (a) (b)
devices. The latest version of VRML (e.g. VRML 2.0) Figure 3. CAD models and its virtual objects of
included a special interface called EAI (External automotive chassis
Authoring Interface) which adds significant functionality In exporting scene graphs field, given a scene graph
to the language. This functionality concerns the handling that can export it to a VRML browser that supports the
of VRML scene from an external source such as a Java EAI interface. For exporting a Java scene graph to a
program and it can be used to add streaming capabilities browser, a browser object has to be obtained and handled,
to VRML [6]. they can be done by calling the appropriate methods of
Figure 2 illustrates the process of building virtual the EAI. Subsequently, to show the virtual objects in the
scenes in the virtual learning system of this study. First, browser, the following line of code is needed:
CAD/CAM is used to construct the subsystems in the browser.replaceWorld (
chassis. As shown in Figure 3(a), the CAD models of New node [ ] { t.getNode(browser)}
transmission, steering and suspension subsystems. Then, };
the components of each subsystem are converted into
where the replaceWorld method is again an EAI method
STL files and imported the animation generation software
call expecting an array of browser node (Node [ ]). To get
for the editing of the models. The editing includes (1)
such nodes the JavaNode t constructs a Node in the
triangular mesh optimization of the models in order to
method call getNode(browser).
reduce file size and transmission time, (2) defining the
Instead of replacing a world by a scene graph, nodes
absolute coordinate origin and relative position of each
can also be added to an existing world (see code below).
component in order to facilitate the designing of
A browser node can obtained with EAI for an object
exploding/assembly paths and (3) exporting wrl files
defined in the VRML world. A Group defined “Front”.
(VRML format) to form virtual models as shown in
This browser node un can be embedded in a JavaNode t
Figure 3(b). In addition, VrmlPad is used to edit the
by the method createJavaNode of the class
virtual action program codes and to define the object
which users need to control and its positions. The JavaNodeFactory. Finally, a cast to the correct Java type
positions of VRML objects are accessed and set through may be done. The browser node can be manipulated via
EAI library. the methods of the Java Group node v.
Node t = browser.getNode(“Front");
JavaNode un = JavaNodeFactory.createJavaNode(browser,

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Group v = (Group) un; interface of the EAI has to be supplied to the browser
stating interest in receiving a certain event.
For interaction with scene graphs, events can only be More specifically, a Java application runs on the
triggered by such sensor that detect the user’s action or server side, whereas a Java applet that uses the EAI to
when time-related events occur. VRML does not allow control the VRML world runs the client side. The applet
the user to read or modify any properties of the scene at gets loaded when a HTML page that includes a VRML
will. This can be accomplished through the EAI. The EAI file as an embedded object, gets loaded in a web browser.
is designed to interface with and control a VRML Once a request to start a communication is expressed
browser from the outside. The EAI provides the means to from the client, a TCP socket is initialized on the server
extract useful information from a scene and write back to side. A VRML file begins to load and as soon as some
the scene values of field that need to be altered. This is information about the 3D world is read, it is sent to the
accomplished through a package of Java classes, which client.
give access to a VRML scene. These classes are used in a In troubleshooting teaching, the system design in this
Java applet. The following example displays how a Java study uses two modes: mode of demonstration and mode
applet can check to find the orientation of an object in the of practice. The former is a step-by-step design of
scene, and then rotate the object to another orientation. teaching with simulated objects (such as components or
The simplified class diagram is illustrated in Figure. 4. measuring tools) together with audio explanations,
allowing learners to know correct troubleshooting
procedures and things to notice.
The mode of practice is used to assess learning effects
of this system for students in actual practice. In this mode,
the problems, possible reasons and solutions (Rn th) are
specified by the system before learners start answering
and all the related parameters and link pointers already
loaded in the working buffer. The implementation process
of this mode is the same as that of the demonstration
mode. Learners have to find a correct answer among
several options in each step and the decision unit will
judge if each troubleshooting step selected by the learner
Figure 4. Diagram for simplified class of EAI and is correct (i.e. Sj=?Cj). If there is any step wrongly
Java relations selected in the troubleshooting process, thee system will
automatically generate an error message and instruction
First of all, the program gets a reference to a hint while suspending the operation, returning to the
transform node. This node has a field called rotation. previous page and requesting the learners to select the
Second, the value of this field is obtained as if it was an answers again. If all the steps are correctly selected in the
EventOut and routed to the Java program, and the value whole process (i.e., Cj=Camount and Cno_order is true), the
of this field is set as if it was an EvnetIn routed to the troubleshooting practice test is completed. The practice
rotation field of the transform node of the scene. Third, process is shown in Figure 5.
the EventOutObserver class of the EAI package can be
used in order to monitor the VRML scene for any
outgoing events. Finally, the EAI allows the creation of a
VRML world nearly from scratch. It means that any kind
of object, that may not be part of the scene when the
initial VRML file is loaded, can be added or deleted to the
scene at any time, thus turning the VRML scene to a
completely dynamic environment.
The dynamic aspects of the scene can still be
changed. Changes are administered both in the Java node
as well as in the browser node. The changes are supplied
to the browser using VRML’s event model, and are
handled accordingly. The user can interact with the scene
shown by the browser. The interactions result in
VrmlEvents that are being tracked in the application. In Figure 5. The flowchart of modes of demonstration and
Java an object implementing the VrmlEventListener practice for learning troubleshooting application

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3. Plan and develop virtual learning illustrated in Figure 6. The following is a further
framework introduction of the learning procedures of the system in
this study:
Problem-bases learning is a learner-centered
education method. It is also a method of curricular
organization, a teaching strategy and a process of learning
[7]. Problem-based learning uses ill-structured problems
in the real world as a starting point for learning, presents
problems to learners before any teaching starts and allows
active problem solving by learners [8]. Using “problems”
as the starting point of learning is the major concept of
problem-based learning. Learners are given real-life
problems or tasks related to learning contents before
officially initiating the learning process. The problems are
ill-structured problems characterized with complexity, Figure 6. The main framework for web-based learning
incomplete clues and lack of correct answers. They are environment
drastically different from well-structured problems given
to students for practice at the end of each unit in general
teaching [9]. Through the problem-solving process, 3.1. Design requirements and criterions
learners can cultivate self-learning capabilities and
become life-long learners who are capable of solving The main objective of the web-based automotive
problems independently. chassis troubleshooting learning system developed in this
The process of problem inspection troubleshooting is study is to enable web-based learning and practice of all
generally composed of two phases: hypothesis generation the troubleshooting procedures taught in traditional
and hypothesis evaluation. The first phase includes education. The system can not only serve as
information collection, interpretation and generating supplementary resources for students before hand-on
hypotheses while the second phase includes information practices but also give distant learners virtual simulation
collection, interpretation and evaluation of the accuracy of on-site learning, closing the gaps between distance
of hypotheses [10]. The success of troubleshooting often learning and learning at school. To achieve the above-
depends on in-time acquisition of relevant knowledge mentioned objective, the system constructed in this study
[11], which includes (1) concept/schematic knowledge, (2) meet the following requirements: (1) OS Platform and
knowledge for representation of problems, (3) procedural Hardware/Software; (2) Learning Module; (3) Learning
knowledge, (4) knowledge of strategies and (5) Chunking Achievement Evaluation.
knowledge. These requirements are decided mainly based on the
Many engineering courses have begun to use the guidelines for engineering-class proposed by the
World Wide Web for demonstrations, virtual and remote Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
laboratories, in addition to basic course management [12]. (ABET) [14]. (Please see Figure 6.) In designing the
The integration of the Internet with learning can be based system, the study observes the requirements specified by
along the following lines: (1) a course web site the guidelines in the following aspects: (1) Learn from
facilitating course management; (2) remote failure; (2) Safety; (3) Ethics; (4) Models; (5)
animation/simulation virtual laboratory to replace Instrumentation; (6)Creativity / Design / Data Analysis /
physical experiments; (3) a remote experimentation Experimentation / Psychomotor; (7) Teamwork /
laboratory for learners to set up parameters and conduct Communication / Sensory awareness.
experiments with real equipment over the Internet [13].
In the designing of problem-based learning strategies, 3.2. Architecture for learning environment
the system of this study is centered on malfunctions in
designing its problem-based learning strategies. All the The learning environment developed in this study is a
major topics in this study, such as possible reasons, Client/Server design as illustrated in Figure 7. At the
solution strategies and troubleshooting steps, revolve Client end, learners are connected to the learning platform
around the chassis problems, allowing learners to know through the Internet for web-based learning, discussions
the structure, function and operation theory of the chassis with teachers or other learners in the chat room, posting
system. In addition, this system uses tests and practices to questions about the course contents on the bulletin board
evaluate learner achievements and to enhance their to achieve the goals of opinion exchanges and discussions.
troubleshooting capabilities. The learning framework is Therefore, the learning environment can provide learners
two modes of learning: real-time (such as topic discussion)

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and non-real-time (such as course content learning and Take the problem of laborious veering as an example.
practice) so that learners can acquire complete know-how If “Pressure of tires are low or unequal” is the cause for
and techniques of automotive chassis troubleshooting. trouble, the connections between the tires and steering
The system uses Java or JavaScript in designing the system are first explained and then the tire function,
curriculum module and in establishment the connections normal tire pressure (according the vehicle weight and
among each unit in the module. All the data in this system type), form and operation theory. The troubleshooting
are managed and processed by the PHP program before procedure is demonstrated, starting from (1) checking if
transmission. The data in the relational database include the tire pressure of the front tires meets the standard (35
(1) files stored in the repository (e.g. contents, learners’ psi for passenger car tires), (2) connecting compressed air
data, etc.), (2) models of objects in VEs, (3) created to the inflator, (3) aiming the inflator at the valve of the
scenarios of troubleshooting process, and (4) results of problematic tire, and ending with (4) increasing the tire
simulations. pressure to 35 psi. As illustrated in Figure 8, the
demonstration can help learners further understand the
troubleshooting procedure.

Figure 7. Diagram for learning environment in software

To conclude, the system is a web-based learning
Figure 8. Troubleshooting for tire pressure doesn’t fit the
approach which, together with the virtual scenes
standard in demonstration mode
introduced in Section 2, allows learners to browse and
practice the automotive chassis troubleshooting procedure. In the practice mode, the system will show the
Transferring learning data and contents via the Internet, problem, possible causes and strategies and allow learners
this system can provide distant learners not only static to have step-by-step troubleshooting practices. Figure 9
reading of course contents but also dynamic and shows the practice mode of troubleshooting for an
interactive practices. Meanwhile, the functions of the chat unstable steering system (problem) due to linkage wear
room, bulletin board and e-mail can help learners clarify (cause). First, the problem is described in the upper left
their questions and coordinate division of labor so as to corner of the web page and, after the inspection in step 1
achieve teamwork cooperation and enhance learning and step 2, it is found that the movement of the right disk
effects. exceeds the standard value, the cause is right linkage
wear and, therefore, the troubleshooting is implemented
4. Implementation (from step 3 to step 5). Learners have to select the correct
answer among two to three options in each step. If
This section is a further description of the learning learners select a wrong one in any step, the system will
process of the system in this study when it is used in the give a hint, automatically return to the question page and
“Automotive Practice: Chassis” course. In addition, this ask learners to re-select the answers of all steps again
section also provides an analysis of how the students in until the whole procedure is correctly completed.
the course think about this system.
This system is constructed with its focus on the
problems of automotive chassis. The learning process in
this system includes (1) knowing all the possible causes
of problems, (2) knowing the structures, functions and
operation principles of all the systems (or components)
involved in the causes, (3) deciding solution strategies
and troubleshooting procedures and (4) evaluating
learning achievements. Through the process, learners can
have more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Figure 9. Troubleshooting for linkage wear in
the systems involved in different chassis problems. practice mode

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relatively low and the system is highly scalable and not
5. Conclusion limited in the OS platform. In addition, its characteristic
of modulization makes it easier to add new functions.
Generally speaking, the participating students in this Finally, the client-sever framework developed in this
study indicate positive opinions about the learning system. study can be used not only for distance education/training
Their responses in the questionnaire, the chat room and but also for references in cross-department development
the opinion zone all indicate that, through the problem- projects so as to achieve resource sharing and shorten
based learning framework and the virtual interaction time for product development.
functions of the system, they have acquired substantial
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