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Research on desert water management and desert


Zhiyong Wang

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Research on desert water management and desert control

Zhiyong Wang
Department of Basic of liaoyang branch school, Shen Yang University of Technology, Liaoning, Shenyang, China


Ecological restoration in desertified areas is a worldwide problem. Vegetation restoration is the Received 8 January 2020
most sustainable method. But vegetation restoration is facing the challenge of scientific water Revised 16 February 2020
use. The most effective method of scientific water use is to introduce new material technolo- Accepted 27 February 2020
gies and scientific water management. In this paper, the principles and characteristics of water KEYWORDS
science materials in recent years are comprehensively analyzed, which includes the interfacial Desertified areas; water
structure water transport mechanism and water droplet formation principle of structural micro- science materials; sand
water irrigation technology, the structure self-differential dynamic principle and water transfer surface
dynamics of water molecule infiltrated Irrigation Materials for Self-regulating soil moisture,
preliminary scientific analysis and biomimetic structure test of biomimetic gel, water storage
principle and characteristics of sand surface crust biomaterials. In addition, according to the
characteristics of desert water resources, future research fields and characteristics of desert
water science materials are inferred, and the new material technology of “smart irrigation” and
“waterless irrigation” will be the leading direction for future development is put forward.
However, sand control is the most fundamental solution. Combined with the experience of
sand control in the non-Kubuqi desert in China, specific sand prevention plan is put forward.

Introduction which ultimately leads to scenarios similar to the

Desertification is the focus of environmental issues of desert. It aggravates, weakens or destroys the biologi-
concern to the world today, and its hazard ranks first cal potential of the ecosystem, which destroys the
among the top ten disasters in the world (Vorovencii, multipurpose plant and plant production capacity
2017). The expansion of deserts engulfs productive that supports human development and meets the
arable land, resulting in harsh sand and dust climates, growing needs of the population (Secretariat of the
leading to poverty and ecological migration (Xue et al., United Nations Conference on Desertification, 1977).
2017). The harsh desert environment has led to fre- The most sustainable way to carry out ecological
quent wars in history (Sterk et al., 2016). The ecologi- restoration on desertified land is vegetation restora-
cal, economic and social problems of desertification tion. The fundamental problem of vegetation restora-
resulted in the extinction of ancient Egyptian civiliza- tion is water.
tion and ancient Babylonian civilization (Cui et al., If the groundwater is upgraded to the surface for
2017). China is one of the countries most seriously ecological restoration, the water demand is large
affected by desertification in the world, As of 2014, the because the surface water can not be stored, cultivated,
desertification area of China was 2.66 × 106 km2, conserved and circulated, not only because the soil
accounting for 34 times of the total land area structure can not guarantee the survival of the plants,
(Hairong, 2008). It continues to expand at the rate of but also leads to the evaporation and infiltration of
2460 km2/a (Du Hongmei & Zengzhi, 2017). a large amount of water resources, and resulting in the
The essence of desertification is that some living decline of the groundwater level. Strong surface eva-
organisms which are suitable for growth on the origi- poration and groundwater levels above critical depth
nal land can not be restored, the soil productivity is are the most direct causes of soil degradation
obviously degraded, and the means of production on (Jingsong, 1995; Junhou & Shouxia, 1998). Therefore,
which human beings depend for survival and devel- extensive on-site water abstraction for large-scale eco-
opment cannot be implemented and regenerated (Xu logical restoration is an unsustainable measure and
et al., 2017). method.
In 1997, the United Nations Conference on Water is the most essential material indispensable
Desertification made a comprehensive statement on to all living things. Without water, there is no life, and
desertification: Desertification is the degradation and the solution to the problem of desertified water has
destruction of the biological resources of the land, become a worldwide problem (Croke et al., 2000; Wan

CONTACT zhiyong wang Department of Basic of liaoyang branch school, Shen Yang University of Technology, Liaoning,
Shenyang, China
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

et al., 2016). The source of water in the desert consists

of artificial external water, groundwater, sand
adsorbed water, precipitation and air water. Artificial
foreign water and groundwater must be limited to the
most limited amount, the purpose is to ensure the
benign cycle of ecological restoration and the eco-
nomic problems of water application. So far, the
research in this field is limited and mainly focused
on mechanical micro-irrigation. However, there is
still a wide range of research space in this field, espe-
cially the introduction of new material technology is
Figure 2. Usage method of water intake in air.
a worthy of attention.
In recent years, people have tried to restore desert
ecology without watering, As a result, bionic conden- meters high, and the water is distilled from salt free
sation materials, sand surface biological crust materi- water by heating the diluted salt water with solar
als, water absorbent resin materials have emerged energy. The vacuum vessel is used to boil the salt
(Xinru et al., 2006a; Fan et al., 2017; Mogul et al., water at a temperature below 100 degrees Celsius,
2017; Liao et al., 2017; Wei et al., 2017; Zheng et al., thereby reducing the energy consumption during dis-
2010). The appearance of these materials provides tillation. The flow of distilled water in a special filling
a new direction for ecological restoration in desertifi- pipe is a continuous vacuuming process, so as to avoid
cation areas. the use of a vacuum pump. The distilled water will be
On 2 June 2009, the Institute of Interface reintroduced into the top of the tower to absorb the
Engineering and Biotechnology of the Fraunhofer moisture in the air.
Institute of Germany announced that the Institute In this paper, the principles and characteristics of
and a German company have collaborated to develop water science materials in recent years are compre-
a equipment that could automatically convert moist- hensively analyzed, which includes the interfacial
ure into drinking water in the air. It can help residents structure water transport mechanism and water dro-
in the desert to solve some of the water shortage plet formation principle of structural micro-water
problems. Because even in the desert, the air still irrigation technology, the structure self-differential
contains available moisture. In Israel’s Negev desert, dynamic principle and water transfer dynamics of
the annual average relative humidity of the air is 64%, water molecule infiltrated Irrigation Materials for
which is equivalent to 11.5 ml of water per cubic meter Self-regulating soil moisture, preliminary scientific
of air. Principle of and usage method of water intake in analysis and biomimetic structure test of biomimetic
air are shown in Figures 1 and 2 respectively. gel, water storage principle and characteristics of
This device relies entirely on solar-powered heating sand surface crust biomaterials. In addition, accord-
and can be used in areas where there is no electricity ing to the characteristics of desert water resources,
grid. Its core technology is to absorb the moisture in the future research fields and characteristics of desert
the air by the moisture absorption of salt water. The water science materials are inferred, and the new
first step is to let the brine flow down the top of a tower material technology of “smart irrigation” and “water-
and absorb moisture from the air during this process. less irrigation” will be the leading direction for future
The brine is then pumped into a vacuum vessel several development is put forward.

Review on the development of materials in

desert water science
Structure effect of micro water irrigation under
external pressure
Drip irrigation technology is the process of transform-
ing continuous medium water fluid into regular inter-
mittent drip irrigation under external pressure.
Although this process can not self regulate soil moist-
ure, it has achieved effective water saving. The use of
this technology has made Israel’s per capita agricul-
tural output rank second in the world (Mali et al.,
2017; Pavel et al., 2017). The essence of drip irrigation
Figure 1. Principle of water intake in air. is the flow of water in the microscale space.

Eringen (1964) first proposed that fluid flow at makes full use of the hysteresis effect of each drop of
microscales has deviated from the classical fluid the- water in the process of evaporation and infiltration in
ory. When the flow channel size is small to a certain sandy soil to ensure the most efficient use of water by
extent, the microscopic motion of the fluid molecules plants. The unfavorable effect of volumetric watering
must be considered. At this time, the flow should be on soil oxygen content and waste of excess water are
characterized by particles. Especially when the flow greatly overcome.
channel size is close to the fluid particles, the fluid
microcluster density continuity assumption is no
Water molecule infiltrated irrigation materials for
longer valid (Ariman et al., 1973). The micro water is
self-regulating soil moisture
turbulent in the emitter and interpenetrates between
the layers of the fluid. In addition to the longitudinal In order to overcome the shortcoming of self regulating
velocity, there is also a pulsating velocity along the soil moisture in micro irrigation, an organic – inorganic
vertical direction of flow. This pulsation phenomenon hybrid material was proposed (Zengzhi & Botao, 2011;
consumes a large amount of energy, which makes the Zengzhi et al., 2011). The superabsorbent resin with
flow resistance increase significantly. Finally, the strong water-beam ability is compounded with the
energy dissipation effect of the turbulent flow irrigator water-conducting particle with strong water conductiv-
is stronger and the uniformity of the effluent is higher. ity so that the material of water-permeable chip is pre-
As the critical Reynolds number of the small flow pared. The chipset is installed in the water permeator,
channel is smaller than that of the conventional chan- and the water molecular water transfer is carried out by
nel, the flow channel structure of the irrigation chan- using the water potential difference between the mate-
nel is changeable, which will help the flow of water rial and the soil under the condition of no additional
flow from the layer to turbulence. Xiaoning (1996), pressure. When the soil moisture is lower than the
Buxuan & Xiaofeng (1998), Zhanhua & Xingbei (2002) water potential of the material, the chip accelerates the
have done a lot of research. Fluid flow experiments seepage; Conversely, the speed of seepage slows down.
were carried out in small channels with different char- Because this water seepage process is driven by gradient
acteristic sizes (0.1 ~ 0.9 mm).The results show that of water potential, the most effective water-saving irri-
the characteristics of the microchannel flow field are gation is achieved by taking the micro self dynamic
consistent with the Navier-Stokes equations structure in dense material structure as medium.
(N-S equation) of viscous incompressible turbulent The water-permeating chip consists of super-
momentum. The K- ε turbulence model is used to absorbent resin and water-conducting particles. Since
describe the flow in the tiny passage of the emitter the water-absorbing ability of the water-conducting
(Qingsong et al., 2004). particles is greater than that of the super-absorbent
Figure 3 is one of the typical microchannel emitters, resin (Du et al., 2015), the water-transfer mode of the
it can be clearly seen from the diagram that the velo- water-permeable chip under different water potential
city of water flow is greatly reduced by the circuitous states is also different (Lasseux & Valdés-Parada, 2017).
structure along the direction of longitudinal irrigation. When it is under high water potential (such as high
The transverse staggered tooth structure causes the external soil moisture or low external temperature),
turbulent flow to produce a violent pulsation, which the three-dimensional network structure of the super-
consumes a huge amount of energy, and blocks the absorbent resin is fully swollen, and the water-
water raft from blocking into water droplets. This kind conducting particles are completely dispersed. Since
of energy barrier with interface structure can effec- the water-conducting particles cannot form a smooth
tively realize water-saving irrigation in desert area. It water guiding channel, the chip material mainly con-
ducts water through the dendritic structure of the
super absorbent resin, and the speed is slow. When it
is under the medium water potential (such as the
external soil is dry or the external temperature is
raised), the dendritic structure of the superabsorbent
resin shrinks correspondingly due to the decrease of
the water potential, so that the water-conducting par-
ticles are partially “bridged”. At this time, the water-
permeable chip conducts water through the dendritic
structure of the super absorbent resin and the inter-
mittent clay particle passage, and the water guiding
speed is moderate. When it is under low water poten-
tial (such as dry soil or high external temperature), the
superabsorbent resin shrinks further, so that the
Figure 3. Microchannel emitters. water-conducting particles completely “bridge” to

form a continuous and unobstructed water guiding the back of the beetle, with many irregular protuber-
channel. The water-permeable chip is preferentially ances. Figure 5(b) is a protruding magnification, The
conducted through the channel of the water- top of the protrusion without wax is very smooth and
conducting particles, and the water-conducting speed has strong hydrophilicity, while the surface layer around
is fast. Through the mechanism of water conduction, the protrusion and the bottom layer contain a wax,
the self-regulation of water conduction velocity by which is highly hydrophobic. Figure 5(c) shows the sur-
water permeating chip under different water potential face structure of lotus leaves observed under an electron
is realized. microscope. The structure consists of a flat spherical
According to the mechanism of water conductivity sphere arranged in hexagons, so that hydrophobic sur-
of water permeable chip materials, large-scale affores- face is formed. The surface structure of desert beetles and
tation was carried out in desertified areas (Figure 4). lotus leaves makes water condensate and is not easily
Thus, it is proved that the velocity of water conduction evaporated (Parker & Lawrence, 2001; Summers, 2004).
of permeable irrigation is scientific and reasonable. Ju et al. (2012) found that cactus can collect moist-
Field application showed that water consumption ure in the air and eventually form large droplets.
was only 1/40 ~ 1/60 of traditional afforestation A directional groove is formed between the thorn
method, while afforestation survival rate was increased and the barb of the cactus, and these grooves together
by 20%~50%. with the cactus thorn and the bottom tuft constitute
a condensation structure (Figure 6). The “deposition”
of fog occurs at the barbs and main spines of cactus. As
Condensed material for water free irrigation the droplets gather and merge, the size of the droplets
increases, they then orientate to the base of the spikes
The Namib Desert in southwestern Africa has very little
and barbs from the top of the spines (Figure 6(a)). The
rainfall, often with strong winds and large fog in the
volume of droplets increases as the distance along the
morning. The desert beetle tilts its body so that its back
gradient grooves increases, cactus absorbs and stores
is facing the wind to collect water, allowing water dro-
water in this way.
plets to flow along the beetle’s back into its mouth. It has
There are two driving factors that cause the direc-
been found that the principle of water collection comes
tional movement of the cactus droplets, one is the
from the special hydrophilic alternating concave-convex
Laplacian pressure gradient along the tapered barbed,
structure on the back of the beetle (Figure 5). Figure 5 a is
the other is the surface energy gradient formed by the
roughness gradient along the barbed surface. The
Laplacian pressure near the tip of the spike (small
radius R1) is larger than near the bottom end (large
radius R2) (Figure 7(b)).
In addition to the Laplace pressure gradient, the
surface free energy gradient is another driving force
for droplet motion. The surface of a cactus has
a groove, the groove forms a width gradient across
the width, Grooves near the base of the thorns are
looser and rougher than those near the top (Figure
7(c)). Since the surface of the thorn of the cactus is
coated with wood wax in this experiment, the tip of
the thorn is more rough and hydrophilic than the
Figure 4. Site of large-scale afforestation by molecular infiltra- bottom of the thorn, and the surface free energy is
tion irrigation. smaller.

Figure 5. Condensation structure on the back of desert beetles (Xinru et al., 2006b).

Figure 6. Morphology of the cactus (Opuntia microdasys) and the structures of a single spine of it.

Figure 7. Illustration of the continuous fog collection and the mechanism underlying.

Figure 8. SEM photos of artificial cactus spurs: (a) original silver needle; (b) artificial thorns.

Bai, Wu, Gong et al. (2015) invented an artifi- graduated cylinder has accumulated from the ori-
cial cactus thorn by means of electrospinning ginal 0 ml to 1.3 ml.
(Figure 8). Using a fine silver needle as the sub-
strate (Figure 8(a)), the artificial fiber was pre-
pared by “winding” the polymer fiber thereon Sand surface crust biomaterials
with Electrostatic spinning technology (Figure 8 Biological crust is composed of living minute organ-
(b)). An artificial cactus fogging device made of isms and their metabolites (exo polysaccharides) and
this artificial thorn is shown in Figure 9. The sand grains under the colonization of desert algae, it is
artificial cactus is inserted into the sponge ball, a kind of shell which is formed by the close combina-
and then the water can be collected in a mist tion of soil particles and organic matter in the surface
atmosphere. The multi-stage groove structure of layer of soil, it is ubiquitous in deserts or desert areas
the artificial thorn surface causes the solid-liquid (Gundlapally & Garcia-Pichel, 2017; Karen et al.,
gas three-phase contact line to be subdivided in 2009). Biological crusts are bound by mycelium, pseu-
multiples, resulting in a significant increase in the dorrhiza, or secreted polyglycans to bind soil particles
overall Laplacian force of the water droplet. In to form a cushion of active biological crusts.
a foggy environment, water droplets can accumu- Artificial biological crust in desert is to promote the
late at the tip of the needle and migrate to the formation of biological crust through artificial inocu-
bottom of the needle. From Figure 8(b) to Figure lation of desert algae after the establishment of artifi-
9(c), after just 15 min, the volume of water in the cial vegetation in mobile dunes. Or in mobile dunes,

Figure 9. Fog collector of artificial cactus.


biological and engineering techniques are used to days. On cloudy nights, due to cloud protection, the
immobilize quicksand, and then biofilm is formed by surface temperature drops relatively slowly, so it is
artificial inoculation of desert algae (Deren, 2009). not conducive to the formation of condensate. There
Biological crust has strong water holding capacity. were significant differences in total condensate
The water holding capacity of biological crust is 2 amount between different types of land surface
times that of subcortical soil (Malam Issa et al., (P < 0.01). The total condensate amount increased
2001).This high water holding capacity is related to significantly with the development of biological
the polysaccharides secreted by cyanobacteria. crust, which showed that: Bare sand < algae crust
Because the viscous material secreted by cyanobacteria < lichen crust < moss crust. There was also
has the characteristics of water absorption and expan- a significant difference between the mean values of
sion, the cyanobacteria can absorb water rapidly and different types of surface condensate water
increase their volume several times as much as before (P < 0.01), and the change trend was consistent
(Verrecchia, Yair, Kidron et al., 1995; Galun et al., with the change trend of total condensate quantity.
1982). At the same time, it can withstand the corre- Biological crust changes the water cycle characteris-
sponding osmotic water stress and substrate water tics and soil stability, soil structure, organic matter
stress, and has the ability to recover quickly (Durell content, soil roughness and microtopography of the
& Shield, 1993; Kidron & Yair, 1997). This function is upper layer of the soil, thus affecting the soil water
of great significance for biological crust to increase soil cycle.
moisture and rainfall absorption.
Biological crust is a bio-soil-combined complex
Discussion on the method of desert
whose water consumption is mainly soil evaporation
and bioevaporation. Biological crust can prolong the
retention time of soil surface water (Eldridge et al., Wetland is an insurmountable ecological barrier for
2000), cover the pores of surface soil, and reduce the human beings in every desert. Figure 10 shows the
evaporation of soil moisture. Moreover, the growth of Yellow River wetland in Kubuqi. The ecological environ-
biological crust is mainly to inhibit surface evaporation, ment around the desert is very fragile, once dredging the
and with the increase of development degree, the growth soil, it is easy to cause engineering ecological damage.
of biological crust gradually changes from inhibiting The ecological environment around the desert is as
evaporation to promoting evaporation. Therefore, the Figure 11 shows.
relationship between biological crust and soil moisture
evaporation needs further study.
Basic approaches and measures
Jing et al. (2009) have carried out the experiment
of soil surface condensate water under the influence Scientific and rational management methods should
of biological crust in desert area. From April to be adopted to integrate various technologies of
May, a total of 17 observations of condensate sand fixation, sand control and sand control, such
water were made. Condensation occurs almost as water conservancy, machinery and ecology, so as
every day except for strong winds and cloudy rainy to combine sand fixation with sand control,

Figure 10. The grassland in the periphery of the Kubuqi desert forms the ecological protection circle of the desert.

Figure 11. The ecological environment around the desert.

combine governance with development, and realize Straw checkerboard barriers

one piece of governance, and benefit one piece and For reference to the management of Shapotou and
beautify one piece. Baolan Line in Ningxia from the danger of desert
flooding and burying, straw Checkerboard Barriers
Afforestation (Figure 13) are used to prevent wind and sand, to
Along the edge of the desert, planted forest belts and control the sand of water conservation, and to use
segregated forest belts to curb desertification wheat straw, reed and other materials to set up a grid
(Figure 12). A layer of green barriers is formed in the windshield wall on the mobile sand dune to weaken
desert to prevent the development of desertification. At wind erosion.
the same time, in the treatment area, plant grass and This method can increase the roughness of the
planting irrigation, lock sand and fix sand, to improve surface and weaken the wind speed of the near-
ecology. Combine the surrounding area with the desert surface layer. The first reflection of the change of the
area to achieve both governance and beautification. properties of the underlying surface is the increase of

Figure 12. Afforestation.

Figure 13. Straw checkerboard barriers.


the roughness of the ground, the reduction of the wind down the flow of sand dunes, so as to gradually stabi-
force and the retention of water, such as Rain Water, lize the desert.
so that the water content in the sand layer is increased, For fluidity and hazardous areas, chemical sand
which is beneficial to sand fixation. The sand-fixing fixing agents are sprayed to achieve sand fixation and
sand barrier has high cost of sand fixation and is reduce wind erosion. In the area of governance, sandy
laborious, but it is very effective for sand fixation and plants (such as licorice, ephedra, sand dates, sea buck-
plant survival. thorn, sand willow, etc., Figure 14) with economic
value and practical value are planted to establish
a sand reserve. The area integrates vegetation restora-
Many measures are taken simultaneously to tion, economic development, landscaping, and wildlife
prevent sand protection, so that it can be managed, beautified and
First lock “sand source”, and then proceed with calm profitable in the same time.
management, gradually develop and beautify the Figure 15 shows that desertification control work-
environment. In the control area, using mechanical ers are planting trees with spiral drilling method. This
sand fixation technology to obtain materials (such as method is suitable for planting trees in areas with low
wood grass, stone, etc.) to build sand barriers to slow water level in the desert, and the survival rate can

Figure 14. Sand binding plant.

Figure 15. Desertification control workers are planting trees with spiral drilling method.
10 Z. WANG

reach 65%. In China, Yili Group has built more than forms a hidden vegetation belt of 230 km2 across the
240 km of sand-control and river-protection border- Kubuqi desert, which changes the landscape of the
locking forest belt along the southern bank of the Kubuqi desert and makes the original single vegetation
Yellow River, effectively curbing the spread of deserti- and fragile ecological landscape on both sides of the
fication, and at the same time, it can reduce the inva- highway become diversified. At the same time, the
sion of hundreds of millions of tons of yellow sand ecological environment of the highway construction
into the Yellow River every year. has also been transformed. In the development of the
desert hinterland, not only the economic and social
Conservation of water and soil benefits have been obtained, but also the ecological
In order to fully exploit the use of flood resources and benefits have been improved. The roadbed and sand
underground and surface water resources, water is barrier on both sides of the road changed the ecologi-
used to change sand. In the mainstream area of the cal environment to improve the water conditions. The
desert, sand dams and diversion channels are built to vegetation was mainly changed from the original xer-
bring flood into the hinterland of the desert, and silt ophytes to the middle plants. Therefore, it also creates
up the fields. This is to prevent soil erosion and open a suitable environment for the habitat and settlement
up a large number of fertile fields, expand cultivated of animals and plants, and also creates conditions for
land and turn flood into profit. the natural control of sand areas.

The development of desert economy is in keeping

Intensive utilization of desert land
with the production management and development
of agriculture and animal husbandry On March 20, 2008, the Yellow River in the city of
Take the road of governance combined with vegeta- Hangguiqi, Ordos City, was destroyed by the Yellow
tion construction, landscaping, wildlife protection and River. More than 100,000 people were affected by the
so on. Develop economic plant planting, animal disaster. The people in the disaster area had a hard
breeding, processing of sandy land resources, and time with the joint efforts of the government and the
tourism in the sandy land. At the same time, the community. The government planned the new town
modern agriculture and animal husbandry in sandy and moved to the edge of the Kubuqi Desert to build
land will be developed in a planned way by using the city. This has guaranteed the property security of
modern water-saving irrigation technology in combi- the people and saved the land to lay the foundation for
nation with water and silt conservation fields and sand the sustainable development of agriculture.
conversion to further transform the desert and beau- The new site is located on the edge of the desert and
tify the environment in production and economic is ecologically fragile. It is firmly locked by the urban
development. construction. The new town is adapted to local condi-
tions. During the construction of the house, the desert
is also emphasized. The reasonable vegetation cover is
Building roads to green the desert
planned, the environment is beautified and the ecolo-
In China, Yili borrowed 75 million yuan to build gical environment is improved. An ecological town is
65 km of “sand driving roads” in the Kubuqi desert, full of life, the beautiful town is decorated with desert,
shortening transportation distance, reducing costs, and the surrounding green belt brings people fresh
increasing corporate profits and improving develop- and healthy. Subsequent construction of the invest-
ment capacity (Figure 16). Highway construction ment promotion project has made full use of the desert

Figure 16. Building roads to green the desert.


edge desert land, saving the ploughing zone and sti- difficult-to-root tree species succeed in cutting propaga-
mulating economic development. tion. Its effect is superior to indobutyric acid (IBA) and
The introduction of Erdos Linzhongdi Agricultural naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). Afforestation can
Development Company and Shahai Edible fungus Co., increase emergence rate, preservation rate and increase
Ltd. has made Huangsha a driving force for economic growth. By soaking seeds, spraying seeds or plants, and
growth, and a thousand mu desert has been effectively treating tubers or roots, a series of physiological changes
utilized. A series of economic construction has utilized have taken place in seedlings of various crops, so as to
the desert, and the desert has been greened and man- improve seed germination potential and germination
aged while achieving economic benefits. This is rate, accelerate vegetative growth, make roots deep and
a beautiful beginning for new ideas and new periods. leafy and make crops develop vigorously, improve or
increase spike (plant) grains, or increase 1000-grain
weight or Increase the growth of roots, stems, flowers,
Study on new greening technology
fruits, and so on, thereby increasing crop resistance and
In this section, new Greening Technology is discussed crop yield.
with the example of Kubuqi sand area in China.
In China, Kubuqi Sandy District covers an area of
11,500 square kilometers, accounting for 61% of the
Conclusion and policy implications
total area of Hangzhou Banner (a place name). The
forest area is 2689 square kilometers, the forest cover- Desert as a branch of geography and related dis-
age rate is only 14.6%, and the cost of afforestation is ciplines of soil and water conservation. It should be
much larger than other areas. said that material science has not been systemati-
In order to effectively solve this problem, Hangjin cally regarded as an important means of desert
Banner has always attached great importance to and control engineering technology in the long term
actively adopted the deep pit planting and topping research. The transfer function, interface function
afforestation (afforestation before the melting of fro- and storage function of the material have attracted
zen soil), and introduced and promoted drought- people ‘s attention in recent years. The complete
resistant water retention agent and ABT rooting pow- restoration of sandy soil to its original cultivated
der. Combined with the afforestation techniques such land level is a long process in the field of ecological
as container water afforestation, rainy season affores- restoration, and requires input of material, energy
tation, cold seedlings anti-seasonal afforestation and and scientific information to the sandy soil. But the
windward slope shrub dense planting and afforesta- restoration of this ecosystem is centered on scien-
tion, the survival rate of afforestation is greatly tific water.
improved. From the current research, desert water science
materials are still in the initial stage. The large
Water retaining agent for drought resistance amount of equipment and material wastage and
It is also known as soil moisture-retaining agent, anti- the difference between water consumption and
transpiration agent, fertilizer storage agent or micro- plant demand of micro-irrigation technology seem
reservoir, is a unique three-dimensional network to be attracting more and more attention; The bio-
structure of organic polymer. It can absorb and retain nic condensation material also stays in the explora-
rainwater or irrigation water rapidly in the soil, change tion stage of the laboratory; Biofilm technology has
it into solid water without flowing and seepage, and a positive effect on sand fixation, but the amount of
keep local constant humidity for a long time. Its condensate water needs further breakthrough;
unique water absorption, water storage and water Strong absorbent materials represented by superab-
retention performance play a decisive role in improv- sorbent polymers were developed and used in seed
ing the ecological environment and wind and sand coating and compound fertilizers, people do their
fixation projects. It is widely used in land desertifica- best to avoid their reverse water absorption problem
tion control, agriculture and forestry crop planting, to the roots of plants; Porous mineral materials have
landscaping and other fields. It is recognized in the also been developed and applied in deserts.
world as the most effective micro-water irrigation The future development of desert water science
supplies for drought resistance and moisture conser- materials is mainly reflected in the following six
vation, which saves a large amount of irrigation water aspects:
and water conservation labor for the society.
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ABT rooting powder that self regulates soil moisture is further
It is a broad-spectrum, high-efficiency and compound refined and intelligentized to achieve optimal
plant growth regulator. It can promote rooting, shorten combination of water saving, ecology and
rooting time, improve rooting rate, and make the economy;
12 Z. WANG

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